2017 ‘Running Man’ Halloween Special
- 2018
- 最新动向
- 语文教育中心
(只有英文版 English version only)
Marking the first major event of the Centre for Language in Education (CLE) in this academic year, the Halloween Gala took place on the 31 October 2017. Students from various disciplines participated in this annual festive celebration featuring games, dancing, riddles and a costume contest.
The Gala was inspired by the popular Korean TV show ‘Running Man’, in which participants have to complete missions in order to get clues to solve a final riddle or accomplish a final mission. The Halloween ‘Running Man’ was themed after the board game Cluedo® in which players had to solve riddles by eliminating suspects and other elements of a murder.
On Halloween night, the participants were asked to find out a murderer, the location and the murder weapon in teams. Each team had a leader who had a list of hints and a list of rooms; the team had to go all over the campus. An International Tutor with a specific color was stationed in a classroom, and with a specific riddle that needed to be solved or a task that needed to be completed. Upon successful completion, the teams were given an envelope of the color matching that of the International Tutor.
Once all of the eight colored envelopes were collected, the students were told to return to the Arthur Samy Language Learning Centre (ASLLC). The final mission was to find the envelopes hidden all over ASLLC that contained the answer. The fun-filled ‘Running Man’ activities offered chances for the participants to speak in English, as they had to solve the riddles and discuss the given information from time to time in their teams.
The participants of the Gala had a great time accomplishing the missions and running from room to room. The riddles ranged from learning to dance Michael Jackson’s ‘Thriller’ to solving a complex riddle in which the only clue was a set of numbers. The enthusiasm and excitement among the participants were palpable.
After the resolution to the murder was announced, a costume contest was held. Those in costume were encouraged to give their best Dead Walks, scariest faces and most piercing shrieks! The students had a good time in the costume contest as their walks were amusing and their shrieks caused a lot of laughter.

2018年4月 | 最新动向
The public lecture series organised by the Department of English Language Education (ELE) provides a platform to expose local teachers and members of the public to aspects of language learning that are seldom taught in school. The lecture series held on consecutive Saturdays beginning from 4 March and ending on 1 April of 2017 was well received. It successfully drew over 670 participants to our campus, which was an increase of over 140 participants from the prior year. We would like to offer heartfelt thanks to Dr Jeffrey Clapp and Dr Regine Lai from the Department of Literature and Cultural Studies, Dr Lixun Wang and Dr Gregoire Winterstein from the Department of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies (LML) , and Dr Paul Stapleton, Ms Clairine Chan from ELE for making this Public Lecture Series a success.

2018年4月 | 研究项目

2018年4月 | 最新动向