Faculty Newsletter June 2014

General Research Fund & Early Career Scheme 2013/14 24 eneral Research Fund & Early Career Scheme 2013/14 G ongratulations to Professor Chan Kwok Kou, Leonard (LCS), Professor Cheng Kat Hung, Dennis (LCS), Dr. Cheung Lin Hong (CHL), Dr. Wang Lixun (LML), Dr. Hui Kwok Wai (LCS) and Dr. Chin Chi On (LML) for their successful GRF/ECS proposals. General Research Fund 2013/14 2013至2014優配研究金 Early Career Scheme 2013/14 2013至2014傑出青年學者計劃 A critical study of literary criticism in early Hong Kong (1919 – 1949) 早期香港文學評論研究 (1919-1949) Inspirations and challenges from silk and bamboo-slip texts: Philosophical investigation based on interdisciplinary research (Phase 2) 簡帛文獻的語言與哲理分析 ( 第2期) Comprehensive study of Yizhoushu with transmitted and discovered texts 《逸周書》與傳世、出土文獻的綜合研究 Revolution, commercialism and Chineseness: The reception and appropriation of the socialist opera films in capitalist-colonial Hong Kong, 1954-1966 革命、商業主義與中國特色:資本主義和殖民地香港對社會主義中國戲曲電 影的接受和挪用,1954-1966 Trilingual education in Hong Kong primary schools: English, Cantonese and Putonghua as medium of instruction in different subjects and implications for language learning 香港小學的三語教育研究: 英文,廣東話和普通話作為不同科目的教 學語言對語言學習產生怎樣的深遠影響 Linguistic analysis of mid-20th century Hong Kong Cantonese by constructing an annotated spoken corpus 20世紀中葉香港粵語的語料庫建構及研究 CHL LML Professor Chan Kwok Kou, Leonard 陳國球教授 Professor Cheng Kat Hung, Dennis 鄭吉雄教授 Dr. Cheung Lin Hong 張連航博士 Dr. Hui Kwok Wai 許國惠博士 Dr. Wang Lixun 王立勛博士 Dr. Chin Chi On 錢志安博士 LCS LML LCS LCS C