Students Participate in Developing Materials for Chinese Storytelling
- 2020
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- Department of Literature and Cultural Studies

Project collaborators and student leaders from the three universities gathered to share their experiences and attainments with three specialists of Chinese writing and oral history.
In the Department of Literature and Cultural Studies, Dr Fanny Li Yuen Mei has headed a project to develop Chinese storytelling and writing. Other participants include her colleague Dr Fung Chi Wang of the same department, and other participants from Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). It sought to develop five courses taught at the three universities: three writing courses of different kinds at The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK), two creative writing courses at HKBU, and a religious studies course at PolyU. The distinctive feature of the project is the “Student Network Group”.
In each participating course, there were three student leaders, and most of whom had taken the same course previously. These students discussed assessment and the modes of communication for the course, and acted as liaison between students and the lecturer.
Tang Chun Tong, a student leader for Dr Li’s course in media writing, reflects: “I need to consider the viewpoint of the teacher and understand the interests and ability of fellow students at the same time.” Dr Li remarks, “Students are very concerned about how to complete the assignment, what the difficulties are and how to solve them. I do not have first-hand experience in being a student in the course. On the other hand, student leaders experienced a unique satisfaction as collaborators with their teachers.”
Professors and students also collaborated in producing three publications. Writing the Place We Live: Imagination and Practice is a collection of pedagogical materials and student assignments from one writing course at EdUHK and one at HKBU. Writing in the Place We Live: Memory and Belief focuses on two courses, one at EdUHK and one at PolyU, in oral history and religious studies. The last of the three is a collection of essays, Multimedia and the Teaching of Chinese Literature and Culture, including collaborators across generations. The website of the project can be found at
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