Faculty Newsletter June 2014

FHM is Expecting Programme Area Accreditation Status in Chinese Studies and English Studies "Hong Kong Primary Chinese Language Education Partnership Programme" received the Knowledge Transfer Grand Award Excellence in Teaching Awards 2012/13 Issue 2 June 2014 第2期 2014年6月 Faculty of Humanities

Editorial Committee Contact Information CONTENTS 01 Advisor Professor CHAN Kwok Kou, Leonard 陳國球教授 Dean Editor Professor YU Kwan Wai, Eric 余君偉教授 Associate Dean (Research & Postgraduate Studies) Editorial Board Dr. Jeffrey Michael CLAPP Lecturer (LCS) Dr. GAN Zhengdong 甘正東博士 Assistant Professor (LML) Ms. TAM Man Sze, Michelle 譚文思女士 Language Instructor (CLE) Ms. WANG Chanjuan 王嬋娟女士 Teaching Fellow (CHL) Dr. YU Baohua 喻寶華博士 Lecturer (ELE) Executive Editor Mr. AU YEUNG King Tai 歐陽景泰先生 Executive Assistant (FHM) Faculty of Humanities The Hong Kong Institute of Education No. 10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, N.T., Hong Kong 2948 7237 fhm@ied.edu.hk www.ied.edu.hk/fhm Message from the Dean A Step Forward to the University Title Bid 向大學正名之路進發 Faculty Spotlights Excellence in Teaching Awards 2012/13 2012至2013年度卓越教學獎 Progress of the Programme Area Accreditation (PAA) Exercise 中國語言學系「小學中國語文教育伙伴協作計劃」榮獲2012/13年度知識轉移大獎 Department & Centre Highlights Department of Chinese Language Studies 中國語言學系 Department of English Language Education 英語教育學系 Department of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies 語言學及現代語言系 Department of Literature and Cultural Studies 文學及文化學系 Centre for Language in Education 語文教育中心 Research Centre for Chinese Literature & Literary Culture 中國文學文化研究中心 Centre for Popular Culture in the Humanities 流行文化與人文學研究中心 Alumni News Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Language Studies Programme 語文研究榮譽文學士課程 Master of Arts in Teaching Chinese as an International Language Programme 國際漢語教學文學碩士課程 Co-curricular Learning New Co-curricular Learning Course 嶄新的聯課學習科目 An Extraordinary Local Immersion Opportunity! Faculty News The 5th Fong Yun Wah Distinguished Lecture Series held by the Faculty of Humanities 人文學院第五屆方潤華講座 Faculty of Humanities Students received Hong Kong Jockey Club Scholarships 人文學院學生榮獲香港賽馬會獎學金 Dr. Chan Chi Tak's Published Work selected as One of the 10 Best Books of 2013 by Yazhou Zhoukan (Asia Weekly) 陳智德博士著作入選亞洲週刊2013年十大好書 General Research Fund & Early Career Scheme 2013/14 New Staff Profiles Student Activities Xinchuan Literary Club Activities 「薪傳文社」活動 A New Bilingual Poetry Book by HKIEd Students and the Department of Literature and Cultural Studies English Language Speech and Debate Team's Trip to Nanjing 英文演說隊南京之行 Faculty of Humanities Students obtained "The First Hong Kong Outstanding Prospective Teachers Award" 人文學院學生奪得「首屆香港傑出準教師選舉」獎項 LSSA, CLSA, ELSA Visit the Homeless 語研中英莊聯合舉辦探訪露宿者活動 AIA Quest for the Champion Communicator Contest 2014 AIA「求職王」語文比賽2014 Our Programmes 02 06 25 26 30 17 20 21 24 Faculty of Humanities

Step Forward to the University Title Bid 向大學正名之路進發 香 A 港教育學院( 教院) 致力發展成為一所以教育為本、 提供多元學科的教育大學。為配合教院的策略性發 展,人文學院自2012年7月1日重整學系架構,建立更多 學科,在過去一年已取得了顯著的成績。首先,本學院的語 文研究榮譽文學士——教院首個非教育學士課程,已於2013 年11月成功通過了香港學術及職業資歷評審局( 評審局) 之 質素保證機制課程覆審,這為本學院之後申請中文研究及英 文研究之學科範圍評審奠定了穩固的基礎。 此外,在2014年4月中,人文學院順利地完成了評審局的 中文研究及英文研究學科範圍評審之實地考察,評審小組在 中期報告中給予非常正面的評價,使本學院將來能從傳統教 育研究擴大到其他重點學科領域,同時亦標誌著向大學正名 之路邁進一大步。為進一步開拓更多的人文學科相關科目, 我們計畫在已獲認可的中文研究及英文研究學科範圍之下, 為學生提供更廣泛的學科選擇、引入雙學士學位課程,及發 展其他相關課程等。 我亦藉此機會祝賀語言學及現代語言系副教授王立勛博士, 憑藉他卓越的教學表現及對教育的熱誠,王博士在傑出教 學、研究及行政服務表現校長獎項2013-14,奪得了「傑出 教學表現獎」之個人獎項。 在學院發展的過程中,我見證著各位教學同工、行政同事、 同學和校友為學院努力不懈,並且被他們的熱誠及支持深深 地感動。在同仁擕手協力下,人文學院將繼續秉持教研相長 的宗旨,憑藉專業的知識和態度,致力推動人文教育,積極 培育學生,為社會作出貢獻。 人文學院院長 陳國球教授 ince the restructuring on 1 July 2012, the Faculty of Humanities (FHM) has been developing into "an Education-focused, multidisciplinary institution with research capability" in line with the strategic move of HKIEd. With this end in view, the FHM has made remarkable achievements over the past year. First of all, our Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Language Studies (BA(Lang Studies)), the first undergraduate programme complementary to Education in HKIEd, was successfully revalidated by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) in November 2013, laying a solid foundation for the Faculty to subsequently apply for the Programme Area Accreditation (PAA) in the programme areas of Chinese Studies and English Studies. Secondly, we completed a smooth panel visit for the PAA exercise in mid-April 2014 and the Institute has received a positive interim report from HKCAAVQ which signifies a big step towards the university title bid, extending the strengthened key discipline areas outside the traditional education studies. To further develop more Humanities-related disciplines, we plan to offer a wider variety of courses for students, introduce double degree programmes and develop other undergraduate programmes in the accredited discipline areas of Chinese Studies and English Studies. I also take this opportunity to congratulate Dr. Wang Lixun, Associate Professor of the Department of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies, for winning the "Award for Outstanding Performance in Teaching" of the President's Awards for Outstanding Performance in Teaching, Research and Administrative Services 2013/14 for his achievement and dedication in teaching. In the course of development in several endeavours, I have witnessed and was impressed with the vigour, enthusiasm and support shown by everyone involved – academic/teaching staff, administrative colleagues, students and alumni. With the concerted efforts of all FHM members, our Faculty will continue to leverage on our expertise to strive for excellence in teaching, research, as well as academic development with a view to nurturing our students, contributing to the advancement of the Humanities education and the betterment of the community. Professor Chan Kwok Kou, Leonard Dean, Faculty of Humanities S 1 Message from the Dean

The three Excellence in Teaching Awards recipients exchanged views on how to enrich the students' learning experience in the sharing session. 三位卓越教學獎得獎者於分享會中分享如何豐富學生的學習經歷。 xcellence inTeaching Awards 2012/13 2012 至2013 年度卓越教學獎 E he Faculty of Humanities has awarded three teachers the Excellence in Teaching Awards 2012/13. The awardees include Dr. Lee Fung King, Jackie from the Department of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies (LML), Dr. Kwan Che Ying from the Department of Chinese Language Studies (CHL) and Ms. Kwong Oi Ping from the Centre for Language in Education (CLE). The awardees conducted a fruitful and enjoyable Sharing Session on "Enriching the Student Learning Experience" on 30 October 2013. Dr. Lee Fung King, Jackie, a recipient of the Excellence in Teaching Award, has extensive experience in the planning, implementation and evaluation of English courses in the tertiary sector. She is now teaching various language system courses to undergraduate and postgraduate students. Dr. Lee is an expert in English grammar teaching who always incorporates the new ideas about language in her teaching to foster effective student learning. The courses she teaches are well-planned, and carefully structured with reference to the professional needs of students. Dr. Kwan Che Ying, a recipient of the Certificate of Merit, is a specialist in teaching Chinese to non-Chinese students. Her research interests include Chinese language teaching, teaching Chinese as a second language and school-based curriculum. Also, her teaching is well-organised and highly structured to cater to the diverse learning needs of students. Dr. Kwan is a dedicated teacher who always provides an authentic learning context in her classes. She is successful in equipping her students with necessary skills to apply what they have learnt in the classroom to their teaching. Ms. Kwong Oi Ping, a recipient of the Certificate of Merit, is a dedicated Chinese teacher who is well-received by students. The objectives of her courses and learning materials are highly relevant to the learning needs and language development of students. She always provides authentic learning contexts to students and encourages them to engage in various learning activities such as online discussion forums and individual consultation activities. Congratulations to Dr. Lee, Dr. Kwan and Ms. Kwong for their substantial contributions to the advancement of teaching and learning for our students and the Faculty of Humanities. T Faculty Spotlights 2 Professor Chan Kwok Kou, Leonard, Dean of Faculty of Humanities (second right) and Dr. Tong Ho Kin, Associate Dean (Quality Enhancement) (middle) were congratulating the Excellence in Teaching Awards recipients: Dr. Lee Fung King, Jackie (second left), Dr. Kwan Che Ying (first right) and Ms. Kwong Oi Ping (first left) before the sharing session. 人文學院院長陳國球教授( 右二) 與副院長( 學術質素提升) 湯浩堅博士 ( 中) 於分享會前恭賀三位卓越教學獎得獎者: 李鳳琼博士( 左二)、 關之英博士( 右一) 及鄺嬡萍女士( 左一)。

語 言學及現代語言系的李鳳琼博 士、中國語言學系的關之英博士 及語文教育中心的鄺嬡萍女士分別獲得 由人文學院頒發的2012 至2013 年度 卓越教學獎。人文學院於2013年10月 30日舉辦了一場以「豐富學生的學習經 歷」為題的分享會,並邀得上述三位得 獎者賜講。 卓越教學獎得獎者李鳳琼博士擁有高等 院校策劃、執行及評鑑英語科目的豐富 經驗。李博士現時亦負責本科及碩士學 生各種不同語言系統課程的教學工作。 所謂教研相長,作為一位英語語法專家, 李博士經常把自己對該領域的最新見解 應用於教學之中。她能因應學生的專業 所需而兼善其課程規劃及架構,亦能融 合相關研究理論及實用知識於教學,從 而促進學生的有效學習。 表揚狀領受人關之英博士為教授非華語 人士漢語言研究領域的專家,她的研究 興趣包括漢語言及其教學、教授漢語為 第二語言及校本課程。關博士教學組織 嚴謹,架構分明,故能兼顧學生的不同 學習需要。她常為學生提供真實的學習 情境、傳授實用教學技巧,從而令學生 學以致用。 表揚狀領受人鄺嬡萍女士為一位富有教 學熱誠,且深受學生愛戴的中文教師。 她的課程目標及學習材料高度配合學生 的學習需要及語言發展。她亦往往能為 學生提供真實的學習情境及鼓勵他們參 與各種不同的學習活動,例如網上討論 及個別咨詢。 人文學院恭賀李鳳琼博士、關之英博士及 鄺嬡萍女士獲獎,並感謝她們對學生和 人文學院在教與學方面作出的貢獻。 rogress of the Programme Area Accreditation (PAA) Exercise P I n mid-April 2014, HKIEd successfully completed the three-day on-site Panel Visit by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) for the Programme Area Accreditation (PAA) exercise, including the Institutional Review (IR) and Discipline Review (DR) for Chinese Studies, English Studies, and Environmental Studies. Over the course of around 30 meeting sessions, the HKCAAVQ Panel met with about 90 members of the senior management, academic and teaching staff, 15 external stakeholders, 30 current students and alumni. The Panel was generally pleased with our Faculty's capability regarding the proposed Programme Areas in Chinese Studies and English Studies. The official accreditation report is expected around July 2014. The Faculty of Humanities would like to thank all participants of the PAA exercise, particularly the Working Groups for the Programme Areas in Chinese Studies and English Studies. The Faculty would also like to extend the gratitude to all other stakeholders who have contributed to the PAA exercise, including academic, teaching and administrative staff members, students, alumni, external examiners, Faculty Advisory Committee members and internship partners. HKIEd has to go through a three-step process in its quest for a university title. The first step involved the revalidation of programmes complementary to education, which was successfully completed in November 2013. The second step involved the aforementioned PAA exercise. The final step will involve an Institutional Review (IR) by the University Grants Committee (UGC). PAA is the second step of the U-title process after the successful revalidation of the Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Language Studies programme hosted by our Faculty. With the granting of self-accreditation status in the Programme Areas of Chinese Studies and English Studies, FHM will be able to develop a wider spectrum of Humanities-related disciplines and offer more courses and minors in the two accredited programme areas complementary to education. Faculty Spotlights 3

請介紹「小學中國語文教育伙伴協作計劃」項目的緣 起和發展。 針對二十一世紀初語文課程改革的理念,前中文學系系主 任陳炳藻博士於2002年成立「學校支援組」,2004年得 到校方的撥款支持。在此基礎上,我們進一步深化工作, 把活動名稱由「支援」改為「伙伴協作」。「伙伴協作」 成立的目的是: 1. 開展與學校建立良好的伙伴關係; 2. 向學校提供有關中國語文教育課程,改革的協作服務; 3. 廣開中、小學給予學校體驗的名額;及 4. 配合本系將來的發展和取向。 小組於2004年12月18日舉辦「語文教育伙伴協作計劃: 課程與教學」研討會,並於2005年1月舉辦簡介會,同 年12月舉辦分享會。伙伴協作模式一直進行至今。 請介紹項目的理論基礎和具體步驟。 我們利用系統論、學科論、能力結構論、認知論及課程論 建立校本語文課程規劃與教材建設的理論架構,作為協作 的理論基礎,透過簡介會、分享會,培訓參與協作的老師, 老師掌握了專業知識,再回學校實踐,我們的團隊跟進, 隨時提供協作支援。 凡有意參加協作的學校,需要在每年12月的分享會填交 一份協作計劃書。本組根據系內資源,甄選申請學校的 數目和課題,凡成功申請及一些觀察學校的老師需在每 年1月參加簡介會,以了解活動流程及各組協作的理論 知識。以後組員到校就計劃的內容,作最少四次的到校協 作活動。計劃完成後,將邀請表現出色的學校出席我系每 年在12月舉辦的全港小學分享會。詳情可參以下網頁: http://home.ied.edu.hk/~msho/ 何 編 何 編 何 編 何 編 「小學中國語文教育伙伴協作計劃」項目有哪些成員? 原則上全系的同事只要有興趣都可以加入,根據本身教研興趣自由選擇組別, 早期參與的同事較多,但流動性較大。近幾年較為穩定,成員如下: 校本語文規劃與教材建設組: 何文勝博士( 組長) 及招募小量修讀校本語文課程與教材發展單元且成績優異的 小學學士課程四年級學生 普通話教中文組: 謝雪梅博士( 組長),余婉兒博士、黃仁娜女士、梁佩雲博士( 組員) 語文評估組: 張壽洪博士( 組長) 非華語學生學習中文組: 梁佩雲博士( 組長) 請介紹項目的宗旨和目的。 「伙伴協作計劃」旨在把同事研究的理論知識透過協作,轉化為一線老師的教 學能力,提高老師的專業水平。 項目目的包括: 1. 深化語文教育改革; 2. 落實課改以學生為本的理念,優化校本語文課程; 3. 把理論知識轉化為能力的應用,由理論帶動實踐,以支援小學教師; 4. 成果轉化為小學教育榮譽學士課程、中國語文教育榮譽學士課程及在職教師 專業進修課程等的單元教材; 5. 建立本系與本港小學的伙伴關係,為本系學生提供更多實習及學校體驗的 學額;及 6. 建立本院及本系在香港語文教育的地位。 國語言學系「小學中國語文教育伙伴協作計劃」 榮獲2012/13 年度知識轉移大獎 Faculty Spotlights 4 與項目負責人何文勝博士的訪談 編輯部 何博士 編 何

何 編 何 編 何 編 項目開展過程中曾經遇到甚麼困難,如何克服? 曾經因經費問題面臨停運,經組長向系方及李子建副校長陳述利害,才獲院校 協作與學校體驗事務處撥款,並加入" 參與學校必須為本校學生提供配屬及實 習學位" 條款,活動得以延續。現在每年都得到知識轉移基金的支持,使協作 工作順利進行,並取得不少成效,參與學校也樂意為我校學生提供實習及配屬 的學位。此外,到學校開辦講座時,要有不是每一位老師都能專心投入的心理 準備;也有只參加一兩次就半途而廢的;當然也有不少老師努力嘗試,與我們 並肩作戰,最終取得佳績,脫穎而出,成為跑在教改前面的先鋒。 請總結項目的影響和成效。 「伙伴協作計劃」持續運作了十多年,已成為本系的品牌,在小學有一定的影 響力。出席簡介會及分享會的學校合共超過二百所,表現卓越的學校約有十所, 受惠老師超過五百人。參與協作的學校都能為本校學生提供比一般學校較多的 配屬及實習學位;項目落實課改的理念及深化課改的工作,改變了教師的教學 思維,提高了教師的專業水平和教學效能。其中五所小學的老師編寫實驗校本 語文教科書,交由出版社出版;也有一所學校老師利用協作成果,申請並獲得 香港特別行政區首長教學嘉許狀;三所學校老師利用協作活動的成果,申請並 獲全國第一屆名師評比的管理、研究及教學等多個獎項。計劃既能拓展本系同 事現有研究活動的範圍,又配合學院未來之發展路向與落實語常會在提升香港 語文水平行動方案所提的建議;本校學生也可參與合作,在實踐中學習,實現 多方共贏。 請談談「伙伴協作計劃」的未來發展路向。 未來將透過實証方法,驗証協作的成效,利用有關數據撰寫學術論文;把有關 資料整理為《校本語文課程規劃與教材建設的理論與實踐》教材,再出版;透 過協作計劃,配合有關課程加強培養本校學生開發校本語文課程的能力。 The project has been running since 2004, led by colleagues in the former Chinese Department and, after the Faculty restructuring in 2012, by colleagues in the Department of Chinese Language Studies (CHL). The main purpose is to establish partnership with local primary schools, helping them to develop pedagogical materials for Chinese language education. Over 500 school teachers have participated in the project over the years. In this interview conducted in Chinese, Dr. Ho Man Sing, the project leader, recounts how the project came about and its concrete achievements. "Hong Kong Primary Chinese Language Education Partnership Programme" received a Grand Award from HKIEd's Knowledge Transfer (KT) Awards Scheme 2012/13 Faculty Spotlights 5

epartment of Chinese Language Studies 中國語言學系 D 學系講座活動一覽表 日期 講題 講者 7/5/2013 漢語史研究中的語料使用問題 汪維輝教授 ( 浙江大學中文系) 9/5/2013 語文教育沙龍系列( 四) 應屆畢業生面試策略與方法――以語文教育為例 何文勝博士 13/5/2013 「漢語史與方言:歷時與共時的結合」 座談會 汪維輝教授 ( 浙江大學中文系) 16/5/2013 華文教學裡的迷思 周清海教授 ( 新加坡國立大學中文系、南洋理工大學中文系) 30/5/2013 全球化環境下中文的研究與教學問題 周清海教授 ( 新加坡國立大學中文系、南洋理工大學中文系) 6/6/2013 語文教育沙龍系列( 五) 研究與學術出版:個人經驗的反思 李子建教授 19/6/2013 語文教育沙龍系列( 六) 兩岸三地語文課程改革總論 何文勝博士 11/9/2013 學系學術講座系列( 一) 書法與語文教育 羅澄波校長 ( 博愛醫院歷屆總理聯誼會梁省德學校) 及 吳方女士 25/9/2013 學系學術講座系列( 二) 從查字典說起… 何文匯教授 ( 香港中文大學中文系) 25/9/2013 語文教育沙龍系列 ( 七) 大陸、台灣、香港與新加坡初中中國語文教科書編選體系的比較研究 何文勝博士 16/10/2013 語文教育沙龍系列( 八) 課改下的語文教學策略兼談中國語文科實習事宜 何文勝博士 6/11/2013 學系學術講座系列( 三) 怎麼認識漢語在詞類上的特點? 陸儉明教授 ( 北京大學中文系) 13/11/2013 語文教育沙龍系列 ( 九) 給予學生" 回饋":香港中國語文教師對此的認識和實施情況研究 廖佩莉博士 14/11/2013 學系學術講座系列( 四) 硬筆書寫與展覽裝飾 雷超榮先生 ( 香港硬筆書法家協會) 18/11/2013 學系學術講座系列( 五) 有關漢語國際教育的幾個問題 陸儉明教授 ( 北京大學中文系) 20/11/2013 學系學術講座系列( 六) 再談語文教學的癥結與出路 陸儉明教授 ( 北京大學中文系) 19/12/2013 國際漢語評估:以英國中學會考(GCSE) 的中文科考試為例 宋小萍老師 ( 英國GCSE 中文科教師及考官) 18/2/2014 漢語正反問句的製圖理論分析 蔡維天教授 ( 臺灣清華大學語言學研究所及中文系) 5/3/2014 語文教育沙龍系列( 十) 課改下的語文教學策略——兼談中國語文科實習事宜 何文勝博士 14/3/2014 學系學術講座系列( 七) 關於對外古漢語教學中的若干問題 張洪明教授 ( 美國威斯康辛大學麥迪森校區) 17/3/2014 語言學名家講座系列 基於語音多模態的普通話及口傳文化教學研究 孔江平教授 ( 北京大學中文系) 17/3/2014 語言學名家講座系列 語言學與語文教育 汪鋒教授( 北京大學中文系) 31/3/2014 與台灣國立屏東教育大學及內地重點師範大學合辦國際學術研究生論壇 香港、台灣、國內學者及研究生 21/6/2014 中國語文教育研究的發展趨勢與國際漢語文研究創刊圓桌會議 海內外專家學者 Department & Centre Highlights 6 學術講座和中國文化藝術活動 國語言學系重視與中國語言學及中國語文教育學界的學術交流,先後於2013年6月、11月和2014年2月舉辦了「古 漢語研究之回顧與展望」、「現代漢語研究之回顧與展望」、「基於梵漢對勘語料的佛教漢語研究」三場工作坊,並於 2013年12月與四川師範大學合作舉辦了「語文與國際漢語課程、教材、教學及評價研究」國際研討會。 為提升教學研究水平,探求未來課程發展,學系邀請了多位語言學家、教育學者到訪,與師生分享語言學及中文教學領域的研究 成果和最新動向,探討中文教育博士和國際漢語教育文學士新課程實施的相關問題。學系還於2013年10月至2014年11月舉 辦香港教育學院員生硬筆書法比賽及相關學術講座,參加人數眾多,取得了很好的反響。 中

有關中國語言學系的資料,請瀏覽http://www.ied.edu.hk/chl 中港硬筆書法名家聯展 蔡維天教授講座 羅澄波校長書法講座 陸儉明教授講座 佛教漢語研究工作坊與會學者合影 張洪明教授講座 Department & Centre Highlights 7

epartment of English Language Education 英語教育學系 D Public Lecture Series lmost everyone remembers studying English in school. For the most part in Hong Kong, that memory is of learning grammar, vocabulary, and how to read and write. Although you may have some pleasant memories of learning English in school, it was probably mostly hard work. Yet, after all that studying, you may still be somewhat dissatisfied with your ability to speak and understand English. This is partly because learning a foreign language is a lifelong endeavour. However, your dissatisfaction may also be because there was something missing in your education. Because language is composed of so many components and nuances, it is impossible to teach everything in school. Thus, the present lecture series provides participants with a taste for some of the other aspects of language learning that are seldom taught in school. Although it is impossible to fill in all those gaps in your learning on a few Saturday mornings, we hope to provide you with some insights into English and language learning in general. Date Topic Speaker 1/3/2014 English Spelling Really Does Make Cents Sense Dr. Paul Stapleton 8/3/2014 Accents in English Dr. John Trent 15/3/2014 Is English Pronunciation Really so Difficult? Ms. Jennie Wong and Dr. Rebecca Chen 22/3/2014 What's in a Word? History and Culture as Reflected in English Vocabulary Dr. Timothy Taylor 29/3/2014 Exploring Sex and Sexuality in Literature Dr. Bidisha Banerjee 12/4/2014 Language Learning and Technology Dr. Wang Lixun Department & Centre Highlights 8 Message from the Head The past year has been an exciting time for the Department of English Language Education (ELE), with initiatives from past years continuing, plans for new developments hatching. Our Saturday Seminar Series in the fall of 2013 in which teachers from primary and secondary schools attended sessions on language learning and teaching strategies, including EMI instruction, was held over six weeks with 300 participants. In the spring of 2014, we brought back our Public Lecture Series, "The English You Didn't Learn in School II" with five all-new topics. Last year, this series attracted 800 participants to the six lectures and this year's attracted about 700. Presently, ELE is exploring the possibility of offering two new scholarships. One is for fully paid tuition fees in the MATESOL for one student. The other scholarship will send students to an elite school in Australia during the summer as a mentoring attachment. ELE has also spearheaded a pilot Field Experience (FE) Semester for BEd (English Language) students to begin in the fall of 2014. If successful, this new form of FE may become standard practice in the years ahead. These are just a few of the developments ELE has contributed to during 2014. We look forward to continuing these ventures and expanding upon them in the future. Dr. Paul Stapleton Head, Department of English Language Education A

For more information about ELE, please visit http://www.ied.edu.hk/ele Addressing Teachers' Professional Development Needs English Language Education Saturday Seminar Series he Department of English Language Education presented a series of Saturday seminars for English teachers and subject teachers of both primary and secondary schools between 9 November and 14 December 2013. The seminars aimed to enhance teachers' professional development in areas relating to language in learning, strategies of using English as a medium of instruction, curriculum development beyond NSS and strategies to cater for learner diversity. The seminars also provided a channel for the department to introduce different professional development programmes (PDPs) to teachers after they had had a taste of the issues of the topics presented. These 3-hour seminars held on Saturday mornings at the HKIEd Tai Po Campus were well attended. They attracted an application of more than 520 teachers and postseminar comments were highly positive. The following is a summary of the seminars offered: Date Topic Speaker 9/11/2013 Strategies that Work: An Introduction to Using English as the Medium of Instruction in Hong Kong Schools Dr. Paul Stapleton and Dr. John Trent 16/11/2013 Words! Vocabulary Teaching/Learning Strategies for Key Stage 2 Mrs. Claudia Keh 23/11/2013 Teaching and Learning issues: What Went Wrong in My Classrooms? Dr. Ruth Wong 30/11/2013 Preparing Primary Students for EMI Secondary Education Dr. Stella Kong 7/12/2013 Strategies for Planning and Teaching Science Using English as the Medium of Instruction Dr. Stella Kong 14/12/2013 Understanding and Catering for Learner Differences Dr. Timothy Taylor Department & Centre Highlights 9 T

epartment of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies 語言學及現代語言系 D Department & Centre Highlights 10 Message from the Head The Department of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies (LML) was established in 2012 upon the restructuring of the Faculty of Languages, now re-titled the Faculty of Humanities. LML aspires to seek knowledge for advancing our understanding of the triangulated relation between language, mind and society. Because of the progress in information technology, human communications have been changing drastically. Now we often found ourselves communicating via multimedia devices that allow multilingual switching. Records of communication can be stored and transmitted instantly with very little limitations. The impacts of these changes to human language system, its learning and its use have not yet been duly gauged. LML, avowedly the youngest linguistics department in Hong Kong, will make its best effort in this exciting and challenging scientific inquiry. With the above undertakings, we also anticipate synergies between general linguistics and applied linguistics in the curriculum development of language education and language studies, which will further contribute to the growth of the Faculty of Humanities. Professor Cheung Hin Tat ( 張顯達教授) Head, Department of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies his semester, we were privileged to have a new faculty member, Dr. Liu Fung Ming, Christy ( 廖 鳳 明 博 士), join the Department where she serves as a lecturer. Christy's scholarship concerns language teaching, translator training, sociology of translation and translation studies. With her expertise particularly in the area of translation, she is sure to help increase the range of research activities and contribute to the research profile of the Department. Please give her a hearty welcome into her new role! The Department was further recognised at the 2013/14 President's Awards for Outstanding Performance in Teaching, Research, and Administrative Services when Dr. Wang Lixun received the President's Award for Outstanding Performance in Teaching 2013/14. The award was first launched in 2011/12 to recognise outstanding teachers, researchers, and those colleagues who perform outstanding vital service through administrative and support functions, on the basis of nomination. We all have witnessed Lixun's dedication to teaching and this award is well-deserved recognition to his teaching performance. Congratulations to Lixun for this prestigious award! T

For more information about LML, please visit http://www.ied.edu.hk/lml Department & Centre Highlights 11 Joint or Departmental Open Seminars Date Topic Speaker 26/11/2013 An Evidence-based Study of Hong Kong University Students' Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) Experience Dr. Ma Qing, Angel 5/12/2013 Talking about Language in Social Media: Metalinguistic Discourse and Stance-taking on Flickr Dr. Carmen Lee (Chinese University of Hong Kong) 12/12/2013 Ethnic Minority Students' Language Needs: South Asian Student Voices and Education Policy Implications Prof. David C.S. Li and Dr. Joanne Chuk 20/1/2014 Workshop on Praat Applications for Research and Teaching Dr. Chen Hsueh Chu, Rebecca and Ms. Wang Qian, Bobbie 12/2/2014 L1 Effects in L2 Processing of English Tense-aspect Morphology Dr. Chan Ho Leung, Derek (Chinese University of Hong Kong) 24/3/2014 Nominalisation as Grammatical Metaphor Prof. Su I-wen, Lily (National Taiwan University) 25/3/2014 似水流年:中文的時間隱喻 蘇以文教授 ( 國立臺灣大學) 28/3/2014 How to Determine Which Technologies to Use, Where, When and How: An Engineering Approach to Language Learning and Teaching Prof. Jozef Colpaert (University of Antwerp, Belgium) 28/3/2014 Getting Published in CALL: Topics and Methodologies Prof. Jozef Colpaert (University of Antwerp, Belgium) Besides teaching gaining recognition, the Department also offers a thriving and supportive research environment and stimulating atmosphere to exchange scholarly ideas, with conferences and seminars being organised on a regular basis. Worthy to note is that last year was a very productive year in the number of seminars the Department offered. The Department hosted five seminars in the past few months, three given by our colleagues (Dr. Ma Qing, Angel, Professor David C.S. Li, Dr. Joanne Chuk, Dr. Chen Hsueh Chu, Rebecca and Ms. Wang Qian, Bobbie) and two given by two colleagues from the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Dr. Carmen Lee and Dr. Chan Ho Leung, Derek). We were very excited to have two overseas guest professors give a series of seminars on linguistics and use of technology. Professor Su, I-wen, Lily from National Taiwan University gave two seminars, one with the title "Nominalisation as Grammatical Metaphor" on 24 March 2014 and the other one《似水流年:中文的時間隱喻》on 25 March 2014. The other guest professor was Professor Jozef Colpaert from the University of Antwerp of Belgium, who gave us two seminars on technology use, and language learning and teaching on 28 March 2014. The topics of Professor Jozef Colpaert's first and second seminars were "How to Determine Which Technologies to Use, Where, When and How: An Engineering Approach to Language Learning and Teaching" and "Getting Published in CALL: Topics and Methodologies" respectively. Finally, suggestions from readers for anything related to what is going on in the Department are always welcome. We hope everyone has a great summer!

Department & Centre Highlights 12 epartment of Literature and Cultural Studies 文學及文化學系 D Message from the Head In the Strategic Plan 2009-12 and Beyond released in 2009, our Institute put forth the idea of "Education-plus" for developing key discipline areas complementary to education studies. The Department of Literature and Cultural Studies (LCS) follows the "Education-plus" vision in its development of research activities and course offerings in the fields of literary and cultural studies. Currently, the Department is concentrating its research efforts on such areas as Chinese literature, intellectual history, children's literature, Hong Kong literature, and new English literatures. To strengthen the broad domain of culture, we have recruited academic staff specialising in modern Chinese and Hong Kong history. In the wake of the Programme Area Accreditation (PAA) exercise, we have also been further developing our English literature and cultural studies. In the near future, LCS will launch new elective courses, GE courses, and new minors such as "Film and Popular Culture" and "Chinese Religions and Culture" to enhance our students' literary and cultural knowledge as well as to broaden their intellectual horizons. Professor Yu Kwan Wai, Eric ( 余君偉教授) Head, Department of Literature and Cultural Studies Academic Activities Date Topic Speaker 19/7/2013 Reading Club Guest Speech: "The Text and the City: Nanjing and Hong Kong from Ge Liang's Pen" Dr. Zhanglin ( 張霖博士) (The School of Chinese Language and Literature, Beijing Foreign Studies University) 23/7/2013 Lecture: "The Transformation of Urban Popular Literature and Art in 1950s Beijing" Dr. Zhanglin ( 張霖博士) (The School of Chinese Language and Literature, Beijing Foreign Studies University) 15/10/2013 Xinchuan Literary Club Lectures in Creative Writing Dr. Chan Tak Kam ( 陳德錦博士) (Hong Kong-based writer) Presentation Topic: The Birth of a Poem Dr. Wong Leung Wo ( 王良和博士) Presentation Topic: From Inspiration to Art 17/10/2013 LCS Lecture Series: "The Moral Education for Chinese Women" Dr. Hau Lai Ying ( 侯勵英博士) 25-26/10/2013 "Literature in Circulation: The 10th East Asian Conference on Modern Literature in Chinese" Organised by the Department of Literature and Cultural Studies and the Research Centre for Chinese Literature and Literary Culture; co-organised by the Centre for Humanities Research, Lingnan University 7/11/2013 The 26th Reading Club in Chinese Literary Classics meeting: "Allegories about the Body in Detective Novels of the Late Qing Dynasty: A Case Study of Shouzhen" Dr. Wei Yan ( 魏艷博士) (The Department of Chinese, Lingnan University) Professor Park Jae Woo from Hankuk University of Foreign Studies talking about the late Hong Kong writer Leung Ping-kwan.

For more information about LCS, please visit http://lcs.web.ied.edu.hk/en/ The Conference brought together scholars from different regions in East Asia. Department & Centre Highlights 13 Date Topic Speaker 12/11/2013 Xinchuan Literary Club Lectures in Creative Writing Dr. Tse Hiu Hung, Dorothy ( 謝曉虹博士) (Hong Kong-based writer) Presentation Topic: My Experience of Novel Writing Dr. Tam Chi Ming ( 譚志明博士) Presentation Topic: Naturalness in the Most Artistic Way: Narrative Methods of the Novel 22/11/2013 LCS Lecture Series: "A Critique of Du Mu's Poems" Prof. Ge Xiaoyin ( 葛曉音教授) (The Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Peking University) 3/12/2013 LCS Lecture Series: "Cultivation through Poetry: Huang Jie and Cultural Conservatism in Modern China" Dr. Sun Yingying ( 孫瑩瑩博士) 3/12/2013 The 27th Reading Club in Chinese Literary Classics meeting: "Between New Novel and New Biography: The Translated Novels by Tang Hongfu, Female Writer in the Late Qing Dynasty" Mr. Cui Wendong ( 崔文東先生) (The Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Chinese University of Hong Kong) 15/1/2014 Lecture Series in Children's Literature: "A Study of Picture Books" Ms. Sung Pei ( 宋珮女士) (Author and Critic of Picture Books) 1/2014 HKIEd Student Poetry Translation Contest Organised by the Department of Literature and Cultural Studies 2-6/2014 "Hong Kong Primary and Secondary School Student Ancient Chinese Poetry Reciting Competition" Organised by the Confucian Academy of Hong Kong and the Chinese Civilisation Centre, City University of Hong Kong; co-organised by the Department of Literature and Cultural Studies 26/2/2014 LCS Literature Lecture Series: "Wang Wei's Buddhist Life and Writings" Dr. Tang Shing Fung ( 鄧城鋒博士) 4/3/2014 Xinchuan Literary Club Lectures in Hong Kong Literature Dr. Fan Sin Piu ( 樊善標博士) (The Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Chinese University of Hong Kong) Presentation Topic: Reviewing the Achievements of the Southern Literati from Tai Kung Pao, Literature & Art (1938 - 1941) Mr. Gwan Mung Naam ( 關夢南先生) (Hong Kong-based writer & editor) Presentation Topic: Dai Tin and I: Shi Yuan and Shi 4/3/2014 Reading Club Guest Speech: "The Production and Communication of Publications on Poetics in the Ming Dynasty: A Case Study of Shi Fa Yao Biao" Prof. Chen Guanghong ( 陳廣宏教授) (The Research Centre for Chinese Ancient Literature, Fudan University) 6/3/2014 LCS Literature Lecture Series: "The Revolutionary Discourse of 1950s Left-Wing Hong Kong Films" Dr. Chan Chi Tak ( 陳智德博士) 10/3/2014 Lecture: "The Rise of Chinese Literature History" Prof. Chen Guanghong ( 陳廣宏教授) (The Research Centre for Chinese Ancient Literature, Fudan University) 18/3/2014 "The Voices of Lu Xun in the Colonial/Post-colonial Multicultural Society" Prof. Wong Yoon Wah ( 王潤華教授) (Southern University College, Malaysia) 21/3/2014 "The 3rd Undergraduate Seminar on Chinese Literature" (previously known as "Student Academic Report Sharing Session") Organised by the BA(Lang Studies) programme and the Department of Literature and Cultural Studies; co-organised by the BEd(CL) programme and the Department of Chinese, Lingnan University

For more information about CLE, please visit http://www.ied.edu.hk/cle Professor Bob Adamson trying out a French Language app Students signing up for their passports to play Department & Centre Highlights 14 entre for Language in Education 語文教育中心 C Message from the Head The Centre for Language in Education (CLE) offers language enhancement programmes for all HKIEd students. We are also proud to offer language support of all sorts including Putonghua, Cantonese and English, not only to help our students to meet the "Language Exit Requirements" stated in the Language Policy but also to enhance the language learning environment in campus by working with language professionals in refining our curriculums from time to time. For the coming academic year 2014/15, CLE will implement a newly refined English enhancement programme, and introduce international tutors to work with us in providing language support. Other new initiatives for Chinese and Putonghua will also be in place for students. We welcome students to visit our website at http://www.ied.edu.hk/cle/en/ or our General Office at B2-G/F-03 for more information. Our administrative staff will be more than happy to help. Professor Cheng Kat Hung, Dennis ( 鄭吉雄教授) Head, Centre for Language in Education L Arthur Samy Language Learning Centre (ASLLC) ASLLC Week anguage games, apps, tongue-twisters, a fun-fair atmosphere and a constant stream of students eager to play proved a successful combination at the first ASLLC Week, held from 10 – 14 March 2014 at the Institute's self-access centre. Around 216 students tested their language skills for almost 600 times during the threeday event and in the process collected chops in the hope of winning student-friendly prizes. They were guided in their quest by 13 English language majors and ASLLC language instructors, who encouraged, cajoled and adjudicated in the name of fair play. The event was organised by Ms. Li Yuk Yi (research assistant) and Mr. Herbert Lam (executive assistant) to promote independent language learning and the support offered at the ASLLC. Despite keen gaming by the students, several winners tied, so a head-to-head competition was held before the end of March to settle scores and award prizes.

esearch Centre for Chinese Literature & Literary Culture 中國文學文化研究中心 R 王德威教授主講「後殖民與後遺民」,由陳國球教授( 圖右) 主持。 Department & Centre Highlights 15 兩學者訪問人文學院 013 年,國立東華大學華文文學系教授兼系主任須文蔚教授及日本東京大學 文學部教授藤井省三教授,應文學及文化學系和本中心的邀請訪問本校。須 文蔚教授是台灣詩人、詩刊編輯、媒體研究專家。他在3 月15 日演講了「台灣與 香港報紙副刊學建構的比較」,於3 月27 日,報告了「台灣與香港五十至六十年 代現代主義文學的跨區域傳播現象」。在4月8日則以「數位文學的破與立」為題, 展示台灣的詩歌與網路平台的共生關係。藤井省三教授是著名漢學家,專研中國現代 文學、台灣文學以及當代的香港文學,4月29日主講「魯迅與日本文學――從夏目漱 石、芥川龍之介到松本清張以及村上春樹」,又於5月3日,以「也斯在日本,村上 春樹在中國、香港、台灣」為題,分享了已故香港作家也斯到日本訪問的步履足跡, 研究村上春樹傳播的心得。 學術活動 有關中國文學文化研究中心的資料,請瀏覽http://www.ied.edu.hk/rccllc 講座 2013年6月13日 王德威教授( 美國哈佛大學東亞語言與文明系) 後殖民與後遺民:華語語系文學研究的兩個面向 研討會 2013年10月25至26日 流轉中的文學 ― 第十屆東亞學者現代中文文學國際學術研討會 香港文學讀書會 2013年3月18日 須文蔚教授( 國立東華大學華文文學系) 從台灣社會運動史的角度導讀《台灣報導文學讀本》 2013年5月8日 藤井省三教授( 東京大學文學部) 村上春樹《挪威的森林》與王家衛《阿飛正傳》 2013年7月19日 張霖博士( 北京外國語大學中國語言文學學院) 文與城:葛亮筆下的南京與香港 中國文學原典選讀 2013年3月22日 趙咏冰博士( 香港理工大學專上學院) 解讀《牡丹亭》的身體與空間 2013年4月29日 孫賽珠博士( 香港中文大學中國語言及文學系) 論唐宋詠昭君討中的美人形象 2013年5月30日 李向昇先生( 香港中文大學中國語言及文學系) 從「小說伎倆」到「古文義法」:略論明末清初古文發展 2013年11月7日 魏艷博士( 香港嶺南大學中文系) 以〈守貞〉為例談晚清偵探小說中的身體寓言 2013年12月3日 崔文東先生( 香港中文大學中國語言及文學系) 新小說與新傳記之間:以晚清女作家湯紅紱的翻譯小說為中心 2

Department & Centre Highlights 16 East Asia. Relevant perspectives on Asian popular culture include postcolonial studies, migration studies, urban and spatial studies, gender studies, and cultural history. There is also a focus on new multilingual and multicultural forms of culture in Asian settings, which are increasingly replacing their traditional monolingual/multicultural predecessors. From a linguistic perspective, there is a particular interest in the language and discourse of modern Asian popular culture. Located in The Hong Kong Institute of Education, the CPCH will also maintain a focus on educational implications and applications of developments in popular culture. This includes a continued interest in the uses of popular culture in language and literacy curricula in Hong Kong schools, as well as an interest in the role of popular culture in Humanities disciplines and General Education at the tertiary level. Listed below are some of the CPCH past achievements: Hosting the First International Conference on Popular Culture and Education 2009 Hosting the Second International Conference on Popular Culture and Education 2011 Publication of a special issue of Pedagogies: An International Journal in 2011, which contained papers from the 2009 conference Publication of the 3-volume Popular Culture in the Hong Kong Senior Secondary School English Curriculum in 2013 In the near future, the CPCH will organise a number of research sharing sessions and guest lectures; it is also planning to co-host an international conference on Hong Kong history in 2015 and exploring the possibility of launching Knowledge Transfer (KT) projects. he Centre for Popular Culture in the Humanities (CPCH), previously known as The Centre for Popular Culture and Education, was established in 2010. In the transition from the Faculty of Languages to the Faculty of Humanities, the development of research expertise in areas complementary to education is a priority. Popular culture is one cross-disciplinary area that offers considerable potential for development through research that bridges language and linguistics, literature and new media within the broad frameworks of Language Studies and Cultural Studies. The CPCH will adopt a broad view of popular culture that covers both the culture of everyday life and its mediation through print (newspapers, magazines, literature), multimodal media (music, cinema, photography and advertising, visual and material culture), and new digital media of various kinds. From the vantage point of Hong Kong, the CPCH will explore issues of popular culture in the Humanities from an Asian perspective. The study of everyday popular culture, for example, is studied in the context of the urban spaces of the modern and postmodern Asian city, while mediated popular culture is studied in the context of the developing popular culture industries of entre for Popular Culture in the Humanities 流行文化與人文學研究中心 C For more information about CPCH, please visit http://www.ied.edu.hk/cpch T

Alumni News 17 nder the Education-plus vision of the Institute, the Faculty of Humanities has introduced the BA(Lang Studies) programme, comprising the Chinese Major and the English Major, to cultivate graduates who are biliterate and trilingual, and who are critical thinkers with analytical ability to learn from varied contexts. The programme was validated by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic & Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) in January 2010 and started to admit students in September of the same year. Over 90% of the first cohort, who graduated in 2013, are now either employed or pursuing further studies. The non-education fields in which the graduates are engaged include banking and finance, community and social services, media, publication, hospitality and tourism, and business services. With its successful revalidation in November 2013, the programme will build upon its existing strengths and continue to nurture highly competent graduates with excellent communication skills. achelor of Arts (Honours) in Language Studies Programme 語文研究榮譽文學士課程 B 筆後語聞 畢業後,我選擇從事傳媒工作,一個主要發揮文字力量的行業。現為日報副刊記者,日常工 作就是搜集資料,外出採訪並作出報導。因為兩文三語的根柢打得不錯,所以與被訪者溝通 或在工作時遇到的困難並不大;由於我不是傳理系出身,始終在報導手法、角度切入、文字 運用上仍需要時間磨練。我的記者資歷雖然尚淺,但曾在兩間風格上南轅北轍的報社工作, 當中令我明白到兩者雖同屬傳播媒體,但不同機構都各有自己的風格及文化,因此每當轉 換環境時,需努力適應並作出相應的調整。 工作中不乏各種各樣的挑戰,既陌生卻又新鮮,除了需要接觸不同界別的人士外,各 類拍攝工作也是挑戰之一。一些題材如中醫美容食療,便需要自己準備所需材料, 預備好製成品及裝飾配置,才可拍攝資料圖片。如今即使是日報,也漸漸走向多媒 體,拍攝訪問錄像也是報導的一環。其實早在讀書時期,我們已需學習怎樣把事 情以文字或多媒體形式展示出來,所以到了工作崗位,便是實踐所學的最佳時 候了。老實說,從事任何行業,都需要兩文三語,只要事先裝備這些基本功, 投身社會時便能更加順利。大家準備好了沒有? 梁蔚澄同學 語文研究榮譽文學士課程 ( 中文主修) 畢業生 U Successful Undergraduate Education Paves the Way for our Future It has been almost a year since I graduated from HKIEd. I am glad that my solid training in literary and cultural studies has provided me with the necessary skills and knowledge for my postgraduate studies and for my current work for the Hong Kong International Literary Festival. The biliterate and trilingual training I received during my undergraduate studies has met the needs of my job. Working for the Hong Kong International Literary Festival, I have to contact writers from different countries. In addition to language, the literary knowledge I gained during my undergraduate years also plays an important role in my job. The diverse courses offered by BA(Lang Studies) allowed me to explore my areas of interest and to pursue further academic goals. I have entered an MA Programme in Literary and Cultural Studies at another university. Though it is never easy to read and digest critical theories, the BA courses that I took at the Institute have laid a solid foundation for my academic advancement. Miss Wong Man Yi, Vanessa BA(Lang Studies) English Major graduate