Faculty Newsletter June 2014

Student Activities 27 英文演說隊 南京之行 一 年一度的英語演說友誼賽又到了!本學年,香港教育學院的英文演說隊赴南 京師範大學參加第六屆「寧港杯」英語演講及辯論大賽,互相切磋、交流英 語辯論和個人演講的技巧與心得。 這次五天南京之旅使我對內地有另一番認識,尤其是當地學生的出色表現和熱情款 待,還有當地別緻的中式建築和南京地道美食。由五星級酒店住宿、熱烈的友誼賽, 到遊覽南京市等,南京師範大學都為我們作出貼心的安排。 我校的英語演說隊由七位不同年級的同學組成。七位同學分別就讀於英國語文教育及 語文研究課程。比賽前的一整個月,在Mrs. Claudia Keh 和 Dr. Jeffrey Clapp的悉心指 導之下,隊員全心投入資料搜集和進行隊內模擬賽。在正式比賽中,我校最終獲得最 佳辯論員、辯論比賽的第二名和演說比賽的首三位。 這次友誼賽增進了兩地學校的長期友好關係,希望各位主修英文的同學們能秉承這個 一年一度的傳統。下學年,南京師範大學的演說隊將會來訪我校,進行第七屆「寧港 杯」英語演講及辯論大賽,屆時歡迎各位同學踴躍報名參加! 陳定思同學 語文研究榮譽文學士課程三年級學生 ear! Hear! Hear! … Point of Information!" Indeed, we had an exciting and eye-opening experience at the 6th NNU & HKIEd Inter-varsity English Speaking and Debating Competition! On our five-day trip to Nanjing, we met some of the most hospitable and smartest people, saw some of the most beautiful infrastructure, and ate some of the best dishes ever. Everything, from a five-star accommodation, to keen and healthy competition among the debaters and public speakers, to the Nanjing city tour, was thoughtfully organised. The HKIEd debating and public speaking team was comprised of 7 members from different academic years. We diligently spent an entire month on research and rehearsals with the support of two of our dedicated professors: Mrs. Claudia Keh and Dr. Jeffrey Clapp. We are proud to announce that team IEd held the top three positions in the Public Speaking contest. We came second in the debating tournament; however the best debater award went to an IEd student. Through this tournament, we had not only won various prizes and competitions but also built long-term friendship across the border, which we cherish. We hope that the spirit of debating and public speaking will become a tradition practised by HKIEd students every year. We are all looking forward to having another exciting round of debate and public speaking competition soon! Why don't YOU join us this time? Miss Bibi Tayyaba BEd (Honours) (English Language –Secondary) Year 2 Student English Language Speech and Debate Team's Trip to Nanjing H