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Taught Postgraduate Student Support
Taught Postgraduate Student Mentorship Programme

教大碩士生師友計劃 2023-24
Taught Postgraduate Student Mentorship Programme 2023-24

The Taught Postgraduate Student Mentorship Programme is designed to provide advice and useful perspectives relating to career, adaptation and whole-person development to current taught postgraduate (TPg) students through the engagement of EdUHK alumni.

  • To assist current TPg students in their transition to postgraduate study
  • To build up a supportive community engaging both TPg students and alumni
  • To enhance TPg students’ interpersonal skills and the ability to interact with others in social contexts

Programme details計劃詳情:

  • Mentor Sharing Sessions in Semester 1 and Semester 2 with different topics
  • Provide platform (e.g., WeChat group) for continuous communication between alumni and current TPg students
    提供平台 (如微信群) 讓校友及在學碩士生進行持續交流
  • Mentee can submit an e-portfolio by the end of the Programme as a reflection of their learning outcomes. The top 20 e-portfolios that best reflect the mentees' progress achievements, and whole person development will be awarded with a gift.
    學員需在計畫結束時提交e-portfolio,以反映其學習成果。最能反映學員的進步、成就和全人發展的20 份e-portfolio將可獲贈禮物乙份


TPg Mentor Sharing Sessions 2023-24 (Sem 2 – March)
師友分享會 2023-24 (第二學期,

Mentors will host a 1-hour face-to-face sharing session on topics such as their whole-person development experience, insights related to their industry, etc. TPg students can also join the designated WeChat group to have further communication with mentors.

Date: 7-Mar-2024 (Thu)
Time: 19:00 - 20:00
Topic: 職業規劃 - 成功的策略 Career Planning: Strategies for Success
Speakers: Hanson LUO 羅紅松 & Louise LIN 林永琪
Registration Link: https://eduhk.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9YmbHugXDm31wlo


Mentor Bios:

羅紅松 Hanson Luo

南開大學經濟系畢業、香港理工大學、香港教育大學雙碩士Graduated from the Department of Economics of Nankai University, with a Master's degree in The Hong Kong Polytechnic University & The Education University in Hong Kong
深圳市清心邦網路科技有限公司董事長,連續創業家及投資人,曾任深圳市信息職業技術學院、深圳廣播電視大學兼任講師Chairman of Shenzhen Qingxinbang Network Technology Co., Ltd, a serial entrepreneur and investor. Wells has also been a part-time lecturer at Shenzhen Vocational Information Technology College and Shenzhen Broadcasting and Television University.


林永琪 Louise Lin

香港教育大學文學碩士 (音樂教育) 優等成績畢業Graduated from The Master of Arts in Music Education in The Education University of Hong Kong with Distinction
創建社交媒體帳號@林永琪Louise,分享在香港的音樂系校園生活和學習心得,累計已收穫超過十萬閱讀。希望能夠與更多有志於追求終身學習之路的觀眾分享我的 「學術打工人」日常生活。I've created a social media account, @林永琪Louise, eagerly anticipating sharing my daily life as a music major student in Hong Kong with over 100,000 views accumulated. I hope to connect with more viewers who aspire to embark on a lifelong learning journey, sharing with you my daily life as a 'Passionate scholarly worker’.

截止日期: 分享會前兩天
Registration deadline: Two days before the sessions