The 1st International Knowledge Transfer Forum
- 2021
- 研究項目
- 英語教育學系
(只有英文版 English version only)
The 1st International Knowledge Transfer Forum (hereafter KT Forum), held jointly by the Department of English Language Education (ELE) at The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) and The Association for the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language in Indonesia (TELFIN), from 8 to 22 August 2020, brought together researchers, education practitioners, policymakers and graduate students from across Asia (and beyond) to engage in interactive dialogue about language teaching and research.
More than 2,400 attendees, including researchers, in-service and pre-service language teachers, teacher educators, and graduate students from institutions in Indonesia and 20 other countries, participated in the KT Forum via Zoom and YouTube Live-stream. The programme featured six keynote speeches, delivered by researchers who are experts in the fields of technology in language education, second language acquisition (SLA) and curriculum development, and language policy, as well as interactive Q&A session.
Session 1: Technology in Language Education
| 8 August 2020 |
| Dr Lee Ju Seong (ELE, EdUHK) Topic: Facilitating students’ active engagement through an e-book project during COVID-19
Dr Nur Arifah Drajati, M.Pd. (Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia) Topic: ‘Aha moment’ for a meaningful learning in creating book stories |
| Dr Zulfadli A. Aziz, S.Pd., M.A (Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia) |
Session 2: SLA and Curriculum Development
| 15 August 2020 |
| Dr John Rogers (ELE, EdUHK) Topic: Practice makes perfect: Optimising practice opportunities to enhance foreign language acquisition
Dr Helena I. R. Agustien (Universitas Nasional Karangturi, Indonesia) Topic: Bilingual curriculum to enhance foreign language acquisition |
| Dr Michlas Suseno, M.Pd. (Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia) |
Session 3: Language Policy
| 22 August 2020 |
| Dr Michelle Gu Ming Yue, (ELE, EdUHK) Topic: Exploring family language policy and planning
Dr Kristian Adi Putra (Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia) Topic: Linguistic landscapes in and out of educational spaces as ELT Pedagogical Resources |
| Chairil Anwar Korompot, S.Pd., M.A., Ph.D. (Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia) |
Outcomes and implications for the KT Forum
The main objective of this three-weekly KT Forum was to promote knowledge transfer and facilitate academic exchange at an international level. The objective was achieved as researchers, teachers, teacher educators, policymakers and students from 21 different countries were brought together to learn about various theories and research findings, which enable these stakeholders to make an informed decision. The professional outcome to collaborating faculty was to provide opportunities for joint presentations, and for expanding record of expertise internationally. The KT Forum also provided multiple opportunities for career advancement for collaborating RAs and participating undergraduate students. The professional outcomes to EdUHK and ELE are also significant, as it has extended and strengthened ties and opportunities for future exchange with universities and organisations in Indonesia and other Asian nations of growing international importance. It has also raised the EdUHK’s and ELE’s profile in those regions of the world.
One of the main conclusions of the KT Forum was that both ELE and TELFIN representatives recognise the value of this collaborating event. Both parties have also agreed to continue close collaboration and partnership. In that regard, some initiatives are now under way: 1) expect to sign a memorandum of understanding between ELE and TELFIN (and perhaps one national university in Indonesia); and 2) expect to organise the 2nd KT Forum in the near future. In closing, ELE will continue to further enhance its regionally leading role in the research and practice of English language education in Hong Kong and beyond through the KT Forum.

2021年2月 | 最新動向

2021年2月 | 最新動向
2020年10月10日中國語言學系主辦了「從詩詞欣賞到品德情意教育」教師工作坊。工作坊由香港大學中文學院及國際經典文化協會協辦,優質教育基金贊助,並由中國語言學系主任施仲謀教授擔任主持,旨在探討詩詞教學。工作坊特設兩場專題講座,由學系講師金夢瑤博士主講「以詩涵情,以詩養志」,並邀得香港珠海學院中國文學系教授董就雄博士主講「朗誦與詩詞教學 」。是次工作坊以ZOOM形式進行,共吸引了逾130位參加者出席。

2021年2月 | 學院榮譽
Dr Zou Di Received a Silver Medal in the International Innovation and Invention Competition (IIIC) Taiwan 2020
Dr Zou Di from the Department of English Language Education received a silver medal in the International Innovation and Invention Competition (IIIC) Taiwan 2020. IIIC is a renowned event of innovations in the Greater China Region, attracting over 400 innovations from all over the world including Asia, the United States and European countries, every year.