Centre for Child and Family Science

Chinese Videos 中文版短片

父母「童」行  Take a SIP 是香港教育大學兒童與家庭科學中心的一項重點發展項目。Take a SIP裡的SIP是Science Informed Parenting的意思:我們希望運用實証為本的親職技巧,與所有父母同行﹗這個項目會推出13集有趣而生活化的家庭教育短片。每一集,我們的家庭教育專家都會用簡單易明的方法,與大家分享不同的親職技巧,希望可以幫助家長更有效支持小朋友的成長﹗


YouTube 播放清單

Play Video

EP1 仲玩手機? 


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EP2 「指點」迷津



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EP3 成長心態


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EP4 千奇百「趣」


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EP5 正面建構


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EP6 積極聆聽


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EP7 媒介學習



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EP8 感恩的心


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EP9 「貼」出好行為


  1. 訂立清晰目標
  2. 避免負面指令
  3. 回顧成功經驗
  4. 回顧成功原因
  5. 口頭讚美、履行承諾
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EP10 同理心‧童你深 


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EP11 對談式閱讀 


  1. 完成句子
  2. 回想情節
  3. 運用開放式問題及六何問題
  4. 把故事聯繫至日常生活
  5. 提供即時回應
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EP12 孩子犯錯點算好? 


  1. 清楚點出孩子做錯了什麼
  2. 告訴孩子這件事怎樣影響到別人
  3. 教導孩子可以用什麼方法達到同樣目的
  4. 告訴孩子現在可以怎樣彌補錯失
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EP13 讚得有道理


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EP14 自由遊戲 (鬆散素材)

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EP15 活在當下 靜觀練習


English Videos 英文版短片

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Take a SIP is a flagship project by The Centre for Child and Family Science at the Education University of Hong Kong. SIP stands for “Science Informed Parenting.” Our goal is to promote parenting skills that are supported by scientific research. We will use 13 short videos to demonstrate different parenting skills. We hope that these quick and easy tips can help parents promote the development of their children!

We engaged 18 families in different games and activities, so that they could see the effectiveness of the parenting skills that we recommended. You may be able to see yourself in the unscripted interactions of these families! Some skills and techniques are obvious; others are more subtle. Consistency is the key, however: By making a small, consistent change in everyday interactions, your children will show a big difference in their behaviors!

YouTube Playlist

Play Video

EP1 Reconnect

Using your smartphones when playing with your children? Research indicates that children show more behavioral problems when their parents use their smartphones during parent-child shared time. Parents should budget 20-30 minutes of “no-phone time” every day to fully attend to their children—it will empower them to create and explore.

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EP2 Am I Clear?

Sometimes, children do not seem to be very responsive to the commands of their parents—are children being disobedient, or they simply do not understand the commands?

Giving commands is an art! Positively worded and step-by-step commands are easier to follow and more effective in shaping children’s behaviors!

Play Video

EP3 Growth mindset

Do you want to help your children work harder and do better in school? There are two different ways of understanding ability development: “fixed mindset” versus “growth mindset.” Research shows that children with growth mindset have better grades. They are also more willing to use different strategies to solve problems.

Play Video

EP4 Unlocking Curiosity

How can parents help their children learn actively? Showing children interesting and unexpected things can stimulate their curiosity and trigger their exploration! When children formulate new knowledge through the guidance of their parents, children have more vivid memory of such knowledge. Children also are better able to generalize the new knowledge to other settings!

Play Video

EP5 Walking together when things are good

When children share their good news, if their parents can respond immediately, showing interest and excitement and expanding the words of children, children can relive their happy moments and experience the love of their parents. This is a parenting technique coined “active constructive responses” by researchers.

Play Video

EP6 Walking together when times are bad

It is very normal for children to show negative emotions when they are having a bad time. Many parents respond to children’s negative emotions by asking them to calm down immediately, or to solve problems for children at once. “Active listening” requires that parents first show empathy by reflecting children’s emotions.

Play Video

EP7 Mediated Learning

Many parents find their children easily distracted. What can parents do to help focus the attention of their children? Research indicates that “mediated learning” is an effective method! “Mediated learning” involves 4 steps:

  1. Direct children’s attention to a concrete object.
  2. Motivate children to explore the object using five senses.
  3. Ask questions about the object, linking it to the real life experience of children.
  4. Introduce the functions of the object.
Play Video

EP8 Enough For Everyone

All parents hope their children can grow up happily. During the COVID-19 outbreak, many parents have been using different methods to maintain the mental well-being of their children. Research tells us that grateful children are happier and more satisfied with their lives. In the face of stress, they are also more resilient. To promote their children’s gratitude, parent can help their children keep a gratitude diary and review the happy memories from time to time.

Play Video

EP9 One more sticker, please

Have you ever tried using behavioral charts to help your children learn good behaviors? Has it been effective? When using behaviorial charts, we need to:

1. Set clear goals
2. Avoid negatively worded goals
3. Review successful experiences
4. Review the reasons behind these successful experiences
5. Praise descriptively and fulfil promises

Play Video

EP10 Walking In Your Shoes

Adults have to deal with many stressors, so do children! How can parents improve their children’s emotion quotient, preparing them for all the challenges ahead? Parents can boost their children’s emotion quotient by teaching them emotion vocabularies, helping them label emotions. Children who know more emotion vocabularies are not only more empathetic, but also better able to regulate their own emotions!

Play Video

EP11 The Key To Storytelling

Do you regularly tell stories to your children? Research shows that dialogical reading is effective in promoting children’s language abilities and interest in reading. When using dialogical reading, parents engage their children by

  1. Completing sentences
  2. Recalling story plots
  3. Asking open-ended questions & Wh-questions
  4. Linking the story to daily experiences
  5. Responding immediately
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EP12 We All Make Mistakes

All children make mistakes. How parents handle children misbehavior has important implications for children’s long term development. Parents can use induction to deal with their children’s misbehavior. Induction involves 4 steps:

    1. Pointing out exactly what the child did was wrong
    2. Telling the child how the behaviors have affected others
    3. Teaching the child alternative methods to achieve the same goal
    4. Telling the child how to make amends now
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EP13 It’s More Than A “Good Job”

Would “too much” praising spoil children? Research shows that descriptive praises—praises that are specific, genuine, and immediate, for children’s actions, efforts and strategies—make children more resilient in the face of challenges and more successful in the long run!

Play Video

EP 14 Play (Loose Parts)

When children play at home, they often play with toys. But, actually parents can collect loose parts and host their “unique” playtime at home!

Loose parts are commonly seen things that can be easily picked up and put together by children. Children love using loose parts to create pictures. With parents’ guidance, playing with loose parts may promote children’s expressivity and creativity!

Play Video

EP15 Mindful Exercises

Stress is a normal part of life, so parents and children have to learn how to deal with stress. Mindful exercises can help us explore our immediate experiences with full attention. Research indicates that mindful exercises can help us deal with stress and—at least momentarily—put our problems aside, which can improve parent-child and family relationships!

Here, we introduce 3 mindful exercises: mindful walking, mindful breathing and mindful eating.

Parenting Book 《父母童行》75個實證為本的家教貼士




Games 親子小遊戲

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點格棋 Dots and Squares



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大腦工程師 Growth Mindset Game



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抓子 Five stones


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Fun門別類 Classification game




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骨牌接龍 Dominoes


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情緒記憶遊戲 Emotion Memory Game



DIY 親子小手工

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親子感官瓶製作 Sensory bottle DIY

感官瓶可以刺激幼兒的感官發展,亦有助幼兒的社交、情感、認知及身體發展。 家長可以在製成感官瓶後,利用感官瓶與幼兒進行遊戲或活動。感官瓶製作方法及遊戲可參閱《親子感官瓶》小冊子。

Board Games 紙板遊戲

執行功能遊戲 Executive Function Game


Downloads 其他下載


我們中心設計了一系列的WhatsApp 貼紙供大家免費下載!讓大家練習使用不同情緒詞彙。與人互動時,大家可以多運用不同的情緒詞彙去形容自己及別人的內心世界。靈活使用情緒詞彙,可以增強同理心,真正達到與對方「同行」的目的﹗


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