


庆历至熙宁、元丰年间(1041-1085)的政治变革与文体革新几乎是同时发生的,如何解释这现象?北宋最负盛名的文人不仅是文学人物,也是当时的思想领袖;他们如何在「世变」的时代,通过更广泛的「文」的形式,按自己的理念承传「斯文」,立天下之「典范」? 针对上述问题,本研究探讨北宋「文道观念」和「王言之体」以及「礼」的联繫。

年份: 2020 - 2022

项目负责人 -




香港作为一个多语言盛行的社会,其居民的第一语言为广东话,第二以及第三语言为普通话或者英文。现有文献表明,多语言习得是非线性且交互作用的(Jessner, 2008)。三语学习者在认知灵活度,语音发音,感知和语言学习意识方面比二语学习者有更强的能力。这些能力能帮助三语学习者更好的学习一门新的语言(Gut, 2009)。考虑到语言教学和习得的复杂性,本项目旨在检视第一语言,第二语言以及第三语言之间的相互作用,并且为香港的语言教师和语言学习者提供多语言学习的深入见解 。

年份: 2020 - 2022

项目负责人 -



研究员: PI


Effective learning of second language (L2) vocabulary hinges on the learners’ ability to self-regulate their learning. However, little research interest has been shown in how students self-regulate when they are left on their own to explore L2 vocabulary learning mediated by mobile technologies. In this research, a self-regulated and personalised (SRP) vocabulary learning approach is developed and its effectiveness measured. This research aims to help students develop a heightened capacity for self-regulation to learn L2 vocabulary with mobile technologies more efficiently and effectively. This research adopts a mixedmethod design. An experimental design is adopted to find out to what extent students can learn L2 vocabulary using the SRP approach in a mobile technology-mediated environment via a self-directed intervention for one semester. In addition, a multicase study will be conducted to provide qualitative evidence to verify whether the self-directed SRP approach can lead to a heightened capacity for self-regulation.

年份: 2019 - 2021

项目负责人 -



研究员: PI


English is stress-timed while Chinese is syllable-timed, which makes English word stress placement difficult for Chinese learners of English. This project aims to develop assessment tasks to identify Chinese learners’ difficulties in English word stress placement in perception and production, design training programmes to examine whether word stress can be acquired systematically, and conduct a teaching experiment to evaluate the effectiveness of the training programmes in facilitating the learning of word stress. This project will generate substantial impact in both theory and practice.

年份: 2019 - 2021

项目负责人 -



研究员: PI

Preparing pre-service language teachers to teach critical thinking: An ethnographic case study in Hong Kong

This project seeks to investigate how student teachers are prepared to teach CT in a pre-service language teacher education programme in Hong Kong. Adopting an ethnographic case study design and informed by an ecological perspective on teacher education, the project will explore how student teachers learn to teach CT in relation to their programme coverage, coherence and applicability. The project will also draw on multiple perspectives from language teacher educators and programme leaders/coordinators to discover how CT is integrated with their situated teacher education curricula. Such an ethnographic design not only can contribute to our understanding of CT, but can also generate insights into the dynamic, complex process of teacher learning across different sites, influenced by a range of institutional and socio-cultural factors.

年份: 2019 - 2021

项目负责人 -

Dr YUAN Rui Eric


研究员: PI

金额: HKD614,740

The Identity Construction Experiences of Teachers of English to Young Learners in Mainland China

This project responds to the need for research into the teaching of English to young learners (TEYL), defined as children between the ages of 5-12. Despite the significant increase in popularity of TEYL globally, including mainland China, our knowledge of how TEYL is implemented, the attitudes of teachers, and the challenges they face is scant. This project, therefore, addresses this gap in our understanding of English language teaching and learning by exploring the experiences of one group of primary school English teachers in mainland China. A particular contribution of this project is to examine the experiences and perceptions of teachers of English to young learners using the theoretical lens of teacher identity. The results of this project will be of interest to policy makers, teacher educators, school authorities, researchers, and teachers of young learners themselves, both in mainland China and analogous educational settings worldwide.

年份: 2019 - 2021

项目负责人 -

Dr TRENT John Gilbert


研究员: PI

金额: HKD614,033


This oral history project aims to document the voices of Hong Kong leftist film workers who were active from 1949 to 1966 and to utilize their voices to reconstruct Cold War Hong Kong history. The principal investigator adopts the common usage of the term “leftist” during this era, defining leftist film workers as those who worked for the three major leftist film studios and the sole distributor of films made in the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Until the mid-1960s, leftists controlled a significant share of the Hong Kong film market, produced popular movies and exported their productions and PRC-made films to other Chinese communities

年份: 2017 - 2021

项目负责人 -



Examining the effects of executive function on Chinese word reading among Chinese as a second language (CSL) learners and Chinese students from a developmental perspective

This study aims to investigate the cognitive factors of word reading in CSL and native Chinese-speaking learners.

年份: 2019 - 2020

项目负责人 -



Duration: 1 Dec 2019 – 30 Nov 2021






年份: 2018 - 2020

项目负责人 -



The interplay of language-in-education policy, language ideology and linguistic practices within discourse of internationalization in higher education – a comparative study

年份: 2018 - 2020

项目负责人 -

Dr GU Mingyue Michelle


研究员: PI

金额: HKD623,992


本项目以「书写语言」的视角结合丘世文和《号外》的研究,检视这位 作家和这份刊物在七、八十年代走过的道路,深入审视香港主体性建立 的过程,了解粤语作为书面语言的发展和身份认同的密切关系,重申丘 世文和《号外》开放式的本土精神。我们也将把丘世文和《号外》置于 时代的版图中,以见全球局势对香港社会和文化的影响。

年份: 2017 - 2020

项目负责人 -



Role of Informal Digital Learning of English (IDLE) in Hong Kong University Students’ Perceptions of English as an International Language (EIL)

由于技术的进步及其日益增长的可供性,利用科技进行课堂以外的英语学习和教学在电脑辅助语言学习(CALL)和向其他语言使用者教授英语(TESOL)在近期有很多研究 (Lai, 2017; Reinders & Benson, 2017)。PI将这一新兴现象称为非正式数码英语学习(IDLE),它被定义为在非结构化的课外环境中进行自主的、自然主义的数码英语学习(Lee, 2019a, 第116页)。与此同时,英文作为第二语言或外国语言(ESL/EFL)的学习者与来自不同语言和文化背景的英语使用者交流已变得越来越普遍。在此背景下,Matsuda(2017)从英语作为国际语言(EIL)的角度强调了英语的功能维度,它大致包括两个构念,即对英语种类的认知和跨文化交际的策略能力。虽然当代的ESL/EFL学生作为真实的EIL使用者,越来越多地参与到一系列的跨文化交流中(例如,通过社交媒体或数码游戏与不同的英语使用者交谈),但迄今为止,这方面的研究还很少。在PI先前研究的基础上(Lee, 2019a; Lee & Drajati, in press; Lee & Lee, 2019a, 2019b),这项研究旨在通过调查香港大学生中IDLE和EIL两个维度之间的关系来填补目前的空白,香港大学生通过IDLE活动越来越多地体验到英语使用者不同的口音(Yung, 2019)。采用顺序解释混合方法的研究设计,通过问卷调查(N = 400)、开放式问题(N = 400)、半结构式访谈(N = 40)和刺激回忆(N = 40)的方式,从两所大学的20个ESL/EFL班级收集资料。本研究运用CALL、社会语言学、TESOL等跨学科研究方法。在理论上,本研究帮助我们更好地理解和进一步理论化使用技术的非正式语言实践与当代学生对EIL的认知之间的关系。从研究的角度来看,三角式资料会为我们提供详细的见解,让我们了解学生参与IDLE活动是如何有助于发展他们对EIL的看法。在教学方面,这些发现将为英语教师如何更好地为当代英语学习者线上或面对面环境中的跨文化互动做好准备提供实用的见解。此外,由于传统的EIL教学法似乎局限于课堂环境,研究结果将扩大目前的EIL教学法模式的范围,使其超越课堂环境。

年份: 2020 - 2022

项目负责人 -



研究员: PI

金额: HKD453,150


关于中国小说的起源,过去多以魏、晋为伊始,至唐代发展成熟。近年来出土文献研究提供了战国、秦汉时期,早期小说的材料。但是有关中国早期小说的起源、文体特征以及社会意义,由于史料不足,学界尚乏共识。本研究认为,《穆天子传》恰可以弥补这一个缺环。  作为中国史上最早出土并完整流传至今的出土文献,《穆天子传》的研究涉及文献学、古文字学、文学史与历史地理学等多个学科,具有深远意义。基于本人过去在西周史的研究基础,本研究欲对《穆天子传》作一次通盘研究。首先,从古文字学与版本学的角度,重新检阅其文本与文字隶定的正确性。其次,以年代明确的金文为时间标尺,分析《穆天子传》包含的多时代成份。在这些基础之上,本研究进一步从文学史的视角,探讨《穆天子传》的文献性质。本研究希望超越真、伪二分的传统框架,改由史实与想象互动的文学创作过程,解释《穆天子传》包含真实与想象成份的原因,进而探讨战国时期史学传统蜕变出小说的背景与历程,以及早期小说的作者、读者、传布以及阅读方式等议题。最后,本研究将以《穆天子传》保存的地理讯息,探讨战国时期魏国的地理知识及其西北地理想象,为早期小说真伪杂糅的文本特质提供又一例证。  本研究涉及《穆天子传》的文本基础以及历史意义,期许其对文献、历史、地理与文学史,均作出贡献

年份: 2017 - 2022

项目负责人 -




This project examines an underexplored yet fundamental question in second language (L2) research: when acquiring new speech sounds, do L2 learners draw on knowledge of their first language (L1) phonology sound-by-sound or along some continuous dimension such as length?

Taking phonemic length (i.e. short vs. long sounds) as the test case, we will compare native listeners with different L1 backgrounds producing and perceiving length contrasts in non-native language(s). Their relative performance will answer numerous questions about how L1 transfer occurs.

The findings of the study are expected to have both theoretical and pedagogical implications. At the theoretical level, our findings can lead to a definitive conclusion at the ‘feature vs. category’ dialogue in L2 phonological acquisition. In turn, this will benefit learners of languages where length distinctions matter, such as Japanese. In the long run, our findings can also help teachers devise more effective pedagogical strategies.

年份: 2020 - 2021

项目负责人 -



研究员: PI


The study examines the concurrent and prospective effect of executive functions on the integrated writing (IW) task performance in both Chinese (L1) and English (L2).

年份: 2020 - 2021

项目负责人 -



Duration: 01 Jan 2021 – 31 Dec 2022


The study aims to examine the effects of task characteristics and intersubjective on the patterns of interaction in young non-Chinese speaking students in Hong Kong.

年份: 2020 - 2021

项目负责人 -



Duration: 01 Jan 2021 – 31 Dec 2022



年份: 2018 - 2020

项目负责人 -



Impact of short-term study in mainland China programme on Hong Kong local university students’ intercultural competence, perception and attitude about mainland China, and national identity

年份: 2018 - 2020

项目负责人 -

Dr. GU Mingyue Michelle


研究员: Co-I

金额: HKD594,435



年份: 2020

项目负责人 -



研究员: PI

金额: HKD$458,735