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Ignited Summer Programme @EdUHK 教大盛夏企画
Drama in your mind: Eat or Not Eat [內心小劇場之食定唔食?]


17 Jun 2021 (Thu)


2:30 – 4:30 pm


Cantonese supplemented by English





There are a lot of trendy keep fit methods nowadays. However it may be very stressful during the process of keeping fit. How can we know which method maybe useful to us? Which method may be harmful to us?

In this workshop, registered dietician will introduce the trendy dieting methods to us and let us know if there is diet myth and share tips for healthy dieting. 

•      Eg. Keto diet, 16: 8, vegetable soup

•      Reasons for stress eating

•      Stress and stress eating

•      Stress relieve food

•      Basic nutrition needs

•      Tips for eating out and home cooking

•      Case sharing


Dietician (Kelly Ho)

Enrollment link



13 Jun 2021 (Sun)