Faculty Newsletter June 2014

「山水行:龍脊文學之旅」,左一為嶺南大學文社社長 陳德錦博士、王良和老師講座後與學生大合照 關夢南先生憶述與詩人戴天結緣的經過 Student Activities 26 學及文化學系「薪傳文社」邀請了詩人陳德錦博士、小說家謝曉虹博士 分享創作心得,並邀請了樊善標教授、關夢南先生主持香港文學講座, 學生獲益良多。文社每月舉辦「文學創作研習班」,先後研習英國詩人杰弗里 ‧希爾(Geoffrey Hill) 富有歷史、宗教意味的詩作;川端康成小說《伊豆舞孃》、 《千羽鶴》;貝克特荒誕劇《等待果陀》與高行健荒誕劇《車站》對讀;中西 山水詩探討等。山水詩研習後,文社在2014 年2 月16 日舉辦「山水行:龍脊 文學之旅」,更邀得嶺南大學文社社長同遊,在山光水影之間談文說藝。去年, 「薪傳文社」前任社長、中國語文教育榮譽學士畢業生曾淦賢同學獲第7屆「大 學文學獎」新詩組季軍,中文研究文學碩士( 語文教育) 課程呂麗仙同學獲同一 文學獎小說組季軍,可喜可賀。 Xinchuan Literary Club Activities 「薪傳文社」活動 文 A New Bilingual Poetry Book by HKIEd Students and the Department of Literature and Cultural Studies T he Department of Literature and Cultural Studies hosts a number of writers of poetry, including Dr. Wong Leung Wo, Dr. Au Chung To, Dr. Sun Yingying, and Mr. Wong Yu Bon, Nicholas. Many of the students who take classes in LCS also write poetry. Since there are so many poets in and around the Department, all of these poets have worked together to publish a book of Englishto-Chinese and Chinese-to-English translations. To select the translators of the poems, the Department hosted a poetry translation contest, using one poem by Dr. Wong Leung Wo, in Chinese, and one poem by Mr. Nicholas Wong, in English. HKIEd students jumped at the chance to translate the poems, and the Department had to choose the best five submissions from among nearly one hundred contest entries! After considering many very good translations, the editors of the poetry book, Dr. Au Chung To and Dr. Jeffrey Clapp, with the help of Mr. Loi Ho Man, Felix, finally chose the five best translators. The winners of the contest include Miss Lam Wing Yan, Miss Li Yujing, Miss Leong Yun Rui, Miss Wong Siu Ling, and Miss Wong Yuen Ting. Each of these translators was awarded HK$2,000 for their excellent work in poetry translation. We hope that many HKIEd community members will congratulate these excellent translators. Following the selection of the translators, the book will be compiled, edited, and published by the Department of Literature and Cultural Studies, HKIEd. This book, as a unique representation of the language skills and literary talent of HKIEd students and staff, will then be distributed to the libraries of Hong Kong universities and secondary schools. We hope that the book will encourage interest in poetry and translation in Hong Kong!