Faculty Newsletter June 2014

語 言學及現代語言系的李鳳琼博 士、中國語言學系的關之英博士 及語文教育中心的鄺嬡萍女士分別獲得 由人文學院頒發的2012 至2013 年度 卓越教學獎。人文學院於2013年10月 30日舉辦了一場以「豐富學生的學習經 歷」為題的分享會,並邀得上述三位得 獎者賜講。 卓越教學獎得獎者李鳳琼博士擁有高等 院校策劃、執行及評鑑英語科目的豐富 經驗。李博士現時亦負責本科及碩士學 生各種不同語言系統課程的教學工作。 所謂教研相長,作為一位英語語法專家, 李博士經常把自己對該領域的最新見解 應用於教學之中。她能因應學生的專業 所需而兼善其課程規劃及架構,亦能融 合相關研究理論及實用知識於教學,從 而促進學生的有效學習。 表揚狀領受人關之英博士為教授非華語 人士漢語言研究領域的專家,她的研究 興趣包括漢語言及其教學、教授漢語為 第二語言及校本課程。關博士教學組織 嚴謹,架構分明,故能兼顧學生的不同 學習需要。她常為學生提供真實的學習 情境、傳授實用教學技巧,從而令學生 學以致用。 表揚狀領受人鄺嬡萍女士為一位富有教 學熱誠,且深受學生愛戴的中文教師。 她的課程目標及學習材料高度配合學生 的學習需要及語言發展。她亦往往能為 學生提供真實的學習情境及鼓勵他們參 與各種不同的學習活動,例如網上討論 及個別咨詢。 人文學院恭賀李鳳琼博士、關之英博士及 鄺嬡萍女士獲獎,並感謝她們對學生和 人文學院在教與學方面作出的貢獻。 rogress of the Programme Area Accreditation (PAA) Exercise P I n mid-April 2014, HKIEd successfully completed the three-day on-site Panel Visit by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) for the Programme Area Accreditation (PAA) exercise, including the Institutional Review (IR) and Discipline Review (DR) for Chinese Studies, English Studies, and Environmental Studies. Over the course of around 30 meeting sessions, the HKCAAVQ Panel met with about 90 members of the senior management, academic and teaching staff, 15 external stakeholders, 30 current students and alumni. The Panel was generally pleased with our Faculty's capability regarding the proposed Programme Areas in Chinese Studies and English Studies. The official accreditation report is expected around July 2014. The Faculty of Humanities would like to thank all participants of the PAA exercise, particularly the Working Groups for the Programme Areas in Chinese Studies and English Studies. The Faculty would also like to extend the gratitude to all other stakeholders who have contributed to the PAA exercise, including academic, teaching and administrative staff members, students, alumni, external examiners, Faculty Advisory Committee members and internship partners. HKIEd has to go through a three-step process in its quest for a university title. The first step involved the revalidation of programmes complementary to education, which was successfully completed in November 2013. The second step involved the aforementioned PAA exercise. The final step will involve an Institutional Review (IR) by the University Grants Committee (UGC). PAA is the second step of the U-title process after the successful revalidation of the Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Language Studies programme hosted by our Faculty. With the granting of self-accreditation status in the Programme Areas of Chinese Studies and English Studies, FHM will be able to develop a wider spectrum of Humanities-related disciplines and offer more courses and minors in the two accredited programme areas complementary to education. Faculty Spotlights 3