Faculty Newsletter June 2014

Student Activities 28 Faculty of Humanities Students obtained 人文學院學生奪得「首屆香港傑出準教師選舉」獎項 "The First Hong Kong Outstanding Prospective Teachers Award" 香 T o recognise the prospective teachers who have excellent teaching ability and a passion for education, the Hong Kong Prospective Teachers Association organised "The First Hong Kong Outstanding Prospective Teachers Award", which attracted almost a hundred applications from prospective teachers. The selection panel members included scholars and primary and secondary school principals. After the selection interviews, the panel shortlisted 16 prospective teachers for the Golden Award and Silver Award. We are delighted that five of our Year 4 students from the Faculty of Humanities won the awards. The list of awardees is as follows: 港準教師協會於本年舉辦「首屆香港傑出準教師選 舉」,表揚具良好教學能力及教育抱負的準教師。 近百位報名參加的準教師,經由多位學者及中、小學校長組 成之遴選委員會兩輪遴選,最終選出十六位「傑出準教師」 金獎及銀獎得主。人文學院參選同學,共有五人獲獎,成績 驕人。名單如下: Golden Award金獎 Miss YU Ka Yan 俞家欣同學 Bachelor of Education (Honours)-Primary (Chinese Major) (Four-year Full-time) (see photo: seventh from right, back row) 小學教育榮譽學士 - 中文主修 ( 四年全日制) ( 見圖: 後排右七) Miss TAI Yim Ki 戴艷琪同學 Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Chinese Language) (Four-year Full-time) (see photo: eighth from left, back row) 中國語文教育榮譽學士 ( 四年全日制) ( 見圖: 後排左八) Silver Award銀獎 Miss CHOI Yi Ki 蔡苡萁同學 Bachelor of Education (Honours)-Primary (Chinese Major) (Four-year Full-time) (see photo: first from right, back row) 小學教育榮譽學士 - 中文主修 ( 四年全日制) ( 見圖: 後排右一) Mr. KWOK Kuen Hing 郭權興同學 Bachelor of Education (Honours)-Primary (Chinese Major) (Four-year Full-time) (see photo: first from left, back row) 小學教育榮譽學士 - 中文主修 ( 四年全日制) ( 見圖: 後排左一) Miss WU Fang 吳方同學 Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Chinese Language) (Four-year Full-time) 中國語文教育榮譽學士 ( 四年全日制)