Saturday Seminar Series (Cohorts 1 and 2)
- 2022
- 最新动向
- 英语教育学系
(只有英文版 English version only)
In the fall of 2021, the Department of English Language Education arranged 10 Saturday Seminars conducted in the hybrid mode with over 500 in-service teachers in attendance. The first five offered practical ideas and strategies for “English Language Teaching in the Digital Era”. The aim was to support practising English language teachers’ professional development by introducing current and emerging digital pedagogical practices. The second series of seminars focused on enhancing student learning through assignments involving a wide range of literary and creative genres. It was designed to help practising teachers strengthen their instructional skills and knowledge in the English Language Education Key Learning Area.

2022年3月 | 最新动向

2022年3月 | 最新动向

2022年3月 | 最新动向
Department of English Language Education Seminars
In 2021, the Department of English Language Education was honoured to host Professor Judit Kormos from the University of Lancaster, United Kingdom, and Dr Mi Yung Park from Auckland University, New Zealand. Professor Kormas shared ideas for engaging students with specific learning difficulties and outlined innovative ways in which teachers could support individual and collaborative language learning through inclusive tasks. Dr Park described her research on heritage language education from the perspective of Vietnamese migrant mothers in South Korea. Over 100 students and academics attended the two talks through Zoom.