Initial Periodic Programme Review for Bachelor of Education (Honours) (English Language)
- 2019
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- 人文学院
(只有英文版 English version only)
Professor Tony Liddicoat (front right) and Professor Robin Hemley (front left) of the ERP met the BEd(EL) Core Team Member of the Programme Committee during the on-site visit for the IPPR.
The Bachelor of Education (Honours) (English Language) (Five-year Full-time) (BEd(EL)) programme admitted its first cohort of students in 2012/13, produced its first cohort of graduates in 2016/17 and was due to conduct the Initial Periodic Programme Review (IPPR) in 2017/18. An External Review Panel (ERP) comprising the following two senior academics conducted an on-site visit to EdUHK on 13 and 14 April 2018:
- Chairperson: Prof Tony Liddicoat, University of Warwick, The United Kingdom
- Member: Prof Robin Hemley, Yale-NUS College, Singapore
During the two-day on-site visit, the ERP met the core team members of the BEd(EL) Programme Committee, graduates and student representatives, and observed a lesson of a major (core) course. Affirmative comments were received from the ERP for further enhancement and development of the programme. The learning outcomes were considered to be well-articulated and readily operationalised in assessment tasks for the various modules. The overseas immersion experience was a significant feature of the programme and one which students and graduates felt added much to their study experience. The field experience semester was considered a very good model for teaching practicum as it allowed students to be immersed in the experience of a school and to gain a real sense of being a teacher and doing teaching work.
The ERP also identified a number of elements of good practice. The key elements included:
- thoughtful and committed approach to teaching
- immersion in an English-speaking country
- semester-long field experience with pre-FE school attachment
- pastoral care
- responsiveness to feedback from QA mechanisms
Other constructive recommendations were made by the ERP, and the Programme Team will continue to work to improve the programme.

2019年3月 | 最新动向

2019年3月 | 最新动向

2019年3月 | 最新动向