- 2021
- 研究项目
- 文学及文化学系
为进一步加强系内的研究、教学及服务项目,文学及文化学系聘任了Dr Lucinda Kerstin Fiona Newns和黄冠翔博士为博士后研究员。继2020/21学年的服务后,Dr Newns已完成她的任期,而黄博士将会在下一学期留任。
Dr Newns于伦敦都会大学取得博士学位,并曾于伦敦大学玛丽王后学院和曼彻斯特大学进行教学及研究。她着有英文专着Domestic Intersections in Contemporary Migration Fiction: Homing the Metropole (Routledge, 2019)。Dr Newns的研究兴趣包括后殖民文学、离散文学、生态批评及环境人文学、女性主义理论和空间理论。她正在开展的研究计划结合离散理论和生态批评学的研究方法,研讨后殖民文学和世界文学中人类迁徒与自然环境之间的关系,目的是回应近年对由气候变化导致人们流离失所的关注。

2021年8月 | 最新动向
School of Cantonese Studies 2021
The Department of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies and the Centre for Research on Linguistics and Language Studies organised the second School of Cantonese Studies on 15 and 16 May 2021. The theme of the School was “Studies of Cantonese in the Digital Age”. In this two-day event, speakers of the School introduced some up-to-date Cantonese studies involving digital technologies, such as corpus-based research, online tools and resources for Cantonese studies, and digital processing of Cantonese corpus data.

2021年8月 | 最新动向
The Second International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning 2021
Following the success of the 2019 Inaugural International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning, the Department of English Language Education held “The 2nd International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning” from 19 to 20 June 2021 online. The theme this year was “language-in-education policy and practice in the digital era”, aiming to explore how technology impacted policy, curriculum, and pedagogy in language education and how it would impact the future of language policy and practice and our society. The conference featured prominent leading scholars in the fields, including Professor Judith Green (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA), Professor Angel Lin (Simon Fraser University, Canada), Professor Li Wei (University College London, UK), Professor Ernesto Macaro (University of Oxford, UK) and Professor Hayo Reinders (Anaheim University, USA). Lively discussions then continued across five parallel sessions and 90 paper presentations contributed by 102 researchers and teachers from Asia, Australia, Europe and North America.

2021年8月 | 最新动向
Public Lecture Series 2021
The Department of English Language Education organised the Public Lecture Series, including 10 lecture topics to a wide audience of teachers and the general public whose interest spanned both English language learning and the general topic of language. The series was held virtually on five Saturday mornings in January and February 2021 on Zoom and streamed live via YouTube. More than 1,000 people joined these five mornings to discuss topics including Chinglish, CLIL, and Language policy.