TEDxEdUHK 2021: A Great Success
- 2021
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- Centre for Language in Education
Five speakers from all over Hong Kong came together online on Zoom for the theme of (A)symmetry at TEDxEdUHK 2021 on 23 January 2021.
The first speaker was Professor John Lee Chi Kin, Vice President (Academic) and Provost of The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK), who shared his experiences about “(A)Symmetrical Relationships in Teaching” through which he explored ways of improving the outcomes of learning by enhancing the relationships between teachers and students. Next, EdUHK alumna Ms Lauren Lai Hang Yung shared that in order to maximise her personal potential, she needed to make changes in her life choices and develop good but “Powerful Habits” to live the life she wanted. “Bestfriend” Mr Michael Khan talked about the inspiration for his advocacy work in “Re-Defining the Hong Kong Identity”, sharing the difficulties he encountered and observed as a mixed-race, ethnic minority Hongkonger. In a similar vein, Ms Alicia Lui Shun Yee discussed “How Sports Divide Hong Kong”, explaining the conditions that influence women and their decision to participate in sports, as well as stressing the role of sports as an equaliser for society. Comedian Mr Vivek Ashok Mahbubani rounded out the event with his talk “The World in the Eyes of Comedians” which examined the differences between comedians and other people in their perceptions of everyday objects.
The speeches were pre-recorded and played to the audience through Zoom due to the ongoing pandemic situation which prevented the event from occurring in person. Nonetheless, the audience were able to reflect upon and discuss the insights shared in each speech during a riveting discussion session. The audience were further engaged with the material during an interactive quiz conducted on Kahoot.
Ms Yung Anniela Ignazia, an EdUHK alumna, immortalised each speaker’s speeches through vivid drawings that can be viewed on CLE website.
CLE expresses its sincerest appreciation to the speakers for their insightful talks and constant effort, to the audience for their enthusiastic participation, to the Organising Team and student helpers for their solid teamwork and professionalism, and to everyone who has had a hand in making this event a big success.
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