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To facilitate non-local students’ adjustment to campus life, cultural adaption and social networking in Hong Kong, EdUHK offers a wide range of support services, including briefing sessions, orientation series, cultural integration programmes and peer support.


Briefing sessions
Various informative briefings and seminars are tailor-made for non-local students to remind them of the key points to note and help them plan ahead for a fruitful university life.


Orientation series
A series of visits, games and sharing sessions are arranged to help new non-local students build personal networks with people from different backgrounds, by exchanging useful ideas and gaining insights about life in Hong Kong.


Cultural-integration programme
To promote cultural integration and internationalisation, there are plenty of events on campus to enhance the understanding and respect for different cultures, which enable students to become true global citizens.


Peer support
Peer support is very important for non-local students. They are recommended to take part in various activities and connect with student organisations as well as peer groups with students from different cultural background and identities.


For details, please click here.





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