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Counselling Services
Emotional Intelligence


Emotional intelligence refers to our ability to understand and manage our emotions, and having that ability enables us to perform well. When we face life's challenges, we should try to identify our feelings and emotions, so that we can learn to control our fears, manage stress, and focus on the challenges of all kinds of adversity.



Learn to manage emotions and be the master of your own emotions

  • 好好審視自己的正面與負面感受,承認這些感受的存在。
  • Take a good look at your positive and negative feelings and acknowledge that they exist.


  • 當負面情緒出現時,請先細細檢視這些情緒。接納問問自己:「這些負面情緒是合理的嗎?」若答案是否定的,請各位反思自己是如何被這些負面情緒弄得綁手綁腳的。
  • When negative emotions arise, examine them first. Accept and ask yourself, "Are these negative emotions justified?" If the answer is no, please reflect on how you have been tied down by these negative emotions.


  • 每天冥想五分鐘,請不帶任何評價,好好觀察自身情緒,早晨是最適合冥想的時段,不過其他時段也可以。
  • Meditate for five minutes each day, without any comment or judgement, and observe your emotions. Morning is the best time to meditate, but other times are also fine.


  • 當內在自我批判的聲音又出現時,請正面迎戰它。細細審視這些聲音說了什麼,想想這些內在自我批判說得對不對。
  • When the inner voice of self-criticism reappears, confront it head-on. Take a closer look at what these voices say, and consider whether these inner self-criticisms are right.


  • 請承認人生有些情況是你可以改變的,也有些情況是你無法改變的。人難免會對自己無法改變的情況感到無能為力、心情沮喪,但請各位要養成拋開沮喪的習慣。
  • Please acknowledge that there are some situations in your life that you can change and there are situations that you cannot. It is inevitable that people will feel powerless and depressed about situations that they cannot change, but please develop the habit of letting go.


  • 就算不確定結果如何,仍要付諸行動——這能鍛鍊出積極主動的心態!
  • Take action even if you're not sure what the outcome will be - it develops a proactive mindset!


  • 盡量睡得好、吃得好、保持運動習慣。身體的健康狀態會影響我們的心理健康。
  • Try to sleep well, eat well, and exercise regularly. Our physical health affects our mental health.



If you are constantly affected by self-doubt, here are some things you can try to reduce the negative effects of self-doubt.

A: Activating event,發生的事件。

B: Belief,人們對事件所抱持的觀念或想法。

C: Emotional and behavioral consequence,觀念或想法所引起的情緒及行為結果。

D: Disputing intervention,挑戰「不適當、無效的想法」。

E: Effect,治療或諮商效果。

F: New feeling,諮商之後的新感覺。