

  • Lee, Kwai Sang (Jun 2023). “The Myth and Core of Humanities Education in the Age of Generative AI”. Keynote speech presented at International Conference on Humanities, Education, and Social Sciences (ICHEDS), Jakarta, Indonesia.

  • 李貴生(2022):〈數位人文與傳統文獻的相互作用:《呂氏春秋.十二紀》聚類分析與篇章結構新探(The Interplay of Digital Humanities and Traditional Documentology: A Clustering Analysis and Structural Exploration of the “Twelve Chronicles” in Master Lu’s Spring and Autumn Annals),《清華中文學報Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Literature》,第27期,頁179-234。More Details

  • Lee, Kwai Sang (Dec 2022). “Adopting the Situated Cognition Theory to Develop Virtual Research Training Materials that Enhance the Research Skills of Postgraduate Students”. Invited speech presented at Seminar Series, Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology, EdUHK.
  • 李貴生(2020):《呂氏春秋》貴生思想的意涵與詮釋效度:兼論〈十二紀〉的「焊接」結構(The Meaning and Hermeneutical Validity of the Doctrine of ‘Guisheng’ [Cherishing life] in Master Lü’s Spring and Autumn Annals, with Discussions on the ‘Welding’ Structure of the Twelve Chronicles),《臺大中文學報Bulletin of the Department of Chinese of Taiwan University》,第71期,1-52。More Details
  • 李貴生(2020):論胡適對自然主義的挪用:兼論「反向格義」的源起與迷思(On Hu Shi’s appropriation of Naturalism: with Discussions on the Origin and Myth of ‘Reverse Geyi [analogical interpretation]’),《文與哲Literature and Philosophy》,第37期,229-274。More Details
  • 李貴生(2020):何謂孔子?《論語》作者及成書研究的困局與出路(What is Confucius? The Dilemmas and Solutions for the Studies of the Authorship and Dating of the Analects),《新亞學報New Asia Journal》,第37卷,頁39-100。 More Details
  • 李貴生 (Oct 2020). “The Contributions and Limitations of Chen Yinke's Poetics”過猶不及:陳寅恪詩文箋證的貢獻與局限. Invited speech presented at Seminar Series, Research Centre for Classical Chinese Poetics, CUHK.

  • 李貴生(2019):《論語》編纂對孔子學說的形成及詮釋的影響(The Impacts of the Compilation of the Analects on the Formation and Interpretations of Confucius’ Doctrine),《中正漢學研究Chung Cheng Chinese Studies》,第34期,1-40。 More Details

  • 李貴生(2019):陳寅恪典故考釋批評觀念及其實踐方法析論(An Analysis of the Critical Ideas and their Practice of Chen Yinke’s Studies of Allusions),《政大中文學報》Bulletin of the Department of Chinese of Chengchi University》,第31期,247-294。 More Details

  • 李貴生(2019):評《〈論語〉之外的孔子》(Review of Confucius Beyond the Analects),《中國文哲研究集刊Bulletin of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica》,第54期,167-176。 More Details

  • 李貴生 (Jul 2018). “The impacts of the compilation of the Analects on the formation and interpretations of Confucius’ doctrine.” 《論語》輯記式編纂對孔子學說的形成及詮釋的影響 Invited  paper at the Conference on Revisiting the History of Classical Studies (Phase I), Academia Sinica, Taiwan.

  • 李貴生(2017):〈 文學鑑賞與歷史詮釋:陳寅恪批評觀念探析 〉(Literary Appreciation and Historical Interpretation: An Analysis of Chen, Yin-ke’s Ideas of Criticism),《國文學報 Bulletin of Chinese》,第62期,237-282。 More Details

  • 李貴生(2017):「文質」的系譜:一個文學批評觀念的誕生(A Genealogy of ‘Wen Zhi’ (Form and Meaning): The Genesis of an Literary Idea),《中國文學學報Journal of Chinese Literature》,第8期,203-238。 More Details

  • 李貴生(2017):寓意的評量架構:以《西遊記》五聖解讀為中心(An Evaluative Framework for Allegoresis: With Special Regard to the Interpretation of the Five Sages in the Journey to the West),《淡江中文學報Tamkang Journal of Chinse Literature》,第37期,63-100。 More Details

  • 李貴生(2016):疏證與析證:清末民初中國文學研究的範式轉移(Interpretative Commentary vs Analytical Verification: The Paradigm Shift of Chinese Studies in Late Qing and the Early Republic China),北京,中國社會科學出版社(Beijing China Social Sciences Press)。230頁。

  • 李貴生(2016):阮元在揚州學派文論中的獨特貢獻(The Unique Contributions of Ruan Yuan’s Prose Theory in Yangzhou School),揚州博物館編,《阮元研究國際學術研討會論文集》,(302-315),北京,文物出版社(Beijing Wenwu Press)。

  • 李貴生(2015):比興與微言之辨:以蔡元培紅學的經學淵源為中心 (Allegorical Metaphors versus Subtle Words: with Focus on the Classical Origins of Cai Yuanpei’s study of the Dream of the Red Chamber),《國文學報 Bulletin of Chinese》,第57期,217-254。 More Details

  • LEE, Kwai Sang (2015). Inborn Knowledge(shengzhi) and Expressions of Modesty(qianci): On Zhu Xi's Sacred Image of Confucius and His Hermeneutical Strategies. Monumenta Serica: Journal of Oriental Studies, 63, 79-108. More Details

  • 李貴生 (Nov 2015). “The Doctrines of Classical Studies: Starting with Zhu Xi's Sacred Image of Confucius”經學的教條: 從朱熹對孔子的神聖想像談起. Invited speech presented at Seminar Series, College of Arts, Shenzhen University.

  • 李貴生(2014):索隱的合法性及其局限:蔡元培、胡適紅學論爭的範式意義(The Legitimacy of Allegorical Studies and Its Limitations: The Paradigmatic Significance of the Debate between Cai Yuanpei and Hu Shi on the Dream of the Red Chamber),《東方文化Journal of Oriental Studies》,第47卷第1期,29-62。 More Details

  • 李貴生 (Nov 2014). “The Unique Contributions of Ruan Yuan’s Prose Theory in Yangzhou School”阮元在揚州學派文論中的獨特貢獻. Keynote speech presented at the International Conference on the Studies of Ruan Yuan in Yangzhou Museum, Yangzhou.

  • 李貴生(2013):論胡適中國文藝復興論述的來源及其作用(On the Origin and Function of Hu Shi’s narration of the Chinese Renaissance),《漢學研究Chinese Studies》,第31卷第1期,219-254。 More Details

  • 梁慧敏、李貴生(2012):香港非粵語母語者語言轉移的初步探討(A Preliminary Study of Language Shift of Non-Cantonese Native Speakers in Hong Kong),《人文中國學報Sino-Humanitas》,第18期,頁367-400。 More Details

  • Lee, Kwai-sang & Leung, Wai-mun (2012). The status of Cantonese in the education policy of Hong Kong. Multilingual Education, 2:2, Springer, 23 pages. More Details

  • 李貴生主編(2010):通識成語課室全四冊(Lessons of General Knowledge on Chinese Idioms, four Volumes),香港,中華書局 (Hong Kong Chung Hwa Book Co)。934頁。

  • 李貴生、梁慧敏(2010):香港工作場所中三語使用的初步調查(A Preliminary Survey on the Use of Three Spoken Languages in Hong Kong’s Workplace),《中國語文研究Studies in Chinese Linguistics》,第29期,頁 97-110。

  • Lee, Kwai Sang (Nov 2010). “A Survey of ‘Tri-lingualism’ in Hong Kong Society and Its implications”香港社會「三語」使用的調查及其意義. Invited Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on the Modern Chinese Language in the National Pingtung University of Education, Taiwan.

  • 李貴生(2009):傳統的終結──清代揚州學派文論研究(The End of Tradition: A Study of Yangzhou School’s Prose Theory in Qing Dynasty),上海,中國,復旦大學出版社(Shanghai Fudan University Press)。235頁。

  • 李貴生(2009):靈化無窮:中國神話解讀(Never-Ending Metamorphoses: Interpretations of Chinese Mythology),香港,中華書局(Hong Kong Chung Hwa Book Co)。170頁。

  • 李貴生(2009):純駁互見:王國維與中國純文學觀念的開展(Wang Guowei and the Development of the Idea of Pure Literature in China),《中國文哲研究集刊Bulletin of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica》,第34期,169-204。 More Details

  • 李貴生(2008):通識教育的根本缺憾:一個前現代的考察(The Fundamental Shortcomings in General Education: A Pre-modern Point of View),《復旦通識教育Fudan General Education Bulletin》,2:1,32-37。

  • 李貴生(2007):人文精神在通識教育中的核心地位(The Core Role of Humanistic Spirit in General Education),《通識在線General Education Online》,10,7-8。

  • 李貴生(2007):高等教育市場化下的大學理念與通識教育(The Idea of University and General Education under the Marketization of Higher Education),《香港中文大學大學通識報University General Education Bulletin》,第3期,39-59。

  • 李貴生 (Jan 2007). “The Idea of University and General Education under the Marketization of higher education高等教育市場化下的大學理念與通識教育”. Invited Paper presented at the Conference on The Idea of University and General Education in CUHK, Hong Kong.

  • 李貴生(2006):阮元文論的經學義蘊(The Significance of Classical Studies in Ruan Yuan’s Prose Theory),《漢學研究Chinese Studies》,第24卷第1期,頁297-322。

  • 李貴生 (May 2006). “The Positioning of Cantonese and Its Implications to the Problems of Medium of Instruction in Hong Kong”香港粵語的定位與教學語言問題. Paper presented at the International Conference on Language Policy in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau in PolyU, Hong Kong.

  • 李貴生 (2004). ‘Ruo-zhi-he’ and ‘Nai-he’ in Ancient Chinese(古漢語中的「若之何」與「奈何」). Takashima, K., Meaning and Form: Essays in Pre-Modern Chinese Grammar (343-354). Germany: Lincom Europe.

  • 李貴生(2004):傳統家訓與現代兒童教育(Traditional Family Teachings and Modern Children Education),《國文天地The World of Chinese Language and Literature Monthly》,23:2,23-32。

  • 李貴生(2004):經學的揚棄──王國維與中國現代學術(The Aufhebung of Classical Studies: Wang Guowei and the Modern Chinese Scholarship),《白雲論壇Bai Yun Lun Tan》,第2期,297-340。

  • 李貴生(2004):錢鍾書與洛夫喬伊(Qian Zhongshu and Arthur O. Lovejoy),《漢學研究Chinese Studies》,第22卷第1期,357-389。

  • 李貴生(Jan 2004). “Traditional Family Teachings and Modern Children Education”傳統家訓與現代兒童教育. Paper presented at the Conference on Traditional Chinese Elementary Textbook and Children Education in EdUHK, Hong Kong.

  • 李貴生(2002):經學與文學之交匯:焦循文論研究(The Intersection of Classical Studies and Literature: A Study of Jiao Xun's Prose Theory),《中國文化研究所學報Journal of Chinese Studies》,第42期,441-467。

  • 李貴生 (Oct 2002). “Qian Zhongshu and Arthur O. Lovejoy”錢鍾書與洛夫喬伊. Paper presented at the International Conference on Qian Zhongshu and the 20th Century Chinese Scholarship in HKU, Hong Kong.

  • 李貴生(2001):從後設語言的角度看邏輯與寫作的關係(The Relationship between Logic and Writing: from a View of Meta-Language),鄧仕樑編,《跨世紀的大專語文教學The Teaching of the Chinese Language in Tertiary Institutions in the Transcentury Era》,(241-255),香港,香港中文大學出版 (Hong Kong Chinese University Press)。

  • 樊善標、陳潔儀、杜家祁、李貴生(2001):校園常見錯別字觀察:手寫部分(Some observations on wrongly written words in University Campus),《中國語文通訊Newsletter on Chinese Language》,第58期,27-32。

  • 李貴生(2001):焦循性靈說及其與經學、文學之關係(On Jiao Xun's Doctrine of Xing Ling (Vivid Nature) and Its Relation to Classical Studies and Literature),《漢學研究Chinese Studies》,第19卷第2期,375-398。

  • Lee, Kwai Sang (Aug 2001). “Ruo-zhi-he’ and ‘Nai-he’ in Ancient Chinese”古漢語中的「若之何」與「奈何」. Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Classical Chinese Grammar in UBC, Vancouver, Canada.

  • 李貴生(2000):汪中、淩廷堪文學思想析論──揚州學派文學思想的兩個方向(An Analysis of the Literary Thoughts of Wang Chung and Ling Ting-kan: Two Directions of the Yang-chou School’s Literary Thoughts),《中國文哲研究集刊Bulletin of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica》,第16期,213-262。 More Details

  • 李貴生(1999):論乾嘉學派的支派問題(On the Branches of Qianjia School),《書目季刊Bibliography Quarterly》,第33卷第1期,51-66。 More Details

  • 李貴生(1996):詩論易象異同論(A Comparative Study of Shiyu [metaphors in the Book of Odes] and Yixiang [symbols in the Book of Changes]),《中外文學 Chung Wai Literary》,286,79-103。 More Details

  • 李貴生(1994):文學理論中內證與外證的再反思(Critical Reflections on Internal Evidence and External Evidence in Literary Theory),《文藝理論研究Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art》,77,83-87。