Faculty Newsletter June 2014

Alumni News 17 nder the Education-plus vision of the Institute, the Faculty of Humanities has introduced the BA(Lang Studies) programme, comprising the Chinese Major and the English Major, to cultivate graduates who are biliterate and trilingual, and who are critical thinkers with analytical ability to learn from varied contexts. The programme was validated by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic & Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) in January 2010 and started to admit students in September of the same year. Over 90% of the first cohort, who graduated in 2013, are now either employed or pursuing further studies. The non-education fields in which the graduates are engaged include banking and finance, community and social services, media, publication, hospitality and tourism, and business services. With its successful revalidation in November 2013, the programme will build upon its existing strengths and continue to nurture highly competent graduates with excellent communication skills. achelor of Arts (Honours) in Language Studies Programme 語文研究榮譽文學士課程 B 筆後語聞 畢業後,我選擇從事傳媒工作,一個主要發揮文字力量的行業。現為日報副刊記者,日常工 作就是搜集資料,外出採訪並作出報導。因為兩文三語的根柢打得不錯,所以與被訪者溝通 或在工作時遇到的困難並不大;由於我不是傳理系出身,始終在報導手法、角度切入、文字 運用上仍需要時間磨練。我的記者資歷雖然尚淺,但曾在兩間風格上南轅北轍的報社工作, 當中令我明白到兩者雖同屬傳播媒體,但不同機構都各有自己的風格及文化,因此每當轉 換環境時,需努力適應並作出相應的調整。 工作中不乏各種各樣的挑戰,既陌生卻又新鮮,除了需要接觸不同界別的人士外,各 類拍攝工作也是挑戰之一。一些題材如中醫美容食療,便需要自己準備所需材料, 預備好製成品及裝飾配置,才可拍攝資料圖片。如今即使是日報,也漸漸走向多媒 體,拍攝訪問錄像也是報導的一環。其實早在讀書時期,我們已需學習怎樣把事 情以文字或多媒體形式展示出來,所以到了工作崗位,便是實踐所學的最佳時 候了。老實說,從事任何行業,都需要兩文三語,只要事先裝備這些基本功, 投身社會時便能更加順利。大家準備好了沒有? 梁蔚澄同學 語文研究榮譽文學士課程 ( 中文主修) 畢業生 U Successful Undergraduate Education Paves the Way for our Future It has been almost a year since I graduated from HKIEd. I am glad that my solid training in literary and cultural studies has provided me with the necessary skills and knowledge for my postgraduate studies and for my current work for the Hong Kong International Literary Festival. The biliterate and trilingual training I received during my undergraduate studies has met the needs of my job. Working for the Hong Kong International Literary Festival, I have to contact writers from different countries. In addition to language, the literary knowledge I gained during my undergraduate years also plays an important role in my job. The diverse courses offered by BA(Lang Studies) allowed me to explore my areas of interest and to pursue further academic goals. I have entered an MA Programme in Literary and Cultural Studies at another university. Though it is never easy to read and digest critical theories, the BA courses that I took at the Institute have laid a solid foundation for my academic advancement. Miss Wong Man Yi, Vanessa BA(Lang Studies) English Major graduate