Centre for Child and Family Science

Our Vision

To become the center of excellence for child and family science in the Greater China and Asia Pacific Region.

Our Mission

To embark on high-quality, innovative interdisciplinary research that makes a meaningful difference to children, families, and the community.

  • To translate research findings into practice and a source of useful information, so as to improve systems and policies pertinent to child and family wellbeing.
  • To provide professional support to families, schools, and the community.
  • To organize knowledge exchange activities to bring research and skills to the public sphere, particularly with respect to childhood and family issues.
  • To forge dialogues, engagement and partnerships among academia, community-based organizations and the government, for insights into the dynamics of child, family and the community.




  • 致力高質素、創新的跨學科研究,為兒童、家庭及社區帶來有意義的轉變。
  • 將研究成果轉化為實務應用和實用資訊,優化各項與兒童及家庭福祉攸關的體制和舉措。
  • 為家庭、學校和社區提供專業服務。
  • 舉辦知識交流活動,藉以將研究成果和創新技能,特別是與兒童和家庭相關的課題,廣為傳達及應用。
  • 促進學者、社區組織和政府之間的溝通、相互參與和合作,以增進對兒童、家庭及社區互動關係的理解。