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Cultural Integration
印「蹈」體驗班 Bollywood Taster Session
寶萊塢舞蹈是印度電影中常見的舞蹈,具有充滿活力、高度戲劇化的風格。 它結合了古典舞蹈形式,包括傳統印度舞、民間舞、肚皮舞,同時也融入了更多現代西方形式,如嘻哈、爵士樂和放克等。
今次工作坊中,來自印度的舞蹈藝術家 - Uday,將會教授寶萊塢舞蹈的文化背景及基礎舞步,帶大家從節拍中感受豐富的印度色彩。
日期:2023年10月30日 (星期一)
時間:7 - 8 pm
Bollywood dancing is a colourful, dynamic and highly theatrical dance style seen in Indian films. It combines classical forms of dance including traditional Indian, folk, salsa, belly-dance while also incorporating more contemporary western forms such as hip hop, jazz and funk.
In this workshop, Uday, an Indian dance artist, will teach us the history and basic routine of Bollywood dance, which allows students to discover Indian culture.
(No prior dance experience required)
Date: October 30, 2023 (Monday)
Time: 7 - 8 pm
Venue: Tai Po Arts Center
Language: English