If you need to create a Windows local account, you can follow the following procedures.

Procedures: (For Windows 7)
  • Click Start -> Control Panel.
  • Click User Accounts.
  • Click Manage User Accounts
    The image illustrate how to create a valid user account
  • Go to the "Advanced" tab and press the "Advanced" button.
    The image illustrate how to create a valid user account
  • Select the "Users" folder from the left panel.
    The image illustrate how to create a valid user account
  • From the menu bar, click "Action" -> "New User..."
    The image illustrate how to create a valid user account
  • Enter the new user's name. Here, we're creating an account for user1. Provide a password the with confirmation. Then click Create.
    The image illustrate how to create a local user account
  • Then click Close to complete.
  • Now you need to choose the account type. This determines which group the user will be placed in. Right click the user account you just created. Then choose "Properties.
    The image illustrate how to create a local user account
  • Click Add.. to assign the new user into different teams. The image illustrate how to create a valid user account

Note: Repeat as required until all of the desired user accounts are created.