

海外幼小中文二语学习者教材设计示范 - 课程纲要先导计划

This proposed project aims to achieve three main objectives:


  1. To design and develop a sample unit of textbook for overseas lower primary L2 Chinese beginners, which will subsequently lead to a full-scale curriculum design.
  2. To supplement and reinforce the understanding of the above teaching materials with a multi-media e-learning platform and/or mobile application.
  3. To evaluate, consolidate and disseminate related teaching materials and research outputs via field work, a specialized seminar and a potential overseas conference.

年份: 2019/20

项目负责人 -



Duration: 16 Oct 2019 - 31 May 2020

  1. 建立关于散文的知识体系:以散文篇章为研究对象,包括古现代散文,为进一步发展提供理论支撑,其中包括:
    1. 从文本分析理论建构散文文体特点的论述
    2. 建立适用于解析散文的具体方法
    3. 建立散文学与教理念架构:形成具体知识转移的流程,为进一步研究提供知识转移基础
  2. 培训知识转移人才:掌握散文解析分析以及施教步骤,作为知识转移的支点,为进一步推广相关知识,提供足够的人力资源。
  3. 建立知识转移电子平台(包括面书及博客):为现有及未来计划提供交流机会,方便互动。
  4. 进行知识转移试点:检验上述知识及方法体系,以便优化并确保知识转移的有效操作。
  5. 建立散文学与教教学设计方案库:针对散文的教学设计,有助于日后进一步累积经验,并推广相关教学操作。
  6. 组织试教操作:检验上述学与教理念架构的有效性,确保学与教有序施行,并直接收集目标学生的反应和意见。
  7. 上述为本计划的主要目标;在以上的基础上,日后可进一步建设完整的知识转移链条:
  8. 向中学推广试行:组织队伍与中学前线老师合作,落实知识转移的末段操作。
  9. 优化学与教教学设计:通过中学试行的反馈,进一步优化教学设计,以适应教学的实际操作。

年份: 2018/19

项目负责人 -



Educational Linguistics 2.0 – The Use of Corpora in Language Teaching

Corpus linguistics has been identified as a strategic area to be focused on since the establishment of the LML department in 2012. Several colleagues have developed various corpora (http://corpus.eduhk.hk) in different languages (ie English, Chinese, Cantonese and Japanese), most of which being specialised corpora with a clear focus on certain specific language features. For example, the Chinese-English Parallel Corpora provide a good venue for examining literature translation from English to Chinese or vice versa; the English for Academic Purpose corpora (EAP) are used to improve students’ academic writing skills; the Spoken Corpora and Asian Corpus of English (ACE) can be used to improve students’ pronunciation; the Multilingual Parallel Corpora and Cantonese Movie Corpora provide learners with a multimodal approach to language learning. The research on these corpora has been fruitful and resulted in several projects and publications. Being aware of the good potential of the education values of these corpora, a number of colleagues from LML proposed a collective KTP in order to transfer the expertise and knowledge acquired by the department to school teachers in both Hong Kong and elsewhere (mainland China or other countries/regions). The project aims to achieve the following objectives:


  1. To introduce corpus linguistic approach to school teachers as a framework for understanding learners' language;
  2. To equip school teachers with skills and tools in developing their own corpus-based teaching/learning materials; and
  3. To create corpus-based teaching & learning resources for school teachers.

年份: 2016/17

项目负责人 -



研究员: PI (Dr MA Qing)

研究员: Co-I (李凤琼博士, 陈雪珠博士, 王立勋博士)

Innovative English Language Teaching for Primary Students

The project focuses on encouraging EdUHK students’ integration into regional education communities by enriching their learning experience outside the Hong Kong context. A group of student teachers at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels will be given opportunities to apply their pedagogical learning to real practice. Their task is to develop resources for the teaching of readers, grammar, vocabulary and phonics. Selected materials will be tried out in Nanhai Experimental Primary School, Foshan. Another feature of the project is the inclusion of some past project team members, who are now school teachers in Hong Kong, as peer observers in Foshan. The professional dialogues between the school teachers of the two regions, student teachers, and academics of EdUHK will encourage the innovative and critical thinking of all the parties involved.

年份: 2016/17

项目负责人 -



研究员: PI (李凤琼博⼠)

研究员: Co-I (陈雪珠博士, 马清博士)

Grammar Teaching in Language Education

The project is a continuation of the Knowledge Transfer Project entitled “Grammar Teaching Resources for School Teachers”, conducted in 2014–15. In this second phase, a group of Year 4 BEd(EL) students will be given opportunities to apply their pedagogical learning to real practice. Their task is to evaluate how grammar is presented and practised in some contemporary grammar books. The project team will meet regularly to discuss how to adapt the textbook materials and design their own instructional materials, which will be uploaded on a website for public sharing. The project also aims to promote contemporary grammar teaching methods to teachers in neighbouring regions. A seminar will be conducted by the project team in Foshan, China, and lesson tryouts will be conducted in Sarasas Ektra School, Bangkok.

年份: 2015/16

项目负责人 -



Knowledge and Preservation of Hong Kong History and Culture

This project aims to:


  1. stimulate local students in learning Hong Kong history and culture;
  2. strengthen local teachers’ awareness of history in teaching Hong Kong Studies;
  3. help current and future history teachers in incorporating field visits and developing activities in history curriculum;
  4. introduce recent research trend and current issues in the field of Hong Kong history and provide useful reference for teaching and learning history; and
  5. enhance student's critical thinking skills in regards to current issues concerning history, culture, the local community, the nation and the world.

The above objectives are developed in accordance with the new Bachelor of Education in History, which aims at promoting the value of and enhancing the quality of history education.

年份: 2015/16

项目负责人 -



A Digital Language Museum on Cantonese

This KT project has the focused area on “Hong Kong cultural heritage”. It converts some of the findings of the PI's research project on the development of Cantonese into a “digital language museum” to highlight some interesting but unnoticeable linguistic changes of the Cantonese language over the past 60 years. The language items displayed in the digital museum include vocabulary and grammatical structures. Some of these features are displayed together with the selected video segments of the Cantonese movies. The language museum is an initiative to document the Cantonese language with authentic materials and also to introduce to the public the relevant socio-cultural issues of old Hong Kong.

年份: 2014/15

项目负责人 -



Grammar Teaching Resources for School Teachers

The concern of this project is how to teach grammar in an effective way. It aims to develop a website which provides useful grammar teaching resources for primary and secondary school teachers. Another aim is to give BEd(EL) students opportunities to apply their pedagogical learning to real practice. The task of the participating student teachers is to evaluate the lesson plans and teaching materials collected from their classmates. Under the guidance of the project supervisor, the project team will meet regularly to discuss how to revise the original plans and the materials. Ongoing discussion with the project supervisor and other team members will allow the student teachers to have a better understanding of the pedagogical principles learnt, and to develop enhanced lesson planning and materials development skills. School tryouts will be conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the outcomes.

年份: 2014/15

项目负责人 -



Transfer and Promotion of Historical and Cultural Knowledge

This project aims to:


  1. Stimulate local students in learning Hong Kong history and culture;
  2. Strengthen local teachers’ awareness of history in teaching Hong Kong Studies;
  3. Help teachers in developing and designing teaching material of history subject in the pedagogical approach;
  4. Introduce recent research trend and findings in the field of Hong Kong history as the references for students’ learning and teachers’ teaching; and
  5. Consolidate teachers and students’ insights in the historical perspective for making judgments about issues concerning history, culture, the local community, the nation and the world.

The above objectives are in line with the programme of Bachelor of Education in History which aims to promote the importance of and to enhance the quality of history education.

年份: 2014/15

项目负责人 -






  1. 提升本港学生对研习香港历史文化的兴趣;
  2. 促进本港老师对香港历史文化的专业知识;
  3. 增加与现职老师交流合作的机会,共同普及历史文化的特色与内容;
  4. 开拓知识领域,把研究与教育相互结合,向本港师生介绍最新的研究成交果;及
  5. 加强本港师生的历史观,说明历史文化与现代社会的关系,开拓他们的世界视野。

年份: 2013/14

项目负责人 -



Promotion of Corpus Linguistics Research at LML Community Outreach: Public Lecture Series

The KT project aims to:


  1. Introduce and showcase the various linguistic corpora and relevant corpus linguistic tools developed at LML, and their potential values in text-based humanity research;
  2. Introduce to the target participants the relevant methodology and challenges in undertaking corpus-based research, especially on the Chinese language; and
  3. Enhance professional development of target participants by elevating their sensitiveness and awareness in using authentic and natural language materials in humanity research.

年份: 2012/13

项目负责人 -






  1. 将口语沟通能力研究之成果及专业知识融合于社会语文教育中;
  2. 持续发展更公平、更适切的口语沟通能力评审准则;
  3. 加强在职教师对现存口语沟通能力评审准则的了解;
  4. 提升准教师(本院主修中文之学生)对口语评审准则的了解及强化专业成长的历程;
  5. 在职教师通过同侪交流,提升评鉴能力,开拓更专业的发展;
  6. 教师们能实践口语沟通能力评审之技巧,并协助学生提升理性沟通的能力;及
  7. 持续推动有关口语沟通能力评审的研究发展。

年份: 2012/13

项目负责人 -



Facilitate Emotion Classification Based on Non-Intrusive Learner Data via Deep Neural Networks

This project aims to develop an AI-based model using deep neural network for learners’ emotion classification based on a single non-intrusive data source.

年份: 2021/22

项目负责人 -



Transferring Knowledge of Virtual Classroom for Teaching Writing

This project aims:


1. To immerse students in virtual classrooms that apply different approaches to teaching writing through virtual reality technology;

2. To publish the research findings about the impact of different approaches on student learning in the virtual classroom;

3. To develop a demo for attending external exhibitions and marketing promotions based on the current virtual classroom for teaching writing established and supported by BLUE project of EdUHK;

4. To prepare materials including a handbook and online short videos, for transferring the knowledge and hand-on experience of developing virtual classroom for in-service teachers and students.

年份: 2020/21

项目负责人 -



Transferring knowledge of Multi-modal Measurement of Learning Engagement of Hong Kong Primary School Students

This project aims:


  1. To identify primary school students’ emotions in the learning processes using modal measurements and make use of the data to improve the teaching and learning for better student engagement;
  2. To apply for the Innovation and Technology Fund for Better Living based on the proposed project; and
  3. To develop a patent related to emotion classification based on deep neural networks from multi-data sources.

年份: 2019/20

项目负责人 -



Constructing a CSL Learner Corpus for Character-writing Error

Through collecting handwriting data by students who learn Chinese as a second language (CSL) and developing a tag-set for error-annotation, this project aims to construct a CSL learner corpus for character-writing errors, and made reachable as an online resource for researchers and educators in the field of TCSL.

年份: 2020/21

项目负责人 -



Duration: 1 May 2021 - 30 June 2022



年份: 2019/20

项目负责人 -



Duration: 16 Jun 2020 - 30 Nov 2022

Development of Children’s E-books to Enhance Young Learners’ Gender and Cultural Awareness
  1. To enhance preservice teachers’ materials development skills, teaching skills and their abilities to discuss and evaluate reading materials through non-formal learning.
  2. To increase the awareness of student teachers, children’s book writers and educators regarding how best to approach culture education to prepare learners for intercultural citizenship in the globalised world.
  3. To heighten gender awareness among student teachers, children’s book writers and educators in an attempt to create a more gender-equal society.

年份: 2019/20

项目负责人 -



Establishing a Special Interest Group to Promote Technology-enhanced Informal English Learning in Hong Kong
  1. To publish research papers and deliver academic presentations with the PhD students.
  2. To increase the expenditure on KT and the numbers of KT beneficiaries and the academic staff using research in teaching and using teaching as research.
  3. To publish research papers with the professional consultants and to increase the numbers of research outputs and projects with international research collaborations.

年份: 2019/20

项目负责人 -



Online-collaboration on Learning Motivation and Learning Experiences and Outcomes: Investigating the Key for Successful Online Learning in Universities Across Hong Kong, Mainland and Macau

Through cross-regional investigations, this research aims to explore how online-learning platforms affect students’ learning motivation and their learning experience through peer-collaboration and how students perceive the benefits and challenges of online-learning through the use of online-collaboration platforms.

年份: 2019/20

项目负责人 -



Proposing and Developing a Sample Grammar Book for Enhancing Grammar Awareness in Reading and Writing Competence: A Pilot Study to an English Language Programme
  1. To design a sample grammar textbook for young adults which will be piloted in FE schools and subsequently developed into a full-scale grammar, reading and writing English programme by pre-service and in- service teachers under the guidance of a researcher.
  2. To supplement the sample grammar book with a multi-media platform and/or mobile application which will be piloted by the student teachers in actual EFL classrooms.
  3. To evaluate, consolidate and disseminate research outputs through field works, seminars and conference.
  4. To reach a critical mass of around 870 students and teachers through this knowledge transfer project.
  5. Through this KT project, a research- teaching nexus will be created by guiding the students to develop a sample grammar book and pilot them in their classrooms. 
  6. Student-teachers conduct action research to evaluate the effectiveness of the sample grammar book.
  7. With the research experiences and collected data, research papers will be co-authored by student-teachers and the researcher. 
  8. With the research results from the previous funded project and this KT project, the research outcomes will be used for developing a full-scale grammar book for a language enhancement course and further research projects.

年份: 2019/20

项目负责人 -



Acoustic Phonetic Analysis for Assessing Childhood Speech Sound

To develop an interactive training package with the following goals:


  1. To introduce knowledge of acoustic phonetics to practicing speech therapists in mainland China for handling Putonghua-speaking children with speech sound disorders.
  2. To equip speech therapists with skills in using instrumental aids for acoustic analysis that will enhance their clinical judgement in performing speech sound disorder diagnoses and intervention plans in treating Putonghua-speaking children.

年份: 2018/19

项目负责人 -

张显达教授, 李烱乐博士


Improving and Enriching the Practice of Teaching Chinese Characters for CSL Teachers in Vietnam

This project proposes a framework of integrating orthographic knowledge with the culture embodied in the formation of Chinese characters to improve and enrich the practice of teaching Chinese characters for CSL teachers in Vietnam, informing Chinese textbook writers as an aid in the creation of a fuller curriculum.

年份: 2018/19

项目负责人 -



Duration: 19 May 2019 - 20 May 2020



年份: 2016/17

项目负责人 -



Duration: 1 Nov 2016 - 31 May 2017

小学伙伴协作计划: 课改深化工作―利用评估数据改善教学

本计划的重点在协助教师有效地运用教学评估,掌握运用评估数据改善学与教效能的技术。在协作计划开展期间,团队将以课程规划 与教材建设为基础进行校本评估的协作活动,并就校本语文课程开发与教材建设、普通话教中文、非华语学生学习中文等发展校本评估,引领教师善用评估结果来改善教学,提升学与教活动的效益。

年份: 2015/16

项目负责人 -



Duration: 1 Jan 2016 - 31 Dec 2016

The Analysis of Hong Kong Secondary School History Textbooks

年份: 2019/20

项目负责人 -



Field Experience: A Verbatim Theatre Project

年份: 2018/19

项目负责人 -



K-pop vs HK-pop: Hongkonger’s Culture and History

年份: 2016/17

项目负责人 -



The Promotion Series of the Compendium of Hong Kong Literature
  1. To promote the Compendium and the academic role of EdUHK in the Compendium.
  2. To broaden readers of the Compendium and audiences of activities.
  3. To cooperate with external parties and guests.

年份: 2018/19

项目负责人 -

陈国球教授, 叶倬玮博士
