We host and support a wide variety of events throughout the year to help research students develop the skills necessary to be successful in their academic careers.
A calendar of upcoming events is available here.
All full-time research students admitted to the Research Postgraduate Programmes (RPg) are automatically considered for Research Postgraduate Studentship (RPGS). The value of the studentship shall be determined by the University from time to time. The monthly stipend for the 2024-25 academic year is HK$18,360 (approximately US$2,350) for all MPhil and PhD students and HK$18,870 (approximately US$2,420) for post-candidacy PhD students.
Holders of RPGS are required to undertake duties that carry educational benefits for the holders as assigned by the University. The amount of the duties shall not exceed, on average, 10 working hours per week in any full twelve-month period.
Click here for more details
PhD and MPhil students who have passed the Qualifying Presentation and confirmed their candidature are eligible to apply for the research support (such as equipment, general expenses, hiring of student helper and research/fieldwork-related expenses), up to an amount of HKD$10,000 per year (maximum 2 years for PhD candidate and 1 year for MPhil).
Please check with the Graduate School at gradsch@eduhk.hk for details of Guidelines and Application.
The financial support to RPg students includes the provision of up to $11,000 for each candidate to attend international/national/local conferences or workshops as well as to have immersion visits to international/national/local research centres/departments/universities which are relevant to their research areas and directly related to their thesis.
Please check with the Graduate School at gradsch@eduhk.hk for details of Guidelines and Application.
Programme of Developing Academic Writing Skills for Postgraduate Students
Individual Thesis Writing Consultation Services
Postgraduate Students Library Workshops
Research Supervision Training Workshops
Statistical Consulting Services
Click here for further information
Academic Advising (AA) System at the University aims at providing guidance to students not only on academic matters but also on other areas of all-round development. Under the AA System, whenever students feel in need, Academic Advisors will provide assistance in developing study plans, identifying career goals as well as referring them to appropriate supporting units.
Click here for further information
The Certificate Course consists of four themes: (1) Induction – Introduction to Teaching in Higher Education Settings; (ii) Practicum; (iii) Learning and Teaching Seminars / Workshops; and (iv) Learning and Teaching Support. Participant who completed any course of Theme (i), (iii) and (iv) with a minimum of 12 hours of attendance can apply for a Certificate of Attendance issued by LTTC.
Click here for more details
The Postgraduate Students Publication Award is to reward students who produce quality research output in the form of journal articles.
Click here for more details
The Reaching Out Award (ROA) is provided by the HKSAR Government Fund to eligible students who participate in outreaching activities, such as the International Outreach Study Programme (IOSP).
An opportunity is provided to PhD students for global engagement in Australia or France – the Cotutelle PhD Programme with Macquarie University / the Cotutelle PhD Programme with the University of Lorraine. Upon successful completion of the programme, students will be awarded (i) a PhD degree by EdUHK and (ii) a PhD degree by another collaborative university (i.e. Macquarie University or the University of Lorraine).
Click here for more details
Students have chances to visit prestigious universities and deepen their understanding of the world and learn to view issues from different perspectives through participation in seminars /workshops and interaction with scholars, researchers and postgraduate students in the overseas study tour.
This is jointly organized with university partners from different regions of the world to provide intensive training in research competence, and further cultivate a research environment for postgraduate students.
Click here for further information
Research Postgraduate (RPg) students are eligible to apply for enrolment in the courses listed for the Cross-institutional Course/Subject Enrolment Scheme. This collaboration scheme is established between eight UGC-funded institutions in Hong Kong to enhance the opportunities for postgraduate students to access research postgraduate courses and expertise at other universities. Waivers of tuition fees will be granted to eligible students.
Grades will be given to students with an official transcript issued by the host institution at the end of the course(s).
Click here for more details
We have developed a set of online resources to support postgraduate students who are preparing research proposals or who are undertaking doctoral research. The project consists of a website with nearly 200 short videos. The videos show interviews with academics and research students, as well as supervisory sessions. Topics include types of research, research methods, thesis writing, managing research studies, and the perspectives of an external examiner. The videos feature academics and students from EdUHK and from other tertiary institutions. This online database is designed to facilitate innovative distance and blended learning pedagogies.
The videos can be viewed on a PC, tablet or mobile phone. The website is best viewed using Internet Explorer version 11, Chrome, Firefox and Safari.
Guidelines for Assigning Teaching Responsibilities to Students of the Research Postgraduate or Doctor of Education Programmes
The practice of assigning teaching responsibilities to students of the Research Postgraduate (RPG) or Doctor of Education (EdD) programmes aims to build their capacity in teaching in the context of higher education.
RPG and EdD students and RPG students supervised by staff in the FEHD can engage and be mentored in the following teaching activities for undergraduate and master’s courses:
i. preparing course materials;
ii. leading a short session on a topic that falls into the RPG or EdD’s research area;
iii. grading coursework; and
iv. teaching tutorials.
Guidelines and Application Form
The Faculty Higher Degree Research Support Committee is a sub-committee of the Faculty Research and Higher Degrees Committee. The Support Committee was established to foster a supportive research culture with opportunities to interact with research students and academics. The Support Committee is a significant initiative as it brings together academics and research students to promote positive study experiences.
Enquiries: fhdrsc@eduhk.hk