- 2021
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- 人文學院
2020/21學年歷史教育榮譽學士五年級學生劉澤民,2019/20學年「香港特別行政區政府獎學基金 - 外展體驗獎」得獎者
在2019/20年度,我有幸獲得「香港特別行政區政府獎學基金 - 外展體驗獎」,遠赴外國交流。我之所以選擇了楚格為我遊學交流的目的地,是因為香港與這座遠在歐洲的城市,實大有相契之處。這座毗鄰名城蘇黎世的小鎮,也與香港一樣吸引了不少外國企業前來投資設廠。不論什麼商業經濟因素,這座小鎮能吸引世界各地的人慕名而至,成為萬國津梁,那它的生活必然是受人嚮往的,所以我便選擇了楚格。
University of Teaching Education (PH Zug) (楚格的教育大學) 與 Zurich University of Teaching Education (PH Zurich) (蘇黎世教育大學) 合作舉辦了接待交流生的課程。在這課程中,我們學到了瑞士的文化,認識到當地的社會議題。除了課室講授之外,教授也帶我們遊歷諸如蘇黎世、伯恩及日內瓦等各大名城。這課程的Sabina教授恰巧也任教歷史,也知道我是全班唯一一位歷史系的學生,便邀請我為她的歷史課學生做一次分享,向大家介紹香港的歷史。匯報過後是踴躍的發問,他們對這座遠在東方的城市十分好奇,都想知道我們一直以來是怎樣生活,「東方之珠」的前途又何去何從?我們都發覺瑞士與香港的歷史都大異其趣。其中我也認識了一些朋友,剛巧當時我要為下學期的歷史科準備論文資料,我便決定以瑞士為題材,向他們討教了不少,他們在電郵中與我分享了很多有用的研究資料,並建議我可以從哪些角度入手撰寫當地的歷史議題,令我的歷史研究「功力大增」!實在感謝Sabina教授及一眾同學的幫忙。

2021年8月 | 最新動向
School of Cantonese Studies 2021
The Department of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies and the Centre for Research on Linguistics and Language Studies organised the second School of Cantonese Studies on 15 and 16 May 2021. The theme of the School was “Studies of Cantonese in the Digital Age”. In this two-day event, speakers of the School introduced some up-to-date Cantonese studies involving digital technologies, such as corpus-based research, online tools and resources for Cantonese studies, and digital processing of Cantonese corpus data.

2021年8月 | 最新動向
The Second International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning 2021
Following the success of the 2019 Inaugural International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning, the Department of English Language Education held “The 2nd International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning” from 19 to 20 June 2021 online. The theme this year was “language-in-education policy and practice in the digital era”, aiming to explore how technology impacted policy, curriculum, and pedagogy in language education and how it would impact the future of language policy and practice and our society. The conference featured prominent leading scholars in the fields, including Professor Judith Green (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA), Professor Angel Lin (Simon Fraser University, Canada), Professor Li Wei (University College London, UK), Professor Ernesto Macaro (University of Oxford, UK) and Professor Hayo Reinders (Anaheim University, USA). Lively discussions then continued across five parallel sessions and 90 paper presentations contributed by 102 researchers and teachers from Asia, Australia, Europe and North America.

2021年8月 | 最新動向
Public Lecture Series 2021
The Department of English Language Education organised the Public Lecture Series, including 10 lecture topics to a wide audience of teachers and the general public whose interest spanned both English language learning and the general topic of language. The series was held virtually on five Saturday mornings in January and February 2021 on Zoom and streamed live via YouTube. More than 1,000 people joined these five mornings to discuss topics including Chinglish, CLIL, and Language policy.