


Beginning Research in Literature and Cultural Studies: A Companion to Honours Projects

Project Start Year: 2023

Chief Investigator(s): Dr. AU, Chung To (Dr WU, Tsz Wing Giovanna as Co-Investigator)


On Variation and Dispersion of Its Readership: The Eight-legged Essay and Jin Shengtan’s Xixiang Commentary 讀者群的變異與游離──制藝與金聖歎的《第六才子書西廂記》

The project aims to study Jin Shengtan’s (金聖歎, 1608-1661) comments on the zaju (雜劇) opera Xixiang Ji (or Romance of the Western Chamber). The structure of zaju operas are often based on the principle of four acts in one part. Wang Shifu (王實甫, 1260-1336), a playwright of the late Yuan dynasty, broke this restriction and completed his Xixiang Ji in twenty-one acts in five parts, which complicated the plots and greatly expanded the length of the play. Jin Shengtan’s Xixiang Commentary is one of the most widely circulated versions of Xixiang Ji since the early Qing dynasty. In this project, the PI considers the theory on the structure of the eight-legged essay as a lens for re-reading Jin Shengtan’s Xixiang Commentary. She will also combine opera aesthetics, stylistics, and commercial publishing of the Qing dynasty, to re-analyse the relationship between the structural theory of the eight-legged essay and the Xixiang Commentary and re-investigate how Jin Shengtan integrated literary theory on the structure of the eight-legged essay, which is cultural assets of the literati, into opera and popular literature.

Project Start Year: 2023

Chief Investigator(s): WU, Tsz Wing Giovanna


A Study of the Relationship between Tang Xianzu’s Eight-legged Essays and His Chuanqi Drama


Project Start Year: 2018

Chief Investigator(s): WU, Tsz Wing Giovanna


Reconsidering “Peony Fever”: The Peony Pavilion and the Changes on Ideology during the Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties 《牡丹》熱的重新審視:《牡丹亭》與明末清初意識形態的轉變


Project Start Year: 2016

Chief Investigator(s): WU, Tsz Wing Giovanna


From Xuetang Meng to Lu Nanzi: The Self-Reflection of Zeng Pu and the Autobiographical Writings of the Late Qing and Early Republication China 從《雪曇夢》到《魯男子》──論曾樸的自我觀照與清末民初自傳文學


Project Start Year: 2016

Chief Investigator(s): WU, Tsz Wing Giovanna


A Dialogue between Opera and History: Peony Pavilion and the Spread of School of Mind during the Late Ming China 戲曲與歷史的對話──《牡丹亭》與晚明心學之流變播

This research aims to re-interpret the cultural and historical background of the late Ming dynasty before and after the published of Peony Pavilion. By re-reading the opera, this research tries to re-elaborate the relationship between Peony Pavilion and the spread of School of Mind during the late Ming China, in order to have a better understanding of the Ming society.

Project Start Year: 2015

Chief Investigator(s): WU, Tsz Wing Giovanna