
GRIFE芬兰教育与全球视野研讨会系列 III




11:00 - 12:30


香港新界大埔露屏路十号香港教育大学 D1-1/F-37


Every child has the right to education that meets their individual needs (Unesco, 1994). However, this right is under threat as Finnish and Nordic early childhood education and care (ECEC) face turmoil. There is a shortage of qualified staff, and the number of children requiring special support has increased. This situation often leaves educators working in challenging conditions, feeling helpless in providing appropriate pedagogy and support for every child (Äikäs et al., 2022), especially those they are most concerned about. Interprofessional collaboration has been found to be beneficial (Anderson, 2013), and the importance of educating future professionals to work together is evident (Dobbs-Oates & Watcher Morris, 2016). It is also suggested that interprofessional collaboration can enhance educators ’ well-being at work and support their competence in addressing the additional needs of children (Saha et al., 2023; Saha & Pesonen, 2019).


This presentation will discuss findings from our previous research on educators’ competencies and well-being in interprofessional collaboration, aimed at providing effective SEN support for children. Research suggests that challenging situations in support are shaped by multilayered interactions between children, professionals, and caregivers, as well as various environmental and organisational factors in ECE settings. To better support educators, interprofessional collaboration could help alleviate the burden and stress caused by these challenging situations.


About the speaker:

Dr Mari Saha is an associate professor of early childhood education and the co-director of Research Center for Education, Assessment and Learning at the Faculty of Education and Culture, Tampere University. Her main research interests include early childhood educators’ and center leaders’ work-related wellbeing, stress regulation, diverse needs and interprofessional collaboration in early years.



2025年4月8日 - 2025年4月9日

