Honour for Outstanding Knowledge Transfer Projects
- 2020
- 學院榮譽
- 人文學院
(只有英文版 English version only)
Congratulations to seven award-winning academics from the Faculty of Humanities (FHM)!
Seven top academics from FHM won international awards and their winning entries were showcased in The Education University of Hong Kong Award Winning Innovations Salon on 3 January 2020.
Dr Andy Chin Chi On from the Department of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies was awarded Gold Medal and Special Award in the Silicon Valley International Invention Festival 2019 in USA.
Dr Zou Di from the Department of English Language Education was awarded Gold Medal and Special Award; and Dr Tse Ka Ho from the Department of Chinese Language Studies was awarded Silver Medal in the International Invention Innovation Competition 2019 in Canada.
Drs Angel Ma Qing, Jackie Lee Fung King, Wang Lixun and Rebecca Chen Hsueh Chu from the Department of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies, were awarded Silver Medal in the International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva 2019.
For details, please visit: http://bit.ly/InnovationsSalon

2020年2月 | 研究項目
踏入2019年的下半年,中國文學文化研究中心於6月28日主辦了第三屆「大學生人文學術研討會」,並於7月8至9日舉辦了「臺大-中大-教大研究生港台文學與文化研討會暨香港文學與文化研究研習坊」,繼續扮演為人文學科生搭建跨領域的文學文化交流平台的角色。葉倬瑋博士於8月接任成為中國文學文化研究中心總監。除了常駐活動——於11月4 日舉辦的中國文學原典讀書會(「論民國詞體改革的成與敗:以曾今可、盧前為中心」);及於10月19日舉辦的第九次香港文學文化沙龍(「文學與社會」)外,中心也於9月26日及10月8日分別增辦了「映象研說系列」(「哥斯拉放映會」)及於11月6日舉辦了「悅∣讀」系列(「閱讀扎西達娃」)。中心更製作了十周年紀念資訊集,並於2020年1月於臺灣文學館舉辦了「香港文學特展」,務求讓文學獨樂樂不如眾樂樂。風雨飄搖的日子,中心將繼續恪守人文學科價值,迎接黎明到臨。

2020年2月 | 最新動向

2020年2月 | 最新動向