Faculty Newsletter June 2014

Alumni News 19 I think the course functioned as a window for students interested in exchange programmes in China or Hong Kong, even though they mentioned that such programmes are quite competitive. I think students in many countries today are interested in learning the Chinese language. Courses like this can be a wonderful experience both for the students and for teachers. Ms. Lau Sin, Isabella 2009 MATCIL Graduate Sharing on Field Experience 由於交流學校沒有指定的漢語教材,所以我和同行的另一位老師編寫了一本以日常 生活用語為主的簡單教材,也期望他們在課程結束的時候能用簡單的口語與人交流。 備課的時候我們根據他們的主修專業加入了許多商業交流禮儀,中國傳統文化與節慶 等相關的內容,拓展他們對中國、對香港的認識。部分學生在課程結束時表示,經過 這個暑期班的學習,他們會考慮在未來的交流學習目的地中選擇香港或者是中國內地 的大學。 交流期間,我們還遇上了一個來自台灣靜宜大學的遊學團,而與這群台灣大學生的相 遇則使整個教學互動有趣起來。隨着我與台灣學生的交流逐漸增多,我班學生也在 我的不斷鼓勵下開始嘗試用普通話和他們打招呼。課程結束之際,他們還成功挑戰了 一項他們原以為難以達成的學習任務—採訪台灣學生。看着他們用現學現賣的中文 詞句介紹自己的中文名字,然後詢問台灣學生的姓名、學校、主修專業、興趣愛好, 作為老師的我內心除了覺得開心,還有一種油然而生的成功感。 這次荷蘭之旅拓展了我的視野,也讓我獲得了寶貴的海外教學經驗,還與學生建立了 密切的關係,真是一段值得細細回味的旅程。 沈燕同學 國際漢語教學文學碩士2010年畢業生 A wonderful teaching experience in the Netherlands In August 2013, I took part in a two-week summer course at Fonty's University in the Netherlands. My role was to teach Fonty's students Mandarin Chinese as a second language. When the Faculty of Humanities announced this exciting programme, I seized the opportunity. This overseas field experience was one of the pleasant memories shared by graduates of the Master of Arts in Teaching Chinese as an International Language Programme at HKIEd. There were 13 students in my class at Fonty's. They were all curious about the Chinese language and Chinese culture. They told me that Asia seemed to be very far away and my class was a first step to get close to it. At the beginning, students were intrigued by the composition of the Chinese characters or Hanzi. At the end of the two weeks, they had learned how to conduct simple conversations in terms of greeting someone, giving a self-introduction, telling time and dates, and talking about one's nationality and family. There was also ample time for the discussion of cultural issues, and we even watched a Chinese movie together! 荷蘭之旅 2013年暑期,我隨着香港教育學院國際漢語教學文學碩士課 程的交流計劃來到美麗的荷蘭小鎮,進行了為期兩週的海外教 學活動。這次交流活動讓我這位畢業於國際漢語教學文學碩士 的現任國際小學教師有了一番新的體驗。 荷蘭是個面積不大的國家,雖然官方語言是荷蘭語,但是當地 人們的英語也非常流利。七月末的荷蘭氣溫宜人,日照時間長 達十三小時,四處散發着一股暖烘烘、懶洋洋的感覺。不論走 到哪,人們都是在露天座位上三五成群地坐着,閒聊着,生活 十分愜意。我們進行交流活動的學校就坐落在一個平時寧靜, 週末熱鬧的邊境小鎮——Venlo( 芬洛) 上。 芬洛離德國不遠,騎自行車往東十五分鐘左右就能進入德國 了。也許是因為地緣十分近,交流活動中的學生出乎意外的全 都是德國人。一班十二人,平均年齡只有二十,相當年輕。學 生報名參加暑期班的目的也挺明確的,有些是為了2014年的 交換生計劃做語言準備;有些是華裔,想在有條件地情況下多 學點中文;有些則純粹是希望體驗一下漢語這種古老的語言, 還有中國文化。