The Education University of Hong Kong

Summary of Seminar: Presenting and Publishing Qualitative Research

The seminar “Presenting and publishing qualitative research” was co-organized by the Graduate School and Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology (LTTC) on 6 OCT 2023, and 95 (58 in person and 37 Zoom) postgraduate students and 25 staff participated in the seminar. Prof Xuesong GAO Andy (The University of New South Wales, Australia) presented on navigating the obstacles encountered when seeking to publish qualitative research in international journals. Drawing from his personal experiences, he shared some strategies for effectively addressing the concerns raised by reviewers and fellow researchers. Prof Gao also emphasised that journal reviewers may often highlight areas where researchers may have taken half-hearted measures to demonstrate their study's details, particularly in terms of methodological rigour and conceptual contributions.