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Whole Person Development Activities
Whole Person Development Activities

下學期開始啦!想延續精彩的大學生活,在學期完結前把握機會結識更多朋友,參加不同富意義的活動?學生事務處得到大學教育資助委員會(教資會)設立之「全人發展基金」(WPDF)資助,繼續為大家準備了一系列超級精彩的活動!有不同的工作坊為投入職場作好準備,讓你探索未來的職場趨勢; Uncover Your Strengths系列可以幫助你發掘自己的優勢和潛力;當然還有宿生活動,讓你與朋友一起盡興!特色活動數之不盡,名額有限,千萬不要錯過!


所有教資會本科生均須於2023 - 2025學年參加至少一項全人發展活動,而所有全人發展活動的參與記錄將會同時登記在經驗學習及成就報告表(ELAT) 中,一舉兩得! 


請即在此網站查看所有活動名單。各個活動的詳情及報名方法,請留意電郵、EdUHK Portal和學生事務處網頁公佈。 


如有任何查詢,請到學生事務處詢問處(B4-G/F-01)、致電2948 6720或電郵至saoemail@eduhk.hk。 



Semester 2 is starting! Do you want to continue your exciting university life and make more friends before the end of the semester? Are you in search of enriching and purposeful activities? Funded by the UGC’s Whole-person Development Fund (WPDF), SAO has prepared a series of meaningful activities for everyone! There are different workshops to prepare you for the workplace and explore future trends in the job market; the "Uncover Your Strengths" series can help you discover your strengths and potential; of course, there are also Hall Life Education activities to have fun with your friends! Countless special activities but limited spots are available, so don't miss out!


To ensure students would benefit from the WPDF, all UGC undergraduate students are required to participate in at least one of the Whole-person Development activities in 2023-2025. Students’ participation in WPDF’s activities will be recorded in the ELAT.  


Now is the perfect opportunity to make your university life truly extraordinary. Please visit this website for the details of the activities for Semester 2 of 2023-24.


For inquiries, please visit the SAO counter at B4-G/F-01 or contact us via 2948 6720 / saoemail@eduhk.hk.


Join us now! We are looking forward to seeing you!  



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