- 2019
- 學院榮譽
- 文學及文化學系
香港教育大學人文學院學生於首屆八大聯合英文詩歌創作比賽中獲獎。是次比賽由香港浸會大學尚智會、英國語言文學系、人文及創作系及香港詩歌節基金會國際作家工作坊聯合主辦,由英國艾略特獎得獎詩人Sarah Howe擔任主席評審。
克天藍同學 - 英國語文教育(榮譽)學士課程四年級
伍詠儀同學 - 英國語文教育(榮譽)學士課程四年級
陳煒榆同學 - 英國語文教育(榮譽)學士課程四年級
彭顯舜同學 - 語文研究榮譽文學士課程四年級

2019年8月 | 校友/學生分享
Student Ambassador Sharing for the One City One Book Hong Kong: The Arrival in Secondary School Classrooms
Sharing by Yan Tsoi Lam, Student Ambassador for One City One Book Programme and Year 4 Student of Bachelor of Education (Honours) (English Language) - I am delighted to be working as a Student Ambassador for Hong Kong’s first ever One City One Book Programme (1C1B) organised by the Centre for Popular Culture in the Humanities (CPCH). 1C1B is a community reading initiative that aims to get as many people as possible in the city to be reading the same book during a period of time. The chosen book for 2019 is Shaun Tan’s delightful wordless graphic novel, The Arrival. As part of our Student Ambassador duties, we have been doing reading workshops and storytelling sessions in many schools, in order to share The Arrival with primary and secondary school students.

2019年8月 | 校友/學生分享

2019年8月 | 最新動向
Updates from Centre for Language in Education
The Centre for Language in Education (CLE) plays an integral part of the students’ language learning in the University by offering the regular Chinese, English and Putonghua enhancement programmes and supplementing the formal curriculum with non-formal language learning activities including various workshops for preparing students for the public language tests. To address the diverse language learning needs of different groups of students in 2018/19, CLE works closely with different units of the University, eg the Department of Cultural and Creative Arts (on the music busking activities to connect people through music and languages), the Department of Early Childhood Education (on the support for non-Chinese-speaking students), the Faculty of Education and Human Development (on the pilot scheme of International English Language Test System [IELTS] and Putonghua Shuiping Ceshi for higher diploma students), etc.