
Virtual Research Training Hub

With an aim to help research students to improve their essential generic skills, the Graduate School is developing a virtual research training hub. Key to this brand-new platform is self-paced e-learning. While lecture videos are combined with a wide range of interactive content, a mode of asynchronous learning and teaching is adopted to provide flexibility for both educators and learners. The modules are featured with the following elements:

  • Interactive thinking exercises and quizzes
  • Pre-recorded videos
  • Virtual discussion boards
  • Links to external e-resources

There are two modules for research students to enhance their generic skills through self-paced e-learning so far.

Module 1:

Conceptualizing Research (Professor Paul Stapleton)

Abstracts of the Module

  • Learn some general and specific ideas related to conceptualizing research
  • Realize why research is important
  • Understand some approaches to research that could help you avoid making cognitive errors and biases

Module 2:

The PhD Student/Candidate – Supervisor Relationship (Professor Joe Graffam)

Abstracts of the Module

Part 1 : Supervision Theory

  1.  The purpose and nature of PhD candidature
  2. A Multi-faceted and dyanmic relationship
  3. Candidature planning and management

Part 2: Supervision Practice

  1.  A supervision 'relationship management' style
  2. Health and wellbeing maintenance
  3. Practical aspects of the relationship

As more modules will be released for our research students, please stay tuned!