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署理系主任/ 副教授

(852) 2948 8258

署理系主任/ 副教授
(852) 2948 8258
(852) 2948 7160

MA. (Human Development) Washington State University
B.S. (Psychology) Washington State University

Research Areas

  • Parenting and child socio-emotional development
  • Parenting practices and parent-child programs to enhance children’s executive functions and school readiness
  • Well-being and parenting during the transition to parenthood

Teaching Areas

  • Child development
  • Parent-child relationships
  • Home-school collaboration
  • School transition

Selected Funded Projects


External grants/projects

  • The EdUHK Jockey Club School Transition and Readiness Project [Lau E. Y. H. (Principal investigator), HK$34,300,000, The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, July 19, 2021 – June 18, 2023]
  • Occupational well-being in Hong Kong beginning early childhood educators: A synthesized model integrating job demands, job resources, and self-control [Lau E. Y. H. (Co-investigator), HK$895,026, General Research Fund, Research Grants Council, January 1, 2023 – June 30, 2025]
  • KeySteps@JC Phase Two [Lau E. Y. H. (Co-investigator), HK$70,340,000, The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, August 1, 2022 – July 31, 2027]
  • Transition to parenthood: Testing the influence of emotional regulation on responsive parenting through a moderated mediation model [Lau E. Y. H. (Principal investigator), HK$391,192, General Research Fund, Research Grants Council, January 1, 2022 – December 31, 2024]
  • The EdUHK Jockey Club School Transition and Readiness Extended Support Project [Lau E. Y. H. (Principal investigator), HK$7,110,000, The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, March 22, 2022 – December 25, 2022]
  • Coercive parenting, child temperament and child aggression: A mixed-methods and two-wave longitudinal study [Lau E. Y. H. (Principal investigator), HK$412,960, General Research Fund, Research Grants Council, January 1, 2018 – December 31, 2019]
  • A longitudinal study of parental involvement and school adjustment during the transition to school [Lau E. Y. H. (Principal investigator), HK$612,000, Early Career Scheme, Research Grants Council, January 1, 2015 – December 31, 2016]


Internal grants/projects

  • Parent-child relationships and child adjustment during the transition to kindergarten: a moderated mediation model [Lau E. Y. H. (Principal investigator), $100,000, Departmental Research Grant, EdUHK, June 23, 2022 – Dec 22, 2023]
  • Studying families as systems [Lau E. Y. H. (Co-investigator), $900,000, Research Impact Cluster Grant, Department of ECE, EdUHK, 1 July 2020 – 30 June 2023]
  • Development of meaning in life during the transition to parenthood [Lau E. Y. H. (Co-investigator), $99,000, Departmental Research Grant, EdUHK, April 1, 2022 – March 31, 2023]
  • Long COVID: Prevalence and impact in Hong Kong children [Lau E. Y. H. (Co-investigator), $1,163,184, Vice President (Research & Development) Office, July 2022 – June 2025]
  • Rhythm and movement intervention for Chinese preschoolers at home [Lau E. Y. H. (Principal investigator), $750, 000, Faculty of Education and Human Development, EdUHK, 1 July 2020 – 30 June 2022]
  • Child aggression [Lau E. Y. H. (Project leader), $170,000, Focused Knowledge Transfer Grant, Faculty of Education and Human Development, EdUHK, May 2020 – June 2021]
  • Observing parental sensitivity in the laboratory setting [Lau E. Y. H. (Principal investigator), $80,000, Internal Research Grant, EdUHK, August 24, 2020 – August 23, 2021]
  • Social support and maternal (non) responsiveness among first-time expectant mothers in Hong Kong [Lau E. Y. H. (Principal investigator), $80,000, Departmental Research Grant, EdUHK, May 29, 2019 – May 28, 2020]
  • Coercive parenting, child temperament and child aggression: A mixed-methods and two-wave longitudinal study [Lau E. Y. H. (Principal investigator), HK$80,000, Internal Research Grant, EdUHK, March 20, 2017 – March 19, 2018]
  • A longitudinal study of parental involvement and school adjustment during the transition to school [Lau E. Y. H. (Principal investigator), HK$99,960, Internal Research Grant, EdUHK, October 1, 2013 – September 30, 2014]
  • An investigation of parenting behaviors and children’s aggression during early childhood in the Chinese context [Lau E. Y. H. (Principal investigator), HK$99,280, Internal Research Grant, EdUHK, June 15, 2012 – March 15, 2013]
  • Chinese Paternal Involvement in Early Childhood Education [Lau E. Y. H. (Principal investigator), HK$50,000, Departmental Research Grant, EdUHK, December 9, 2011 – December 8, 2012]
  • An investigation of parenting behaviors and young children’s aggression [Lau E. Y. H. (Principal investigator), HK$ 30,000, Start-up Research Grant, EdUHK, February 1, 2012 – August 31, 2012]
  • Parental involvement across the transition from kindergarten to primary school in Hong Kong. [Lau E. Y. H. (Principal investigator), HK$20,000, ECE Teaching and Research Development Fund, November 25, 2011 – June 30, 2012]
  • Parental involvement in early childhood education and children’s readiness for school [Lau E. Y. H. (Principal investigator), HK$3,000, Faculty Research Fund, The University of Hong Kong, August 2009 – August 2010]


Selected Outputs

Journal Publications

Refereed Journal Article


  • *Lau, E. Y. H., Wu, D., & Power, T. G. (2023). Effectiveness of Mixed-Mode Parenting Training Program during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Quasi-Experiment Study in Hong Kong. Children and Youth Services Review, 107246. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2023.107246
  • Wu, X., Tao, S., & *Lau, E. Y. H. (2023). Parental Cognitive Reappraisal and Parenting Practices in Hong Kong Families with Preschoolers: Mindful Parenting as a Mediator. Mindfulness, 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12671-023-02245-x
  • *Lau, E. Y. H., Li, J. B., & Chan, D. K. C. (2023). Beyond intention: Predicting children’s COVID-19 vaccine uptake using the theory of planned behavior. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, 19(2), 2260530. https://doi.org/10.1080/21645515.2023.2260530
  • Wu, X., *Lau, E. Y. H., Li, J., & Chan, D. K. C. (2023). Children’s Daily Living Routine Mediates the Relations Between Parent-Child Relationships and Child Adjustment Problems During School Suspension in Hong Kong. Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10578-023-01609-7
  • Lee, A. S., Datu, J. A. D., Chan, D. K., Lau, E. Y. H., Fung, W. K., Cheng, R. W. Y., ... & Chung, K. K. H. (2023). The effects of a PROSPER-based intervention on well-being among pre-service preschool teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic: a randomized control trial. Educational Psychology, 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1080/01443410.2023.2189649
  • Lee, A. S., Datu, J. A. D., Chan, D. K., Lau, E. Y. H., Fung, W. K., Cheng, R. W. Y., ... & Chung, K. K. H. (2023). The effects of a PROSPER-based intervention on well-being among pre-service preschool teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic: a randomized control trial. Educational Psychology, 43(2-3), 228-245. https://doi.org/10.1080/01443410.2023.2189649
  • Huang, Q., Sun, J., Lau, E. Y. H., & Zhou, Y.-L. (2023). Parental scaffolding and children’s math ability: The type of activities matters. British Journal of Developmental Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjdp.12444
  • Li, J. B., *Lau, E. Y. H., & Chan, D. K. C. (2023). Moral obligation to follow anti-COVID-19 measures strengthens the mental health cost of pandemic burnout. Journal of Affective Disorders, 328, 341-344. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2023.02.050
  • *Lau, E. Y. H., Li, J., & Chan, D. K. C. (2023). Children infected vs. uninfected with COVID-19: Differences in parent reports of the use of mobile phones to calm children, routines, parent–child relationship, and developmental outcomes. Frontiers in Public Health, 11, 1114597. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2023.1114597
  • Tao, S., & *Lau, E. Y. H. (2023). Child aggression and parenting behavior: Understanding the child-driven effects with parents’ emotion regulation as a moderator. Journal of Family Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1037/fam0001081
  • Cheung, R. Y., Cheng, W. Y., Li, J., Lau, E. Y. H., Chung, K. K. H. (2022). Mothers’ and fathers’ stress and severity of depressive symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic: actor-partner effects with parental negative emotions as a moderator. BMC Psychology, 10, 294. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40359-022-01016-y
  • *Lau, E. Y. H., & Williams, K. (2022). Emotional regulation in mothers and fathers and relations to aggression in Hong Kong preschool children. Child Psychiatry and Human Development. 53(4), 797-807. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10578-021-01165-y
  • Zhu, Y., Li, J., Zhang, M., Li, C., Lau, E. Y. H., & Tao, S. (2022). Physical activity participation and physical aggression in children and adolescents: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 63, 102288. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psychsport.2022.102288
  • Tao, S., Lau, E. Y. H. & Hong, H. C. (2022). Parents’ orientation to emotion, children’s emotion regulation and internalizing behavior: A longitudinal mediation model. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10826-022-02319-9
  • *Lau, E. Y. H., Li, J., & Siu, C. T. S. (2022). Postnatal depressive symptoms mediate the relation between prenatal role overload and responsiveness among first-time mothers. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1080/02646838.2022.2070609
  • *Lau, E. Y. H., Chang, L., & Casas, J. F. (2022). Examining effortful control as a moderator in the association of negative parenting and aggression among Hong Kong Chinese preschoolers. Early Education and Development, 1-20. https://doi.org/10.1080/10409289.2022.2076050
  • Cheung, S. K., Cheng, W. Y., Cheung, R. Y., Lau, E. Y. H., & Chung, K. K. H. (2022). Home learning activities and parental autonomy support as predictors of pre-academic skills: The mediating role of young children’s school liking. Learning and Individual Differences, 94, 102-127. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lindif.2022.102127
  • *Lau, E. Y. H., Li, J., & Chan, D. K. C. (2022). Letter to the editor: Backdrop context of the study “Intention to vaccinate young children against COVID-19: a large-scale survey of Hong Kong parents”. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, 18(5), e2090179.
  • *Lau, E. Y. H., Li, J., & Chan, D. K. C. (2022). Intention to vaccinate young children against COVID-19: a large-scale survey of Hong Kong parents. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, 1-5. https://doi.org/10.1080/21645515.2022.2065838
  • Huang, Q., Sun, J., Lau, E. Y. H., & Zhou, Y. L. (2022). Linking Chinese mothers’ and fathers’ scaffolding with children’s initiative and mathematics performance: a moderated mediation model. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 59, 74-83. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecresq.2021.11.001
  • Li, J., *Lau, E. Y. H., & Chan, D. K. C. (2022). Why do Hong Kong parents have low intention to vaccinate their children against COVID-19? Testing health belief model and theory of planned behavior in a large-scale survey. Vaccine, 40(19), 2772-2780. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vaccine.2022.03.040
  • Tao, S., & *Lau, E. Y. H. (2021). Coparenting and parental involvement during school transition among Chinese mothers and fathers: Children’s school liking as a moderator. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 769416. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.769416
  • Lau, E. Y. H., & Li, J. (2021). Hong Kong children’s school readiness in times of COVID-19: The contributions of parent perceived social support, parent competency, and time spent with children. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 779449. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.779449
  • *Lau, E. Y. H., Li, J., & Lee, K. (2021). Online learning and parent satisfaction during COVID-19: Child competence in independent learning as a moderator. Early Education and Development, 32(6), 830-842. https://doi.org/10.1080/10409289.2021.1950451
  • *Lau, E. Y. H., & Lee, K. (2021). Parents’ views on young children’s distance learning and screen time during COVID-19 class suspension in Hong Kong. Early Education and Development, 32(6), 863-880. https://doi.org/10.1080/10409289.2020.1843925
  • Tao, S., Li, J., Zhang, M. G., Zheng, P. J., Lau, E. Y. H., & Sun, J., & Zhu, Y. X. (2021). The effects of mindfulness-based interventions on child and adolescent aggression: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Mindfulness, 12(6), 1301-1315. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12671-020-01570-9
  • Lau, E. Y. H., & Li, J. (2020). Child Physical Aggression: The Contributions of Fathers’ Job Support, Mothers’ Coparenting, Fathers’ Authoritative Parenting and Child’s Theory of Mind. Child Indicators Research, 13(3), 1085-1105. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12187-019-09660-4
  • *Lau, E. Y. H., & Power, T. G. (2020). Coparenting, parenting stress, and authoritative parenting among Hong Kong Chinese mothers and fathers. Parenting, 20(3), 167-176. https://doi.org/10.1080/15295192.2019.1694831
  • Ng, B. H. L., & *Lau, E. Y. H. (2020). Influences of psychological well-being, job support, and paternal involvement on working mothers’ involvement and authoritative parenting in Hong Kong. Journal of Family Issues, 41(10), 1742-1758. https://doi.org/10.1177/0192513X20916
  • Tao, S. S., *Lau, E. Y. H., & Yiu, H. M. (2019). Parental involvement after the transition to school: Are parents’ Expectation matched by experience?. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 33(4). 637-653. https://doi.org/10.1080/02568543.2019.1653409
  • *Lau, E. Y. H., & Ng, M. L. (2019). Are they ready for home-school partnership? Perspectives of kindergarten principals, teachers and parents. Children and Youth Services Review, 99, 10-17. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2019.01.019
  • Li, J., & *Lau, E. Y. H. (2018). Teacher-student conflict and preschoolers’ adjustment in transition to primary school: The role of child’s self-regulation and parents’ positive relations with others. Early Education and Development, 30(3), 423-437. https://doi.org/10.1080/10409289.2018.1535227
  • *Lau, E. Y. H., & Power, T. (2018). Parental involvement during the transition to primary school: Examining changes and bidirectional relationships with school adjustment. Children and Youth Services Review, 88, 257-266. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2018.03.018
  • *Lau, E. Y. H., Chan, K. K. S., & Lam, C. B. (2018). Social support and adjustment outcomes of first-year university students in Hong Kong: Self-esteem as a mediator. Journal of College Student Development, 59(1), 129-134.  https://doi.org/10.1353/csd.2018.0011
  • Chiu, C. Y., & Lau, E. Y. H. (2018). Extracurricular participation and young children’s outcomes in Hong Kong: Parental involvement as a moderator. Children and Youth Services Review, 88, 476-485. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2018.03.051
  • *Lau, E. Y. H. (2017). Parenting and childhood aggression in the Chinese context: An examination of parental responses, physical coercion and warmth. Early Years: An International Research Journal, 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1080/09575146.2017.1344195
  • *Lau, E. Y. H. (2016). A mixed-methods study of paternal involvement in Hong Kong. British Educational Research Journal, 42(6), 1203-1240. https://doi.org/10.1002/berj.3248
  • *Lau. E. Y. H., & Cheng, D. P. W (2016). An exploration of the participation of kindergarten-aged Hong Kong children in extracurricular activities. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 14, 294-309. https://doi.org/10.1177/1476718X1455287
  • *Lau, E. Y. H. (2014). Chinese parents’ perceptions and practices of parental involvement during school transition. Early Child Development and Care, 184, 403-415. https://doi.org/10.1080/03004430.2013.792258
  • *Lau, E. Y. H., Li, H., & Rao, N. (2012). Exploring parental involvement in early years education in China: Development and validation of the Chinese Early Parental Involvement Scale (CEPIS). International Journal of Early Years Education, 20, 405-421. https://doi.org/10.1080/09669760.2012.743099
  • *Lau, E. Y. H., & Li, H. (2012).中外家長參與早期教育的研究及其啟示. [An overview of research on parental involvement in early childhood education and its implications]. Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 10, 31-37.
  • *Lau, E. Y. H., Li, H., & Rao, N. (2011). Parental involvement and children’s readiness for school in China. Educational Research, 53, 95-113. https://doi.org/10.1080/00131881.2011.552243
  • Li, H., & Lau, E. Y. H. (2010).香港幼教課程改革對教師素質的挑戰及應對策. [Curriculum reforms and kindergarten teachers’ quality: Challenges and solutions]. Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 9, 37-41.
  • Pan, Y. J., Liu, Y., & Lau, E. Y. H. (2010). Evaluation of Kindergarten Quality Rating System in Beijing. Early Education and Development, 27, 186. 204. https://doi.org/10.1080/10409281003631134
  • *Lau, E. Y. H., & Li, H. (2009).兒童關係攻擊研究綜述及其啟示. [An overview of research on children’s relational aggression]. Early Childhood Education, 442, 51-55.



Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters

Chapter in an edited book

  • Lau, E. Y. H., & Li, H. (2011). Home-school collaboration in preschool: A multiple case study of Chinese teachers’ perceptions and practices. In R. Kahn and S. Mazur (Eds.), Educational studies and school (pp. 199-214). Los Angeles: Department of Education,  Antioch University Los Angeles.
  • Wong, M. N. C., Lau, E. Y. H., & Li, H. (2011). Establishing a quality culture in Hong Kong preschools: A review of the joint efforts by government, researchers, preschool leaders and teachers. In B. Kozuh and E. Bocharov (Eds.), Teachers, school and education (pp. 49-62). Gorlovka, Ukraine: Gorlovka State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages.


Conference Papers Presented

  • Wu, X., Lau, E. Y. H., Li, J., Siu, T. S. C. (2023, November 4-6). Child adjustment during home-kindergarten transition: The contributions of maternal school-based involvement, teacher-child closeness, and child self-regulation [Paper presentation]. The 3rd SEED Biennial Conference (SEED 2023), Zhuhai, Guangdong Province, China.
  • Zeng, X., Wu, X., Lau, E. Y. H., Li, J., & Chan, D. K. C. (2023, July 13-15). Parental psychological distress and children’s socio-emotional adjustment: Serial mediation by mindful parenting and children’s gratitude [Paper presentation]. The 15th Biennial Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology (AASP 2023), Hong Kong.
  • Wu, X., Lau, E. Y. H., Li, J., & Chan, D. K. C. (2023, March 23-25). Child routines mediate parent-child relationships and child adjustment during COVID-19 school suspension in Hong Kong [Paper presentation]. The Society for Research in Child Development 2023 Biannual Meeting (SRCD 2023), Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
  • Lau, E. Y. H., Power, T. G., & Wu, D. (2023, March 23-25). Effectiveness of mixed-mode parenting program during the COVID-19 pandemic: A quasi-experiment study in Hong Kong [Poster presentation]. The Society for Research in Child Development 2023 Biannual Meeting (SRCD 2023), Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
  • Tao, S., Lau, E. Y. H., Li, J., & Sun, J. (2023, March 23-25). Parenting behaviors and preschooler’s aggression: Authoritative vs. authoritarian and mother vs. father? [Paper presentation]. The Society for Research in Child Development 2023 Biannual Meeting (SRCD 2023), Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
  • Tao, S., Lau, E. Y. H., & Hong, H. C. (2022, July 8-10). Parents’ orientation to emotion, children’s emotion regulation and internalizing behavior: A longitudinal mediation model [Paper presentation]. The 22nd Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association Annual Conference (PECERA 2022), Hong Kong.
  • Wu, X., Tao, S., & Lau, E. Y. H. (2022, July 8-10). Cognitive reappraisal and parenting practices in Hong Kong families with preschoolers: mindful parenting as a mediator [Paper presentation]. The 22nd Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association Annual Conference (PECERA 2022), Hong Kong.
  • Lau, E. Y. H., Chang, L., & Casas, J. F. (2021, April 7-9). Negative parenting and preschoolers’ aggression: Examining effortful control as a moderator [Paper presentation]. The Society for Research in Child Development 2021 Biannual Meeting (SRCD 2021), USA.
  • Tao, S. & Lau, E. Y. H. (2021, April 7-9). Parental emotion regulation and child aggression: The mediating role of child emotion regulation [Poster presentation]. The Society for Research in Child Development 2021 Biannual Meeting (SRCD 2021), USA.
  • Cheung, S. K., Cheng, W. Y., Cheung, Y. M. R., Lau, E. Y. H., & Chung, K. K. H. (2021, April 7-9). Relationships between young children’s home learning environment, school liking and early academic skills [Poster presentation]. The Society for Research in Child Development 2021 Biannual Meeting (SRCD 2021), USA.
  • Tao, S., & Lau, E. Y. H. (2019, July 12-14). Emotion regulation and parenting: A longitudinal study of parents with preschoolers [Paper presentation]. The 20th Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association International Conference (PECERA 2019), Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Lau, E. Y. H., & Power, T. (2018, March 26-28). Examining bidirectional relations between parental involvement and school adjustment [Paper presentation]. The Asian Conference on Education & International Development (ACEID 2018), Kobe, Japan.
  • Lau, E. Y. H., & Lam, C. B. (2016, April 26-28). Co-parenting co-operation and child aggression: Parental efficacy and psychological wellbeing as mediators [Paper presentation]. The BPS Annual Conference 2016, The British Psychological Society, Nottingham, England.
  • Lau, E. Y. H. (2015, October 21-25). Parental efficacy and parents’ collaboration with school during the early childhood years [Paper presentation]. The Asian Conference on Education 2015 (ACE 2015), Kobe, Japan.
  • Lau, E. Y. H. (2015, October 21-25). A longitudinal study of parent involvement and school liking during school transition [Paper presentation]. The Asian Conference on Education 2015 (ACE 2015), The International Academic Forum, Kobe, Japan.
  • Lau, E. Y. H. (2015, June 18). Social class, parental efficacy and parental involvement: Implications for parent education [Paper presentation]. The Quality Childhood Conference International 2015, Hong Kong.
  • Lau, E. Y. H. (2015, March 19-21). Psychological control, physical coercion, and parental warmth: Associations with Chinese preschoolers’ physical and relational aggression [Paper presentation]. The Society for Research in Child Development Bienniel Meeting, Philadelphia, USA.
  • Lau, E. Y. H. (2015, March 19-21). Chinese parental responses to childhood aggression [Poster presentation] The Society for Research in Child Development Bienniel Meeting, Philadelphia, USA.
  • Lau, E. Y. H. (2012, October29 - November 1). Measuring and understanding parental involvement in early years education in China [Paper presentation]. The International Conference for Academic Disciplines, Rome, Italy.
  • Lau, E. Y. H., & Li, H. (2012, March 28-31). Chinese parental involvement in the early years: beliefs and practices [Paper presentation]. The Global Summit on Childhood, Association for Childhood Education International, Washington D. C., USA.
  • Lau, E. Y. H., Li, H., & Rao, N. (2011, July 7-9). The impact of Chinese parental involvement on children’s readiness for school [Paper presentation]. The 63rd OMEP World Conference, Hong Kong.
  • Lau, E. Y. H. (2010, August 11-13). Different contexts, different childhoods: The case of Hong Kong early childhood education [Paper presentation]. The 26th World Congress of World Organization for Early Childhood Education (OMEP), Sweden.
  • Lau, E. Y. H., & Li, H. (2010, August 11-13). Examining the influence of demographic factors on parental involvement in early childhood education [Paper presentation]. The 26th World Congress of World Organization for Early Childhood Education (OMEP), Sweden.


Awards and prizes

  • President’s Award for Outstanding Performance in Knowledge Transfer 2022/23 (Team Award), EdUHK, May 2023
  • Research Engagement and Impact Award, Faculty of Education and Human Develoment, EdUHK, June 2022
  • Excellence in Knowledge Transfer Award, Department of Early Childhood Education, EdUHK, June 2022
  • Excellence in Knowledge Transfer Award, Department of Early Childhood Education, EdUHK, August 2020
  • Faculty Teaching Award, Faculty of Education and Human Development, EdUHK, August 2018
  • Finalist, Faculty Quality Journal Article Award, Faculty of Education and Human Development, EdUHK, July 2018
  • FEHD Teaching Award “Top 10%”, Faculty of Education and Human Development, EdUHK, May 2017
  • Finalist, Faculty Quality Journal Article Award, Faculty of Education and Human Development, EdUHK, July 2017
  • Departmental Publication Awards, Department of Early Childhood Education, EdUHK, October 2012 & April 2013
  • Margaret Hard Research Award, Washington State University, August 2007
  • International Merit Award, Washington State University, November 2005 & November 2006


Dr. BAUTISTA, Alfredo

副系主任 (國際化)/副教授

(852) 2948 7948

Dr. BAUTISTA, Alfredo
副系主任 (國際化)/副教授
(852) 2948 7948
(852) 2948 7160

PhD in Psychology. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain. School of Psychology

 “Diploma de Estudios Avanzados” in Psychology (Equivalent to Master’s Degree). Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, School of Psychology, Spain

“Certificado del Periodo Docente de Tercer Ciclo” in Music History and Musical Sciences (Master’s Degree Courses). Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, School of Philosophy. Department of Music, Spain

Degree in Psychology. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain. School of Psychology

Degree in Music Theory, Transposition, and Accompaniment. Real Conservatorio Superior de Música de Madrid, Spain

Degree in Piano Performance. Real Conservatorio Superior de Música de Madrid, Spain


Research Areas

  • Teacher learning and professional development
  • Instructional practices
  • Early childhood education


Selected Funded Projects

Co-Principal Investigator. A Multi-Disciplinary Research Programme in Research on Child Development. Principal Investigator: Prof Kerry LEE. Central Reserve Allocation Committee (CRAC, EdUHK). Reference #04A05

Principal Investigator. ‘Rhythm and Movement for Self-Regulation’ (RAMSR) in Hong Kong Kindergartens: Development, Piloting, and Teacher Training. Strategic Research Funding Scheme | EdUHK’s Department of Early Childhood Education (2019). Reference # SRSF2018/19-001

Principal Investigator. Hong Kong Kindergarten Teachers’ Professional Development Needs and Preferences regarding Music and Movement: A Survey Study. Departmental Research Grant (2018/19) for Full-Time Academic Staff (DRG2018-19/004)

Principal Investigator. Music and movement in kindergarten education: Hong Kong teachers’ training needs and perceptions of the RAMSR intervention. Start-Up Grant for Associate Professors, Committee on Research & Development. RG 75/2018-2019R.

Co-Principal Investigator. Singapore Kindergarten Impact Project (SKIP). Principal Investigator: Dr Rebecca BULL. National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University (Singapore). Funded by Education Research Funding Programme (Grant # OER 09/14 RB)

Principal Investigator. SKIP Development Project: Learning Resources for Singapore Early Childhood Educators. Type of grant: Development grant commissioned by the National Institute of Early Childhood (NIEC | NIE)

Co-Principal Investigator. A Comparative Study of Early Childhood Education in Selected High Performing Countries. Principal Investigator: Prof Sharon Lynn KAGAN. Funded by the USA National Center on Education and the Economy (United States)

Principal Investigator. Towards Responsive Professional Development for Singapore Music Teachers. Phase 3: Investigating Effectiveness of PD Prototypes. Type of grant: MOE-Contracted MAF Research (AFR 01/18 AB)

Principal Investigator. Towards Responsive Professional Development for Singapore Music Teachers. Phase 2: Developing Video-Based Learning Resources. National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University (Singapore). Funded by MOE’s Academic Funds (AFD 03/15 AB)

Principal Investigator. Towards Responsive Professional Development for Singapore Music Teachers. Phase 1: Mapping the Landscape. National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University (Singapore). Funded by Education Research Funding Programme (Grant # OER 02/14 AA)

Principal Investigator. Towards Responsive Professional Development for Singapore Music Teachers: Pilot study. National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University (Singapore). Start-Up Grant funded by Office of Educational Research (Grant # SUG 2/14 AB)

Postdoctoral Associate. The Poincare Institute for Mathematics Education. Principal Investigator: Dr. Montserrat Teixidor I Bigas (Tufts University, United States). Co-Principal Investigators: Dr. David Carraher and Dr. Analúcia Schliemann. Funded by National Science Foundation (NSF, Grant # 0962863)

Postdoctoral Fellow. Embodied Knowing and Learning in Elementary Mathematics. Principal Investigator: Dr. Jennifer S. Thom (University of Victoria, Canada). Co-Principal Investigator: Dr. Wolff-Michael Roth. Funded by SSHRC


Selected Outputs
Journal Publications

Refereed Journal Article


Bautista, A., Stanley, A.-M., & Candusso, F. (2020). Policy strategies to remedy isolation of specialist arts and music teachers. Arts Education Policy Review, 122(1). doi:10.1080/10632913.2020.1746713


Bautista, A., Moreno-Núñez, A., Vijayakumar, P., Quek, E., & Bull, R. (2020). Gross motor teaching in preschool education: Where, what, and how do Singapore educators teach? Infancia y Aprendizaje / Journal for the Study on Education and Development, 43(2), 443-482. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/02103702.2019.1653057


West, J., & Bautista, A. (2020). Greater than the sum of its parts: Promoting systemness in music teacher professional development. Arts Education Policy Review, 122(1). doi:10.1080/10632913.2020.1746716


González-Royo, A., & Bautista, A. (2020). Ideas sobre las finalidades y funciones de la evaluación en profesores de instrumento de conservatorios de música [Conservatory music teachers’ ideas about aims and functions of assessment]. Foro de Educación, 18(1), 147-166. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.14516/fde.651


Bautista, A., Tan, C., Wong, J., & Conway, C. (2019). The role of classroom video in music teacher research: A review of the literature. Music Education Research, 21(4), 331-343. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/14613808.2019.1632278




Bautista, A., Habib, M., Eng, A., & Bull, R. (2019). Purposeful play during learning center time: From curriculum to practice. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 51(5), 715–736. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00220272.2019.1611928


Bautista, A., Habib, M., Ong, R., Eng, A., & Bull, R. (2019). Multiple representations in preschool numeracy: Teaching a lesson on more-or-less. Asia-Pacific Journal of Research in Early Childhood Education, 13(2), 95-122.http://www.pecerajournal.com/?page=5&a=30000781


Bautista, A., & Wong, J. (2019). Music teachers’ perceptions of the features of most and least helpful professional development. Arts Education Policy Review, 120(2), 80-93. doi.org/10.1080/10632913.2017.1328379. http://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/dbFqgD3Td8wfK7uJfqN6/full


Bautista, A., Wong, J., & Cabedo-Mas, A. (2019). Music teachers’ perspectives on live and video-mediated peer observation as a form of professional development. Journal of Music Teacher Education, 28(3), 28–42. doi: 10.1177/1057083718819504


Bautista, A., Moreno-Núñez, A., Bull, R., Amsah, F., & Koh, S. F. (2018). Arts-related pedagogies in preschool education: An Asian perspective. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 5, 277-288. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecresq.2017.12.005


Bautista, A., Toh, G.-Z., Mancenido, Z.-N. & Wong, J. (2018). Student-centered pedagogies in the Singapore music classroom: A case study on collaborative composition. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 43(11), 1-25. Retrieved from https://ro.ecu.edu.au/ajte/vol43/iss11/21


Bautista, A., Moreno-Núñez, A., Ng, S.-C., & Bull, R. (2018). Preschool educators’ interactions with children about sustainable development: Planned and incidental conversations. International Journal of Early Childhood, 50(1), 15-32. doi:10.1007/s13158-018-0213-0. http://rdcu.be/GSHn


Bautista, A., Toh, G. Z., & Wong, J. (2018). Primary school music teachers’ professional development motivations, needs, and preferences: Does specialization make a difference? Musicae Scientiae, 22 (2), 196–223. doi: 10.1177/1029864916678654. http://msx.sagepub.com/content/early/2016/10/25/1029864916678654.full.pdf+html


Bautista, A., & Fernández-Morante, B. (2018). Monográfico sobre investigación en interpretación musical: Implicaciones para el desarrollo profesional docente. Psicología, Sociedad y Educación, 10(1), 1-13. http://ojs.ual.es/ojs/index.php/psye/issue/view/185


González-Royo, A., & Bautista, A. (2018). Ideas de los profesores de instrumento en conservatorios sobre cómo calificar: Aspectos objetivos y subjetivos de la interpretación musical [Ideas of instrumental conservatory teachers on how to grade: Objective and subjective aspects of music performance]. Publicaciones, 8(2), 127–148. doi:10.30827/publicaciones.v48i2.8337. http://revistaseug.ugr.es/index.php/publicaciones/article/view/8337/7752


González-Royo, A., & Bautista, A. (2018). ¿Cómo evalúas a tus alumnos de instrumento? Ideas del profesorado de conservatorio acerca de los procedimientos de evaluación. Psicología, Sociedad y Educación, 10(1), 103-126. http://ojs.ual.es/ojs/index.php/psye/issue/view/185


Wilkerson-Jerde, M. H., Bautista, A., Brizuela, B. M., Tobin, R., & Cao, Y. (2018). More than meets the eye: patterns and shifts in what middle school mathematics teachers describe as models. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 21(1), 35-61. doi: 10.1007/s10857-016-9348-9.


Wong, J., & Bautista, A. (2018). How do teachers define the notion of professional development? The case of primary music teachers. Professional Development in Education, 44(4), 539–556. doi: 10.1080/19415257.2017.1369450. https://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/JAkribUAsGjfDJWzgarC/full


Bautista, A. & Castelló, M. (2017). Fostering the professional development of junior authors and reviewers in scientific journals. Journal for the Study of Education and Development, 40(3), 383-406. doi: 10.1080/02103702.2017.1357250



Bautista, A. Yau, X., & Wong, J. (2017). High-quality music teacher professional development: A review of the literature. Music Education Research, 19(4), 455-469. doi:10.1080/14613808.2016.1249357. http://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/bqxg5ZSTFKUr2V5tMamW/full


Castelló, M., Sala-Bubaré, A., & Bautista, A. (2017). Being a researcher is not only a matter of publishing: Learning to revise scientific articles. Journal for the Study of Education and Development, 40(3), 599-656. doi:10.1080/02103702.2017.1357251.



Múñez, D., Bautista, A., Khiu, E., Keh, J.-S., & Bull, R. (2017). Preschool teachers’ engagement in professional development: Frequency, perceived usefulness, and relationship with self-efficacy beliefs. Psychology, Society, & Education, 9(2), 181-199. http://ojs.ual.es/ojs/index.php/psye/article/download/655/767


Bautista, A., Ng, S. C., Múñez, D., & Bull, R. (2016). Learning areas for holistic education: Kindergarten teachers’ curriculum priorities, professional development needs, and beliefs. International Journal of Child Care and Education Policy, 10(8), 1-18. doi: 10.1186/s40723-016-0024-4. http://rdcu.be/mZKm


Bautista, A., Tan, L. S., Ponnusamy, L. D., & Yau, X. (2016). Curriculum integration in Arts Education: Connecting multiple Art forms through the notion of ‘space’. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 48 (5), 610-629. http://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/ZacXuNvxVTsmMWRPPMux/full


Caddle, M., Bautista, A., Brizuela, B. M., & Sharpe, S. (2016). Evaluating mathematics teachers’ professional development motivations and needs. Journal of Research in Mathematics Education, REDIMAT, 5(2), 112-134. http://hipatiapress.com/hpjournals/index.php/redimat/article/view/2093/pdf


Bautista, A. & Ortega-Ruíz, R. (2015). Teacher professional development: International perspectives and approaches. Psychology, Society and Education, 7(3), 240-251. [Trans. into Spanish by A. Bautista, Desarrollo profesional docente: Perspectivas y enfoques internacionales. Psicología, Sociedad y Educación, 7(3), 343-355]. http://ojs.ual.es/ojs/index.php/psye/issue/view/56


Bautista, A., Wong, J., & Gopinathan, S. (2015). Teacher professional development in Singapore: Depicting the landscape. Psychology, Society and Education, 7(3), 311-326. [Trans. into Spanish by N. Navarro Gómez, Desarrollo profesional docente en Singapur: Describiendo el panorama. Psicología, Sociedad y Educación, 7(3), 423-441]. http://ojs.ual.es/ojs/index.php/psye/issue/view/56


Bautista, A., Cañadas, M. C., Brizuela, M. B., & Schliemann, A. D. (2015). Examining how teachers use graphs to teach mathematics in a professional development program. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 3(2), 91-106. http://redfame.com/journal/index.php/jets/article/view/676/624


Bautista, A., Brizuela, B. M., Glennie, C., & Caddle, M. (2014). Mathematics teachers’ attending and responding to students’ thinking: Diverse paths across diverse assignments. International Journal for Mathematics Teaching and Learning. July Volume (28 pages). http://www.cimt.org.uk/journal/bautista.pdf


Bautista, A., Wilkerson-Jerde, M. H., Tobin, R., & Brizuela, M. B. (2014). Mathematics teachers’ ideas about mathematical models: A diverse landscape. PNA, 9(1), 1-27. http://www.pna.es/Numeros2/pdf/Bautista2014PNA9%281%29Mathematics.pdf


Bautista, A., Monereo, C., & Scheuer, N. (2014). La evaluación por pares como oportunidad para el aprendizaje [Trans. into English by TBD, Introduction to the special issue for junior researchers: “Peer-review as an opportunity for learning,” Infancia y Aprendizaje, 37(4), 665-686]. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/02103702.2014.9771055  


Pedrazzini, A., Bautista, A., Scheuer, N., & Monereo, C. (2014). La revisión por (im)pares como instancia de aprendizaje: Un estudio de casos del proceso editorial de artículos de investigadoras noveles. [Trans. into English by J. Martin, The review by (non)peers as a learning opportunity: A case study of the editorial process of articles by junior researchers, Infancia y Aprendizaje, 37(4), 851-901]. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02103702.2014.977531


Bautista, A., & Roth, W.-M. (2012). Conceptualizing sound as form of incarnate mathematical consciousness. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 79(1), 41–59. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10649-011-9337-y


Bautista, A., & Roth, W.-M. (2012). The incarnate rhythm of geometrical knowing. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 31, 91–104. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0732312311000502


Bautista, A., Pérez Echeverría, M. P., Pozo, J. I., & Brizuela, B. M. (2012). Piano students’ conceptions of learning, teaching, assessment, and evaluation. Estudios de Psicología, 33 (1), 79–104. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1174/021093912799803872


Bautista, A., Pérez Echeverría, M. P., & Pozo, J. I. (2011). Piano teachers’ conceptions of evaluation and assessment. Revista de Educación, 355, 443–466. http://www.revistaeducacion.educacion.es/re355/re355_19.pdf


Bautista, A., Roth, W.-M., & Thom, J. S. (2011). Knowing, learning, and the integrity of kinetic movement. Interchange: A Quarterly Review of Education, 42(4), 363-388. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10780-012-9164-9


Roth, W.-M., & Bautista, A. (2011). Transcriptions, mathematical cognition, and epistemology. The Montana Mathematics Enthusiast, 8(1&2), 51–76. http://web.uvic.ca/~mroth/PREPRINTS/Transcriptions_200R.pdf


Bautista, A., Pérez Echeverría, M. P. & Pozo, J. I. (2010). Music performance conceptions about learning and instruction: A descriptive study of Spanish piano teachers. Psychology of Music, 38(1), 85–106. http://pom.sagepub.com/content/early/2009/08/11/0305735609336059


Thom, J. S., Roth, W.-M., & Bautista, A. (2010). In the flesh: Living, growing conceptual domains in a geometry lesson. Complicity: An International Journal of Complexity and Education, 7(1), 77–87. https://ejournals.library.ualberta.ca/index.php/complicity/article/view/8842/7162


Bautista, A., Pérez Echeverría, M. P., Pozo, J. I., & Brizuela, B. M. (2009). Piano students’ conceptions of musical scores as external representations: A cross-sectional study. Journal of Research in Music Education, 57(3), 181–202. http://jrm.sagepub.com/content/57/3/181.abstract


Scheuer, N., Bautista, A., Martín, E. & Pozo, J. I. (2009). “Después de una lectura atenta de su manuscrito…” Un análisis de los procesos de evaluación en Infancia y Aprendizaje. [“After reading your manuscript carefully…” An analysis of manuscript assessment processes in Infancia y Aprendizaje]. Infancia y Aprendizaje, 32(3), 243–264. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1174/021037009788964213#.VkwFqnvQnaY


Bautista, A., & Pérez Echeverría, M. P. (2008). ¿Qué consideran los profesores de instrumento que tienen que enseñar en sus clases? [What do music performance teachers consider that they should teach in their classes?] Cultura y Educación, 20(1), 17–34. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1174/113564008783781477?journalCode=rcye20  


Pozo, J. I., Bautista, A., & Torrado, J. A. (2008). El aprendizaje y la enseñanza de la interpretación musical: cambiando las concepciones y las prácticas [Learning and teaching musical performance: Changing conceptions and practices]. Cultura y Educación, 20(1), 5–15http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1174/113564008783781495?journalCode=rcye20





Bull, R., Bautista, A., Salleh, H., & Karuppiah, N. (2018). A case study of the Singapore early childhood  education and care system. Evolving a harmonized hybrid system of ECEC: A careful balancing act. New York, NY: Teachers College Press. Report commissioned by USA National Center on Education and the Economy (NCEE). Retrieved from: ncee.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/EA-Singapore-Case-Study-022819.pdf.





Bautista, A. (2020). Formación y desarrollo profesional docente en profesores de interpretación musical: propuestas para cambiar concepciones y prácticas. In Pozo, J. I., Pérez-Echeverría, M. P., Torrado, J. A., & López-Íñiguez, G. (Eds.), Aprender y enseñar música: Un enfoque centrado en los alumnos (pp. 381-410). Madrid: Morata.



González-Royo, A., & Bautista, A. (2020). Repensando la forma de evaluar a los alumnos de instrumento. In Pozo, J. I., Pérez-Echeverría, M. P., Torrado, J. A., & López-Íñiguez, G. (Eds.), Aprender y enseñar música: Un enfoque centrado en los alumnos (pp. 325-342). Madrid: Morata.


Bautista, A., Chua, S.-L., Wong, J., & Tan, C. (2019). Developing video-based learning resources for Singapore music teachers. In E. Retnowati, M. A. Suprapto, K. Jerusalem, & W. Sugiyarto (Eds.), Innovative Teaching and Learning Methods in Educational Systems (pp. 151-158).  London, UK: Routledge.


Bull, R., & Bautista, A. (2018). A careful balancing act: Evolving and harmonizing a hybrid system of ECEC in Singapore. In S. L. Kagan (Ed.), The Early Advantage: Early Childhood Systems that Lead by Example (pp. 155-181). New York: Teachers College Press.


Bautista, A. (2017). El piano, mi tesis y yo. In D. Forrest, M. Díaz, & A. Cabedo (Eds.), Estudios doctorales en educación musical y artística de España y Portugal: Visión y recorrido (pp. 26-39). North Melbourne, Vic: Australian Scholarly Publishing.


Bautista, A., Brizuela, B. M., & Ko, Y.-Y. (2013). Middle school mathematics teachers’ implicit conceptions about multiple representations for functions. In D. Halkias (Ed.), Psychology and the Search for Certainty in Everyday Life (pp. 31-48). Athens: ATINER.


Hallam, S., & Bautista, A. (2012). Processes of instrumental learning: The development of musical expertise. In G. McPherson & G. Welch (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Music Education (pp. 658-676). New York: Oxford University Press.


Bautista, A. (2010). “I don’t know.” Uncertainty in high school students’ discourse about science-related careers. In W.-M. Roth & P-L. Hsu (Eds.), Talk about Careers in Science (pp. 59–71). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.


Roth, W.-M., Hsu, P.-L., Bautista, A., Collyer, V. M., Connelly, C., Delgado, N., et al. (2010). Metalogue on career talk and its study. In W.-M. Roth & P-L. Hsu (Eds.), Talk about Careers in Science (pp. 261–281). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.


Pérez Echeverría, M. P. & Bautista, A. (2009). Aprender a pensar y argumentar. [Learning how to think and reason]. In J. I. Pozo & M. P. Pérez Echeverría (Eds.), Psicología del aprendizaje universitario: La formación en competencias (pp. 149–163). Madrid: Morata.


Pérez Echeverría, M. P. & Bautista, A. (2008). Razonamiento probabilístico [Probabilistic reasoning]. In M. Carretero & M. Asensio (Eds.), Psicología del pensamiento (pp. 177–198). Madrid: Alianza Editorial.


Pérez Echeverría, M. P. & Bautista, A. (2008). Solución de problemas [Problem Solving]. In M. Carretero & M. Asensio (Eds.), Psicología del pensamiento (pp. 357–363). Madrid: Alianza Editorial.


Bautista, A., Luna, M., & Pérez Echeverría, M. P. (2006). Los procedimientos como contenidos de las enseñanzas musicales en la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria [Procedures as learning outcomes in secondary music education]. In M. A. Ortiz & A. Ocaña (Eds.), Cultura, Culturas. Estudios sobre Música y Educación Intercultural (pp. 141–158). Granada: GEU.


Bautista, A., Torrado, J. A., Pozo, J. I., & Pérez Echeverría, M. P. (2006). Las concepciones de los profesores de conservatorio sobre el aprendizaje y la enseñanza [Conservatory teachers’ conceptions about learning and instruction]. In M. A. Ortiz & A. Ocaña (Eds.), Cultura, Culturas. Estudios sobre Música y Educación Intercultural (pp. 159–177). Granada: GEU.


Pérez Echeverría, Pecharromán, A., Bautista, A., & Pozo, J. I. (2006). La representación de los procesos de aprendizaje en estudiantes universitarios [University students’ representations of learning processes]. In J. I. Pozo, N. Scheuer, M. P. Pérez Echeverría, M. Mateos, E. Martín, & M. de la Cruz (Eds.), Nuevas formas de pensar la enseñanza y el aprendizaje (pp. 323–340).  Barcelona: Graó.




Caddle, M. C., Brizuela, B. M., Newman-Owens, A., Glennie, C. R., Bautista, A., & Cao, Y. (2015). Seeking attention to student thinking: In support of teachers as interviewers. Proceedings of PMENA-37. Michigan, United States.


Bautista, A., Wilkerson-Jerde, M., Tobin, R., & Brizuela, B. M. (2013). Diversity in middle school mathematics teachers’ ideas about mathematical models: The role of educational background. In B. Ubuz, Ç. Haser, M. A. Mariotti (Eds.), Proceedings of the Eighth Congress of European Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 8) (pp. 960-969). Middle East Technical University: Antalya (Turkey).


Bautista, A. (2010). How does the development of expertise influence instrumental students’ conceptions of learning and instruction? In S. M. Demorest, S. J. Morrison, & P. S. Campbell (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (pp. 53–54). August, 2010. Seattle, WA: University of Washington.  


Bautista, A., Thom, J. S., & Roth, W.-M. (2010). The emergence of rhythmical patterns as a way of embodied mathematical knowing. In M. Joubert & P. Andrews (Eds.), Proceedings of the British Congress for Mathematics Education (Vol. 30, pp. 248–253). Manchester, UK: British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics.


López, G., Pozo, J. I., & Bautista, A. (2009). What do children think of music teachers? Their conceptions about cello teaching and learning. In A. Williamon, S. Pretty & R. Buck (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Symposium on Performance Science (pp. 321–326). Utrecht, The Netherlands: Assocciation Européenne des Conservatories, Adadémies de Musique et Musikhochschulen.


Bautista, A., Pérez Echeverría, M. P., Pozo, J. I., de la Cruz, M., & Scheuer, N. (2006). La lexicometría aplicada al estudio de las concepciones sobre la enseñanza y el aprendizaje [Lexicometrical method applied to the study of teaching and learning conceptions]. In J. M. Viprey (Ed.), JADT´06. Actes des 8es Journées internationales d’Analyse statistique des Données Textuelles, Vol. I. (pp. 153–167). Besançon: Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté.




Bautista, A., & Fernández-Morante, B. (2018). Monográfico sobre investigación en interpretación musical: Implicaciones para el desarrollo profesional docente. Psicología, Sociedad y Educación, 10(1), 1-146. http://ojs.ual.es/ojs/index.php/psye/issue/view/185


Bautista, A., & Castelló, M. (2017). Fostering the professional development of junior authors and reviewers in scientific journals. Journal for the Study of Education and Development, 40(3). http://www.tandfonline.com/action/showAxaArticles?journalCode=riya20


Bautista, A. (2015). Teacher Professional Development: International Perspectives and Approaches. Psychology, Society and Education, 7(3), 240-342. [Translated into Spanish, Desarrollo profesional docente: Perspectivas y enfoques internacionales. Psicología, Sociedad y Educación, 7(3), 343-458]. http://ojs.ual.es/ojs/index.php/psye/issue/view/56


Bautista, A., Monereo, C., & Scheuer, N. (2014). Dossier dedicado a investigadores noveles: La evaluación por pares como oportunidad para el aprendizaje [Special issue for junior researchers: The peer-review process as an opportunity for learning]. Infancia y Aprendizaje, 37(4), 665-901.


Pozo, J. I., Bautista, A., & Torrado, J. A. (2008). Volumen Monográfico: El aprendizaje y la enseñanza de la interpretación musical. Cambiando las concepciones y las prácticas [Special Issue: Learning and teaching musical performance. Changing conceptions and practices]. Cultura y Educación.




Bautista, A. (2020). Recensión. Contexto profesional de los maestros de música: Una perspectiva internacional (Lorenzo, López-León, & Latorre. 2016). Revista Electrónica de LEEME, 45, 126-128. doi: https://ojs.uv.es/index.php/LEEME/article/view/17416/15491


Bautista, A., & Cañadas, M. C. (2015). Review of the book “The Singapore model method for the learning of mathematics” (Ministry of Education of Singapore, 2009). Estudios de Psicología, 36(1), 201-208. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/02109395.2014.1000037?journalCode=redp20#.VkwGc3vQnaY 




Bautista, A., Chua, S. L., Dairianathan, E., Walker, Z. M., Ho, H.P., Yuen, S., Yong, D., Liu, S., Dubé, F., Marín, C., Wong, J., & Tan, C. (2018). Video-Based Learning Resources for Singapore Music Teachers: A Development Project. (NIE Research Brief Series No. 18-025). Singapore: National Institute of Education


Bautista, A., Towndrow, P. A., Lum, C-H., Tan-Chua, S. L., Dubé, F., Marín, C., Wong, J., Toh, G. Z., & Yau, X. (2017). Towards Responsive Professional Development for Singapore Music Teachers. Phase 1: Mapping the Landscape. (NIE Research Brief Series No. 17-007). Singapore: National Institute of Education




Bautista, A. (2009). Concepciones de profesores y alumnos de piano sobre la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de partituras musicales [Piano teachers’ and students’ conceptions of the teaching and learning of musical scores].  Doctoral Dissertation.




Desimone, L. M., & Garet, M. S. (2015). Best practices in teachers’ professional development in the United States. Psychology, Society and Education, 7(3), 252-263. [Trans. into Spanish by A. Bautista, Mejores prácticas en desarrollo professional docente en los Estados Unidos, Psicología, Sociedad y Educación, 7(3), 356-369]. http://ojs.ual.es/ojs/index.php/psye/issue/view/56


Martín, E. (2015). Caminos se consolidan en el desarrollo profesional docente. ¿Están presentes en España?, Psicología, Sociedad y Educación, 7(3), 442-458 [Trans. into English by A. Bautista & J. Wong, Pathways that converge in teacher professional development: Are they present in Spain? Psychology, Society and Education, 7(3), 327-342]. http://ojs.ual.es/ojs/index.php/psye/issue/view/56


Vosniadou, S. (2013). Model-based reasoning and the learning of counter-intuitive science concepts. Infancia y Aprendizaje, 36(1), 5-18 [Trans. into Spanish by A. Bautista, Razonamiento basado en modelos y aprendizaje de conceptos científicos contraintuitivos, Infancia y Aprendizaje, 36(1), 19-33].


Harris, P. L. (2012). The child as antropologist. Infancia y Aprendizaje, 35(3), 259-267. [Trans. into Spanish by A. Bautista, El niño como antropólogo, Infancia y Aprendizaje, 35(3), 268-277].


Rogoff, B. (2012). Learning without lessons: Opportunities to expand knowledge. Infancia y Aprendizaje, 35(2), 233–241. [Trans. into Spanish by A. Bautista & B. Rogoff, Aprender sin lecciones: Oportunidades para expandir el conocimiento, Infancia y Aprendizaje, 35(2), 242–250].



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BSSc (Psychology), The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China


Research Areas

  • Psychology of sport, exercise, and health
  • Behaviour change models and interventions
  • Behavioural assessment and programme evaluation
  • Mobile health


Professional Memberships

  • Chartered Psychologist, and Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society
  • Chartered Scientist, Science Council, UK
  • Registered Consultant, Occupational Safety and Health Consultants Register (OSHCR)


Editorial Positions

  • Editorial board member of International Journal of Behavioral Medicine (2020-Present)
  • Editor-in-Chief of Stress and Health (2021-2023)
  • Editorial board member of Psychology & Health (2020-2022)
  • Editorial board member of Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being (2017-Present)
  • Editorial board member of Health Science Reports (2017-Present)
  • Editorial board member of Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness (2017-Present)
  • Executive Editor of Health Psychology Bulletin (2016-Present)
  • Editorial board member of Frontiers in Psychology (2016-Present)
  • Editorial board member of Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports (2016-Present)


Selected Funded Projects

Principal Investigator:


Caregivers' Support to Infants' and Toddlers' Health in Hong Kong, HKD$600,000. [Research Impact Clusters Funding, ECE, EdU]


ECE Children’s Play and Experiential Learning Centre: A Feasibility Study, HKD$1,100,000. [ECE, EdU]


Project Evaluation for St. James’ Settlement Jockey Club “Super Senior, Flash Mob”, HKD$500,000. [St. James’ Settlement]


Project Evaluation for Active School and Active Community Programme of  Hong Kong Elite Athletes Association, HKD$600,000. [Hong Kong Elite Athlete Association]


Effectiveness of A Theory-Driven Smartphone Application on Orthopaedic Patients’ Motivation and Adherence to Medical Regimen in Hong Kong: A Randomised Controlled Trial, HKD$927,360. [Health and Medical Research Fund, Hong Kong Food and Health Bureau]


Building a Theory-Driven Smartphone Application for Monitoring and Promoting Orthopaedic Patients’ Motivation and Adherence to Medical Regimen in Hong Kong: A Pilot Randomised Controlled Trial, HKD$99,840. [Health and Medical Research Fund, Hong Kong Food and Health Bureau]


Developing an Evidence-Based Smartphone Application for Monitoring and Promoting Athletes’ Awareness to Unintentional, HKD$510,000. [World Anti-Doping Agency]


Learning safety in sport: Developing a theory-driven intervention for promoting sport injury prevention among secondary school students, HKD$740,866. [Early Career Scheme, Hong Kong Research Grants Council]


To conduct the coach workshops, baseline survey, project assessment and evaluation for the "Learn-to-Swim" pilot project, HKD$600,000. [The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust]




A collaborative theory-based intervention to promote physical activity among sedentary parents and their children (ProAct), €298,759 [Finland Ministry of Education, Sport, and Culture] (Co-Principal Investigator)


Tai Chi versus conventional exercise to improve cognitive performance in older adults with mild cognitive impairment (MCI): A comparative randomized controlled trial,  $1,500,000 [Health and Medical Research Fund; project coordinated/ led by Dr Parco Siu from The University of Hong Kong] (Co-Principal Investigator)


The Social, Pedagogic and Biochemical influences on Learning to Learn, GBP£60,000. [University of Birmingham Hong Kong Foundation; project coordinated/ led by Prof. Deborah Youdell from University of Birmingham] (Co-Principal Investigator)


Physical and psychological vulnerability and doping in high-level cycling: explicit and implicit explanatory mechanisms, HKD$350,000. [World Anti-Doping Agency ]


Combating physical inactivity pandemic by promoting physical fitness education and physical activity-embedded curriculum in kindergartens,  $13,528,571 [Research Impact Fund (RIF), Research Grants Council; project coordinated/ led by Dr Parco Siu from The University of Hong Kong] (Co-Principal Investigator)


Probing the optimal exercise frequency of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) for alleviating metabolic syndrome: A comparative randomized controlled trial, HKD$996,285. [General Research Fund, Hong Kong Research Grants Council]


Tai chi versus conventional exercise to alleviate depressive symptoms in older insomniacs: A comparative efficacy randomized controlled trial, HKD$1,500,000.[Health and Medical Research Fund]


Efficacy of tai chi versus cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) to treat chronic insomnia in older adults: A randomized controlled non-inferiority trial, HKD$1,105,305.[General Research Fund, Hong Kong Research Grants Council]


Effectiveness of long-term low-frequency high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to improve body adiposity and liver fat in adults with central obesity: A randomized controlled trial, HKD$1,148,736. [General Research Fund, Hong Kong Research Grants Council]


Determining the prevalence of dance injury in recreational dancers and developing novel injury prevention strategies for recreational dance students in Hong Kong, HKD914,803. [Health Care and Promotion Scheme, Hong Kong Food and Health Bureau]


Promoting influenza prevention for elderly people in Hong Kong: A Health Process Action Approach, HKD$740,000. [Health and Medical Research Fund, Hong Kong Food and Health Bureau]


Promoting safe sports participation among primary school students with special emphasis on evidence-based sports injury prevention program, HKD$800,000. [Hong Kong Elite Athlete Association]


Developing Champions Evaluation Tool, AUD$38,645. [Department of Sport and Recreation, Western Australia]




Journal Publications

Refereed Journal Article


Chan, D. K. C.* (2022). Stress and Health top papers award. Stress and Health. 38(2), 185-186. doi: 10.1002/smi.3143


Lau, E. Y. H., Li, J., Chan, D. K. C. (2022). Intention to vaccinate young children against COVID-19: A large-scale survey of Hong Kong parents. Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2022.03.040


Tang, T. C. W., Chiu, M., Cheung, K. M. F., Chan, D. K. C.* (2022). Mobile app review for Doping-IAT: A programme for testing implicit attitude towards doping. British Journal of Sports Medicine. https://blogs.bmj.com/bjsm/2022/03/05/. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.19379.91683


Chan, D. K. C., Zhang, C.-Q., & Josefsson-Weman, K. (2021). Why people failed to adhere to COVID-19 preventive behaviors? Perspectives from an integrated behavior change model. Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology. 42(3), 375-376. doi: 10.1017/ice.2020.245


Lee, A. S. Y., Standage, M., Hagger, M. S., & Chan, D. K. C. (2021). Applying the trans-contextual model to promote sport injury prevention behaviours among secondary school students. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports. 31(9), 1840-1852. doi: 10.1111/sms.14002


Hardwick, B., Madigan, D. J., Hill, A. P., Kumar, S., & Chan, D. K. C. (2021). Perfectionism and attitudes towards doping in athletes: The mediating role of achievement goal orientations. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 1-14. doi: 10.1080/1612197X.2021.1891124


Lee, A. S. Y., Standage, M., Hagger, M. S., Chan, D. K C. (2021). Predictors of in-school and out-of-school sport injury prevention: A test of the trans-contextual model. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports. 31(1), 215-225. doi: 10.1111/sms.13826


Mak, T. C. T., Chan, D. K. C., & Capio, C. M. (2021). Strategies for teachers to promote physical activity in early childhood education settings: a scoping review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.


Chan, D. K. C., Lee, A. S. Y., & Hamilton, K. (2020). Descriptive epidemiology and correlates of children’s swimming competence. Journal of Sports Sciences. 38(19), 2253-2263. doi: 10.1080/02640414.2020.1776947


Chan, D. K. C., Lee, A. S. Y., Macfarlane, D. J., Hagger, M. S., & Hamilton, K (2020). Validation of the Swimming Competence Questionnaire for children. Journal of Sports Sciences. doi: 10.1080/02640414.2020.1754724


Chan, D. K. C., Stenling, A., Yusainy, C., Hikmiah, Z., Ivarsson, A., Hagger, M. S., Rhodes, R. E., Beauchamp, M. R. (2020). Consistency tendency and the theory of planned behavior: A randomized controlled crossover trial in a physical activity context. Psychology & Health. 35(6), 665-684. doi: 10.1080/08870446.2019.1677904


Chan, D. K. C., Tang, T. C. W., Gucciardi, D. F., Ntoumanis, N., Dimmock, J. A., Donovan, R. J., Hardcastle, S. J., & Hagger, M. S. (2020). Psychological and behavioural factors of unintentional doping: A preliminary systematic review. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. 18(3), 273-295. doi: 10.1080/1612197X.2018.1450095


Chan, D. K. C., Zhang, C.-Q., & Josefsson-Weman, K. (2020). Why people failed to adhere to COVID-19 preventive behaviors? Perspectives from an integrated behavior change model. Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology. doi: 10.1017/ice.2020.245


Chan, D. K. C., Zhang, L., Lee, A. S. Y., Hagger, M. S. (2020). Reciprocal relations between autonomous motivation from self-determination theory and social cognition constructs from the theory of planned behavior: A cross-lagged panel design in sport injury prevention. Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 48, 101660. doi: 10.1016/j.psychsport.2020.101660


Lee, A. S. Y., Yung, P. S. H., Mok, K. M., Hagger, M. S., & Chan, D. K. C. (2020). Psychological processes of ACL-patients' post-surgery rehabilitation: A prospective test of an integrated theoretical model. Social Science & Medicine. 244, 112646. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2019.112646


Lee, D. C. W., Ali, A., Sheridan, S., Chan, D. K. C., & Wong, S. H. S (2020). Wearing compression garment enhances central hemodynamics? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000003801


Chan, D. K. C., Lo, K. C. H., & Cheung, F. (2019). Social Influences of teachers, classmates, and parents on children’s commitment to physical education and language education. International Archives of Public Health and Community Medicine. 3(2), 028. doi: 10.23937/2643-4512/1710028


Chan, D. K. C., Keegan, R. J., Lee, A. S. Y., Yang, S. X., Zhang, L., Rhodes R. E., & Lonsdale, C. (2019). Toward a better assessment of perceived social influence: The relative role of significant others on young athletes. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports. 29(2), 286-298. doi: 10.1111/sms.13320


Chan, D. K. C., Tang, T. C. W., Yung, P. S. H., Gucciardi, D. F., & Hagger, M. S. (2019). Is unintentional doping real, or just an excuse? British Journal of Sports Medicine. 53(15), 978-979. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2017-097614


Chin, E. C., Yu, A. P., Lai, C. W., Fong, D. Y., Chan, D. K. C., Wong, S. H., Sun, F. H., Ngai, H. H., Yung, P. S. H., & Siu, P. M. (2019). Low-frequency HIIT improves body composition and aerobic capacity in overweight men. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. doi: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000002097


Lee, A. S. Y., Standage, M., Hagger, M. S., & Chan, D. K. C. (2019). Sport injury prevention in-school and out-of-school: A qualitative investigation of the trans-contextual model. PLoS One. 14(9), e022015. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0222015


Yusainy, C., Chan, D. K. C., Hikmiah, Z., & Anggono, C. O. (2019). Physical activity in Indonesian University students: the contradictory roles of dispositional mindfulness and self-control. Psychology, Health, & Medicine. 24(4), 446-455. doi: 10.1080/13548506.2018.1546015


Zhang, C.-Q., Chung, P.-K., Liu, J.-D., Chan, D. K. C., Hagger, M. S., & Hamilton, K. (2019). Health beliefs of wearing facemasks for influenza A/H1N1 prevention: A qualitative investigation of Hong Kong older adults. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health. 31(3), 246-256. doi: 10.1177/1010539519844082


Chan, D. K. C., Keatley, D. A., Tang, T. C. W., Dimmock, J. A., & Hagger, M. S. (2018). Implicit versus explicit attitude to doping: Which better predicts athletes’ vigilance towards unintentional doping? Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 21(3), 238-244. doi: 10.1016/j.jsams.2017.05.020



Hagger, M. S., Zhang, C. Q., Kangro, E. M., Ries, F., Wang, J. C. K., Heritage, B., & Chan, D. K. C. (2018). Trait self-control and self-discipline: Structure, validity, and invariance across national groups. Current Psychology. 1-16. doi: 10.1007/s12144-018-0021-6


Li, C., Sun, F. H., Zhang, L., & Chan, D. K. C. (2018). Predicting athletes’ pre-exercise fluid intake: A theoretical integration approach. Nutrients. 10(5), 646. doi: 10.3390/nu10050646


Zhang, C. Q., Zhang, R., Chung, P. K., Duan, Y., Lau, J. T. F., Chan, D. K. C., & Hagger, M. S. (2018). Promoting influenza prevention for elderly people in Hong Kong using Health Action Process Approach: Study protocol. BMC Public Health. 18(1), 1230. doi: 10.1186/s12889-018-6146-6


Chan, D. K. C., Lee, A. S. Y., Hagger, M. S., Mok, K. M., & Yung, P. S. H. (2017). Social psychological aspects of ACL injury prevention and rehabilitation: An integrated model for behavioral adherence. Asia-Pacific Journal of Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy, Rehabilitation and Technology. 10, 17-20. doi: 10.1016/j.asmart.2017.10.001


Chan, D., Hamamura, T., Li, L. M., & Zhang, X. (2017). Is trusting others related to better health? An investigation of older adults across six non-western countries. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 48(8), 1288-1301. doi: 10.1177/0022022117722632


Chan, D. K. C., Lee, A. S. Y., Tang, T. C. W., Gucciardi, D. F., Yung, P. S. H., & Hagger, M. S. (2017). Paper vs. pixel: Can we use a pen-and-paper method to measure athletes’ implicit doping attitude? Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 876. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00876


Chan, D. K. C., Webb, D., Ryan, R. M., Tang, T. C. W., Yang, S. X., Ntoumanis, N., & Hagger, M. S. (2017). Preventing occupational injury among police officers: Does motivation matter? Occupational Medicine67 (6), 435-441. doi: 10.1093/occmed/kqx076


Hagger, M. S., Trost, N., Keech, J., Chan, D. K. C., & Hamilton, K. (2017). Predicting sugar consumption: Application of an integrated dual-process, dual-phase model. Appetite116, 147-156. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2017.04.032


Hamamura, T., Li, L. M., & Chan, D. (2017). The association between generalized trust and physical and psychological health across societies. Social Indicator Research. 134(1), 277-286. doi: 10.1007/s11205-016-1428-9


Ntoumanis, N., Barkoukis, V., Gucciardi, D. F., & Chan, D. K. C. (2017). Linking coach interpersonal style with athlete doping intentions and doping use: A prospective study. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology39(3), 188-198. doi: 10.1123/jsep.2016-0243


Chung, P. K., Zhang, C. Q., Liu, J. D., Chan, D. K. C., Si, G., & Hagger, M. S. (2017). The process by which perceived autonomy support predicts motivation, intention, and behavior for seasonal influenza prevention in Hong Kong older adults. BMC Public Health18, 65. doi: 10.1186/s12889-017-4608-x


Chan, D. K. C., Ntoumanis, N., Gucciardi, D. F., Donovan, R. J., Dimmock, J. A., Hardcastle, S. J., & Hagger, M. S. (2016). What if it really was an accident? The psychology of unintentional doping. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 50, 898-899. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2015-094678


Chan, D. K. C., Zhang, X., Fung, H. H., & Hagger, M. S. (2016). Affect, affective variability and physical health: Results from a population-based investigation in China. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 23(4), 438-446. doi:10.1007/s12529-015-9510-2


Hagger, M. S., Chan, D. K. C., Protogerou, C., & Chatzisarantis, N. L. D. (2016). Using meta-analytic path analysis to test theoretical predictions in health behavior: An illustration based on meta-analyses of the theory of planned behavior. Preventive Medicine, 89, 154-161. doi: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2016.05.020


Zhang, C. Q., Si, G., Duan, Y., Lv, Y., Keatley, D., & Chan, D. K. C. (2016). The effects of mindfulness training on beginners’ skill acquisition in dart throwing: A randomized controlled trial. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 22(1), 279-285. doi: 10.1016/j.psychsport.2015.09.005


Chan, D. K. C., Hardcastle, S. J., Dimmock, J. A., Lentillon-Kaestner, V., Donovan, R. J., Burgin, M., & Hagger, M. S., (2015). Modal salient belief and social cognitive variables of anti-doping behaviors in sport: Examining an extended model of the theory of planned behavior. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 16(2), 164-174. doi: 10.1016/j.psychsport.2014.03.002


Chan, D. K. C., Ivarsson, A., Stenling, A., Yang, X. S., Chatzisarantis, N. L. D., & Hagger, M. S. (2015). Response-order effects in survey methods: A randomized controlled crossover study in the context of sport injury prevention. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 37(6), 666-673. doi: 10.1123/jsep.2015-0045


Chan, D. K. C., Lentillon-Kaestner, V., Dimmock, J. A., Donovan, R. J., Keatley, D. A., Hardcastle, S. J., & Hagger, M. S. (2015). Self-control, self-regulation, and doping in sport: A test of the strength-energy model. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology37(2), 199-206. doi: 10.1123/jsep.2014-0250


Chan, D. K. C., Yang, S. X., Mullan, B., Zhang, X., Du, X., Chatzisarantis, N. L. D., & Hagger, M. S. (2015). Preventing the spread of H1N1 influenza infection during a pandemic: Autonomy-supportive advice versus controlling instruction. Journal of Behavioral Medicine38(3), 416-426. doi: 10.1007/s10865-014-9616-z


Chan, D. K. C., Yang, S. X., Hamamura, T., Sultan, S., Xing, S., Chatzisarantis, N. L. D., & Hagger, M. S. (2015). In-lecture learning motivation predicts students’ motivation, intention, and behaviour for after-lecture learning: Examining the trans-contextual model across universities from UK, China, and Pakistan. Motivation and Emotion39(6), 908-925. doi: 10.1007/s11031-015-9506-x


Chan, D. K. C., Dimmock, J. A., Donovan, R. J., Hardcastle, S., Lentillon-Kaestner, V., & Hagger, M. S. (2015). Self-determined motivation in sport predicts anti-doping motivation and intention: A perspective from the trans-contextual model. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 18(3), 315-322. doi: 10.1016/j.jsams.2014.04.001


Chan, D. K. C., Zhang, X., Fung, H. H., & Hagger, M. S. (2015). Does emotion and its daily fluctuation correlate with depression? A cross-cultural analysis among six developing countries. Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health, 5(1), 65-74. doi:10.1016/j.jegh.2014.09.001


Hardcastle, S. J., Chan, D. K. C., Caudwell, K. M., Sultan, S., Cranwell, J., Chatzisarantis, N. L. D., & Hagger, M. S. (2015). Larger and more prominent graphic health warnings on plain-packaged tobacco products and avoidant responses in current smokers: A qualitative study. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 23(1), 94-101. doi: 10.1007/s12529-015-9487-x


Keatley, D. A., Chan, D. K. C., Caudwell, K. M., Chatzisarantis, N. L. D., & Hagger, M. S. (2015). A consideration of what is meant by automaticity and better ways to measure it. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 1537. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01537


Yang, S. X., Jowett, S., Chan, D. K. C. (2015). Effects of big-five personality traits on the quality of relationship and satisfaction in Chinese coach-athlete dyads. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports25(4), e568-580. doi: 10.1111/sms.12329


Chan, D. K. C., Donovan, R. J., Lentillon-Kaestner, V., Hardcastle, S. J., Dimmock, J. A., Keatley, D. A., & Hagger, M. S. (2014). Young athletes’ awareness and monitoring of anti-doping in daily life: Does motivation matter? Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports25(6), e655-663. doi: 10.1111/sms.12362


Chan, D. K. C., Hardcastle, S. J., Lentillon-Kaestner, V., Donovan, R. J., Dimmock, J. A., & Hagger, M. S. (2014). Athletes’ beliefs about and attitudes towards taking banned performance-enhancing substances: A qualitative study. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology, 3(4), 241-257. doi: 10.1037/spy0000019


Chan, D. K. C., Fung, Y. K., Xing, S., & Hagger, M. S. (2014). Myopia prevention, near work, and visual acuity of college students: Integrating the theory of planned behavior and self-determination theory. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 37(3), 369-380. doi: 10.1007/s10865-013-9494-9


Hagger, M. S., Keatley, D., Chan, D. K. C., Chatzisarantis, N. L. D., Dimmock, J., Jackson, B., & Ntoumanis, N. (2014). The goose is (half) cooked: A consideration of the mechanisms and interpersonal context is needed to elucidate the effects of personal financial incentives on health behavior. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 21, 197-201.


Fung, Y. K., Chan, D. K. C., Caudwell, K. M., & Chow, P. C. (2013). Is wheelchair fencing classification fair enough? A kinematic analysis among competitive wheelchair fencers. European Journal of Adapted Physical Activity6(1), 17-29.


Hagger, M. S., Leung, C. M., Leaver, E., Esser, K., te Pas, N., Keatley, D. A., Chan, D. K. C., & Chatzisarantis, N. L. D. (2013). Cue-induced smoking urges deplete cigarette smokers’ self-control resources. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 46, 394-400. doi: 10.1007/s12160-013-9520-8


Hagger, M. S., Panetta, G., Leung, C.-M., Wong, G. G., Wang, J. C. K., Chan, D. K. C., Keatley, D. A., & Chatzisarantis, N. L. D. (2013). Chronic inhibition, self-control and eating behavior: Test of a 'resource depletion' model. PLoS ONE, 8, e76888. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0076888



Chan, D. K. C., & Hagger, M. S. (2012). Trans-contextual motivation in sport injury prevention among elite athletes. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 34, 661-682.


Chan, D. K. C., & Hagger, M. S. (2012). Theoretical integration and the psychology of sport injury prevention. Sports Medicine, 42(9), 725-732.


Chan, D. K. C., & Hagger, M. S. (2012). Self-determined forms of motivation predict sport injury prevention and rehabilitation intentions. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport15(5), 398-406.


Chan, D. K. C., & Hagger, M. S. (2012). Autonomous forms of motivation underpinning injury prevention and rehabilitation among police officers: An application of the trans-contextual model. Motivation and Emotion, 36(3), 363-349.


Chan, D. K., Lonsdale, C., & Fung, H. H. (2012). Influences of coaches, parents, and peers on the motivational patterns of child and adolescent athletes. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 22, 558-568.


Chan, D. K. C., Hagger, M. S., & Spray, C. M. (2011). Treatment motivation for rehabilitation after a sport injury: Application of the trans-contextual model. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 12, 83-92.


Wong, C., Ho, P. C., Tse, W. L., Cheng, S., Chan, D. K. C., & Hung, L. K (2010). Do we need to repair the nerves when replanting distal finger amputations? Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery, 26(5), 347-354.


Chan, D. K., Lonsdale, C., Ho, P. Y., Yung, P. S. H., & Chan, K. M. (2009). Patient motivation and adherence to post-surgery rehabilitation exercise recommendations: The influence of physiotherapists’ autonomy supportive behaviors. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 90, 1977-1982. 


Yung, P. S. H., Fong, D. T. P., Kong, M. F., Lo, C. K., Fung, K. Y., Ho, P. Y., Chan, D. K. C., & Chan, K. M. (2008). Arthroscopic repair of isolated type II superior labrum anterior–posterior lesion. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology and Arthroscopy, 16, 1065-1160.


Book Chapters


Hagger, M. S., Keatley, D. A., & Chan, D. K.-C. (2014). CALO-RE Taxonomy of Behavior Change Techniques. In R. C. Eklund & G. T. Tenenbaum (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Sport and Exercise Psychology (pp. 100-105). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. doi: 10.4135/9781483332222.n40


McLachlan, S., Chan, D. K. C., Keatley, D., & Hagger, M. S. (2011). Social psychological theories and models. In D. Tod & D. Lavallee (Eds.), The Psychology of Strength and Conditioning (pp. 38-63). Abingdon, Oxford: Routledge.


Harwood, C., & Chan, D. K. (2010). Achievement goals and coping in sport. In A. R. Nicholls (Ed.), Coping in Sport: Theory, Methods, and Related Constructs (pp. 195-215). New York: Nova Science Publisher.


副系主任 (教學)/ 高級講師I

(852) 2948 6620

副系主任 (教學)/ 高級講師I
(852) 2948 6620
(852) 2948 7160

PhD East Anglia - A Study of Hong Kong Children’s Emotions: a Transition from Kindergarten to Primary School. Supervisor: Prof. Les Tickle
BEd London

Research Areas

  • Children’s emotional adjustment
  • The professional identity change of early childhood educators
  • Children’s learning


Selected Funded Projects



Chan P.L. and Ng Sau Man, Catalina (2017-2018): Designing and Developing Online Learning Materials for HD students. Fund by TDG.

TDG (CI/member)


PI: Lee, Theodore & Yuen, Gail and team members (2017- 2019): Project Title: Case-based blended learning pedagogies for pre-service teachers: Building a community of practice in higher education settings. Fund by EDU


PI: Tam, Pansy and team members (2017- present): Project Title: Using Drama Education as an Innovative Pedagogy in Higher Education. Fund by FEHD

Special SEWS

2022-2023 (PI)

Chan P.L. (2022-2023): Project Title: Toys and Chinese children’s live – past and present, Specific Student Empowerment Work Scheme

2019-2020 (PI)

Chan P.L. (2019-2020): Leadership Development through Managing Experiential Learning Activities for students. Fund by SAO (Special SEWS)

FEHD: Innovative Teaching Grant


Nurturance of design thinking and creativity by developing educational toys


Life Design through Critical Thinking in Shaping Positive Mindset


Chan P.L., Li, C.W. (2019-2020): Bring Humanity to Education through Experiential Learning. Fund by FEHD


Chan P.L., and Tam, Tammy (2017- 2018): Project Title: Visualize Reflection. Funded by FEHD.

External Fund


Project Co-I: KeySteps@JC 2.0


Project Co-Director: EdUHK, JC: School Transition and Readiness Project. Fund by HKJC


Chan P.L., Lam, P.C., Fung, S.W. (2019-2020): Study Seed School Training Program (SSTP) in Promoting Free Play in Hong Kong Kindergarten. Fund by an external funder



Prof Tang Yee Fan Sylvia (Budget Holder); Dr Chan Po Lin Pauline; Dr Cheng Yuen Ling Elaine; Dr Wong Kwok Sai Tricia, Strategic Development of the EdU Online Classes Platform (EOCP) for the Enhancement of Online Learning and Teaching in Local Schools. (FEHD part: EDU Online Classes Platform)



Leader: Hu Xinyun, Annie (2020-2021): CRAC Project batch 4 eLearning package development: Developing play-based resources



Dora Ho and Chan PL (2017-2019): Launching an EMI Stream for HD ECE programme. Fund by CRF.



PI: Lim Cher Ping (2016-2017): Blended Learning for University Enhancement Project, Fund by CRF.




Chan P.L. (2016-2017): Project Title: Creating a webpage for service-learning courses, Fund by PD Initiatives In In-depth Use of LMSs.



Chan P.L., Barry Lee (2014-15): Project Title: Using IPad to promote evidence-based reflection of the pre-service student teacher. Fund by HKIED- Professional Development in e-Learning Initiatives

Leaders of Learning Cluster Grants


PI: Li Chin Wa (2017-2019): Capacity Building for FEHD staff in organizing Experiential Learning activities locally and internationally with specific reference to study tours. Fund by Leaders of Learning Cluster Grants

Departmental Research Grant


Chan P.L. (2022-2023): Project Title: Creating Effective Online Learning Environment for Young Children


Chan P.L., Wu S.C. (2021-2022). Extending the Margin of Play: Case Study on Hong Kong Kindergarten Teachers’ Belief and Implementation of Classroom Free Play. Fund by Departmental Cluster Grant



Chan P.L., Lam P.C., Fung S.W.(2020-2022). Extend the Margin of Play. Fund by Departmental Cluster Grant


Chan P.L., Lam P.C., Fung S.W.(2020-2022). Preliminary Study on the Impact of Free Play on Young Children’s Socio-emotional Development.



Chan P.L., Lam P.C., Fung S.W.(2020-2021). Preliminary Study on the Impact of Free Play on Young Children



PI: Ng Mei Lee (2017- 2018): Strategic Research Funding Scheme, DECE


Selected Outputs
Journal Publications

Refereed journal articles


Chan, P.L. (2013).Using Imagination as a Teaching Tool to Increase In-service Teachers’ Engagement in Action Research to Improve Aspects of Teaching Practice. The International Journal of Learning In Higher Education, 19(1), 1-12.


Chan, P.L. (2010). Narration of a Change Agent. Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 9(2), 68-74.


Book Chapter / Preface


Chan, P.L., Lam, P.C., & Fung, S.W. (2020). Playwork Play Works. In R. Worch & J. Cartmel (Eds.)  Playwork Practice at the Margins (pp. 39-56). UK: Routledge.


Chan, P.L.(2019).與同學來一場生死之交  in伍桂麟、鍾一諾、梁梓敦編著 (2019) ,生死教育講呢啲,明窗出版社。


序五-恩典的記號 in 郭碧鳳 (2017),《火星人媽媽新發現-「不一樣的起跑線」又如何》,香港︰紅出版文化平台。


Non-Refereed Publications


陳寶蓮(2011)家校協作以提升幼兒運用語文的興趣及能力, 保良局譚華正夫人幼稚園(2011年1月)通訊


Newspaper articles

Sing Tao Daily


Sing Tao Daily


HK Economic Journal



Other Output


Three sets of EDUHK Jockey Club STARt-up Resource Kits to all P.1


A condensed version of the EDUHK Jockey Club STARt-up Resource Kits to all P.2


Conference Papers

2021 Wong, K.S., Tang, Y. F., Chan, P.L., & Cheng, Y.L. (8 Dec 2021). Community of Practice on E-learning in Early Childhood Education. Paper presented at International Conference on Learning and Teaching 2021.
2021 Chan, P.L.& Chiu, T.K. (29 Nov 2021). Moving Service Learning to Online:Challenges-turned-Points of Growth. Paper presented at World Association of Lesson Studies Conference 2021.
2021 Chan, P.L., Rhenis Mission Kindergarten Hong Kong & TWGH Chan King Har Kindergarten (20 Nov 2021). Free Play in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the PARS 2021 Playwork Conference.

Chan, P.L.& Ada Wong. (Nov 2017). The Way Forward: promoting free play in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the Journal of Playwork Practice Seminar (HK).


Chan, P.L.(July 2016). Nurturing Gratitude through Serving Poor Children. Paper presented at the OMEP world conference (Seoul).



2022 Mohamed, M., Rashid, R. A., & Alqaryouti, M. H. (2022). Conceptualizing the complexity of reflective practice in education. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 1008234–1008234.

A cross-cultural study of children’s conceptions of play: towards an understanding of

Playfulness. Journal for the Study of Education and Development.

Cigala, A., Venturelli, E., & Bassetti, M. (2019). Reflective Practice: A Method to Improve Teachers’ Well-Being. A Longitudinal Training in Early Childhood Education and Care Centers. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 2574–2574.

Selected Output Categories




Feb 2021

Consultant. Developing a Playful Curriculum. Tung Wah Group of Hospitals

June 2109- June 2020

Consultant. Free Play. Rhenish Mission School


Curriculum Consultant of ECLC Curriculum Development Advisory Committee

Feb 2017

Organizing Committee of the Parent-child photography and parent education photography competition “捕捉愛” and seminar. Co-organized by ECE and Centre for Child and Family Science [CCFS]

May 2016

Consultant. Developing Natural Learning Center. EDB & AFCD.

Nov 2015- Oct2016

Professional Fellow of the Center for Childhood Research and Innovation (CCRI)

June 2015

Organizing Committee (Logistic) of QCCI (Quality Childhood Conference International 2015), Center for Childhood Research and Innovation


Parents” Talk

Dec 2019

Daddy Mami be a teacher. Plover Cove Kindergarten

May 2019

School Adjustment. Plover Cove Kindergarten

Feb 2019

Let Go Parents. Christian Alliance H.C. Chan primary School

Jan 2019

Empowering daddy Mami. Plover Cove Kindergarten

Nov 2018

盤根而立的家庭樹:家庭幸福感的塑形. SKH ST. Barnabas’ Church Kindergarten

May 2018

Transition to kindergarten, Plover Cove Kindergarten

Nov 2017

Empowering daddy Mami. Plover Cove Kindergarten

July 2017

‘Transition to Kindergarten’. Plover Cove Kindergarten

Nov 2016

‘Parents as Teachers’. Plover Cove Kindergarten

Oct 2016

幼兒園家長秘笈. Methodist Kindergarten

Nov 2015

Parents as Teachers, Plover Cove Kindergarten

Nov 2015

感恩 (Gratitude). Heephong康苗幼兒園

Oct 2015

父母也講邏輯. (To be a logical parent). Christian Alliance H.C. Chan primary School

Oct 2015

如何當優秀的父母. (Ways to be an outstanding parent). Methodist Kindergarten

July 2015

Transition from Home to School. Wai See Kindergarten

May 2015

蓬生麻中,不扶自直的家教. (Family Education). Methodist Kindergarten


PD Seminar/Public Seminar

Dec 2019

Implementation of Free Play, Plover Cove Kindergarten

Mar 2019

TDG Sharing Seminar ‘Developing On-line Learning Materials for HD students’, LTTC, EDUHK

June 2018

‘Research Talk: Free Playtime Practice-Seed School Training Program’. Playright.

June 2018

Graduation Ceremony Speaker. Tai Po Methodist Kindergarten.

Mar 2018

‘Nature Education’,ECLC,EDUHK

Nov 2017

For Kasetsart University, Thailand. The Development of ECE in Hong Kong. CCFS

Nov 2017

認真的玩(Free Play). Tai Po District School Development Section, Tai Po School District Primary School Heads Association , Tai Po & North District Kindergarten Heads Association.

Aug 2017

‘Free Play at school’. Methodist Kindergarten

Mar 2017

’Grateful: the energy of doing’. YWCA North district staff training

Dec 2016

’Positive Psychology’. BGCA (Tai Po & Fanling District

Aug 2016

‘Don’t take anything for granted’. CMAHK

Dec 2015

The School Transition Issues in HK. Gansu principal training project. Centre for Educational Leadership (CEL), HKU

Dec 2015

Joyful Family Reading: Parent-Child Reading Promotion Programme. North Kwai Chung Public Library

Aug 2015

Radio Interview. 新城財經台, < 爸媽‧寶寶遊樂園>

July 2015

「大器書成」閱讀的培釀. (Develop reading habit). Hong Kong Public Libraries




Committee Member


PlayChildren Experiential Learning Centre



Nov 2020

Video production and microteaching

June 2020

An Attempt to Bring a New Normal to Learning and Teaching Practices at International Discussion for ECE Teacher Educators 

April 2020

Q&A session to answer technical issues for micro-teaching

9-20 Mar 2020

Play to Learn Beyond Classroom

Sept 2019

Presenter, Research outcome sharing: The impact of Free Play on children, Play Right

Mar 2019

Co-presenter, Lessons Learned from Designing and Developing Online Learning Materials for HD (ECE) Students, Teaching Development Grant (TDG) Project Sharing Seminar

Dec 2018

Co-presenter, Enlightening FREE PLAY Experience at Kindergartens to Nourish Openness of Play, Learning and Teaching. Learning and Teaching Expo 2018, HKedCity

24 June 2018

CCFS Family Education Day [點止遊戲咁簡單」親子家庭日] Free Play

June 2018

Guest Lecture, Service Learning and Reflection. SAO

May 2018

Departmental Brown Bag Sharing: Video-based presentation


Co-organizing overseas study tour

8 June- 15 June 2019

Play, Craft and Well-Being: Study Tour to Japan

20 April 2019 - 25 April 2019 Anji Study Tour
30Mar – 5 April 2018 Life and Death Education: Study Tour to Taiwan
17 April 2018 One-day education tour to Shenzhen Qianhai 



Collaboration with Playright


Conference organization committee member, P.L.A.Y. for Child Health Seminar. 11 Feb, 2023


Exco Member, Service & Development Committee, Playright


Panel judge for Little Play Space Co-creation campaign

School Dev Programme (Select)


Teachers’ Development: 3 kindergartens of YMCA

自由遊戲(Free Play)到校視學指導及培訓

Sept 2022- Jun 2023

Teachers’ Development: Free Play. Christian Little Angel Kindergarten (Richland Gardens)

June 2021

Consultant. QEF project: I am Ready: I am going to Primary School. Rhenish Church Grace School.

April 2021

Consultant. Developing a Playful Curriculum. Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, Chan King Har Kg.

June 2109- June 2020

Consultant. Free Play. Rhenish Mission School

School-based Talk and PD (Select)

Dec 2022

升小銜接課程家長講座: 香港道教聯合會純陽小學

Jan 2022


May 2021

培養子女的責任感與主動性: 民社服務中心

Dec 2019

Daddy Mami be a teacher. Plover Cove Kindergarten

May 2019

School Adjustment. Plover Cove Kindergarten

Feb 2019

Let Go Parents. Christian Alliance H.C. Chan primary School

Jan 2019

Empowering daddy Mami. Plover Cove Kindergarten

Nov 2018

盤根而立的家庭樹:家庭幸福感的塑形. SKH ST. Barnabas’ Church Kindergarten

May 2018

Transition to kindergarten, Plover Cove Kindergarten

PD Seminar/Public Seminar (Select)

Feb 2023

P.L.A.Y. for Child Health Seminar (Organizing Committee member)

Nov & Dec 2022


Dec 2019

Implementation of Free Play, Plover Cove Kindergarten

Mar 2019

TDG Sharing Seminar ‘Developing On-line Learning Materials for HD students’, LTTC, EDUHK

June 2018

‘Research Talk: Free Playtime Practice-Seed School Training Program’. Playright.

June 2018

Graduation Ceremony Speaker. Tai Po Methodist Kindergarten.

Mar 2018

'Nature Education', ECLC, EDUHK


Cert of Appreciation/ AWARD


“FE Supervision Appreciation Scheme - Award for Excellent FE Supervision” in Semester II of 2021/22 from the Education University of Hong Kong



Excellent ePortfolio Supervision in Uportfolio


副系主任 (學校體驗)/ 首席講師

(852) 2948 7577

副系主任 (學校體驗)/ 首席講師
(852) 2948 7577
(852) 2948 7160


Research Areas

  • Management and Leadership 

  • Job Satisfaction, Job Stress and Burnout

  • Staff Development

  • Early Childhood Education

Selected Funded Projects

  • Kam, W.K., Hui, Y.K., Wong, K.S., and Cheng, Y.L. (September 2022 – March 2025) Automation and Development of SPFE System. CRAC ($3,300,000).
  • Wong, K.S. (PI), Woo, Y.S, Leung, W. M., & Cheng, Y.L. (CoIs) (September 2022 - November 2023).  Using Picture Book to Promote Positive Education in Pre-School through Home-School-Community Collaboration. Quality Education Fund (QEF). ($381,300).
  • Wong, K.S. (September 2021 – June 2023). Teaching enhancement through student participation. Hong Kong: Department of Early Childhood Education, the Education University of Hong Kong. ($30,000)
  • KONG, S. C., Lee, C. K. J., Yu, K. W. E., Hui, K. F, S., and Wong, K. S. (CoPI) (July 2020 – July 2022). Teaching Development Grants:  Rethinking Assessment: A Paradigm Shift to “Assessment as Learning” $1,000,300) (Project Code: T0236)
  • Tang, Y.F., Chan,P.L., Cheng Y. L., Wong, K. S. (CoPI), Chung, S.L., Han, C. W., Hu, X., Hui, L. P. Lam, H. C., Lau, C. W., Leung, W. M., Mou, W. P., and Woo, Y. S. (CoI). (November 2020 –December 2022).  Project on EdU Online Classes Platform. Faculty of Education and Human Development. $2,500,000).

  • Wong, K. S. (PI), Woo, Y.S., & Wu, S. C. (September 2019). A Faculty Project Fund: Enhancing ECE preservice students’ leadership and management skills through experiential learning. Faculty of Education and Human Development. $10,0000).
  • Wong, K. S. (PI), Leung, W. M., Lai, Y. C., & Ho, J. (Co-PIs) (October 2018 – December 2019). Home-school collaboration for children learning with fun (帶領幼兒 走向社區 家校攜手 愉快學習). Quality Education Fund (QEF) ($249,000) (Project Number: 2017/1086).
  • Leung, W. M.(PI), Wong, K. S. & Lai, Y. C., (Co-PIs) (October 2018 – December 2019). Enhancing Children’s Whole Person Development Through Picture Book. Quality Education Fund (QEF) ($245,200) (Project Number: 2017/1087).
  • Wong, K. S. (PI), Leung, W. M., & Lai, Y. C (Co-PIs) (8/2018 to 7/2019). 透過師生共創遊戲學習區促進幼兒全人發展Quality Education Fund (QEF) ($190,780) (Project Number: 2017/0126).
  • Wong, K.S. (PI), Mou, W.P. (1/2018 – 3/2019). Curriculum and Teacher Development on Good Habit for Young Children. Well & Well Group of Companies, Shanghai. (Project Grant: $100,000)
  • Wong, K.S. (PI), Hui, K.F.S., Cheng, W.Y.R., Ngan, S.F., Cheung, L.H. & Ng, C.W. (1/12/2017 – 31/12/2019). Enriching graduate attributes through non-formal learning across programmes. (Funded by the Leaders of Learning Cluster Grants 2017/18, FEHD: $80,000)
  • Tang, Y, F., Mou, W.P., Wong, K. S., Hui, L.P. & Keung, S.P. (6/2018 – 11/2019). Pilot Scheme on HD(ECE) Students' Participation in Putonghua Shuiping Ceshi (PSC). Project Fund: (VP(AC) reserve: $45,000
  • Tang, Y, F., Mou, W.P., Wong, K. S., & Choi, W. C. (6/2018 – 11/2019). Pilot Scheme on HD (ECE) Students’ Participation in IELTS. Project Fund: (VP(AC) reserve: S331,000
  • Tang, Y, F., Tsui, K. Y., Wong, K. S., & Choi, W. C. (3/2017 – 12/2017). Pilot Scheme on HD (ECE) Students’ Participation in IELTS. Project Fund: (VP(AC) reserve: $100,000
  • Tang, Y, F., Mou, W.P., Wong, K. S., & Choi, W. C. (12/2017– 9/2018). Pilot Scheme on HD (ECE) Students’ Participation in IELTS. Project Fund: VP(AC) reserve : $189,600
  • Wong, K. S., Lau, P. L., & Choi, B. (2016).  Early Childhood Education in Chinese Societies: Home-School-Community Collaboration.  Hong Kong: Educational Publishing House Ltd (Monograph Publication fund: $55,000). (9/2016 – 8/2019)
  • Chung, K.H.K. (PI), Chan, S.P.T. (CoI), HO, C.W.D., Wong, K.S., Lam, H.C., Fong, Y.C.C., Law, C.W.N., Fok, H.K., and Ng, S.M.C. (1/6/2016 – 31/5/2021). Chinese Learning for Culturally Diverse Children: PLEM Capacity Building : Social Service Professionals, School Leaders, Educators, and Multicultural Teaching Assistants. (Funded by the Jockey Club Chinese Learning for Culturally Diverse Children: $31,880,000).
  • 李子建、陳聲珮、許景輝、陳錦榮、黎國燦、劉慧中和黃國茜(2016):澳門幼兒教育階段推展小班教學的改進方法與策略研究報告,香港,香港教育大學卓越教學發展中心。
  • Lai, Y. C. (PI),  Leung, W. M.,  Wong, K. S., & Cheuk, W.H.(Co-PIs) (1//9/2015- 31/12/2016). Include Non-Chinese Speaking Children into a local kindergarten through home school collaboration.  Quality Education Fund (QEF) ($139,300) (Project Number: 2014/0388).
  • Leung, W. M.(PI),  Lai, Y. C., & Wong, K. S. & Cheuk, W.H. (Co-PIs) (1/7/2015- 31/08/2016). Life Education Through Picture Book. Quality Education Fund (QEF) ($149,000) (Project Number: 2013/0786).
  • Wong, K. S. (PI), Leung, W. M., Lai, Y. C., Ho, J. & Cheuk, W.H.  (Co-PIs) (1/7/2015- 31/8/2016). Learning Fun in the Community Quality Education Fund (QEF) ($150,000) (Project Number: 2013/0859).
  • Wong, K. S., Lau, P. L., & Choi, C. (2014-16). Early Childhood Education in Chinese Societies: Curriculum and Teaching. (Monograph Publication fund:  Educational Publishing House Limited)($55,000).  (Reference Number: _NCN0003-2014) (12/ 2014- 03/ 2016).
  • Developing a proposal for GRF funding of a study on leadership of Hong Kong kindergarten principals in response to the launching of the voucher scheme. (2011-2012)
  • Pearl River Delta Project (5) – Information Technology in teaching and learning (「珠三角地區學校的資訊科技教學與學習」) ($ 57,900).(2011-2012)
  • Enhancing children's learning and development through integrated multi media educational programmes (2010-2011)
  • The Job stress of Voucher Scheme on Hong Kong preschool principals (2009-2010)
  • The Impact of Voucher System on Hong Kong Preschool (2009-2010)
  • Leadership of Kindergarten Principals in Hong Kong: Enactment, Factors and Concerns (2008-2009)
  • Using Multi-model Teaching and Learning Experiences to Enhance Early Childhood Education (2006-2007)
  • A Case Study of Leadership Role of Kindergarten Principals in Hong Kong (2000)


Journal Publications

Selected Outputs

Refereed Journal Article

  • Wong, K.S. & Cheuk, W. H. (2016). Effects of Spurned Help and Self-Esteem on Self-Protective Reactions of Primary School Teachers, Basic and Applied Social Psychology.  ISSN: 0197-3533 http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01973533.2016.1245659
  • Wong, K. S. & Cheuk, W. H. (2016). Effects of Spurned Help and Self-Image on Self-Defensive Behavior of Primary School Teachers.  Psychology, 7, 1195-1204. ISSN Online:  2152-7199 http://file.scirp.org/pdf/PSYCH_2016080915401884.pdf
  • Wong, K.S. & Cheuk, W. H. (2016). Effects of Spurned Help and Self-Esteem on Self-Protective Reactions of Primary School Teachers, Basic and Applied Social Psychology. Published Online on 31 October, 2016. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01973533.2016.1245659
  • Wong, K. S. & Cheuk, W. H. (2016). Effects of Spurned Help and Self-Image on Self-Defensive Behavior of Primary School Teachers.  Psychology, 7, 1195-1204.  http://file.scirp.org/pdf/PSYCH_2016080915401884.pdf
  • Wong, K.S. (2012). A remarkable early childhood pioneer. Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 11(1&2), 116.
  • Wong, K.S. (2012). Review of recent early childhood education reform in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 11(1&2), 6-18.
  • Wong, K. S. & Cheuk, W. H. (2011). Being Spurned by Peers in Preschool Teachers in Macau: Self-esteem and Coping Methods. Journal of Schooling Studies, 8(5), 92-98.
  • Wong, K. S. & Lai, Y. C. (2011). A Case Study of the Perceptions of Hong Kong Pre-school Principals Regarding Pre-primary Education Voucher Scheme. Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 10(1), 5-16. 黃國茜、黎玉貞 (2011) : 《香港幼兒學校校長對「學前教育學券計劃」的觀感之個案研究》,香港幼兒學報,第10卷,第1冊,頁5-16。
  • Cheuk, W. H., Wong, K. S., & Rosen, S. (2011). The effects of being spurned and self-esteem on depersonalization and coping preferences in kindergarten teachers: The case of Hong Kong. Social Psychology of Education, 14(1), 57-73.
  • 黃國茜 、卓惠興 (Submitted in July 2010) :《澳門幼師被同儕拒絕:自尊的影響及應付方法》,教育與心理研究。
  • Cheuk, W. H. & Wong, K. S. (submitted in 8/2009). Being spurned, coping style and burnout in kindergarten teachers in Macau. Journal of Educational Inquiry.
  • Wong, K. S. & Cheuk, W. H. (In press).The Effects of Being Spurned by Peers and Self-Esteem on Depersonalization in Preschool Teachers in Macau. HKTC Journal.(2009)
  • Cheuk, W. H., Wong, K. S., & Rosen, S. (in press) Effects of being spurned and self-esteem on burnout and coping preference in social workers. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality. (2009)
  • Wong, K. S., & Cheuk, W. H. (in press) Job-related stress and social support in kindergarten principals: the case of Macau. International Journal of Educational Management. (2009)
  • Wong, K. S. & Yeung, K. Y. (2008). A study on Enhancing Children’s Understanding of Source Books by Information Search《資料搜集增進幼兒理解資料書之研究》. The Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 7(2), 48-54.
  • Wong, K. S., Cheuk, W. H., & Rosen, S. (2007). Coping style, stress preparation, and depersonalization in beginning kindergarten teachers. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 22 (2), (37-50) .
  • Lai, Y. C., & Wong, K. S. (2007). The development and professional training of early childhood education in Hong Kong. Bulletin of the National Institute of Educational Resources and Research, 33, (29-46).
  • Wong, K. S., Cheuk, W. H., & Rosen, S. (2007). Experience of being spurned: Coping style, stress preparation, and depersonalization in beginning kindergarten teachers. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 22 (2), 141-154.
  • Wong, K. S., & Cheuk, W. H. (2005). Job-related stress and social support in kindergarten principals: the case of Macau. International Journal of Educational Management, 19 (3), 183-196.
  • Cheuk, W. H., Wong, K. S., & Rosen, S. (Spring, 2003). Validating a “spurning scale” for nurses in Hong Kong. Current Psychology, 22 (1), 47-56.
  • Wong, K. S., Cheuk, W. H., & Rosen, S. (2002). Validation of a spurning scale for teachers: The Chinese sample. Educational Research, 44(3), 289-297.
  • Cheuk, W. H., Wong, K. S., & Rosen, S. (2000). Further efforts in validating a ‘spurning scale’ for teachers. Educational Research, 42, 219-225.
  • Cheuk, W. H., Wong, K. S., & Rosen, S. (2000). Kindergarten principals in Hong Kong: Job stress and support from a close friend. Journal of Educational Administration, 38, 272-287.
  • Wong, K. S., Cheuk, W. H. & Rosen, S. (2000). The influences of job stress and supervisor support on negative affects and job satisfaction in kindergarten principals. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 15, 85-98.
  • Cheuk, W. H., & Wong, K. S. (1998). Depersonalization in kindergarten teachers in relation to rejection of help by fellow teachers and emotional support from family, Psychological Reports, 83, 939-942.
  • Cheuk, W. H., Swearse, B., Wong, K. S., & Rosen, S., (1998). Beginning teachers' experience of being spurned, coping style, stress preparation, and burnout, Education Journal, 26, 117-129.
  • Cheuk, W. H., Wong, K. S., Swearse, B., & Rosen, S. (1997). Stress preparation, coping style, and nurses' experience of being spurned by patients, Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 12(4), 1055-1064.
  • Cheuk, W. H., & Wong, K. S. (1997). Defensive comparison of teachers' close friendships with colleagues. Psychological Reports, 80, 1275-1281.
  • Cheuk, W. H., Wong, K. S., & Rosen, S. (1994). The effects of spurning and social support on teacher burnout, Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 9(4), 657-664.
  • Wong, K. S. & Tian, Y. (1994). The present situation and future trend of primary health education in Macau, Educational Administration of Primary and Secondary Schools, Suzhou, China, Suzhou University, 1, 32-35.
  • Cheuk, W. H., & Wong, K. S. (1994). Experience of spurning and burnout in beginning teachers, Education Journal, 22(2), 331-335



Non-refereed Article


  • Cheuk, W. H., Wong, K. S., & Rosen, S. (Spring, 2003) Validating a “spurning scale” for nurses in Hong Kong. Current Psychology, 22 (1), 47-56.
  • 黃國茜、王小文 (6/1999):邁向目標:幼師培訓不容忽視, 星島日報, 香港。
  • Cheuk, W. H., Swearse, B., Wong, K. S., & Rosen, S. (1998). The linkage between spurned help and burnout among practicing nurses, Current Psychology; Developmental, Learning, Personality, Social, 17(2/3), 188-196.
  • 黃國茜 (1998) : 望子成龍 《學校與家庭》 (香港﹕香港教育專業人員協會), 147 (7), 2-3。
  • Cheuk, W. H. & Wong, K. S. (1995). Stress, social support and teacher burnout in Macau, Current Psychology, 14(1), 42-46.
  • Rosen, S., Cheuk, W. H., & Wong, K. S. (1993). Two experiments on helpers' reactions to rejection versus acceptance of help, Journal of Macau Studies, Macau, 1, 34-41.


Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters

Research book or monograph

  • Wong, K.S., Lau, P.L., & Choi, B. (2020). Early Childhood Education In Chinese Societies: Home-School-Community Collaboration. Hong Kong: Educational Publishing House Ltd.

  • 黃國茜、劉寶蓮、蔡昌 (主編) (2016): 《華人社會的幼兒教育:課程與教學》,香港,教育出版社。
  • 黃國莤 及 韓重惠 編著 (2011):《優化幼教質素系列:管理與組織》,香港,教育出版社。
  • 藍美容、繆慧碧、梁玉蘭、黎玉貞、何斯濃、黃國茜、蔡昌 (2011) : 《「透過多媒體綜合教育節目協助幼兒學習與發展」計劃 - 資源冊》,香港,優質教育基金。
  • 黃國茜、韓重惠 (印行中) :《優化幼教質素系列: 管理與組織校本檢視》(香港,教育出版社)。
  • 黄國茜 與 韓重惠 編著 〔2008〕《幼教管理與組織:表現指標例証》香港:香港教育學院。
  • 黃國茜、韓重惠〈主編〉 (2006): 《台灣幼教領導啓迪》, (65 頁), 香港, 香港教育學院。


Chapter in an edited book

  • 蔡昌、黃國茜、劉寶蓮(2020):四地幼兒園的家校與社區協作導論,輯於黃國茜、劉寶蓮、蔡昌編,《華人社會的幼兒教育: 家校與社區協作》,(9-14),香港,教育出版社有限公司。
  • 黃國茜、劉寶蓮和蔡昌(2020):四地幼兒園家校與社區協作的問題、挑戰與發展前瞻,輯於黃國茜、劉寶蓮和蔡昌編,《華人社會的幼兒教育:家校與社區協作》,(102-113),香港,教育出版社有限公司。
  • 繆慧碧、黃國茜、馬慶堂(2020):好習慣的幼兒老師教學手冊-理念及課程教學,中國,好習慣國際研究院。
  • 黃國茜、劉寶蓮、蔡昌 (2016):  比較四地工幼兒教育及反思香港的問題,輯於黃國茜等編《華人社會的幼兒教育:課程與教學》,(頁115-135) ,香港,教育出版社。
  • 蔡昌、黃國茜、劉寶蓮 (2016):  四地幼兒課程與教學導論,輯於黃國茜等編《華人社會的幼兒教育:課程與教學》,(頁9-15) ,香港,教育出版社。
  • 黃國茜 (印行中) ﹕校長領導的實踐,輯於劉慧中、戴燕儀(主編)《幼兒教育面面觀: 研究與實務結集本(二) 》,香港,香港教育學院。
  • Wong , K. S., & Lai, Y. C. (2009). Early childhood Education Reform in Hong Kong: Development and Staff Professional Training. In R. D. Y. Koo, B. C. Choi, M. R. D. Lucas & T. C. Chan (Eds.), Education Policy, Reform and School Innovations in the Asia-Pacific Region. Hong Kong: Association for Childhood Education International: Hong Kong & Macao.
  • 黃國茜、黎玉貞 (2005):香港幼師培訓初探之個案研究,輯於古鼎儀、甘志強、容萬城編《教育與課程改革﹕珠三角地區的適應與發展》 (香港,港澳兒童教育國際協會) 
  • http://www.acei-hkm.org.hk/Publish_EducationCurriculumReform.asp。
  • 卓惠興、黃國茜 (2005): 拒絕接受幫助對香港幼稚園教師「個人冷漠化」的影响, 輯於古鼎儀、甘志強、容萬城編 《教育與課程改革﹕珠三角地區的適應與發展》 (香港,港澳兒童教育國際協會)。 http://www.acei-hkm.org.hk/Publish_EducationCurriculumReform.asp
  • 黃國茜 (2003):蒙特梭利,輯於黃蕙吟、鄭美蓮編《幼兒教育之旅》(香港,教育出版社),頁43-52。
  • Wong, K. S. (1994). Effects of group discussion on student learning and attitude: A case study of Macau's student teachers, Population and Development in Macau, University of Macau & Macau Foundation, Macau, 513-5.


Conference Papers

Refereed Conference Paper

  • Wong, K.S., Tang, Y.F.S., Chan, P.L., & Cheng, Y. L. (8-12-2021). Community of Practice on E-learning in early childhood education. International Conference on Learning and Teaching 2021 (ICLT 2021), The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
  • Wong, K.S., Woo, Y.S., Mou, W. P., Ng, K.W., & Yuen, S.Y. (9-12-2021).  Integration of physical and virtual learning environments for teaching. Learning and Teaching Expo 2021, Hong Kong.
  • Wong, K.S., (8-6-2020). Field Experience Arrangement under COVID 19 Pandemic, International Forum for ECE Teacher Educators.  The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
  • Wong, K.S., (23-5-2019). Strategic Leadership for responding the diverse learning needs of ethnic minority children in Hong Kong. Workshops on 2019 Departmental Conference for Research in Early Childhood Education. the Hong Kong Education University, Hong Kong.
  • Wong, K.S. (2018, December). Responding to the Diverse Learning Needs of Ethnic Minority Children in Hong Kong through Strategic Management. Learning and Teaching Expo 2018, Hong Kong.
  • Leung, W. M., Lai, Y. C., & Wong, K. S. (19-5-2017). Life Education of Hong Kong Preprimary children: Implementation and Challenges. Symposium presentation at OMEP Asia Pacific Regional Conference 2017, Hong Kong Baptist University.
  • Wong, K. S., Ho, J. Leung, W. M., & Lai, Y. C., (19-5-2017). Children’s Learning through Community Exploration. Symposium presentation at OMEP Asia Pacific Regional Conference 2017, Hong Kong Baptist University.
  • Lai, Y. C., Leung, W. M., & Wong, K. S. (19-5-2017). Include Non-Chinese Speaking Children into school life and learning through home-school-collaboration. Symposium presentation at OMEP Asia Pacific Regional Conference 2017, Hong Kong Baptist University.
  • Lai, Y. C., Leung, W. M., & Wong, K. S (12-5-2016). Include Non-Chinese Speaking Children into a local kindergarten through home school collaboration. Poster presented at the Departmental Conference 2016, the Hong Kong Education University, Hong Kong.
  • Leung, W. M, Lai, Y. C., & Wong, K. S. (12-5-2016). Life Education Through Picture Book. Poster presented at the Departmental Conference 2016, the Hong Kong Education University, Hong Kong.
  • Wong, K. S., Leung, W. M., Lai, Y. C., & Ho, J. (Co-PIs) (12-5-2016). Learning Fun in the Community. Poster presented at the Departmental Conference 2016, the Hong Kong Education University, Hong Kong.
  • Wong, K. S. (2012, April). The Education Reform of Hong Kong Early Childhood Education. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference of Early Childhood Education, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai, China. 黃國茜 (2012年4月) «香港幼兒教育改革概況», 第二屆兒童學國際研討會,上海,上海師範大學教育學院。
  • CHOI Cheong, Ben & WONG Kwok Sai, Tricia. (2011). Parents’ Views on Pre-Primary Education- the Case of a Kindergarten in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 63rd OMEP World Conference 2011, 6-10 July 2011, Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education.
  • Lam Mei Yung, Hazel, Chan Chi Ying, Eliza, Choi Cheong, Ben, Ho Joyce, Lai Yuk Ching, Eva, Leung Yuk Lan, Edith, Mou Wai Pik, Wong Kwok Sai, Tricia. (2011). Enhancing Children’s Learning & Development Through Integrated Multimedia Educational Programmes. Symposium held at the 63rd OMEP World Conference 2011, 6-10 July 2011, Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education.
  • Lam Mei Yung, Hazel, Chan Chi Ying, Eliza, Choi Cheong, Ben, Ho Joyce, Lai Yuk ching, Eva, Leung Yuk Lan, Edith, Mou Wai Pik Wong Kwok Sai, Tricia. (2011). Enhancing Children’s Learning & Development Through Integrated Multimedia Educational Programmes. Symposium held at the 63rd OMEP World Conference 2011, 6-10 July 2011, Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education.
  • Wong, K. S. & Cheuk, W. H. (2009, July). Job stress and effects of social support on job satisfaction in kindergarten principals. Paper to be presented at the 16 Conference of the Australasian Human Development Association. Flinders University, Bedford Park, Adelaide, South Australia.
  • 黃國茜、黎玉貞 (2009.5):香港學卷計劃對幼兒學校影響之個案研究,發表於「2009 幼兒教育專業、品質與卓越:幼教課程與幼兒園經營」學術研討會。台北,政冶大學。
  • Wong, K. S., & Cheuk, W. H. (2007). Job-related stress, social support and burnout in kindergarten principals: The case of Zhangzhou. Paper presented at the 28th International Conference of the Stress & Anxiety Research Society Overseas Conference, Dominican Republic: 2007.7
  • Cheuk, W. H., & Wong, K. S. (2007). The influence of outcome importance and self-esteem on depersonalization in school counsellors. Paper presented at the 28th International Conference of the Stress & Anxiety Research Society, Dominican Republic: 2007.7.
  • Lai, Y. C., & Wong, K. S. (2006). Administrators' perceptions of early childhood teacher training in Hong Kong: An exploratory study. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Australian Association for Research in Education, Adelaide, Australia: 2006.11.
  • Wong, K. S., & Chek, W. H. (2006). The impact of job-related stress and social support on burnout in kindergarten principals in the city of Guangzhou, China. Paper presented at the 27th International Conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society Overseas Conference, Crete, Greece: 2006.7.
  • Chek, W. H., & Wong, K. S. (2006). The impact of outcome importance of help offer and self-esteem of helper on depersonalization: The case of social workers in Macau. Paper presented at the 27th International Conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society Overseas Conference, Crete, Greece: 2006.7.
  • Cheuk, W. H. & Wong, K. S. (2004, July). The impacts of outcome importance andself-esteem on teacher burnout. Paper presented at the 25th International Conference of the Stress & Anxiety Research Society Overseas Conference. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  • Wong, K. S. & Cheuk, W. H. (2004, July). Job-related stress of kindergarten principals in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 25th International Conference of the Stress & Anxiety Research Society Overseas Conference. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  • Cheuk, W. H. & Wong, K. S. (2003, July). Depersonalization in kindergarten teachers in relation to rejection of help by fellow teachers and emotional support from family. Paper presented at the 24th International Conference of the Stress & Anxiety Research Society Overseas Conference. Lisbon, Portugal.
  • Wong, K. S. & Cheuk, W. H. (2003, July). The Influence of job-related stress and supervisor support on negative affects and job satisfaction in Guanzhou kindergarten principals. Paper presented at the 24th International Conference of the Stress & Anxiety Research Society Overseas Conference. Lisbon, Portugal.
  • Cheuk, W. H. & Wong, K. S. (2001, July). The effects of being spurned and self-esteem on social workers burnout and coping preference. Paper presented at the 21st International Conference of the Stress & Anxiety Research Society Overseas Conference, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
  • Wong, K. S. & Cheuk, W. H. (2001, July). Job-related stress and social support in kindergarten principals: The case of Macau. Paper presented at the 21st International Conference of the Stress & Anxiety Research Society Overseas Conference, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
  • Wong, K. S., & Cheuk, W. H. (1998, July). Being spurned, emotional support and depersonalization in Hong Kong kindergarten teachers. The 19th International Conference of Stress and Anxiety Research Society, Turkey.
  • Wong, K. S. & Cheuk, W. H. (1998, July). Development of a spurning scale for nurses. The 19th International Conference of Stress and Anxiety Research Society, Turkey.
  • Cheuk, W. H. (1997, August). The influence of being spurned and coping style on teacher burnout. The Conference of American Psychological Association, USA.
  • Cheuk, W. H., & Wong, K. S. (1996, July). The effects of spurning, stress preparation and peer support on teacher burnout. Paper presented at the 17th International Conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society, Austria.
  • Wong, K. S., & Cheuk, W. H. (1996, July). Validating a spurning scale for teachers: The Chinese sample. Paper presented at the 17th International Conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society, Austria, University of Graz.
  • Cheuk, W. H., & Wong, K. S. (1995, July). The effects of spurning and coping style on teacher burnout. Paper presented at the 16th International Conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society, 20-21, Czechoslovakia.
  • 田野、黃國茜和黃樹誠 (1994,三月):澳門小學課程現況及發展,文章發表於「世界經濟發展中海峽兩岸暨港澳地區全民教育發展之展望學術研討會」,臺北。



Other Conference Paper

  • Cheuk, W. H., & Wong, K. S. (2000, November), Defensive social comparisons in kindergarten principals. The Hong Kong Educational Research Association Local conference, Hong Kong.
  • Cheuk, W. H., & Wong, K. S., (1999, March), Job-related stress of kindergarten principals in Hong Kong. The 4th International Conference of OMEP, Hong Kong.
  • Cheuk, W. H., & Wong, K. S., (1999, March), Positive and negative aspects of interactions of kindergarten principals and their close friends. The 4th International Conference of OMEP, Hong Kong.
  • Chan, Y. Y., Cheuk, W. H., Koo, D. R., Wong, K. S., & Li, S. P., (1997, November), Educational development in Macau. The 14th Annual Conference of Hong Kong Educational Research Association, Hong Kong.
  • Cheuk, W. H., & Wong, K. S. (1996, November), The negative impact of peer support on teacher burnout., Paper presented at the 13th Annual Conference of Hong Kong Educational Research Association, 67, Hong Kong, HKIED.
  • Wong, K. S, Koo, D. R., Choi, C. B., Hui, K. F., & Lau, P. L. (1996, November), Educational development in Hong Kong and Macau, Paper presented at the 13th Annual Conference of Hong Kong Educational Research Association, Hong Kong. HKIED.
  • Cheuk, W. H., Wong, K. S., & Siu, Y. F. P, (1995, November), Self-serving comparison processes in teachers' close friendships. Paper presented at the 12th Annual Conference of Hong Kong Educational Research Association, HK.


Conference Proceeding (Refereed)

  • 黃國茜 (1996):澳門小學社會、科學、健康教育綜合發展的漫談, 江蘇省人才學會編《人才與經濟、社會、文化發展》, 366-369, 南京, 東南大學出版社。
  • 卓惠興、黃國茜 (1996):拒絕和壓力感對教師情緒的不良影嚮, 江蘇省人才學會編《人才與經濟、社會、文化發展》, 373-378, 南京, 東南大學出版社。
  • 黃國茜、田野 (7/1995):澳門小學健康教育的現況及發展趨向, 朱永新編《邁向21世紀的國際理解教育 - 國際教育學研究大會蘇州會議論文選》, 228-232, 蘇州, 江蘇教育出版。
  • 卓惠興、黃國茜 (1995):課程設置對增強師範生環境保護意識的作用, 朱永新編《邁向21世紀的國際理解教育 - 國際教育學研究大會蘇州會議論文選》, 104-105, 蘇州, 江蘇教育出版。
  • 田野、黃國茜、黃樹誠(27/32/4/1994):澳門小學課程現況及發展,世界經濟發展中海峽兩岸暨港澳地區全民教育發展之展望學術研討會籌備委員會編《世界經濟發展中海峽兩岸暨港澳地區全民教育發展之展望學術研討會》,頁1-14,臺北。
  • Wong, K. S. (1993). The effects of salary on job satisfaction and achievement among government and non-government and non-government school teachers in Macau., Proceeding of the Conference on Socioeconomic Development and Quality of Life in Macau, pp.187-191, Macau.


Creative & Literary Works, Reports and Published Teaching Materials


  • 藍美容、繆慧碧、梁玉蘭、陳之瑛、黎玉貞、何斯濃、黃國茜、蔡昌 (2011) : 1. 開心保兒日記 – 家,香港,優質教育基金。 2. 開心保兒日記 – 寵物,香港,優質教育基金。 3. 開心保兒日記 – 公園及遊樂場,香港,優質教育基金。 4. 開心保兒日記 – 幫助我們的人,香港,優質教育基金。
  • 藍美容、黎玉貞、何斯濃、陳芝瑛、梁玉蘭、繆慧碧、蔡昌、黃國茜(2011) : 開心保兒日記—幫助我們的人,香港,優質教育基金(Quality Education Fund)‧半小時高清幼兒綜合教育節目(第十六至二十集,主題 : 幫助我們的人) ( Episode16-20, Theme: The people who are helping us)。
  • 藍美容、何斯濃、黎玉貞、陳芝瑛、繆慧碧、梁玉蘭、黃國茜、蔡昌 (2011) : 開心保兒日記—公園及遊樂場,香港,優質教育基金(Quality Education Fund)‧半小時高清幼兒綜合教育節目(第十一至十五集,主題 : 公園及遊樂場) ( Episode11-15, Theme: Parks)。
  • 藍美容、梁玉蘭、繆慧碧、陳芝瑛、何斯濃、黎玉貞、蔡昌、黃國茜(2011) : 開心保兒日記—寵物,香港,優質教育基金(Quality Education Fund)‧半小時高清幼兒綜合教育節目(第六至十集,主題 : 寵物) ( Episode6-10, Theme: Pets)。
  • 藍美容、何斯濃、黎玉貞、陳芝瑛、繆慧碧、梁玉蘭、黃國茜、蔡昌 (2011) : 開心保兒日記—家,香港,優質教育基金(Quality Education Fund)‧半小時高清幼兒綜合教育節目(第一至五集,主題 : 家)( Episode1-5, Theme: Family)。



  • 黃國莤、韓重惠 (2006):《台灣幼教領導啟迪》,CD-R,香港,香港教育學院。


Published Teaching Materials

  • Wong, K.S. (1/2020). Learning and Teaching strategies sharing: Experiential Learning Activity: Field Visit to Tao Heung Museum of Food Culturehttps: The Education University of Hong Kong: ECE Department Resource Bank.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4h0Cf4bZsI&feature=emb_title.
  • Wong, K.S. (4/2018). “Developing an ECE Experiential Learning Curriculum in the Community through Teacher Training” The Education University of Hong Kong: ECE Department Resource Bank https://mahara.eduhk.hk/view/view.php?id=115066
  • 黃國茜、黎玉貞、梁衛文 (2017): 優質教育基金: 計劃整體成效 -- 「繪本中的生命教育」崇真會社會服務教學成效發佈會第三部分2,香港教育大學 幼兒教育學系 (Quality Education Fund: Dissemination conference on the Project Effectiveness) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYvhIhb_KWU&index=9&list=PLLk1HBQA-0ZesAfUauoyyr9r3LqqrTK4S
  • 藍美容、繆慧碧、梁玉蘭、黎玉貞、何斯濃、黃國茜、蔡昌 (2011) : 《「透過多媒體綜合教育節目協助幼兒學習與發展」計劃 - 資源冊》,香港,優質教育基金。


Selected Output Categories

Article for newspaper and journal

  • 黃國茜、王小文, (6/1999), 邁向目標:幼師培訓不容忽視, 星島日報, 香港。
  • 黃國茜 (1998) : 望子成龍 《學校與家庭》 (香港﹕香港教育專業人員協會), 147 (7), 2-3。


High-level public or professional service

Professional Development Presentations/ Training

  • Wong, K.S. (10 June 2019). Teacher Training Workshop: Home-school-community collaborative curriculum for children’s experiential learning. S.K.H. St. Christopher’s Nursery (Kwai Chung), Hong Kong.
  • Wong, K.S. (2019, September). The Development of ECE Curriculum in Hong Kong. Good Habit Kindergarten, Shanghai.
  • Wong, K.S. (14 March 2019). Teacher Training Workshop: Strategies in developing experiential learning activities for young children. S.K.H. St. Christopher’s Nursery (Kwai Chung), Hong Kong.
  • Wong , K.S. (11 Jan 2019). Experiential Learning as a Learner-Centered Teaching Approach. Brown Bag Sharing: Examples of Learner-Centered Approaches in the classroom. Department of ECE, EDUHK.
  • Wong , K.S. (12 Dec 2018). Responding to the Diverse Learning Needs of Ethnic Minority Children in Hong Kong through Strategic Management. Seminar presentation at Learning and Teaching Expo 2018, Hong Kong: Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.
  • Wong, K.S. (18 October 2018). Teacher Training Workshop: Home-school collaboration for children learning with fun (帶領幼兒 走向社區 家校攜手 愉快學習). S.K.H. St. Christopher’s Nursery (Kwai Chung), Hong Kong.
  • Wong, K. S.& Mou, W.P. (2018, April). Teacher Training Seminar: Good Habit Development for Children. Well & Well group of Companies, Shanghai.
  • Wong, K.S. (February 2018). Public Lecture: 透過教師培訓 發展幼兒社區探索課程. Department of ECE, EDUHK.
  • Wong K. S. (11/1/2017, 21/2/2017, & 1/4/2017). C-for-Chinese@JC Project: School Leaders (賽馬會友趣學中文計劃:學校領導工作坊)(Created and funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust)
  • Wong, K. S. (1 December 2016).  The Development of School Leadership and Teacher Development in Early Childhood Setting (幼兒園的領導與教師發展), for Professional Training Programme for Jiangsu Kindergarten Principals and Teachers, China. (2016最美幼兒教師赴港培訓課程). Hong Kong: Department of Educational Policy and Leadership, The Hong Kong Institute of Education.
  • Wong, K. S. (17 May 2016).  Preschool Leadership, Management and Teacher Development(幼兒園的領導、管理與教師發展), for Professional Training Programme for Guangxi Kindergarten Principals, China. (廣西幼兒園園長專業能力培訓課程). Hong Kong: Department of Educational Policy and Leadership, The Hong Kong Institute of Education.
  • Wong, K. S. (8 December 2015).  Preschool Leadership, Management and Teacher Development(幼兒園的領導、管理與教師發展), for Professional Training Programme for Guangxi Kindergarten Principals, China. (廣西幼兒園園長專業能力培訓課程). Hong Kong: Department of Educational Policy and Leadership, The Hong Kong Institute of Education.


Academic Paper Reviewer:

  • Reviewer for conference paper submitted to the 8th Cross-Straits Four-Regions Sustainable Development Education Forum, Hong Kong. (11-12 November 2017)
  • Reviewer for conference paper submitted to the 7th Montessori Asia Conference Hong Kong 2017



  • Wong, K. S., Lau, P. L., & Choi, B. (2017).  Early Childhood Education in Chinese Societies: Home-School-Community Collaboration.  Hong Kong: Educational Publishing House Ltd.
  • Wong, K. S., Lau, P. L., & Choi, B. (2016).  Early Childhood Education in Chinese Societies: Curriculum and Instruction.  Hong Kong: Educational Publishing House Ltd.


Accreditation Service:

  • Wong, K. S., (July 2020). Panel Member of the Accreditation Exercise for Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic & Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ): HKCT Institute of Higher Education (HKCTIHE) Learning Programme Re-accreditation for Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education (Inclusive Education).


Consultancy Work

  • Consultant for the Education University of Hong Kong Past Student’s Association of Early Childhood Teacher Education Ltd (2019 to present)
  • Consultant for the Association of Shum Shui Po Early Childhood Education Principals (2019 to present)
  • Registered School Manager, The Hong Kong Institute of Education HSBC Early Childhood Learning Centre (Rename in 2015: The Education University of Hong Kong Early Childhood Learning Centre) (Kindergarten Section) Manager Reference Number: 36232 (24 September 2010 to 2019).



  • Executive member, Working Team on University of Macau and ACEI-HKM Asia Conference: Children creativity and development in global age (October 2010)
  • Manager for The Hong Kong Institute of Education HSBC Early Childhood Learning Centre (Kindergarten Section)(2010-2011)
  • Consultant for University-School Support Programmes: Empowering Early Childhood Institutions in Implementing Effective School-based Curriculum (EESC) (2009-2010) (The Salvation Army Ping Tin Kindergarten 救世軍平田幼稚園)
  • Co-ordinator, Team of School Visit, The 7th OMEP International Conference (22-25 May 2008)
  • Consultant for University-School Support Programmes: Empowering Early Childhood Institutions in Implementing Effective School-based Curriculum (EESC) (2008-2009) (Lung Kong World Federation School Limited Chu Sui Lan Anglo-Chinese Kindergarten 世界龍岡學校朱瑞蘭 (中英文) 幼稚園)
  • Consultant for School-based Quality Improvement Scheme (2008-2009) (Po Leung Kuk Choi KoonShum Kindergarten 保良局蔡冠森幼稚園)
  • Consultant for School-Based Quality Improvement Scheme (SBQIS) (1 January 2008 – 12 December 2008)
  • 1 seminar on a reading project for 香港教育學院 豐幼兒發展中心 (幼師朗讀計劃, 2007-2008)
  • 1 workshop on integrated curriculum for Christian Alliance Chen Lee Wing Tsing Memorial Kindergarten. (10 November 2006)
  • 1 seminar on a reading project for 香港教育學院 豐幼兒發展中心 (幼師朗讀計劃, 2006-2007)
  • 1 seminar on the current trends in the management of early childhood settings for the Zhe


Awards and Honours

  • FEHD Caring Teacher Award 2020/21 (關愛育人獎), Certificate of Merit, Faculty of Education and Human Development, 28 May 2021
  • FEHD Leaders of Learning Award 2017/18, Faculty of Education and Human Development, 31 August, 2018.





副系主任 (人事管理與學生事務) / 助理教授

(852) 2948 7236

副系主任 (人事管理與學生事務) / 助理教授
(852) 2948 7236
(852) 2948 7160


Research Areas

  • Language and literacy development
  • Reading difficulties
  • Executive functions


Selected Funded Projects


Parent-child Book Reading: A Structured Home Context to Stimulate Executive Functions of Kindergarten Children? [General Research Fund, UGC], Fong, C. Y.-C. [PI], 2022-2024.


Effects of reading-specific cognitive flexibility training on Chinese word reading in preschool children [EdUHK – Internal Research Grant (from UGC Block Grant)], Fong, C. Y.-C. [PI], 2019-2020.


The unique role of cognitive flexibility in Chinese reading acquisition among Hong Kong preschoolers [Early Career Scheme, UGC], Fong, C. Y.-C. [PI], & Ho, C. S.-H., 2018-2020.



In search of early predictors of reading comprehension difficulties in Chinese [General Research Fund, UGC], Ho, C. S.-H., Fong, C. Y.-C., with Elbro, C., Oakhill, J. V., & Wong, A. M.-Y., 2018-2021.



Examining domain-general and reading-specific executive functioning: Relations to reading abilities in Chinese kindergarteners [Start-up Research Grant, EdUHK], Fong, C. Y.-C. [PI], 2016-2017.


Selected Outputs

Journal Publications

Refereed Journal Article


Fong, C. Y. C. (2023). Phonological–semantic flexibility and its role in reading for Chinese kindergarten children. Infant and Child Development, e2419.


Fong, C. Y.-C. & Ho C. S.-H. (2022). Executive functions in Chinese kindergarten children with early reading problems. Dyslexia, 28(3), 325-341.


Ng, W.-S., Wong, T.-Y., & Fong, C. Y.-C. (2021). Contributions of Reading Comprehension Subskills to Arithmetic Word-Problem Solving among Chinese Primary School Students. Journal of Cognition and Development, 22(4), 585-604.


Fong C. Y. C. & Chung P. Y. (2020): The role of orthographic flexibility in Chinese word reading among kindergarten children. Educational Psychology, 40(7), 804-819.


Fong, C. Y. C. & Ho, C. S. H. (2019). Poor oral discourse skills are the key cognitive-linguistic weakness of Chinese poor comprehenders: A three-year longitudinal study. First Language, 39(3), 281-297.


Ho, C. S. H., Fong, C. Y. C., & Zheng, M. (2019). Contributions of vocabulary and discourse-level skills to reading comprehension among Chinese elementary school children. Applied Psycholinguistics, 40(2), 323-349.


Fong, C. Y.-C., & Ho, C. S.-H. (2017). What are the contributing cognitive-linguistic skills for early Chinese listening comprehension? Learning and Individual Differences, 59, 78-85.


Ho, C. S.-H., Fong, C. Y.-C., & Siu, C. T.-S. (2015). Cognitive-linguistic skills contributing to reading comprehension in Chinese. Perspectives on Language and Literacy, 40, 25-31.


McBride-Chang, C., Lam, F., Lam, C., Chan, B., Fong, C. Y.-C., Wong, T. T.-Y., & Wong, S. W.-L. (2014). Early predictors of dyslexia in Chinese children: Familial history of dyslexia, language delay, and cognitive profiles. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 52, 204-211.



Zhang, J., McBride-Chang, C., Tong, X., Wong, A. M.-Y., Shu, H., & Fong, C. Y.-C. (2012). Reading with meaning: The contributions of meaning-related variables at the word and subword levels to early Chinese reading comprehension.Reading and Writing, 25(9), 2183-2203.



Zhou, Y.-L., McBride-Chang, C., Fong, C. Y.-C., Wong, T. T.-Y., & Cheung, S. K (2012). A comparison of phonological awareness, lexical compounding, and homophone training for Chinese word reading in Hong Kong kindergartners. Early Education and Development, 23(4), 475-492.



McBride-Chang, C., Lam, F., Lam, C., Chan, B., Fong, C. Y.-C., Wong, T. T.-Y., & Wong, S. W.-L. (2011). Early predictors of dyslexia in Chinese children: Familial history of dyslexia, language delay, and cognitive profiles. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 52(2), 204-211.


Non-refereed Journal Article



Ho, C. S.-H., Fong, C. Y.-C., & Siu, C. T.-S. (2014). Cognitive-linguistic skills contributing to reading comprehension in Chinese. Perspectives on Language and Literacy, 40, 25-31.


Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters

Chapter in an edited book



McBride-Chang, C., Lin, D., Fong, C. Y.-C., & Shu, H. (2010). Language and literacy development in Chinese children. In M. H., Bond (Eds.), The Handbook of Chinese Psychology. New York: Oxford University Press.



Leung, A., N.-M., Fong, C. Y.-C., & McBride-Chang, C. (2010). Suicidal ideation and behavior among Asian adolescents. In Kumar, U., & Mandal, M. K., Suicidal Behavior: Assessment & Diagnosis. New Delhi: Sage Publications.


Conference Papers

Refereed Conference Paper


Fong, C. Y.-C., & Ho, C. S.-H. (2021, July). The contribution of sound-meaning flexibility to early Chinese reading. Poster presented at the International Congress of Psychology, Prague, Czech Republic.


Fong, C. Y.-C., Ho, C. S.-H., & Chung, P.-Y. (2019, June). Executive functions of early poor readers in Chinese. Poster presented at the International Academy for Research in Learning Disabilities, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece.


Fong, C. Y.-C., Ho, C. S.-H. (2018, July). What are the key cognitive-linguistic weaknesses of first-grade poor comprehenders in Chinese language?. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Brighton, UK.


Ho, C. S.-H., Fong, C. Y.-C., Tsang, S.-M., Chan, D. W.-O., Chung, K. K.-H., & Lee, S.-H. (2017, July). Selective impairment in word reading and reading comprehension among Chinese elementary school children. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Halifax, Nova Scotia.


Fong, C. Y.-C., Ho, C. S.-H., Chan, D. W.-O., & Chung, K., K.-H. (2016, July). The unique role of picture rapid naming in predicting Chinese literacy skills. Paper presented at the Twenty-Third Annual Meeting of Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Porto, Portugal.



Ho, C. S.-H., Fong, C. Y.-C., Siu, C. T.-S., Chan, K. S.-C., Chan, D., & Chung, K. (2015). An Extended Simple View of Reading in Chinese. Poster presentation at the Reading and Spelling Development, Disorders and Remediation Conference organized by the ARC Centre of Excellence in Cognition and its Disorders, Sydney, Australia.



Fong, C. Y.-C., & Ho, C. S.-H (2013). Contribution of oral narrative skills to word reading, sentence and passage reading comprehension in Chinese first graders. Oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Hong Kong, China.



Fong, C. Y.-C., & Ho, C. S.-H (2012). The roles of oral-language and reading-related cognitive skills in early reading comprehension among Chinese preschoolers. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Montreal, Canada. 



Fong, C. Y.-C., & Ho, C. S.-H (2012). The relative contribution of word-specific and word-general knowledge to early word reading and reading comprehension in Chinese preschoolers. Poster presented at the Global Conference on Disorders in Auditory Processing, Literacy, Language and Related Sciences, Hong Kong, China.



Fong, C. Y.-C., Wong, T. T.-Y., McBride-Chang, C. (2009). The role of phonological awareness in Chinese children’s reading and spelling. Poster presented at the International Conference on the Processing of East Asian Languages & Symposium on Brain and Communication, Beijing, China. 



Leung, A. N.-M., Fong, C. Y.-C., & McBride-Chang, C. (2009). Computer game playing and children’s academic performance and psychosocial development. Poster Presentation at the SRCD Biennial Meeting, Colorado, USA.


All other outputs



Ho, C. S.-H., Chan, D. W.-O., Chung, K., Tsang, S.-M., Lee, S.-H., & Fong, C. Y.-C. (2016). The Hong Kong Test of Specific Learning Difficulties in Reading and Writing for Primary School Students-Third Edition [HKT-P(III)]. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Specific Learning Difficulties Research Team.


副系主任 (社區參與) / 副教授

(852) 2948 7587

副系主任 (社區參與) / 副教授
(852) 2948 7587
(852) 2948 7160

PhD (cum Laude) in Psychology, University of Padua

Research Areas

  • Personal asset (e.g., self-control, meaning in life)
  • Child and adolescent development
  • Teacher well-being

Selected Fund Projects

Internal and external grants


Co-I. Workplace mistreatment of Hong Kong secondary school teachers: A longitudinal study of depletion, commitment, and preoccupation mechanisms. General Research Fund (18611323), HK$ 719,781. January 2024 – December 2025. 


PI. Occupational well-being in Hong Kong beginning early childhood educators: A synthesized model integrating job demands, job resources, and self-control. General Research Fund (18622822), HK$ 895,026. January 2023 – June 2025. 


PI. Development of meaning in life during the transition to parenthood. Departmental Research Grant. HK$ 99,000. April 2022 – March 2023. 


Co-I. Transition to parenthood: Testing the influence of emotional regulation on responsive parenting through a moderated mediation model. General Research Fund (18609421). HK$ 391,192. January 2022 – December 2024.


PI. Early childhood educators’ well-being in the Chinese context. Departmental Research Impact Cluster fund. HK$ 1,000,000. July 2021 – June 2024.


PI. University students’ normative belief about aggression: Perspective of the risk-resilience model (SR2020.A5.013). Public Policy Research (PPR) Funding Scheme (Special Round). HK$ 262,430. April 2020 – October 2020.


Academic awards 


President’s Award for Outstanding Performance in Knowledge Transfer (Team Award), Education University of Hong Kong, 2023


Top cited article 2021–2022 published in Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 2023


Top cited article 2020–2021 published in Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 2022


APS Rising Star, Association for Psychological Science (APS), 2021


President’s Award for Outstanding Performance in Research (Early Career Research Excellence Award), Education University of Hong Kong, 2021


Dean’s Research Award: Journal article, Faculty of Education and Human Development, The Education University of Hong Kong, 2020


Misumi Award for best article published in Asian Journal of Social Psychology, Asian Association of Social Psychology, 2019


Editorial board

Learning and Individual Differences

Stress & Health


Selected Outputs

Journal Publications

Refereed Journal Article

# supervised student; * co-first or corresponding author


1. #Zhang, R., #Wang, L. X., Datu, J. A. D., Liang, Y., Dou, K., Nie, Y. G., & *Li, J. B. (2023). High qualities of relationships with parents and teachers contribute to the development of adolescent life satisfaction through resilience: A three-wave prospective longitudinal study. Journal of Happiness Studies, 24, 1339–1365. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10902-023-00647-1


2. Li, J. B., Lau, E. Y. H., & Chan, D. K. C. (2023). Moral obligation to follow anti-COVID-19 measures strengthens the mental health cost of pandemic burnout. Journal of Affective Disorders, 328, 341–344. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2023.02.050


3. Dou, K., #Feng, X. K., #Wang, L. X., & *Li, J. B. (2022). Longitudinal association between parental involvement and internet gaming disorder among Chinese adolescents: Considerations of future consequences as a mediator and peer victimization as a moderator. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 11, 820-830. https://doi.org/10.1556/2006.2022.00056  


4. Li, J. B. (2022). Teacher-student relationships and academic adaptation in college freshmen: Disentangling the between-person and within-person effects. Journal of Adolescence, 94, 538-553. https://doi.org/10.1002/jad.12045


5. Li, J. B., Dou, K. & #Liu, Z. H. (2022). Profiles of positive changes in life outcomes over the COVID-19 pandemic in Chinese adolescents: The role of resilience and mental health consequences. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 16, 13. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13034-022-00451-4


6. Li, J. B., #Wang, Y. S., Dou, K., & Shang, Y. F. (2022). On the development of meaning in life among Chinese college freshmen: Social relationship antecedents and adjustment consequences. Journal of Happiness Studies, 23, 1709-1735. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10902-021-00470-6


7. Cheung, R. Y. M., Cheng, W. Y., Li, J. B., Lam, C. B., & Chung, K. K. H. (2021). Parents’ depressive symptoms and child adjustment: The mediating role of mindful parenting and children’s self-regulation. Mindfulness, 12, 2729-2742. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12671-021-01735-0


8. #Wang, L. X., Dou, K., *Li, J. B., #Zhang, M. C., & #Guan, J. Y. (2021). The association between interparental conflict and problematic internet use among Chinese adolescents: Testing a moderated mediation model. Computers in Human Behavior, 122, article106832. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2021.106832


9. Li, J. B., & Vazsonyi, A. T. (2021). The utility of joint use of the Low Self-Control Scale and the Brief Self-Control Scale in explaining adolescent deviance. European Journal of Criminology, 18, 254-273. https://doi.org/10.1177/1477370819845745


10. Li, J. B., Bi, S. S., Willems, Y. E., & Finkenauer, C. (2021). The association between school discipline and self-control from preschoolers to high school students: A three-level meta-analysis. Review of Educational Research, 91, 73-111. https://doi.org/10.3102/0034654320979160


11. Li, J. B., Leung, T. Y. I., & Li, Z. (2021). The pathways from self-control at school to performance at work among novice kindergarten teachers: The mediation of work engagement and work stress. Children and Youth Services Review, 121, article105881 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2020.105881


12. Li, J. B., Dou, K., & Liang, Y. (2021). The relationship between presence of meaning, search for meaning and subjective well-being: A three-level meta-analysis based on the Meaning in Life Questionnaire. Journal of Happiness Studies, 22, 467-489. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10902-020-00230-y 


13. Li, J. B., Guo, Y. J., Delvecchio, E., & Mazzeschi, C. (2020). Chinese adolescents’ psychosocial adjustment: The contribution of mothers’ attachment style and adolescents’ attachment to mother. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 37, 2597-2619. https://doi.org/10.1177/0265407520932667


14. #Li, Z., & *Li, J. B. (2020). The association between job stress and emotional problems in mainland Chinese kindergarten teachers: The mediation of self-control and the moderation of perceived social support. Early Education and Development, 31, 491-506. https://doi.org/10.1080/10409289.2019.1669127


15. Li, J. B., Dou, K., Situ, Q. M., Salcuni, S., Wang, Y. J., & Friese, M. (2019). Anger rumination partly accounts for the association between trait self-control and aggression. Journal of Research in Personality, 81, 207-223. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrp.2019.06.011


16. Li, J. B., Willems, Y., Stok, F. M., Deković, M., Bartels, M., & Finkenauer, C. (2019). Parenting and self-control across early to late adolescence: A three-level meta-analysis. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 14, 967–1005. https://doi.org/10.1177/1745691619863046


17. Willems, Y., Boesen, N., Li, J. B., Finkenauer, C., & Bartels, M. (2019). The heritability of self-control: A meta-analysis. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 100, 324-334. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neubiorev.2019.02.012


18. Li, J. B., Salcuni, S., & Delvecchio, E. (2019). Meaning in life, self-control and psychological distress among adolescents: A cross-national study. Psychiatry Research, 272, 122-129. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psychres.2018.12.033


19. Li, J. B., & Lau, E. Y. H. (2019). Teacher-student conflict and preschoolers’ adjustment in transition to primary school: The role of child’s self-regulation and parents’ positive relations with others. Early Education and Development, 30, 423-437. https://doi.org/10.1080/10409289.2018.1535227


Conference Papers

Refereed Conference Paper

# supervised student; * co-first or corresponding author


1. #Xu, Z., Sun, J., & Li, J. B. (July 2023). The link between job stress and job burnout in preschool teachers: The moderation of meaning of work. Asian Association of Social Psychology (AASP) Conference 2023, Hong Kong, China. 


2. #Chen, Y., Sun, J., & Li, J. B. (July 2023). Preschool teachers’ basic psychological needs moderate the “job demands - turnover intention” link. Asian Association of Social Psychology (AASP) Conference 2023, Hong Kong, China. 


3. #Zheng, X. L., Sun, J., & Li, J. B. (July 2023). Workload and life meaning in preschool teachers: School-level supportive climate as a moderator. Asian Association of Social Psychology (AASP) Conference 2023, Hong Kong, China.


4. #Wu, X., Lau, E. Y. H., Li, J. B., & Chan, D. K. C. (March 2023). Child routines moderate parent-child relationships and child adjustment during COVID-19 school suspension in Hong Kong. Flash talk presentation at Biennial Meeting of Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Salt Lake City, UT, U.S.


5. #Zhang, R., & Li, J. B. (March 2023). Parental self-control faciliates adolescent psychosocial adjustment amid the pandemic: Direct, actor-partner, and mediating effects. Poster presentation at Biennial Meeting of Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Salt Lake City, UT, U.S.


6. #Ng, P. H. S., & Li, J. B. (March 2023). A latent profile analysis of co-parenting during COVID-19: Implications for parnet and adolescent well-being. Poster presentation at Biennial Meeting of Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Salt Lake City, UT, U.S.


7. #Xu, Y., #Zhang, R., #Qiu, S., Sun, J., & Li, J. B. (March 2023). A person-centered approach to job demands and job/personal resources in kindergarten teachers: Implications for well-being. Poster presentation at Biennial Meeting of Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Salt Lake City, UT, U.S.


8. Li, J. B., #Zhang, R., & Sun, J. (August 2022). Well-being among early childhood educators: A network analysis. EdUHK x HKPS Psychology Research Poster Conference. (Virtual mode)


9. Li, J. B., Sun, J. & #Zhang, R. (July 2022). A large-scale survey of multifaceted well-being among early childhood educators from Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area during the post COVID-19 period. Oral presentation at the 22nd Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association (PECERA) Annual Conference. (Virtual mode)


10. Li, J. B. (November 2021). COVID-19 and adolescent mental health. Keynote at the 7th International Congress of Clinical and Health psychology in Children and Adolescents: Spain (Virtual mode).


11. #Zhang, R., & *Li, J. B. (November 2021). Urgent help-seeking cues increase young people’s prosociality through heightening their perception of other’s needs for help. Oral presentation at the 7th International Congress of Clinical and Health psychology in Children and Adolescents: Spain (Virtual mode).


12. Li, J. B. (July 2021). Hong Kong university students’ normative beliefs about aggression toward police during protests: The role of ecological risks and future orientation. Oral Presentation at the 14th Biennial Conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology: Seoul, Korea (Virtual mode).


13. Li, J. B. (October 2019). The influences of genes and parenting on the individual differences in self-control among adolescents: Evidence from two meta-analyses. Oral Presentation at the 22nd National Academic Congress of Psychology, Hangzhou, China.


14. Li, J. B. (March 2019). Adolescent psychosocial adjustment: The contribution of mothers‘ romantic attachment and adolescents‘ maternal attachment. Poster presentation at Biennial Meeting of Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Baltimore, U.S.


15. Li, J. B. (November 2018). Depressive symptoms among Chinese adolescents: The role of meaning in life and self-control. Oral presentation at the 4th International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology on Children and Adolescents, Mallorca, Spain.


16. Li, J. B., Willems, Y. E., Stok, F. M., Bartels, M., & Finkenauer, C. (May 2018). Parenting and adolescent self-control: A multi-level meta-analysis. Poster presentation at the 30th APS Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA, U.S.




助理系主任(課程) / 高級講師II

(852) 2948 7576

助理系主任(課程) / 高級講師II
(852) 2948 7576

EdD (Organizational Leadership Studies) Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts

MA (Child Development) CSU, Sacramento (Distinction)(Dean’s Award Recipient)

BA (Child Development) CSU, Sacramento (Magna Cum Laude: Distinction)

Research Areas

  • Educational Management and Leadership
  • Teacher Professional Development
  • Play-based Learning
  • Theory and Practice of Playwork


Selected Funded Projects


External Grant: 

2018 - 2019 


Co-Investigator, Research on Seed School Program Promoting Free Play in Hong Kong Kindergartens (Project code: 09633), August 2018 – July 2019, HK$388,400.  

2020 - 2022 


Chan, P. L. (PI), Lam, P. C. & Fung, S. W. (Co-PIs)(01/8/2018 - 31/3/2020). Seed School Training Program in Promoting Free Play in Hong Kong Kindergartens. Playright Children's Play Association ($388,400). 

2017 - 2018 


Chan, P. L. (PI), Lam, P. C. & Fung, S. W. (Co-PIs)(01/8/2017 - 31/7/2018). Research on Seed School Training Program in Promoting Free Play in Hong Kong Kindergartens. Playright Children's Play Association (Service). 

2017 - 2018 


C-for-Chinese@JC Multicultural Teaching Assistant Foundation Programme 


Internal Grants: 


2020 - 2021 


Principal Investigator, Enhancing students' capability in designing playful activities for young children through playful classroom, ECE Innovative Teaching Grants, June 2020 - June 2021, HK$24,950. 

2020 - 2022 


Project Leader, Extending the margin of play, ECE Research Impact Cluster, July 2020 - June 2022, HK$600,000. 

2020 - 2021 


Co-developer, Design Teaching Materials for Supporting Young Children's Free Play, CRAC Project, 2020-2021   



Co-investigator, Preliminary Study on the Impact of Free-play on Young Children, Departmental Research Grant 2019/20, HK$100,000  

2017 - 2019 


Co-Investigator, Digital Pedagogy: Exploring the Effectiveness of Social Media in Teaching and Learning, (Dec 2017 – Dec 2019), HK$80,000  



Selected Outputs

Journal Publications

Refereed Journal Article

Lam, P. C., & Chung, H. H. Y. (2021). Teaching creatively in Hong Kong higher education sector: Transition from the teacher-centered approach to the creative teaching approach. Journal of Communication and Education, 5(1), 57-73.  

Chung, H. H. Y., & Lam, P. C., (2021). Youthful, knowledgeable and compassionate: Analysis of social media identities performed by the youth through Instagram. Journal of Communication and Education, 5(1), 74-92. 

Lam, P. C. (2018). Bridging beliefs and practices: A study of Hong Kong kindergarten teachers’ perceptions of “learning through play” and the implementation of “play” in their practices. Ann Arbor, MI: ProQuest.  

Lam, P. C., Chan, L. W., Yip, W. Y., Cheung, K. M., & Chu, T. W. (2017, May). 《職前幼師眼中的蒙特梭利》. Paper Presented at the Montessori Asia Conference, Hong Kong. 

Lam, P. C. (2004). A handbook for American teachers of recent Chinese immigrant preschool children (Thesis).   


Chapter in an edited book (author)

Chan, P.L., Lam, P.C., & Fung S.W. (In press). Playwork, play works. Playwork Practice at the Margins. UK: Routledge. 


Conference Papers

Refereed Conference Paper

Lam, P. C. (2020, May). Embracing online learning during the Coronavirus outbreak: Motivate students and unlock creativity. Paper Presented at 2020 International Webinar, Yonsei University, South Korea. 

Lam, P. C. (2019, June). A study of Hong Kong kindergarten teachers’ perceptions of learning through play and their actual practices. Paper Presented at The 14th International Conference on Language, Innovation, Culture and Education 2019, South Korea. 

Lam, P. C. (2018, May). How to implement play-based learning? Poster Presented at the Conference for Research in Early Childhood Education, Hong Kong.  

Lam, P. C. (2017, Nov). Applying playwork in early childhood education settings. Paper Presented at the WERA Focal Metting & HKERA International Conference, Hong Kong. 


Creative & Literary Works, Reports and Published Teaching Materials

Lam, P.C. (2017). Guest speaker. CIBS Programme: If you were me – Ethnic Minorities in Hong Kong. (假如你係我- 在港少數族裔). RTHK. Episode 3  http://www.rthk.hk/radio/pth/programme/g0582_if_you_were_me/



林沛晴 (2020.4.27): 多元文化教學助理 同聲同氣支援非華語學童克服學習困難, 《明報》。 

林沛晴 (2019.6.4): 教大GPS:  學習 vs. 自由遊戲, 《明報》。 

林沛晴 (2018.6.12): 教大觀點: 親師關係良好 促進兒童學習, 《星島日報》。 


助理系主任/ 高級講師II

(852) 2948 7030

助理系主任/ 高級講師II
(852) 2948 7030
(852) 2948 7160




Research areas

  • Children's Language Development and Language Teaching
  • Early STEM Education
  • Teaching & Learning in Early Childhood Education


Selected Funded Projects

2022- 2023

Jumping beyond Picture Books with Innovative Technologies(運用創新科技跨越繪本世界)(Project leader) (DLTC Project 2022/23)

2022- 2023

Nurturance of Creativity in Designing Language Learning Activities for Course Assignment (Project leader) (ECE Special Teaching Enhancement Scheme 2022/23)

2022- 2023

Nurturance of Design Thinking and Creativity by Developing Educational Toys (Team member) (FEHD Innovative Teaching Grant 2021/22)

2022- 2023

Using Picture Book to Promote Positive Education in Pre-school through Home-School-Community Collaboration (透過繪本推廣以家、校、社區協作為本的幼兒正向教育)(Team member) (QEF Project)


CoolPlay Project (賽馬會「智‧幼‧趣」計劃) (Team member) (Jockey Club Project)

2017 - 2021

Chinese Language Enhancement Programme for Kindergarten Teachers (幼稚園教師語文專業發展課程) (Team member) (SCOLAR)

2010 - 2012

 Effective Methods of Teaching Chinese Characters for Preschoolers (對幼兒有效漢字學與教方法的研究–高效的漢字認讀及有系統的書寫發展) (Team member) (QEF Project)


Public or Professional Service



Speaker, Coping with Changes in the 21st Century Education: Cultivating Professional Qualities of Pre-service Teachers. University-School Partnership Seminar (配合21世紀教育發展: 培育職前教師的專業素質,「大學與學校幼師培訓協作計劃」研討會) (Sept 2022)


Speaker, STEM in Early Childhood Education: Use of Problem Solving Skills to Inspire Children’s Creativity (幼兒STEM教學︰善用解難思維技巧,啟發創意潛能), Learning & Teaching Expo 2019  (Dec, 2019) 


Speaker, Let Explorative Learning Unfold through Story Book (一切從繪本出發:啟動探索之旅), Learning & Teaching Expo 2018 (Dec, 2018)


Teacher Training Workshops


STEAM Education: Using Picture Books to Foster Children’s Thinking Skills in Problem Solving (STEAM 教學: 運用繪本促進幼兒的解難思維能力工作坊) (Participants: Pre-service & In-service Kindergarten Teachers)


Appreciation of Picture Books and Application of the Picture Book Approach in Teaching Practice (賞析繪本及繪本教學應用初探工作坊) (Participants: Pre-service & In-service Kindergarten Teachers)


Project Learning Workshops (方學教學工作坊) (Participants: 8 Kindergartens of Learning Habitat Education) 


Workshop on Children’s Reading and The Picture Book Approach (幼兒閱讀與繪本教學工作坊) (Participants: 2 Kindergartens)


Workshop on Teaching Children’s Literacy Skills (幼兒語文教學工作坊) (Participant: Po Leung Kuk Kam Hing Kindergarten)


STEM Workshops Series: Teaching Approaches & Curriculum Design in Early Childhood Education (Participants: 6 Kindergartens)


STEM Workshops Series: Curriculum Design in Thinking Skills & Questioning Skills of Problem Solving (Participants: 3 Kindergartens)


Workshop on Children’s Reading Abilities (幼兒閱讀能力工作坊) (Participant: TWGHs Hung Wong Kar Gee Kindergarten) 


Parent Talks / Parent-Child Workshops


Talk on Parent-child Reading (「親子閱讀」講座), Yan Oi Tong Allan Yap Kindergarten (July, 2023)

2022 Talk on Learning through Joyful Reading Activities (「閱讀悅學」家長講座), ELCHK Hing Wah Nursery School (May,2022)


Professional Advice Service


Supporting the programme “Preschool teachers apply language rich teaching skills and knowledge (TALK)” in Vietnam” (supporting VVOB’s internal learning, VVOB - Education for Development (non-profit organization)


Sharing the expert advice to Hong Kong Police Force Public Relations Wing (Advice on the Creation of Storybook Related to Anti-scam)  


Sharing the expert advice to Learning Habitat Kindergarten’s Curriculum Development Team (Project Learning in Curriculum Design and Implementation)


Sharing the expert advice to Yan Oi Tong Allan Yap Kindergarten (Using The Picture Book Approach in Curriculum Design)


Selected Outputs: 

Story book


「阿仨ž耕食手作」團隊 (故事及文字創作)、徐羅麗萍、黃玉卿、羅傑瑩 (執行編輯︰分層文字創作) (2017)。愛吃薑的蛇 (1-3冊)。香港︰香港專業教育學院 幼兒、長者及社會服務系。


Conference Paper


Law, K.Y. (2021, Dec). The lexical proficiency in Cantonese of cross-boundary preschoolers in Hong Kong. Paper presented at HKERA-APERA International Conference 2021, Hong Kong.


Chapter in an edited book


謝錫金、羅傑瑩、梁昌欽(2015)。處理個別差異︰故事分層故事教學。載於謝錫金、李黛娜、陳聲珮,幼兒綜合高效識字:中文讀寫的理論及實踐 (頁135-160)。香港︰香港大學出版社。


謝錫金、李黛娜、陳聲珮、羅傑瑩(2015)。識字教學的成效︰評估結果及分析。載於謝錫金、李黛娜、陳聲珮,幼兒綜合高效識字:中文讀寫的理論及實踐 (頁161-182)。香港︰香港大學出版社。


 謝錫金、李黛娜、羅傑瑩、陳聲珮(2014)。 建立字詞網絡。載於謝錫金,幼兒口語發展研究(第二版) (頁105-114)。香港︰香港大學出版社。


Journal Article



謝錫金、李黛娜、羅傑瑩、陳聲珮 (2013)。綜合高效識字法︰建立字詞網絡。 漢字漢文教育第三十輯 (頁53-85)。


助理系主任(教學)/ 副教授

(852) 2948 7208

助理系主任(教學)/ 副教授
(852) 2948 7208
(852) 2948 7160

PhD (London)
BA, PGCE (Distinction), MEd (Distinction) (HKU)
MA (Poly U)

Research Areas

  • Child health
  • Mental health
  • Addiction
  • Family processes
  • Program evaluation
  • Positive youth development 


04/2023 – Present  

Honorary Associate Professor, Department of Clinical, Education & Health Psychology, University College London, London, UK


Selected Funded Projects

External, Competitive Research Grants


Social Reconciliation Readiness and Strategy Preferences Among Hong Kong       People: A Mixed Methods Study [Public Policy Research (PPR) Funding Scheme (Special Round), C.S.M. Ng (PI) with M. M. Chiu, and D. Conley]. Awarded $435,628.



The impact of differential parenting: A longitudinal study of child and parent factors on children’s psychosocial health in Hong Kong [General Research Fund (GRF), 2018-2019, C.S.M. Ng (PI) with G. Heyman, Q. Zhou, and M. M. Chiu]. Awarded $661,750.



The effects of workplace bullying on Chinese children’s health, behavior and school adjustment via parenting: A longitudinal study [Early Career Scheme (ECS), 2016-2017, C.S.M. Ng (PI)]. Awarded $861,110.



Randomized controlled trial of Strengths Model Case Management with Chinese mental health service users in Hong Kong [General Research Fund (GRF), S. Tse (PI) with W.W.Y. Yuen, C.S.M. Ng (Co-I), S.Fukui, R.Goscha]. Awarded $886,560.



A randomized controlled trial evaluating of an intervention which enhances social support and positive affect through online social networking in smoking cessation [Health and Medical Research Fund (HMRF), J. Lau (PI) with C.W. Kahler, R.J. West, A.S. Abdullah, M.C.S. Wong, C.S.M. Ng (Co-I), & R.W.M. Law]. Awarded $999,904.  


Internal Research Grants



The relationship between perceived stress, coping strategies, emotional intelligence, life satisfaction and psychological health among Chinese parents and caregivers of children with autism spectrum disorder: A case-control study [Internal Research Grant, C.S.M. Ng (PI)]. Awarded $80,000.



Designing and developing on-line learning materials for HD (ECE) students [Teaching Development Grant, P. L. Chan, C.S.M. Ng (Co-PI) and ECE colleagues]. Awarded $295,500.



Developing a survey instrument on the perceived effectiveness of transition strategies adopted by primary school teacher and parents [Strategic Research Funding Scheme, EdUHK, Mei Lee Ng (PI) with P. L. Chan, H. K. Fok, C.S.M. Ng (Co-I), T. M. N. Tam]. Awarded $150,000.



An exploratory study on the predictors of reading comprehension skills in autistic children [Strategic Research Funding Scheme, EdUHK, Richard Kwok Shing Wong (PI) with C.Y.C. Fong, C.S.M. Ng (Co-I), Siu, C.T.S.] Awarded $150,000.



The impact of the use of mobile devices on children’s and adolescents’ physical, psychological health and academic performance mediated by parenting styles [Department Research Grant, EdUHK , C.S.M. Ng (PI)]. Awarded $100,000.



The Prevalence of Alexithymia and Its Association with Parenting Styles and Family Emotional Expressiveness in a Sample of Chinese Children and Early Adolescents in Hong Kong [Start-up Research Grant, EdUHK, C.S.M. Ng (PI)]. Awarded $30,000)]

Selected Outputs

Refereed Journal Article


Ng, C. S. M.* (2024). Maternal stress, parenting, and mother-child interactions in unaffected siblings of children with autism spectrum disorder in China. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology. https://doi.org/10.1111/dmcn.15939. [online ahead of print]


Ng, C. S. M.*, & Ng, S. S. L. (2022). A qualitative study on the experience of stigma for parents of children with autism spectrum disorder. Scientific Reports, 12, 19550. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-23978-0


Ng, C. S. M.*, & Ng, S. S. L. (2022). Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on children’s mental health: A systematic review. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2322.


Lin, S. Y., Ng, C. S. M.*, Chung, K. K., & To-Chan, S. P. (2022). Teachers’ changed perceptions of pupils’ motivation for learning through professional development: The moderating role of classroom ethnic composition. Journal of Education for Teaching. DOI: 10.1080/02607476.2022.2135426


Tse, S. S., Yu, C-H, Yuen, W. W. Y., Ng, C. S. M., Lo, L. W. K., Fukui, S., Goscha, R. Chan, S. H. W., Wan, E., Wong, S., Chan, S. K. (2022). Randomized controlled trial evaluating the Strengths Model Case Management in Hong Kong. Research on Social Work Practice. https://doi.org/10.1177/10497315221118550


Capio, M. C.*, Ng, C. S. M., Chung, K. K. H., Jones, R. A., & Sit, C. H. P. (2021). Evaluation of a school-based dissemination of the movement guidelines for young children in Hong Kong: Study protocol. Archives of Public Health, 79(1), 1-9.


Tse, S., Ng, C. S. M.*, Yuen, W. W. Y., Lo, I. W. K., Fukui, S., Goscha, R., Wan, E., Wong, S., & Chan, S. K. (2021). Process research: Compare and contrast the recovery-orientated strengths model of case management and usual community mental health care. BMC Psychiatry, 21:534. doi:10.1186/s12888-021-03523-5


Ng, C. S. M.*, Fang, Y. J. (co-first authorship), Wang, Z., & Zhang, M. (2021). Potential factors of parenting stress in Chinese parents of children with autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 1-12. doi:10.1177/10883576211012599


Ng, C. S. M., Chai, W. Y., Chan, S. P., & Chung, K. K. H.* (2021). Hong Kong preschool teachers’ utilization of culturally responsive teaching to teach Chinese to ethnic minority students: A qualitative exploration. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, doi: 10.1080/02188791.2021.1873102 


Ng, C.S.M.; Chan, V.C.W. (2021). Prevalence of Workplace Bullying and Risk Groups in Chinese Employees in Hong Kong. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 329. https://doi.org/10.3390/ ijerph18010329


Ng, C. S. M., Chiu, M. M., Heyman, G., & Zhou, Q. (2020). The impact of differential parenting: A study protocol on a longitudinal study investigating child and parent factors on children’s psychosocial health in Hong Kong. Frontiers in Psychology, 11:1656. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01656


Ng, C. S. M. & Chan, V. C. W. (2020). Prevalence and associated factors of alexithymia among Chinese adolescents in Hong Kong. Psychiatry Research, 290:113126. 


Tse, S., Ng, S. M. C., Yuen, W. Y. W., Fukui, S., Goscha, R. J., & Lo, W. K. I. (2019). Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial evaluating the effectiveness of strengths model case management (SMCM) with Chinese mental health service users in Hong Kong. BMJ Open, 9(5), e026399. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-026399


Ng, C. S. M. (2019). Effects of workplace bullying on Chinese children’s health, behaviours and school adjustment via parenting: Study protocol for a longitudinal study. BMC Public Health, 19(1), 129. doi: 10.1186/s12889-019-6458-1


Ng, C. S. M., Chai, W. Y., Fok, H. K., Chan, S. P., Lam, H. C., & Chung, K. K. H.* (2019). Building preschool teachers’ capacity for teaching Chinese to ethnic minority children in Hong Kong: A qualitative study. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 41(3), 284-305.


Lau, J. T., Ng, C. S. (co-first author), Wu, A. M., Ma, Y. L., & Lau, M. M. (2018). Low coverage of influenza vaccination among Chinese children aged 12-23 months: Prevalence and associated factors. PloS One, 13(10), e0205561. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0205561



Ng, C. S. M., & Hurry, J. (2011). Depression amongst Chinese adolescents in Hong Kong: An evaluation of a stress moderation model. Social Indicators Research, 100(3), 499-516. doi: 10.1007/s11205-010-9626-3



Ng, C. S. M., Leung, D. Y. P., Wan, Z., Fu, I. C. Y., Lam, T. H., & Chan, S. S. C. (2011). An evaluation of the first gender-specific smoking cessation counseling program for female smokers to quit in Hong Kong: A 3-year follow-up. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 65(Suppl 1), A368. doi: 10.1136/jech.2011.142976m.60


Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters

Chapter in an edited book


Leung, A. N. M., Chan, K. K. S., Ng, C. S. M., & Lee, J. C-K. (2023). Cyberbullying and values education: Implications for family and school education. In A. N. M. Leung, K. K. S. Chan, C. S. M. Ng, & J. C-K. Lee. (Eds.), Cyberbullying and values education: Implications for family and school education (pp. 1-10). Routledge.


Shek, D. T. L., Yu, L., Wu, F. K. Y., & Ng, C. S. M. (2016). General education program in a new 4-year university curriculum in Hong Kong. In D. T. L. Shek, A. M. H. Siu, H. Leung, & J. Merrick (Eds.), Higher education in Hong Kong: Nurturing students to be caring service leaders (pp. 123-135). New York: Nora Science Publishers.



Shek, D. T. L., & Ng, C. S. M. (2014). Family quality of life, personal well-being, and risk behaviour in early adolescents in Hong Kong: Related phenomena and research gaps. In D. T. L. Shek, R. C. F. Sun, & C. M. S. Ma (Eds.), Chinese Adolescents in Hong Kong – Family Life, Psychological Well-Being and Risk Behavior (pp. 1-18). New York: Springer.



Shek, D. T. L., Sun, R. C. F., & Ng, C. S. M. (2011). Process evaluation of the implementation of the Secondary 3 Program in the Experimental Implementation Phase. In D. T. L. Shek, H. K. Ma, & J. Merrick (Eds.), Positive youth development: Evaluation and future directions in a Chinese context (pp. 95-108). New York: Nova Science.


Conference Papers

Selected Refereed Conference Paper



Ng, C. S. M., & Shek, D. T. L. (2010). Qualitative evaluation of the Project P.A.T.H.S.: Findings based on program implementers. International Conference on 2010 Joint World Conference on Social Work and Social Development, Hong Kong, which was organized by the International association of Schools of Social Work, the International Council on Social Welfare and the International Federation of Social Workers.


Selected Refereed Conference Presentation



Tse, S., Wan, E., Wong, S., Chan, S. K., Yuen, W., Ng, C. S. M., & Lo, I. (2019). Application and research of Strengths Model Case Management in Hong Kong: Key findings and lessons learnt. International conference on Change and Innovation for Better World:  The Future of Social Work Profession. (27th -28th June), Hong Kong.


Ng, C. S. M. (2018). Prevalence and risk of mental health problems from workplace bullying in Hong Kong. 2018 International Symposium on Education and Psychology. (13th -15th November 2018), Kyoto Japan.


Selected Output Categories

Academic Award


Top 10% Teaching Awards


Top 10% Teaching Awards


Top 10% Teaching Awards



The Best Abstract Award (2010 Joint World Conference on Social Work and Social Development: Mental Health Issues)  


Professional Service

2014 - Present


(Executive Committee)

The Hong Kong Society of Behavioral Health





(852) 2948 6360

(852) 2948 6360
(852) 2948 7160

PhD, Fudan University

MSSc, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

PGCert Edu, The University of Hong Kong

BSSc, City University of Hong Kong


Professional Qualifications

  • Fellow, Chartered Management Institute, UK
  • Associate Fellow, Hong Kong Professional Counselling Association
  • Registered Social Worker


Services (as Editor)

  • Editor, Public Administration and Policy Journal, published by Emerald
  • Former Programme Leader (HK), Doctor of Education (EdD), The University of Nottingham, UK
  • Principal Investigator / Course Coordinator, commissioned courses for 1) Heads of Guidance & Discipline Teams in Primary & Secondary Schools, 2) Teachers of Life Planning, 3) Kindergarten Principals & Teachers, Education Bureau
  • Former Field / Course Coordinator, commissioned courses for 1) Registered Special Child Care Workers , 2) Family Social Workers, 3) Officer Grade (Management Level), 4) Fieldwork, Social Welfare Department & Government
  • Former Tenor (International Representative), City University of Hong Kong Choir
  • Field Experience Coordinators


Teaching (with Teaching Awards)

  • Master of Arts in Child and Family Education
  • Master of Education
  • Master of Social Sciences in Global Hong Kong Studies
  • Bachelor of Education in ECE
  • Parent Workshops
  • Parent Workshops (in partnership with The University of Warwick, UK)


Research Areas

  • Family Education, Family Therapy and Parenting
  • School Social Work and Counselling
  • Child Abuse and Maltreatment
  • Education and Social Welfare Policy



  • Parent, Christ Church Kindergarten (CCKG)







(852) 2948 6219

(852) 2948 6219
(852) 2948 7160

Ph.D.  Developmental Psychology, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities  

M.A.   Developmental Psychology, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities

B.S.    Honors in Psychology & Biology with Neurobiology option, University of Wisconsin – Madison


Research Areas

  • Mathematical thinking and learning
  • Embodied and perceptual processes
  • Executive function and language development
  • Educational technologies and learning sciences


Selected Awards

2024 – 2026  

Playful Learning of Math Equivalence: Design, Testing, and Analysis of a Game with Children and Caregivers. Early Career Scheme Funded by the HK University Grants Committee (PI; $1,114,060 HKD)

2019 – 2021       

Graspable Math Activities: Increasing Algebra Proficiency with Dynamic Notation Technology. Funded by ED/SBIR Institute of Education Sciences, US Department of Education (Co-PI, PI: Erik Weitnauer; $7 million HKD)

2017   Dissertation Funding Award, Society for Research in Child Development ($15,700 HKD)
2017 - 2018   Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities ($196,000 HKD)


Selected Output

Peer-reviewed journal articles


Chan, J. Y.-C., Closser, A. H.*, Ngo, V.*, Smith, H.*, Liu, A., & Ottmar, E. (2023). Examining shifts in conceptual knowledge, procedural knowledge, and procedural flexibility in the context of two game-based technologies. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 39, 1274-1289 DOI: 10.1111/jcal.12798


Chan, J. Y.-C., Byrne, C.⁺, Jerusal, J.⁺, Liu, A., Roberts, J.⁺, Ottmar, E. (2023). Keep DRAGging ON: Is solving more problems in DragonBox12+ associated with higher mathematical performance? British Journal of Educational Technology, 54, 943-966. DOI: 10.1111/bjet.13304


Chan J. Y.-C., Ottmar, E. R., Smith, H.*, & Closser, A. H.* (2022). Variables versus numbers: Effects of symbols and algebraic knowledge on students’ problem-solving strategies. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 71, 102114. DOI: 10.1016/j.cedpsych.2022.102114


Chan, J. Y.-C., Sera, M. D. & Mazzocco, M. M. M. (2022). Relational language influences young children’s number relation skills. Child Development, 93(4), 956-972. DOI: 10.1111/cdev.13737


Chan, J. Y.-C., Lee, J. E., Mason, C. A., Sawrey, K. B., & Ottmar, E. R., (2022). From Here to There!: A dynamic algebraic notation system improves understanding of equivalence in middle-school students. Journal of Educational Psychology, 114(1), 56–71. DOI: 10.1037/edu0000596 


Chan, J. Y.-C., Scalise, N. R. (2022). Numeracy skills mediate the relation between executive function and mathematics achievement in early childhood. Cognitive Development. DOI: 10.1016/j.cogdev.2022.101154


Chan, J. Y.-C., Ottmar, E., & Lee, J. E., (2022). Slow down to speed up: Longer pause time before solving problems relates to higher strategy efficiency. Learning and Individual Differences. DOI: 10.1016/j.lindif.2021.102109 [Accepted PDF]


Chan, J. Y.-C., & Mazzocco, M. M. M. (2021). Integrating qualitative and quantitative methods to develop a comprehensive coding manual: Measuring attention to mathematics in play contexts. Methods in Psychology, 4, 100044. DOI: 10.1016/j.metip.2021.100044


Chan, J. Y.-C., Praus-Singh, T. L. & Mazzocco, M. M.  (2020). Parents’ and young children’s attention to mathematical features varies across play materials. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 157, 65-77. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecresq.2019.03.002 [Accepted PDF]


Chan, J. Y.-C. & Mazzocco, M. M. (2017). Competing features influence children’s attention to number. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 156, 62-81. DOI: 10.1016/j.jecp.2016.11.008  [Accepted PDF]


Chan, J. Y.-C. & von Baeyer, C. L. (2016). Cognitive developmental influences on the ability of preschool-age children to self-report their pain intensity. PAIN, 157(5), 997-1001. DOI: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000000476  [Accepted PDF] Featured as an editor’s choice


Book Chapters


Chan, J. Y.-C., Closser, A. H.*, Smith, H.*, Lee, J. E., Drzewiecki, K. C.*, & Ottmar, E. (2023). Grasping patterns of algebraic understanding: Dynamic technology facilitates learning, research, and teaching in mathematics education. In K. M. Robinson, D. Kotsopoulos, & A. K. Dubé (Eds), Mathematical Teaching and Learning: Perspectives on Mathematical Minds in the Elementary and Middle School Years (pp. 207 – 225). Switzerland: Springer Nature. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-31848-1_12


McMullen, J., Chan, J. Y.-C., Mazzocco, M. M, & Hannula-Sormunen, M. (2019). Spontaneous mathematical focusing tendencies in mathematical development and education. In A. Norton and M. W. Alibali (Eds), Constructing Number: Merging Perspectives from Psychology and Mathematics Education (pp. 69 – 86). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-00491-0_4


Mazzocco, M. M., Chan, J. Y.-C., & Prager, E. O. (2018). Working memory & specific learning disability: Math. In T. Alloway (Ed), Working Memory and Clinical Developmental Disorders: Theories, Debates and Interventions. Taylor and Francis. DOI: 10.4324/9781315302072


Mazzocco, M. M., Chan, J. Y.-C., & Bock, A. M. (2017). Early executive function and mathematics relations: Correlation does not ensure concordance. In C. Day-Hess, J. Sarama, D. Clements, and C. Germeroth (Eds), Advances in Child Development and Behavior: The Development of Early Childhood Mathematics Education (pp. 290 – 307). UK: Elsevier Academic Press. DOI: 10.1016/bs.acdb.2017.05.001 


Mazzocco, M. M., Chan, J. Y.-C., & Sera, M. D. (2016). Contextual sensitivity and the large number word bias: When is bigger really more? In A. Henik (Ed), Continuous Issues in Numerical Cognition: How Many or How Much (pp. 81 – 103). London, United Kingdom: Elsevier Academic Press. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-801637-4.00004-4



Other Publications: Online Blogs, Videos, and Conference Proceedings


Closser, A. H., Chan, J. Y.-C., Smith, H., & Ottmar, E. R. (2022). Perceptual learning in math: Implications for educational research, practice, and technology. Rapid Community Report Series. Digital Promise and the International Society of the Learning Sciences. https://repository.isls.org/handle/1/7668


Chan, J. Y.-C. (2022) Cognitive developmental mechanisms of mathematical learning. In J. Oshima, T. Mochizuki, & Y. Hayashi (Eds.), General Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Meeting of the International Society of the Learning Sciences 2022. (pp. 131-132). Hiroshima, Japan: International Society of the Learning Sciences. [PDF]


Closser, A. H., Chan, J. Y.-C., Smith, H., Ottmar, E. (2022). College students’ input on the design of worked examples for online environments [Empirical Research Report]. In Proceedings of the Forty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Nashville, TN.  


Chan, J. Y.-C., Smith, H., Closser, A. H., Drzewiecki, K. C., & Ottmar, E. (2021). Number vs. variable: The effect of symbols on students’ math problem solving. In T. Fitch, C. Lamm, H. Leder, K. Teβmar-Raible (Eds), Proceedings of the Forty-Third Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. (pp. 2836-2842). Vienna, Austria: University of Vienna. [PDF] 


Chan, J. Y.-C. & Mazzocco M. (2021). Expand Mathematical Thinking During Block and Pretend Play [Blog]. Development and Research in Early Math Education, Stanford University. 


Ottmar, E., Lee, J. E., Weitnauer, E., & Chan, J. Y.-C. (2020). Graspable Math: Moving algebraic understanding, 2020 STEM for All Video Showcase [Video]. STEM for All Video Showcase: Learning from Research and Practice. 


Chan, J. Y.-C. (2018). Executive Function Skills and Math [Blog]. Reflection Sciences. Featured in Reflection Sciences Parent Newsletter - June 2018.



(852) 2948 8169

(852) 2948 8169
(852) 2948 7160

MEd Sheffield
BEd Brunel

Research Areas

  • Educational Transition
  • Curriculum Design, Content and Evaluation
  • Learning and Teaching in Early Childhood Education

Selected Funded Projects


A Quality Review of Hong Kong Creches Service - An ITERS-R Approach. Departmental Research Grant, Department of Early    Childhood Education, The Education University of Hong Kong.

2015 - 2016  

Evaluating a Quality Infant and Toddler Curriculum (HK$ 300,480. Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, 2015-2016) (50% Chan, W.L.)

2013 - 2014


New Direction for Teacher Professional Development: Creative "QUEST CHIP" Early Childhood Music Curriculum

2013 - 2014


A Survey on the implementation of 15 Years Free Education, Hong Kong.

2012 - 2016


Relationships between cognitive skills and language proficiencies in Cantonese and English among ECLC learners.

2012 - 2014


Early Childhood Professional Networks in Four Contexts: Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and Korea.

2012 - 2013


An investigation into the modes of subsidy of early childhood education in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan

2011 - 2012


Teaching for creativity: Promoting creative practices in preschool classrooms and the process of change

2011 - 2012   Principal investigator: Cheung, H.P.R., Chan, Wai Ling, Cheung, Lai Ha, Ching, Pui Sun, Ng, Mei Lee, Choi-Tse, Kang Chun & Mok, Mo Ching Magdalena, (Teaching for creativity: Promoting creative practices in preschool classrooms and the process of change), (Quality Education Fund), 2011-2012, HK$679, 500.

2010 - 2012


Organizational -based Quality Improvement Scheme

2007 - 2008


Empowering Children, Parents and Teachers for the Smooth Transition from Preschool to Primary School: Parentship between Preschool and Primary School



Making Children's Learning Visible Through Clay Activity

2004 - 2005


A Study of the Capacities of Graduates from the HKIEd HSBC Early Childhood Learning Centre in the Domain of Reading Comprehension, Numeracy and Problem-Solving

2004 - 2006


Enhancing English learning in ESL young children through immersion in creative drama activities



Profiles of CE(ECE) Year One Students being Reading Tutors in ECLC

2002 - 2003


Expectations and experiences of teachers, parents and children concerning children transition from kindergarten to primary school 2002-2003

2002 - 2003


Early Childhood Education in Hong Kong Through the Eyes of Pioneers

2001 - 2002


The Hong Kong Institute of Education HSBC Early Children Learning Centre (ECLC) Project



An Educational Visit to Korea

2000 - 2001


The Hong Kong Institute of Education HSBC Early Childhood Learning Centre (ECLC) Establishment Project Team 香港教育學院匯豐幼兒發展中心─研究與實踐並進,創本港學前教育先河


Selected Outputs

Journal Publications

Refereed Journal Article


Xie, W., Zhang, X., Xiao, N.& Chan, W.L. (2021) Need for and concerns about non-parental childcare programs for infants and toddlers in Hong Kong: Voices of parents, Children and Youth Service Review,  



Capio, C.M., Chan, W.L., Li, E.S., (2021). Addressing the needs of early childhood teachers in promoting motor development through a co-design process. Journal of Education for Teaching. DOI: 10.1080/02607476.2021.1959268  


Liu, T., Zhang, X., Zhao, K., Chan, W.L., (2020). Teacher-child relationship quality and Chinese toddlers’ developmental functioning A cross-lagged modelling approach. Children and Youth Services Review. DOI: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2020.105192 


CHAN, W.L. (2019). A Systematic Approach to Assess the Quality of Centre-Based Care Services for Infants and Toddlers in Hong Kong. Journal of Education and Human Development. 8 (4), 105-118. DOI: 10.15640/jehd.v8n4a13   


CHAN, W.L. (2019). Exploring the Impacts of Staff-child Ratio on Quality of Early Childhood Care and Education - A comparative Case Study in Hong Kong. Journal of Education and Human Development. 8 (3), 52-63. DOI: 10.15640/jehd.v8n3a8



Zhang, X. & Chan, W.L. (2018). Effectiveness of the SIME Program for Infants and Toddlers in Center-Based Settings. Research on Social Work Practice, doi: 10.1177/1049731518775218, 1-19.



Chan. W.L. (2018). Challenges to the Infant Care Profession: Practitioners’ Perspectives. Early Child Development and Care, iFirst Article, https://doi.org/10.1080/03004430.2018.1432606, online, 1-13.



Chan, W.L. (2016). The Discrepancy between Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices: A Study   of Kindergarten Teachers in Hong Kong. Teacher Development, 20:3, 417-433



Chan, W.L. & Rao, N. (2013). Variation in the Qualities of Instruction Methods Adopted by Different Kindergartens in Hong Kong. International Journal of Early Childhood Learning, 19, 21-41.



Chan, W.L. (2012) Expectations for the Transition from Kindergarten to Primary School amongst Teachers, Parents and Children. Early Child Development and Care, 182(5), 639-664.



Chan, W.L. (2010) The Transition from Kindergarten to Primary School, as Experienced by Teachers, Parents and Children in Hong Kong. Early Child Development and Care, 180(7), 973-993.


Non-refereed Article


Chan, W. L. (2018). Preschool Chinese Learning Pack: K2-K3, Pearson Education Asia Limited. 



Chan, W. L. (2014). Preschool New Nursery Series Pupils Books 1-8. Pearson Education Asia Limited. 



Chan, W. L. (2014). Pre-school New Nursery Series DVD with Parents’ Guide. Pearson Education Asia Limited. 



陳惠玲 (2014) : 入學須知,載於明報《幼稚園選校全攻略2015-2016》,頁6-7,香港,明報報業有限公司。



陳惠玲 (2014) : 襪子該誰洗,載於《樂活. 家》,25期,頁1,香港,閱亮點有限公司。



陳惠玲 (2014) : 讚賞子女「叻」有何不妥?載於《樂活. 家》,24期,頁40,香港,閱亮點有限公司。



陳惠玲 (2014) : 孩子入學的準備大計,載於《樂活. 家》,23期,頁8,香港,閱亮點有限公司。



陳惠玲 (2014) : 關於閱讀,你可以做的是….. ,載於《樂活. 家》,22期,頁4,香港,閱亮點有限公司。



陳惠玲 (2014) : 學前班學甚麼? 載於《樂活. 家》,21期,頁4,香港,閱亮點有限公司。



陳惠玲 (2013) : 如何揀選幼稚園,載於《樂活. 家》,20期,頁42-43,香港,閱亮點有限公司。



陳惠玲 (2013) : 選校四大因素,載於《親子王》,165期,頁12,香港,星島日報。



陳惠玲 (2013) : 幼師訴求非「曲高和寡」《星島日報》2013年5月21日。



陳惠玲 (2013) : 送尖子到海外vs. 促進本地幼師專業《明報》2013年3月22日。



陳惠玲 (2013) : 比照澳門台灣落實十五年免費教育的困難《信報》2013年3月16日。



陳惠玲 (2012) : 促進優質幼兒教育 ---教師專業發展及教師角色的探思《會訊創刊號》,大埔及北區幼兒教育校長會。



Chan, L & Chan W.L. (2005) Paired Reading – Student Teachers reading to Preschoolers (in Chinese). Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 4(1), 62-64



Li, Y.L. & Chan, W.L. (2004). Early Childhood Education in Hong Kong Through the Eyes of Pioneers (in Chinese). Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 3(1), 51-55


Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters

Research book or monograph



陳惠玲 (2014) :香港、澳門、台灣幼兒教育發展與現況的反思,輯於陳惠玲,黃國   茜編,《香港、澳門、台灣幼兒教育發展與現況》,頁118-130,香港,教育出版社有很公司。



陳惠玲、鄭佩華、黃國茜 (2014) :香港幼兒教育現況與發展,輯於陳惠玲,黃國茜編,《香港、澳門、台灣幼兒教育發展與現況》,頁11-51,香港,教育出版社有很公司。



陳惠玲、黃國茜 (2014) :香港、澳門、台灣幼兒教育簡介,輯於陳惠玲,黃國茜編,《香港、澳門、台灣幼兒教育發展與現況》,頁6-9,香港,教育出版社有很公司。






林美嫦、陳惠玲 (2008) : 《賦權幼兒、家長和老師的幼小銜接實務:幼小協作計劃》,香港,香港教育學院豐幼兒發展中心。



Wong, W.Y., Chan, W.L., & Lam, P.W. (2006). Creative Young Children: Sky and Earth. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institution of Education.


Chapter in an edited book



黃潔薇、李婉玲和陳惠玲 (2003):《幼師筆下的教育面面觀》,香港,香港教育學院。



Tsui, K.Y., Chan, W.L. & Wong, K.M. (2003). Professional teacher. In W.Y. Wong & M.L. Cheng (Eds.), The journey of early childhood education (pp.196-234). Hong Kong: Educational Publishing House. (in Chinese)

Book Edited


陳惠玲、關珊(2015):學校、大自然、文化 - 課程設計與推行,香港,香港教育學院。






陳惠玲﹑關珊編(2013) :《敢問﹑感學,課程設計與推行》,香港,香港教育學院。


Conference Papers

Refereed Conference Paper

2015   Chan, W.L. (2015, April). Factors Affecting Kindergarten Learning and teaching in Hong Kong. Presented at the “Conference for Research in Early Childhood Education”, Hong Kong.



Ng, M. L., Yu Chan, W. L., Wong, K. M. B., & Yuen, W. K. G. (2008). English immersion experience for Hong Kong preschoolers: What can we hear from the children's voices?. Paper presented at the 10th International Conference on Education, Athens, Greece: 2008.5.



Yuen, G. W. K., Ng, M. L., Wong, B. K. M., & Yu Chan, W. L. (2006). Enhancing English learning in ESL young children through immersion creative activities: Hong Kong experiences. Paper presented at the 4th Korean Society for Early Childhood Education International Conference, Seoul, South Korea: 2006.10.



黃潔薇、余陳惠玲(2001, June):新文化中的幼兒教育工作者,Symposia presented at the 5th International Conference of OMEP - Hong Kong. Hong Kong, China.


Other Conference Paper


Chan, W.L. (2017, May). Chat Room: Issue in Transition. Conference for Research in Early Childhood Education (CRECE) –Social, Emotional, and Moral Development of Young Children. Department of Early Childhood Education, Hong Kong.


Chan, W.L. (2017, May). Invited Panel Member of the Symposium "Smooth Transition to Primary School: Promoting School Readiness for All Children". OMEP Asia Pacific Regional Conference, Hong Kong.


Chan, W.L., Zhang X., Lam, P. W., & Mau, Y. C. (2017, May). The implementation of the quality infants and toddlers program. Poster Presentation at the “Conference for Research in Early Childhood Education: Social, Emotional, and Moral Development of Young Children”, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.



Chan, W.L. & Rao, N. (2012). Variation in the Qualities of Instruction Methods Adopted by Different Kindergartens in Hong Kong. Paper presented at The 19th International Conference on Learning, London.



Chan, W.L. (2009, October). Factors Affecting Kindergarten Learning and Teaching in Hong Kong : A multiple Case Study. Paper presented at the Asian Conference on Education – Osaka, Japan.



Yu Chan, W. L. (2008). Identifying the teaching and learning approaches in kindergartens of varying quality in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 10th International Conference on Education, Athens, Greece: 2008.5.



Yu Chan, W. L., Duthie, S., & Lau, P. M. (2008). Empowering children, parents and teachers for the smooth transition from preschool to primary school: Partnership between preschool and primary school. Paper presented at the 7th International Conference of World Organization for Early Childhood Education, Hong Kong: 2008.5.



Ng M.L. Chan W.L.,; Wong K.M.,; and; Yuen, W.K.(2007),. English Immersion Experience for Hong Kong Preschoolers: What can we hear from the children’s voices? Paper presented at the 10th International Conference on Education – Athens, Greece.



Chan. W.L.; Duthie, S and Lau P.M., (2007) Empowering children, parents and teachers for the smooth transition from preschool to primary school: Partnership between preschool and primary school. Paper presented at The 7th International Conference of O.M.E.P. – Hong Kong.



Chan, W. L. (2005, September).Paired Reading- Student Teachers reading to Preschoolers. Paper presented at the 2005 International Conference on Chinese Culture and Early Childhood Education of Chinese National Committee of OMEP.



Chan, W. L. (2004, July).Expectations and Experiences of Teachers, Parents and Children Concerning Children’s Transition from Kindergarten to Primary School. Paper presented at the XXIV World Congress of OMEP Conference. Melbourne.



Chan, W. L. (2004, March).幼兒學習歷程檔案的建立. Paper presented at the 6th International Conference of OMEP – Hong Kong.



Yu Chan, W. L. (2002, June). Appraisal systems in child care centres - Improving motivation and relationships. Paper presented at the Creche & Kindergarten International Childhood Conference. Queenslands.



Yu Chan, W. L. (2001, July). Evaluation of the management of TQM in pre-school education in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 11th World Congress of Comparative Education. Chungbuk, Korea National University of Education, South Korea.



Yu Chan, W. L. & Wong, K.M.(2001, June):新文化中的幼兒教育工作者,Paper presented at the 5th International Conference of OMEP - Hong Kong.


Conference Proceeding (Refereed)



Chan, W.L. (2009, October). Factors Affecting Kindergarten Learning and Teaching in Hong Kong : A multiple Case Study. Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Education. p.965-974. Osaka, Japan.


Creative & Literary Works, Reports and Published Teaching Materials




陳惠玲 (2008) : 《賦權幼兒、家長和老師的幼小銜接實務:幼小協作計劃之幼兒活動花絮》,香港,香港教育學院豐幼兒發展中心。



Yu Chan, W. L. & Wong, K.M. (2002). Programs of the Hong Kong Institute of Education HSBC Early Childhood Learning Centre. (HK$51,000, HKIEd Special Project)


Published Teaching Materials



Course Group Leader of the Department of Early Childhood Education (2009-2010)



林美嫦、陳惠玲 (2008):《賦權幼兒、家長和老師的幼小銜接實務:幼小協作計劃》,香港,香港教育學院豐幼兒發展中心。



Wong, W.Y., Chan, W.L., & Lam, P.W. (2006). Creative Young Children: Sky and Earth. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institution of Education.



Li, Y.L. & Yu Chan, W. L. (2004). Pioneer of Early Childhood Education: Mrs ChuTang Lai Kuen The Hong Kong Journal of Early Education, 7 (1), 47-50.



黃潔薇、李婉玲、余陳惠玲(編) (2003) 《香港幼師眼中的幼兒教育》。香港。 香港教育學院。



黃潔薇、李婉玲和余陳惠玲(編) (2003) :《幼師筆下的教育面面觀》,香港,香港教育學院。


Selected Output Categories

High-level public or professional service


2019 Seminar on “Quality Infants and Toddler Program”. EdUHK Early Childhood Learning Centre (May 2019). 


2019 Staff Development Training for Kindergarten Teachers and Primary Teachers “Smooth transition from kindergarten to primary school” Macau SAR Government Education and Youth Affairs Bureau, Macau. (2018-2019). 


2018 Guest Host in four sessions of the program “Oh! 爸媽 – Ohpama.com一站式升學、親子網站” in the title of “教養是咁的” (December 2018). 


2018 Guest Speaker in the program “你想教師” in RTHK (September 2018). 


2018 Invited Speaker in a seminar on“Curriculum implementation” for kindergarten teachers organized by the Pearson Education Asia Limited (March 2018). 


2017 Staff Development Training for Kindergarten Teachers. “Children’s Portfolio and Documentation”. Escola De Santa Teresa School, Macau (August 2017). 


Chan, W.L., Zhang X., Lam, P. W., & Mau, Y. C. (2017). The implementation of the quality infants and toddlers program. Project Dissemination Seminar for Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Community Service, Hong Kong.


Chan, W.L. (2017). The implementation of the quality infants and toddlers program. Seminar for the Neighborhood Advice-Action Council Sun Chui Day Crèche..


Chan, W.L. (2017). The implementation of the quality infants and toddlers program. Seminar for the Yan Chai Hospital C.C. Everitt Day Crèche.


Conducting two workshops on “Smooth transition from kindergarten to primary school” for -kindergarten teachers and primary school teachers in Macao organized by the Macao SAR Government Education and Youth Affairs Bureau in June 2017


Chan, W.L. (2016). Reviewer of the Book : 樂在「問題-探索-經驗」. Centre for Childhood Research and Innovation, The Hong Kong Institute of Education. Hong Kong.


Conducting two workshops on “Smooth transition from kindergarten to primary school” for -kindergarten teachers and primary school teachers in Macao organized by the Macao SAR Government Education and Youth Affairs Bureau in June 2016


Conducting two workshops on “Smooth transition from kindergarten to primary school” for -kindergarten teachers and primary school teachers in Macao organized by the Macao SAR Government Education and Youth Affairs Bureau in June 2015



Conducting two workshops on “Smooth transition from kindergarten to primary school” for kindergarten teachers in Macao organized by the Macao SAR Government Education and Youth Affairs Bureau in June 2014



The School Manager of the Yan Oi Tong Tin Ka Ping Kindergarten (August 2014 to present)



A seminar on“Preparation of Kindergarten School Life”for parents organized by Chinese Y.M.C.A. Kwai Chung on 10 May 2014.



A seminar on“Preparation of Kindergarten School Life”for parents organized by Chinese Y.M.C.A. Kindergarten on 3 May 2014.



A seminar on“2-3 Nursery series” for kindergarten teachers organized by Pearson Education Asia Limited on 22 February 2014.



Guest Host in the 21 sessions of DBC program by Digital Broadcasting Corporation Hong Kong Limited “親親寶貝” from December 2013 to January 2014.



Guest Host in one session DBC program by Digital Broadcasting Corporation Hong Kong Limited “校園巡禮” in December 2013.



A seminar on“Preparation of Kindergarten School Life for parents organized by Chinese Y.M.C.A. Sheung Shui Kindergarten the on 24 August 2013.



A seminar on“Preparation of Kindergarten School Life for parents organized by Chinese Y.M.C.A. Kwai Chung on 26 August 2013.



A seminar on“Preparation of primary School Life for parents organized by the HKIEd Jockey Club Primary School in August 2013.



Reviewer of the Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood in 2013.



Reviewer of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) in 2013.



Reviewer of the International Journal of Learning in 2012.



Reviewer of the Education Research International in 2012.



Speaker of the Professional Forum of The Hong Kong Paediatric Society 50th Anniversary Celebration on 5 July 2012.



A seminar on“Preparation of Primary School Life for parents” organized by the HKIEd Jockey Club Primary School in August 2012.



A seminar on“Preparation of Primary School Life for parents” organized by the Rosaryhill Kindergarten Parent–Teacher Association in February 2012.



A public seminar on “賦權幼兒、家長和老師的幼小銜接實務:幼小協作計劃” for teachers of primary school and kindergartens organized by the HKIEd HSBC Early Childhood Learning Centre in June 2007.



Staff development for 12 pre-schools of Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children in November 2005.



Guest host in two sessions TVB program “升王” in the titles of “幼稚園面試技巧” and “幼稚園入學適應” in April 2005.



Staff development for 4 pre-school teachers of the Association of Evangelical Free Churches of Hong Kong in December 2004.



A public seminar “開幼兒心窗迎小一” for primary teachers and kindergarten teachers organized by HKIEd in 10th Anniversary of HKIEd in November 2004.



A public seminar “了解0至6歲子女:兒童發展與選校多方位接觸” for parents of primary school organized by HKIEd SECE and HKedCity (香港教育城) in November 2004.



Staff development for teachers of the Shatin Government Primary A.M. School in August 2004.



Staff development for 10 pre-schools teachers of the Hong Kong Young Women’s Christian Association in December 2003.



Staff development for teachers of the Tsang Shing D.C.A. Siu Luen School in September 2003.


External Appointment


School Manager of The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Ching Lok Kindergarten/Ching Lok Nursery (from September 2021 onwards). 


School Manager of The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Ching Lok Kindergarten (Yaumatei)/Ching Lok Nursery (Yaumatei) (from September 2021 onwards).


School Manager of The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups KK Cheng Kindergarten (from September 2021 onwards). 


Chairperson of The 2nd Award for Outstanding Life Education Teaching Plan  (Early Childhood Education). Centre for Religious and Spirituality Education. The Education University of Hong Kong (2020-2021) 


Consultant of Kindergarten-Primary Bridging Project 360「幼小銜接360」計劃, Department of Early Childhood Education, Educational Innovation Leadership Project, The Education University of Hong Kong. (April 2021 - September 2021) 


Member of the Programme Advisory Committee of Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education (HDECE) Programme, Gratia Christian College. (2020-2022) 


Honourable Advisor of the Yan Chai Hospital Social Services Department (2020 – present). 


Consultant of “香港「安吉遊戲」學習圈計劃” 香港幼稚園教育專業交流協會 (2019-2020). 


CHAN, W.L. (2020). Chairperson of The 1st Award for Outstanding Life Education Teaching Plan  (Early Childhood Education). Centre for Religious and Spirituality Education. The Education University of Hong Kong.


Assessment Panel Member on Kindergarten Education of the Chief Executive’s Award for Teaching Excellence. (2017-2018).


Supervisor of the EdUHK Early Childhood Learning Centre (2017-2020)


Panel Member of a child care program validation exercise of the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic & Vocational Qualification (HKCAAVQ) (May 2017- August 2017).


Consultant of the Diploma Course in Nursery Trainer Training, Centre for Continuing Education, University of Macau (2016-2017).


Consultant of the Preschool Chinese Learning Pack: K1-K3, Pearson Education Asia Limited, Hong Kong (2016-2018).


Chan, W.L. (2016). Consultant of the Diploma Course in Nursery Trainer Training. Centre for Continuing Education, University of Macau.


School Manager of the Yan Oi Tong Tin Kai Ping Kindergarten (from 2014 onwards).


Group Member of the Education Drafting Group on Child Health Policy for Hong Kong of the Hong Kong Paediatric Society (March 2013 to June 2015)


Honorary Advisor in Curriculum Development of the Hong Kong Student Aid Society Po Tat Nursery (2012- 2013).


The Supervisor of the HKIEd HSBC Early Childhood Learning Centre (October 2011 to January 2015)


Honorary Vice Chairperson of the Tai Po & North District Early Childhood education (ECE) Principal Association (2011- to present) 


Consultant of one Po Leung Kuk Kindergartens in the design of context strategies aiming to catalyze educational reform through the empowerment of the organization. On-site support and staff development are provided (2011-2012).


Associate Director of the HKIEd Centre for Childhood Research & Innovation (CCRI) (2010-2013).


Consultant of the two years project for four Po Leung Kuk Kindergartens in the design of context strategies aiming to catalyze educational reform through the empowerment of the organization. On-site support and staff development are provided (2010-2012).


Curriculum Development Consultant for the Centre of Early Childhood Research and Development (2009-2010). 


Advisor of an environmental education and improvement project “Eco-Blocks for Eco Schools” organized by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2008-2010.


Honorary Chairperson of the Tai Po Pre-primary Service Principal Association (2007-2011)


Curriculum Consultant of the Hong Ying Anglo-Chinese Kindergarten in 2005-2006.


Curriculum Consultant of the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Nicken Kindergarten in 2003-2004.


Vice Chairman of Tai Po Pre-primary Service Principal Association (2002-2007)


School Manager of the HKIEd HSBC Early Childhood Learning Centre (2001-2007, 2009-2011).



(852) 2948 8464

(852) 2948 8464
(852) 2948 7160

MEd(Early Childhood) S Queensland
BSSc Lingnan


Research Areas

  • Play-based curriculum
  • STEAM Education in ECE
  • Teaching and Learning approaches in ECE
  • Pedagogies and care of infants and toddlers

Selected Funded Projects

2020 - 2022  

Tang, Y.F., Chan,P.L., Cheng Y. L., Wong, K. S. (CoPI), Chung, S.L., Han, C. W., Hu, X., Hui, L. P. Lam, H. C., Lau, C. W., Leung, W. M., Mou, W. P., and Woo, Y. S. (CoI). (November 2020 –December 2022).  Project on EdU Online Classes Platform. Faculty of Education and Human Development. $2,500,000).

2020 - 2022  

Research Impact Cluster ($600,000). Extending the Margin of Play. (Co-investigator) (2020-2022)

2020 - 2022  

Quality Education Fund (HK$263,200). 幼稚園大自然教育:生態大發現. (2020-2022) (Project No:

2018 - 2019  

CRAC Project (FEHD) on eLearning initiatives development on “Nature Education” for BEd (ECE) part-time programme.

2018 - 2019  

Specific SEWs funding (HK$19,968). “Enhancing Students’ learning on designing and planning nature education and STEAM activities for young children” (Project Leader)

2016 - 2017  

Specific SEWs funding (HK$18,048). “Enhance pre-service’s learning on designing 
multimedia learning materials for young children” (Project Leader)


Promoting digital evidence-based reflection in teaching practicum by using iPads for early childhood student teachers

2015-2016   Using IPad to promote evidence-based reflection of pre-service student teachers

Empower early childhood educator’s multimodal learning experience

2012 - 2013


Enhancing abilities on designing different teaching materials for children project

2012 - 2013


Enhancing abilities on designing different teaching materials for children project



A Teacher handbook for practicing Children Financial Education in Kindergarten Pupils

2007 - 2008


Creating a Community of Practice with ICT: An Internet Based Initiative

2006 - 2007


Educational Visits and Exchange with ECE Institutions in Mainland

2006 - 2007


Educational Visits to the Mainland (funded by The Hong Kong Bank Foundation)



IT Research Project

2005 - 2006


A case study on the roles of Hong Kong Kindergarten Principals in Teachers Professional Development in Implementing Information Technology in Education


Selected Outputs

Refereed Journal



Cheng,Y.L, Hu,X.Y. & Ip,C.H. (2013). Using Tablet Computer in the Early Childhood Education: The Experience in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood , 12(1), 29-36 (in Chinese)


Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters




劉慧中、梁長城(主編) (2016) : 一個故事媽媽的分享:親子閱讀八步曲《親子樂閱讀指南》,香港,星島出版有限公司。


鄭婉玲(2012): 《幼童健營食譜DIY》,香港,香港教育學院 



鄭婉玲(2010) 《幼兒理財教材套》,香港,香港教育學院


Chapter in an edited book


胡馨允、鄭婉玲 (2016):評述科技和互動媒體對幼兒課程的聯合立場報告,輯於劉慧中、戴燕儀編《幼兒教育面面觀:研究與實務結集本(七)》,(頁52-64),香港,香港教育學院。





邱曉葦 鄭婉玲(2012):學前教育機構對資訊及通訊科技教育政策的檢視與再思:一所幼稚園的個案研究,《幼兒教育面面觀:研究與實務結集(五)》,香港教育學院,頁23-29



林愛娟 鄭婉玲(2012):校本資訊科技政策之檢視、反思與重新制訂,《幼兒教育面面觀:研究與實務結集(四)》,香港教育學院,頁23-29


鄭婉玲(2009): 幼師落實「資訊科技融入教學」應具備之資訊素養與提升之道,《幼兒教育面觀:研究與實務結集(二)》,香港教育學院,頁23-29 



鄭婉玲 (2009): 《如何替孩子揀選遊戲小組?----參加遊戲小組問與答》,《選擇》,2009年5號,第391期,頁27。


Conference Paper


Wong,K.S, Tang,Y.F, Chan,P.L & Cheng,Y.L (2021 Dec). Community of Practice on E-learning in Early Childhood Education. Paper presented at the International Conference on Learning and Teaching 2021.


Hu, X., & Cheng, Y. L. (2014, November). Using interactive media to promote young children's learning. Paper presented at the the Asia Pacific Educational Research Association (APERA) & the Hong Kong Educational Research Association (HKERA) International Conference, the Hong Kong Institute of Education, China.



Yeung, S. S. S., Hui, L. P., Cheng, Y. L., Leung, Y. L., & Ho, J. (2014, July). Identifying Chinese children who have English reading difficulties. Paper presented at the 3rd Asian Conference on Civil, Material and Environmental Sciences, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan.



Cheng Y.L. and Hu, X.Y. (2014 February). Empower early educator’s multimodal learning experience (Faculty-level TDG 2013-14), L &T@ HKIEd 2014 Mini Conference, Hong Kong.



Cheng Y.L and Hu, XY (2015 March) Empower early educator’s multimodal learning experience (TDG 2013-14), Conference for Research in Early Childhood Education, Hong Kong.


Creative & Literary Works, Reports and Published Teaching Materials

Published Teaching Materials



Fung,S.W & Cheng,Y.L. (2021) “the Dimension of Play 「遊戲的導向」” under the Departmental Research Cluster Impact of ”“Extending Margin of Play”




鄭婉玲 (2009) :序,《快快樂樂上Playgroup》,香港,世界出版社。



張杏冰、梁玉蘭、鄭婉玲及許麗平 (2007): 《朗文快樂學習與成長系列全方位學習教材套》, 香港。



張杏冰、梁玉蘭、鄭婉玲及許麗平 (2007): 《學前教育課程指引》, 香港,全方位學習教材。


Article for newspaper and journal





鄭婉玲(2016): 幼稚園選校輕鬆上學去,《Baby 親子雜誌》,香港,第272期,頁32-36



鄭婉玲(2016): 幼稚園面試秘笈,《Baby 親子雜誌》,香港,第274期,頁30-31



鄭婉玲(2016年9月27日):電子產品對幼童的利與弊 ,《星島日報》,頁F2,香港。


鄭婉玲(2016 年 6 月 16 日):新一代孩童自主學習的培養 ,《星島日報》,頁 F2,香港。


Selected Output Categories

High-level public or professional service

2022 Parent education seminar “Nature education and Healthy development of children” in The EdUHK Early Childhood Learning Centre

2021 Teacher training workshop “Implementation of Nature education in preschool” in The EdUHK Early Childhood Learning Centre

2021 Teacher training workshop “Play-based learning environment and areas settings” in St James Catholic Kindergarten

2018 Parent-Child workshop in Family Education Day (點止遊戲咁簡單) “ STEM parent-child workshop” organized by Centre for Child and Family Science, EdUHK.

2018 Guest of Honor for the opening ceremony of the graduation of TWGHs Tin Wan Kindergarten

2018 Parent-Child workshop “STEM at home” in Family Education Day of Centre for Child and Family Science, EdUHK

2017  tutor, a 3 hours training workshop of “Baby massage” for Yi Jin Diploma students was invited by  Caritas Institute of Community Education

2016 Parent education seminar “How to develop multiple intelligences in young learners” in Tai Po Methodist Kindergarten

2016 Teacher training workshop “ Impanation of Project Approach in preschool” in Truth Baptist Church Empower Kindergarten

2016  A series of parent workshops “Infant massage and children development” in BB doctor 2014-present Consultant and Jury of Design For Change

2016  tutor, a 3 hours training workshop of “Baby massage” for Yi Jin Diploma students was invited by  Caritas Institute of Community Education

2015  tutor, a 3 hours training workshop of “Baby massage” for Yi Jin Diploma students was invited by  Caritas Institute of Community Education

2014  tutor, a 3 hours training workshop of “Baby massage” for Yi Jin Diploma students was invited by  Caritas Institute of Community Education

2013 Consultant of Modern Educational Research Society, LTD

2012 Consultant of Abbott Laboratories Limited

2010 Speaker of graduation ceremony in Buddhist Tcfs Yeung Tam Yuen Fong Kindergarten

2007 Member of the Honorary Advisory Board of the Longman Early Childhood Education (LECE) Research Centre

2007-2008 Consultant of Annunciation Catholic Kindergarten

2007-2010 Curriculum developer of a new CPE programme namely Applied Learning Programme

2007-2008 a series of workshops “A meaningful learning and teaching” in Annunciation Catholic Kindergarten

2007 Speaker at the Open Day of St. Patrick’s School with the theme “情繫祖國 幼小同心慶回歸”.

2007 Staff development seminars/workshops conducted for kindergartens during 2007-08.


All other outputs

Consultant, External Examiner, academic services

2017 to present External Examiner, Certificate of Early Childhood Playgroup Tutor, Universal College of Higher Education.

2014-2019 Consultant, Design for Change Hong Kong



(852) 2948 8742

(852) 2948 8742
(852) 2948 7160




BA (English Language and Literature)


Professional Qualification

Registered Teacher

Registered Child Care Supervisor


Research Areas

  • Play and Learning
  • Curriculum and Pedagogy
  • Teacher-child Relationship and Interaction


Research and Scholarly Activity 


Supporting Play-based Learning through Technologies: VR Kindergarten Classrooms and Play Material E-catalog (Brown Bag Seminar)

2024   Cheung, C. Y. (2024). Teacher-child Interaction in Play in Two Hong Kong Kindergartens. Degree of Doctor of Education Thesis.

Wu, S. C., & Cheung, C. Y. (2024). Investigating curriculum policy’s impact on teachers’ beliefs about play-based learning in two Hong Kong kindergartens. Educational Policy and Forum, 27(2), 37-60. 

2023   Cheung, C. Y. (2023, May 17-19). Teacher-child Interaction: Children’s Responses to Teacher Involvement in Play [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Learning and Teaching for Future Readiness 2023, Hong Kong, China.


Selected Funded Projects


Enhance Students’ Ability in Designing Play Setting for Young Children through Designing Play Material E-catalog (Project Leader) (Departmental Innovative Teaching Grant)


Enhancing Learning through the Creation of Practices by Incorporating Videos and Virtual Reality (VR) in Educational Activities to Encourage Independent Learning in a Flipped Classroom Approach (Team Member) (Departmental Innovative Teaching Grant)


Jumping beyond Picture books with Innovative Technologies (運用創新科技跨越繪本世界) (Team Member) (DLTC Project)


Development of Course Materials


Play Material E-catalog for Designing Play Settings


Virtual Reality (VR) Kindergarten Classrooms


Internal Services


Field Experience Coordinator for Bachelor of Education (ECE) Programme (Five-year Full-time)


Public and Professional Services



Taster Fair (ECE Programme) with CLAP@JC (2024)


JUPAS Admission Talk and Mock Interview in Tak Sun Secondary School (Interview panel)


Sharing the expert advice to Hong Kong Police Force Public Relations Wing (advice on the creation of storybook related to anti-scam)


Sharing the expert advice to Educational Publishing House (advice on the English Starter textbooks)


Sharing the expert advice to Educational Publishing House (advice on the Launch of e-learning language platform KiddieWorld (3分鐘輕鬆學新欄目)


Workshops on Parental Support for Children’s Learning through Play at Home (six workshops) (Project Name: STF Asso Leung Kit Wah Kindergarten - Seminars in Learning through Play)


Trainer and tutor to the Kindergarten Teachers’ Professional Training Scheme (2022-2023) at the Educational Publishing House 「幼稚園教師專業培訓課程」



(852) 2948 7614

(852) 2948 7614
(852) 2948 7160

PhD in Psychology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
MPhil in Psychology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
BSSc in Psychology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Research Areas

  • Numeracy development
  • Socio-emotional development
  • Quality of home environment
  • Teacher education


Selected Funded Projects


Principal Investigator (8/2022 onwards) / Co-Investigator (1/2022 – 7/2022), Parental promotion of children’s early numeracy, mathematical language, and vocabulary knowledge: An intervention study, General Research Fund, Research Grants Council, 1/2022 – 12/2024, HK$949,992  


Principal Investigator, Relationships among parental beliefs, home numeracy activities, young children’s numeracy skills and interest, General Research Fund, Research Grants Council, 1/2020 – 6/2022, HK$679,150


Selected Outputs

Journal Publications

Refereed Journal Article


Cheung, S. K., Chan, W. W. L., & Kwan, J. L. Y. (2023). An investigation into the concreteness of manipulatives in mathematical instruction: Do the object and its label matter? Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 65, 275-283. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecresq.2023.07.005 


Cheung, S. K., Zhang, J., & Wu, C. (2023). Children’s performance on untimed and timed algorithmic computation tasks: The roles of executive functioning, maths test anxiety and basic maths fact fluency. Educational Psychology, Online First. https://doi.org/10.1080/01443410.2023.2225804 


Cheung, S. K., Kwan, J. L. Y., Li, Z. Y., Chan, Y. Y., & Kwan, K. T. (2023). Parents’ epistemological beliefs, home practices, children’s early numeracy interest and abilities. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 65, 13-22. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecresq.2023.05.005  


Ho, H. C. Y., Poon, K.-T., Chan, K. K. S., Cheung, S. K., Datu, J. A. D., & Tse, C. Y. A. (2023). Promoting preservice teachers’ psychological and pedagogical competencies for online learning and teaching: The T.E.A.C.H. program. Computers & Education, 195. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2023.104725 


Cheung, S. K., Siu, T.-S. C., & Caldwell, M. P. (2023). Mathematical ability at very young age: The contributions of relationship quality with parents and teachers via children’s language and literacy abilities. Early Childhood Education Journal, 51, 705-715. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10643-022-01338-x 


Cheung, S. K., Cheng, W. Y., Cheung, R. Y. M., Lau, E. Y. H., & Chung, K. K. H. (2022). Home learning activities and parental autonomy support as predictors of pre-academic skills: The mediating role of young children’s school liking. Learning and Individual Differences, 94, 102127. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lindif.2022.102127 


Cheung, S. K., Chan, W. W. L., & Fong, R. W. (2022). Parents’ perfectionistic tendencies and children’s early numeracy competence: The mediating roles of children’s executive functions and numeracy interest. European Journal of Psychology of Education, Online First. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10212-022-00640-x 


Cheung, S. K., & Chan, W. W. L. (2022). The roles of different executive functioning skills in young children’s mental computation and applied mathematical problem solving. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 40, 151-169. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjdp.12396 


Caldwell, M. P., Cheung, H., Cheung, S. K., Li, J., & Siu, T.-S. C. (2022). Visuospatial perspective-taking in social-emotional development: Enhancing young children’s mind and emotion understanding via block building training. BMC Psychology, 10, 264. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40359-022-00976-5 


Pang, D. J., Yang, X., Ku, Y. Y. S., Dulay, K. M., Cheung, S. K., McBride, C., Wong, P. C. M., Ho, C. S. H. (2022). Variability in Asian parents’ English and mathematics skills: A family-based study. Frontiers in Education, 7, 898201. https://doi.org/10.3389/feduc.2022.898201 


Hornburg, C. B., Borriello, G.A., Kung, M., Lin, J., Litkowski, E., Cosso, J., Ellis, A., King, Y., Zippert, E., Cabrera, N., Davis-Kean, P., Eason, S. H., Hart, S. A., Iruka, I., LeFevre, J.-A., Simms, V., Susperreguy, M. I., Cahoon, A., Chan, W. W. L., Cheung, S. K., Coppola, M., De Smedt, B., Elliot, L., Estévez-Pérez, N., Gallagher-Mitchell, T., Gardner-Neblett, N., Gilmore, C., Leyva, D., Maloney, E. A., Manolitsis, G., Melzi, G., Mutaf-Yıldız, B., Nelson, G., Niklas, F., Pan, Y., Ramani, G. B., Skwarchuk, S.-L., Sonnenschein, S., & Purpura, D. J. (2021). Next directions in measurement of the home mathematics environment: An international and interdisciplinary perspective. Journal of Numerical Cognition, 7, 195-220. https://doi.org/10.5964/jnc.6143


Yang, X., Dulay, K. M., McBride, C., & Cheung, S. K. (2021). How do phonological awareness, RAN, and vocabulary contribute to early numeracy and print knowledge of Filipino children? Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 209, 105179. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jecp.2021.105179  


Cheung, S. K., & Kwan, J. L. Y. (2021). Parents’ perceived goals for early mathematics learning and their relations with children’s motivation to learn mathematics. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 56, 90-102. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecresq.2021.03.003  


Cheung, S. K., Dualy, K. M., Yang, X., Mohseni, F., & McBride, C. (2021). Home literacy and numeracy environments in Asia. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 578764. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.578764 


Cheung, S. K., Kwan, J. L.-Y., & Yim, K. Y. K. (2021). Pre-service early childhood teachers’ perceptions about sexuality education and behavioural intentions towards children’s curiosity about sexuality. Journal of Education for Teaching, 47, 89-103. https://doi.org/10.1080/02607476.2020.1829964  


Cheung, S. K., Dulay, K. M., & McBride, C. (2020). Parents’ characteristics, the home environment, and children’s numeracy skills: How are they related in low-to middle-income families in the Philippines? Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 192, 104780. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jecp.2019.104780


Liu, C., Cheung, S. K., Chung, K. K. H., McBride, C., Lam, C. B., & Li, X. (2020). The roles of executive functioning and oral language skills in young Chinese children's arithmetic competence. Learning and Individual Differences, 77, 101810. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lindif.2019.101810


Dulay, K. M., Cheung, S. K., & McBride, C. (2019). Intergenerational transmission of word reading skills among Filipino families. Developmental Science, 22, e12859. https://doi.org/10.1111/desc.12859


Cheung, S. K., Fong, R. W., Leung, S. K. Y., & Ling, E. K. (2019). The roles of Hong Kong preservice early childhood teachers’ creativity and zest in their self-efficacy in creating child-centered learning environments. Early Education and Development, 30, 788-799. https://doi.org/10.1080/10409289.2019.1586224


Cheung, S. K., & Kam, C. S. (2019). Hong Kong pre-service early childhood teachers’ attitudes towards parental involvement and the role of their family relationship quality. Journal of Education for Teaching, 45, 4, 417-433. https://doi.org/10.1080/02607476.2019.1639261


Dulay, K. M., Cheung, S. K., Reyes, P., & McBride, C. (2019). Effects of parent coaching on Filipino children’s numeracy, language, and literacy skills. Journal of Educational Psychology111, 641-662. https://doi.org/10.1037/edu0000315


Zhang, J., Cheung, S. K.*, Wu, C., & Meng, Y. (2018). Cognitive and affective correlates of Chinese children’s mathematical word problem solving. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 2357. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02357


Cheung, S. K., Yang, X., Dulay, K. M., & McBride, C. (2018). Family and individual variables associated with young Filipino children’s numeracy interest and competence. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 36, 334-353. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjdp.12222


Dulay, K. M., Cheung, S. K., & McBride, C. (2018). Environmental correlates of early language and literacy in low-middle income Filipino families. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 53, 45-56. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cedpsych.2018.02.002



Zhang, J., Fan, X., Cheung, S. K., Meng, Y., Cai, Z., & Hu, B. Y. (2017). The role of early language abilities on math skills among Chinese children. PLOS ONE, 12, e0181074. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0181074



Cheung, S. K., & McBride, C. (2017). Effectiveness of parent-child number board game playing in promoting Chinese kindergarteners’ numeracy skills and mathematics interest. Early Education and Development, 28, 572-589. https://doi.org/10.1080/10409289.2016.1258932



Cheung, S. K., Ling, E. K., & Leung, S. K. Y. (2017). Beliefs associated with support for child-centered learning environment among Hong Kong pre-service early childhood teachers. Journal of Education for Teaching, 43, 232-244. https://doi.org/10.1080/02607476.2017.1286785



Cheung, S. K., & McBride-Chang, C. (2015). Evaluation of a parent training program for promoting Filipino young children’s number sense with number card games. Child Studies in Asia-Pacific Contexts, 5, 39-49. https://doi.org/10.5723/csac.2015.5.1.039



Zhou, Y. L., McBride-Chang, C., Fong, C. Y.-C., Wong, T. T.-Y., & Cheung, S. K. (2012). A comparison of phonological awareness, lexical compounding, and homophone training for Chinese word reading in Hong Kong kindergartners. Early Education and Development, 23, 475-492. https://doi.org/10.1080/10409289.2010.530478



Cheung, S. K., & McBride-Chang, C. (2011). Relations of gender, gender-related personality characteristics, and dating status to adolescents’ cross-sex friendship quality. Sex Roles, 64, 59-69. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11199-010-9880-5



Ip, H. M., Cheung, S. K., McBride-Chang, C., & Chang, L. (2008). Associations of warmth and control of Filipina domestic helpers and mothers to Hong Kong kindergarten children's social competence. Early Education and Development, 19, 284-301. https://doi.org/10.1080/10409280801963988



Cheung, S. K., & McBride-Chang, C. (2007). Correlates of cross-sex friendship satisfaction in Hong Kong adolescents. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 31, 19-27. https://doi.org/10.1177/0165025407073532



Cheung, S. K., Kong, Y. C., Li, Y. L., Wong, W. Y., & McBride-Chang, C. (2005). Getting an ‘Aha!’ with different types of hints. Korean Journal of Thinking and Problem-Solving, 15, 47-58.


Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters

Chapter in an edited book


Cheung, S. K. (2021). Friendship satisfaction. In F. Maggino (Ed.), Encyclopedia of quality of life and well-being research (2nd ed.). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-69909-7 



Cheung, S. K. (2015). Coeducation and single-sex schooling. In J. D. Wright (Ed.-in-chief), International encyclopedia of the social and behavioral sciences: Vol. 3 (2nd ed.) (pp. 926-931). Oxford: Elsevier.



Cheung, S. K., & McBride-Chang, C. (2014). Friendship satisfaction. In A. C. Michalos (Ed.), Encyclopedia of quality of life and well-being research (pp. 2364-2367). Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.


Conference Papers

Invited Conference Presentation



Cheung, S. K. (2016, October). Learning activities for promoting young children’s self-regulation. Workshop delivered at the International Symposium on Child Care and Development, Hong Kong, China.


Refereed Conference Presentation


Cheung R. Y. M., Kum, H. C. B., & Cheung, S. K. (2023, Jul). Mothers’ and fathers’ interparental conflict behavior and children’s social-emotional competence: A test of mindful parenting as a mediator. Paper presented at the 18th European Congress of Psychology, Brighton, United Kingdom.   


Cheung, S. K., Yiu, Y. H., Ho, P. L., & Kum, H. C. (2023, June). Relations between parents’ beliefs and attitudes about mathematics, use of sustained shared thinking strategies, and young children’s mathematical outcomes. In X. Zhang (Chair), Investigating home math environments: Looking beyond mothers’ inputs in relation to children’s math skills. Symposium to be conducted at 2023 Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society Conference, Loughborough, United Kingdom.  


Li, A. Y., Capio, C. M., Chan, D. K. C., & Cheung, S. K. (2023, June). COVID-19 infection and children’s mathematics learning. Poster to be presented at 2023 Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society Conference, Loughborough, United Kingdom.  


Kum, H. C. B., Cheung R. Y. M., & Cheung, S. K. (2023, May). Modeling forgiveness in the family: Relations between mothers’, fathers’, and young children’s forgiveness. Poster presented at the 2023 Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention, Washington, USA.   


Cheah, Z. R. E., McBride, C., Dulay, K. M., Cheung, S. K., Reyes, P., & Dillenbourg, P. (2023, February). Online parent coaching intervention: Effects on language, literacy and numeracy development of Filipino children. Poster presented at the 7th Annual Conference of the Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, Virtual.  


Dulay, K. M., Yiu, Y. H., Yip, P. S., & Cheung, S. K. (2023, February). The hows and whys of English home literacy among Hong Kong Chinese families. Poster presented at the 7th Annual Conference of the Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, Virtual.  


Cheung, S. K. (2022, November). Perceived goals and methods for early mathematics learning: Perspectives from teachers and parents. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education 2022 Conference, Adelaide, Australia.  


Cheung, S. K., Yip, P. S., Sit, T. M., & Hu, J. (2022, November). Early childhood mathematics education: Strategies used and challenges faced by kindergarten teachers. Paper presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education 2022 Conference, Adelaide, Australia.  


Cheung, R. Y. M., Kum, B. H. C., Cheung, S. K., Li., J.-B., Chan-Tam, M. N. T. (2022, August). Mindful parenting and child adjustment: An investigation of parenting style as a mediator. Poster presented at the EdUHK x HKPS Psychology Research Poster Conference, Virtual.  


Myat Kyaw, H. M., & Cheung, S. K. (2022, July). Helping young children to learn mathematics: Challenges faced by Myanmar preschool teachers. Paper presented at the International Conference of World Organization for Early Childhood Education, Athens, Greece. 


Cheung, S. K., Sit, T. M., Yip, P. S., & Yiu, Y. H. (2022, July). An investigation of parents’ use of sustained shared thinking during parent-child math activities, its antecedents and consequence. Paper presented at the 22nd Annual Conference of the Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association, Hong Kong, China.  


Hu, J., & Cheung, S. K. (2022, July). Kindergarten teachers’ attitudes and practices relating to STEM Education: The case of China. Paper presented at the 22nd Annual Conference of the Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association, Hong Kong, China. 


Myat Kyaw, H. M., & Cheung, S. K. (2022, July). The roles of Myanmar preschool teachers’ mathematics-related beliefs and attitudes in their teaching of early mathematics. Paper presented at the 22nd Annual Conference of the Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association, Hong Kong, China. 


Cheng, K. L., & Cheung, S. K. (2022, June). An investigation on parents’ goal orientations toward math learning and their relationships with children’s early math interest and ability. Paper presented at the Canada International Conference on Education 2022, Virtual. 


Myat Kyaw, H. M., & Cheung, S. K. (2021, December). Myanmar preschool teachers’ mathematics teaching beliefs and practices before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Paper presented at the Virtual Hong Kong Educational Research Association and Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association International Conference.  


Cheung, S. K., & Li, Z. Y. (2021, July). Strategies adopted by Hong Kong parents to promote young children’s mathematical development. Paper presented at the 21st Annual Conference of the Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association, Wellington, New Zealand. 


Cheung, S. K., Cheng W. Y., Cheung, R. Y. M., Lau, E. Y. H., & Chung, K. K. H. (2021, April). Relationships between young children’s home learning environment, school liking and early academic skills. Poster presented at the Virtual Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development. 


Cheung, S. K., Dulay, K. M., & McBride, C. (2020, December). Cognitive precursors of young children’s addition story problem solving. In S. K. Cheung (Chair), The roles of different domain-general and domain-specific skills in children’s mathematical competence. Symposium conducted at the 2020 Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society Virtual Conference. 


Cheung, S. K., Li, Z. Y., Chan, W. W. L., Chan, Y. Y., & Myat Kyaw, H. M. (2020, October). Parents’ interactive behaviors during joint play with children: What matters for children’s early mathematics ability? Poster presented at the Home Math Environment Virtual Conference.  


Cheung, S. K., Kwan, J. L.-Y., Li, Z. Y., & Kwan, K. T. (2020, October). Relationships between home numeracy activities, parental numeracy guidance, and young children’s numeracy interest and competence. Poster presented at the Home Math Environment Virtual Conference.  


Kwan, J. L.-Y., Cheung, R. Y.-H., & Cheung, S. K. (2020, July). Interaction between parental beliefs about the nature of mathematics on children’s motivation to learn mathematics. Poster presented at the 2020 Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society Virtual Conference.  


Cheung, S. K., & Leung, S. K. Y. (2019, July). Hong Kong young children’s home numeracy environment and its relation to their interest in mathematics. Paper presented at the 20th Annual Conference of the Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association, Taipei, Taiwan.


Cheung, S. K., & Fong, R. W. (2019, June). Roles of parents’ sense of perfectionism towards children’s learning and home numeracy activities in young children’s numeracy skills? In K. Lee (Chair), Home numeracy activities and mathematical achievement. Symposium conducted at the 2019 Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society Conference, Ottawa, Canada.


Cheung, S. K., & Zhang, J. (2019, June). Children’s performance on algorithmic computation task in timed and untimed situations: Does executive functioning matter? In K. Lee (Chair), Are inhibitory skills important for mathematical performance? Symposium conducted at the 2019 Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society Conference, Ottawa, Canada.


Cheung, S. K., & Leung, S. K. Y. (2019, June). Parents’ perceived goals of early math learning, frequency of home math activities, and young children’s math development. Paper presented at the Research Conference on Child Development, Hong Kong, China.


Cheung, S. K., Dulay, K. M., & McBride, C. (2018, July). Coaching disadvantaged Filipino parents on guidance of young children’s numeracy skills: Can the initial benefits sustain over time? In R. Jocson (Chair), Socioeconomic context and parenting: Influences on young children and adolescents in the Philippines. Symposium conducted at the 25th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development, Gold Coast, Australia.


Chung, K. K. H., Li, X., Lam, C. B., Lam, C. Y., Lai, P. Y., McBride, C., & Cheung, S. K. (2018, July). Addressing the reading achievement gap among low-income families: An early reading intervention program. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Brighton, United Kingdom.


Dulay, K. M., Cheung, S. K., & McBride, C. (2018, July). Easier in hindsight: Profiles of Filipino beginning readers and non-readers. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Brighton, United Kingdom.


Cheung, S. K., Dulay, K. M., Yang, X., & McBride, C. (2018, June). Home learning environment or parents’ characteristics: Which matters more for Filipino children’s numeracy skills? Paper presented at the International Conference of World Organization for Early Childhood Education, Prague, Czech Republic.


Dulay, K. M., Cheung, S. K., & McBride, C. (2018, February). Early and concurrent correlates of Cebuano invented spelling ability among Filipino children. Poster presented at the Conference of Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, Tsukuba, Japan.



Dulay, K. M., Cheung, S. K., & McBride, C. (2017, July). Children's early literacy skills, parents’ attitudes, home literacy environment among low-income families in the Philippines. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.



Kam, C. S., & Cheung, S. K. (2017, June). Hong Kong pre-service preschool teachers’ attitudes towards home-school collaboration and their correlates. Paper presented at the International Conference of World Organization for Early Childhood Education, Opatija, Croatia.



Kwan, M. N., Ho, P. Y., & Cheung, S. K. (2017, June). Effects of a play-based social skill training program on young children with language delay. Paper presented at the International Conference of World Organization for Early Childhood Education, Opatija, Croatia.



Wong, C. W., Yuan, A., & Cheung, S. K. (2017, June). Effects of dialogic reading using picture books on a child with developmental language delay. Paper presented at the International Conference of World Organization for Early Childhood Education, Opatija, Croatia.



Cheung, L. C., Lee, S. S., & Cheung, S. K. (2017, June). Relations of Hong Kong young children’s home reading resources and habits to their oral vocabulary skills and reading interest. Student paper presented at the International Conference of World Organization for Early Childhood Education, Opatija, Croatia.



Lam, Y., Wong, S. Y., & Cheung, S. K. (2017, June). Strategies for promoting young children’s social competence: A case study of a Hong Kong nursery school. Student paper presented at the International Conference of World Organization for Early Childhood Education, Opatija, Croatia.



Leung, W. H., Cheung, S. K. (2017, June). Hong Kong pre-service preschool teachers’ self-efficacy and its relation to their practicum and university experiences. Student paper presented at the International Conference of World Organization for Early Childhood Education, Opatija, Croatia.



So, W. Y. H., & Cheung, S. K. (2017, June). Hong Kong pre-service and in-service preschool teachers’ perception and management strategies of young children’s aggressive behavior. Student paper presented at the International Conference of World Organization for Early Childhood Education, Opatija, Croatia.



Cheng, T. K., & Cheung, S. K. (2017, June). A case study of the effectiveness of social stories to enhance the social skills of a young child with autism spectrum disorder. Paper presented at the Canada International Conference on Education 2017, Toronto, Canada.



Yiu, Y. H., & Cheung, S. K. (2017, June). Hong Kong parents’ involvement in early childhood education and its associations with parent-child relationship and children’s social competence. Paper presented at the Canada International Conference on Education 2017, Toronto, Canada.



Tso, W. K., & Cheung, S. K. (2017, May). What can young children’s artworks tell? Possibilities and challenges of assessing young children’s multiple intelligences through their artworks. Paper presented at the World Organization for Early Childhood Education Asia Pacific Regional Conference 2017, Hong Kong, China.



Yim, K. Y. K., & Cheung, S. K. (2017, May). Hong Kong pre-service kindergarten teachers’ beliefs and attitudes towards sexuality education. Paper presented at the World Organization for Early Childhood Education Asia Pacific Regional Conference 2017, Hong Kong, China.



Cheng, C. T., & Cheung, S. K. (2017, May). Hong Kong parents’ educational expectations for their young children: Do gender differences exist? Poster presented at the World Organization for Early Childhood Education Asia Pacific Regional Conference 2017, Hong Kong, China.



Leung, H. T., & Cheung, S. K. (2017, May). A case study of the effectiveness of a reinforcement program in enhancing young children’s sustained attention. Poster presented at the World Organization for Early Childhood Education Asia Pacific Regional Conference 2017, Hong Kong, China.



Wong, P. N., & Cheung, S. K. (2017, May). Hong Kong pre-service and in-service kindergarten teachers’ conception of creativity and creativity education practices. Poster presented at the World Organization for Early Childhood Education Asia Pacific Regional Conference 2017, Hong Kong, China.



Dulay, K. M., Cheung, S. K., & McBride, C. (2017, April). Relationships among socioeconomic status, home literacy environment, early vocabulary and pre-literacy skills among Filipino children. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Austin, Texas, USA.



Lee, K. Y., & Cheung, S. K. (2016, July). Effects of imagery activities on young children’s verbal and non-verbal creativity. Paper presented at the International Conference of World Organization for Early Childhood Education, Seoul, Korea.



Li, Z. Y. C., Fong, L., Kwan, M. N., Poon, T. Y., & Cheung, S. K. (2016, July). Hong Kong pre-service kindergarten teachers’ beliefs and practices about promoting children’s creativity. Paper presented at the International Conference of World Organization for Early Childhood Education, Seoul, Korea.



Chow, Y. Y. M., Poon, T. Y., & Cheung, S. K. (2016, July). Hong Kong pre-service kindergarten teachers’ beliefs and attitudes about teaching of writing. Poster presented at the International Conference of World Organization for Early Childhood Education, Seoul, Korea.



Liu, K. Y., & Cheung, S. K. (2016, July). Relations of home environment and parent-child relationship to young children’s creativity. Poster presented at the International Conference of World Organization for Early Childhood Education, Seoul, Korea.



Lo, P. K. J., Leung, W. H. K., Poon, T. Y., & Cheung, S. K. (2016, July). Hong Kong pre-service kindergarten teachers’ attitudes towards inclusive education. Poster presented at the International Conference of World Organization for Early Childhood Education, Seoul, Korea.



Wong, K. W., Ho, P. Y., & Cheung, S. K. (2016, July). Effects of using predictable picture books on a child with intellectually disability. Poster presented at the International Conference of World Organization for Early Childhood Education, Seoul, Korea.



Wong, S. Y., Poon, T. Y., & Cheung, S. K. (2016, July). Hong Kong pre-service teachers’ attitudes towards teaching children with special educational needs. Poster presented at the International Conference of World Organization for Early Childhood Education, Seoul, Korea.



Cheung, S. K., Dulay, K. M., & McBride, C. (2016, May). Effects of a parent coaching program on numeracy guidance on young children’s early numeracy and literacy skills. Paper presented at the 5th Annual International Research-to-Practice Conference «Early Childhood Care and Education», Moscow, Russia.



Dulay, K. M., Cheung, S. K., & McBride, C. (2016, February). Relative efficacy of two home-based early literacy programs on Filipino children’s pre-literacy skills. Paper presented at the East Asia Joint Symposium on Reading and Spelling, Seoul, South Korea.



Zhang, J., Meng, Y., Hu, B., Cheung, S. K., Yang, N., & Jiang, C. (2015, June). The role of early language abilities on math skills among Chinese children. Paper presented at the 23rd International Commission on Mathematical Instruction Study Conference, Macau, China.



Cheung, S. K., McBride, C., & Dulay, K. M. (2015, June). Effects of a parent training program on parents’ attitudes about numeracy guidance and their children’s interest in numbers. Paper presented at the Quality Childhood Conference International 2015, Hong Kong, China.



Dulay, K. M., Cheung, S. K., & McBride, C. (2015, June). Indirect benefits of a numeracy-related parent training program on general parenting attitudes in the Philippines. Poster presented at the Quality Childhood Conference International 2015, Hong Kong, China.



Cheung, S. K., & Leung, S. K. Y. (2014, August). Hong Kong pre-service kindergarten teachers’ beliefs and attitudes toward open learning environment: Is their divergent feeling a matter? Paper presented at the 15th Annual Conference of the Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association, Bali, Indonesia.



Cheung, S. K., Ling, E., & Leung, S. K. Y. (2014, August). A worthy but not easy journey: Hong Kong kindergarten teachers’ beliefs, attitudes and practices about assessment of young children. Paper presented at the 15th Annual Conference of the Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association, Bali, Indonesia.



Cheung, S. K. (2014, July). Do parents’ attitudes towards mathematics and mathematics talk affect children? Paper presented at the International Conference of World Organization for Early Childhood Education, Cork, Ireland.



Cheung, S. K., Ling, E., & Leung, S. K. Y. (2014, July). Does the “parent-child shared reading” magic always work? Paper presented at the International Conference of World Organization for Early Childhood Education, Cork, Ireland.



Cheung, S. K. (2013, July). Effectiveness of parent-child number board game playing on Hong Kong kindergarteners’ number sense and interest in mathematics. Paper presented at the International Conference of World Organization for Early Childhood Education, Shanghai, China.



Cheung, S. K. (2013, July). The effectiveness of a parent training program in promoting the number sense of Filipino young children. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association, Seoul, South Korea.



Cheung, S. K. (2013, April). Maximizing the educational benefits of parent-child number board game playing to kindergarteners: The importance of parent training. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle, Washington, USA.



Cheung, S. K., & McBride-Chang, C. (2005, April). Relations among masculinity, femininity and cross-sex friendship in adolescents. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.


Editorial Board

International Journal of Behavioral Development (2023 – Present) 

Frontiers in Education (2020 – Present) 

Frontiers in Psychology (2020 – Present) 

Sex Roles: A Journal of Research (2016 – 2020)


Ad Hoc Reviewer

British Journal of Developmental Psychology

Developmental Psychology

Early Childhood Research Quarterly

Early Education and Development

Education Journal

Educational Psychology: An International Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology

Educational Studies in Mathematics

Journal for Research in Mathematics Education

Journal of Child and Family Studies

Journal of Education for Teaching

Journal of Social and Personal Relationships

Learning and Individual Differences

Learning and Instruction

Reading and Writing

Teaching and Teacher Education


Public or Professional Service

Speaker, Effective Use of Children Assessment for Quality Learning and Teaching: Diversified Modes and Strategies, a teacher professional development programme organized by Education Bureau, HKSAR (2021)

Speaker, Effective Use of Assessment Data for Quality Learning and Teaching, a teacher professional development programme organized by Education Bureau, HKSAR (2017,2018, 2019)

Programme Sub-committee Member, World Organization for Early Childhood Education (OMEP) Asia Pacific Regional Conference 2017, Hong Kong, China (2016 – 2017)

Reviewer, Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development 2017, Austin, Texas, USA (2016)

Speaker, Curriculum Understanding and the Implementation of the “Guide to the Pre-primary Curriculum (2006)” for Teachers of Pre-primary Institutions – Assessment for Quality Learning and Teaching, a teacher professional development programme organized by Education Bureau, HKSAR (2015 – 2016)

Principal Research Consultant, Strategies for Promoting Young Children’s Self-regulation Abilities, a project conducted by Yan Chai Hospital Social Services Department – Youth & Child Care Services funded by Social Welfare Development Fund (2014 – 2016)

Consultant, M.I. Challenge, a children’s TV programme about multiple intelligences produced by the Television Broadcasts Limited and shown on Jade Channel (2008 – 2009)




(852) 2948 6399

(852) 2948 6399
(852) 2948 7160




BEd (ECE),

Dip (SW),

Cert (KG Principals)


Professional Qualification

Registered Social Worker

Registered Child Care Supervisor

Registered Teacher


Research Areas

  • Curriculum and Pedagogy in Early Childhood Education
  • Inclusive and Special Education
  • Health Promotion and Well-being


Selected Funded Projects


Become a LEGO Workshop facilitator and utilize AI-powered social stories to promote communication and collaboration among children with diverse needs. (ECE Department Innovative Teaching Grant)


SE Metaverse for Special Education Needs and Inclusive Education (UGC Fund for Innovative Technology-in-Education)


Curriculum Review and Enrichment of Teacher Education Programmes in response to the Guidelines on Teachers’ Professional Conduct (CRAC Project)


The Education⁺ and Social Entrepreneurs (EASE) Fund Scheme: Mental Up 24/7 – To develop one-stop Mental Health Platform/App (Being the Consultant)


Enhancing learning through the creation of practices by incorporating videos and Virtual Reality (VR) in educational activities to encourage independent learning in a flipped classroom approach. (ECE Department Innovative Teaching Grant)


Enhance students' ability in designing play settings for young children through designing play material e-catalog. (ECE Department Innovative Teaching Grant)


Exploration of Young Children’s Play in the Outdoor Environment. Project Collaboration with Post-Secondary Education Institution in Singapore.


Exploration of Early STEM. Project Collaboration with Post-Secondary Education Institution in Singapore.


STEM Student Workshops - Introduction to Smart City. Project collaboration with NGO HKFYG.


Life and Death Education for Youth. Project collaboration with NGO HKFYG.


Pedagogical Approaches in Early Childhood Education in Singapore


Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR): Chinese Language Enhancement Programme for Kindergarten Teachers.


Inter-Generation Integration Programme才藝無彊界—跨世代展才華計劃. Project collaboration with NGO NAAC.


Learning through Play in Kindergarten Education - Anji Play, China.


Programme Leader and Programme Coordinator, Certificate in Child Care and Education (Senior Secondary Applied Learning. EDB)


Scholarly Activity


Supporting Play-based Learning through Technologies: VR Kindergarten Classrooms and Play Material E-catalog (Brown Bag Seminar)


Development of Course Materials

2023- 2024


Virtual Reality (VR) Kindergarten Classrooms

2023- 2024  

Play Material E-catalog for Designing Play Settings


Internal Services

2024 – Present  

Programme Leader of Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Early Childhood and Family Studies

2023 – Present  

Programme Leader of Certificate in Professional Development Programme on Catering for Diverse Needs of Young Children


Teacher Training Workshops


Storytelling Teaching Method and Integrated Teaching Sharing故事教學法及綜合教學分享 (Participants: In-service Kindergarten Teachers and Principals)


Inquiry-based Learning and Focus on Activity Design探究式學習、設計活動的關注重點 (Participants: In-service Kindergarten Teachers and Principals)


Integrated Teaching綜合教學 (Participants: In-service Kindergarten Teachers and Principals)


How to Identify and Follow up on Children with Special Needs如何識別與跟進有特殊需要的兒童 (Participants: In-service Kindergarten Teachers and Principals)


Effectiveness of Learning and Teaching - In-depth Exploration of Science Teaching學與教的效能—科學教學大探究 (Participants: In-service Kindergarten Teachers and Principals)


Leadership Training領導能力培訓 (Participants: Kindergarten Middle Leaders and Principals)


Sharing of Science Teaching Experience科學教學經驗分享 (Participants: In-service Kindergarten Teachers and Principals)




(852) 2948 7287

(852) 2948 7287
2948 7116

Doctor of Education (Special Education)

Master of Arts in Teaching English as a Second Language

Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Language Teaching)

Language Proficiency Assessment for Teachers of English (Merit)

Certificate of Teachers of Children with Special Educational Needs (TCSEN)

Research Areas

  • Supporting KG Children with Diverse Needs for Inclusion
  • Supporting KG Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Supporting KG Children with Early Signs of Dyslexia


Teaching Courses

  • ECE0213 Understanding the Diverse Needs of Young Children
  • ECE0216 Curriculum for Children with Diverse Needs II
  • ECE0217 Curriculum Practice for Children with Diverse Needs
  • ECE0218 Social Environment for Children with Diverse Needs
  • ECE4257 Capstone Project II
  • FEX5095 PGDE Field Experience II



2023 - 2024

Award for Excellent FE Supervision (Semester II of the 2022/2023 Academic Year)



Recent and Ongoing Research Projects


FEHD Student Learning Grant: Play to Progress: Using Board Games to Boost Executive Functioning in ASD Children


SAO’s Specific Student Empowerment Work Scheme (Specific SEWS) Funding: Empowering Future ECE Educators: Harnessing AI to Create Picture Books for Kindergarten Children (Project Leader)


ECE Departmental Innovative Teaching Grant: Transforming Field Experience: Integrating Flipped Classroom and Lesson Study to Enhance In-Service Student Teachers' Teaching Competence in Catering to Diverse Learning Needs


SAO’s Specific Student Empowerment Work Scheme (Specific SEWS) Funding: Creating an Online Hub of Resources for the Use of ECE Students in Educating Kindergarten Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)


ECE Departmental Innovative Teaching Grant: Enhancing full-time ECE students’ classroom management skills through VR-based virtual classroom training



FEHD Faculty Teaching Grant: Developing an online platform to assist full-time ECE student teachers to implement inclusive teaching practices in their FE.



ECE Departmental Innovative Teaching Grant: Developing an online special education training platform to promote independent iearning: A flipped classroom approach



ECE Departmental Research Grant: Effectiveness of mindfulness training for young children with ADHD and their parents: A randomized controlled trial



ECE Departmental Innovative Teaching Grant: A web-based training kit for managing challenging behaviours of young children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)



ECE Special Teaching Enhancement Scheme: Developing a web-based video library for pre-service kindergarten teachers educating young children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)



ECE Departmental Innovative Teaching Grant: Developing a web-based training package of Theory of Mind (ToM) to assist student teachers of ECE in supporting young children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)


Grants/Projects Submitted and Under Review

  1. The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust
  • Efficacy of an Interactive Computer Program to Improve Emotion Recognition in Preschool Children with ASD: A Pilot Study in Special Child Care Centres


  1. Quality Education Fund
  • Building in-service teachers’ capacity in educating Chinese preschool children with special educational needs (SEN): An integrated model of school-based professional training


Knowledge Transfer Activities



Brown Bag Sharing, “Developing a web-based video library for pre-service kindergarten teachers educating young children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)”, ECE, EdUHK



 Workshop, “Applying Social Stories to Support Preschoolers with Autism”, ECE Departmental Seminar, EdUHK.



Workshop, “Understanding Adolescents with Dyslexia and Autism”, Caritas Institute of Higher Education.


Selected Outputs

Journal Publications

Refereed Journal Articles



Yan, Z., Lum, C. W., Lui, R. T. L., Chu, S. W. S., & Lui, M. (2015). Measuring teaching assistants’ efficacy using the Rasch model. Journal of Applied Measurement, 16(1), 60-75.



Sam, K. L., Chu, S. S. W & Smith, A. W. (2014). Physical Education under the new curriculum reform in Hong Kong. Asian Journal of Physical Education and Recreation, 19(1), 55-63.

Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters

Chapter in an edited book



Chu, S. S. W., & Chung, K. K. H. (2017). Ka-ho, a case study of a Chinese adolescent with dyslexia. In Anderson, P. L., & Meier-Hedde, R. (Eds.), Dyslexia in Adolescence: Global Perspectives (pp. 68-86). New York: Routledge.



Chu, S. S. W., Chung, K. K. H., & Ho, F. C. (2011). Ka-ho, a case study of dyslexia in China. In P. Anderson & R. Meier-Hedde (Eds.), International Case Studies of Dyslexia (pp. 46-64). New York: Routledge.

Conference Papers

Refereed Conference Paper



Chu, S. W. S., Hue, M. T., & Chung, K. H. K. (2011, December). What dyslexia policy and practices work for Chinese primary school children in Hong Kong? Paper presented at the International Conference on Addressing Student Learning Diversity 2011, Hong Kong.


Other Publications

Training Package




This package contains a board game designed to train the executive function of kindergarten children with ASD.







(852) 2948 7760

(852) 2948 7760
B.A., B.Ed.(Hons); Dip. Asian. St.; Ph.D. (UNSW)

Ph.D. (UNSW)
Dip. Asian. St.;
B.A., B.Ed.(Hons);


Research Areas

  • Learning difficulties in particular to dyslexia
  • Literacy acquisition, assessment and instruction
  • Cognitive, social, and emotional development
  • Early child development and education
  • Psycholinguistics

Prof. Chung is the Co-Principal Investigator of the research project: Reading Development in Chinese and English: Genetic and Neuroscience Correlates
The Bilingual Twin Project is a longitudinal study which aims to investigate the role of genetic and environmental influences on children's bilingual cognitive and reading development. The project is now recruiting twins aged from 5 to 9 years.
Twins Study project website: http://www.psychology.hku.hk/hktwin
Twins Study facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/hktwinsstudy

Twins Study YouTube: https://youtu.be/MBbSGDkJPwA 

Selected Funded Projects


Intervention Efficacy of Assistive Listening Devices for Chinese Children with Dyslexia - a Randomized Controlled Trial (Health and Medical Research Fund), Jun 2017 – Aug 2019, Kam, Anna C.S. (PI), K.K.H. Chung, Lau, Polly S.H., Poon, Kean K.Y., Yuen, Kevin C.P. Awarded $1.1 million.


Meta-linguistic vs. working-memory training in Chinese dyslexic children: behavioural and neural evaluation (Health and Medical Research Fund), Sep 2017- Feb 2019, Maurer, Urs (PI) with Wong, Patrick C.M., K.K.H. Chung, SIU Carrey T.S. Awarded $1.1 million.



3Es: Early Prevention, Early Identification and Early Intervention: A School-based Support Model of Social-Emotional Development for Kindergarten Children, 2015-2019 [Simon K.Y. Lee Foundation, K.K.H Chung (PI) with C.B.Lam & M. Leung]. Awarded $19 million. 



In search of profiles and subtypes of dyslexia in dual-language adolescent readers [General Research Fund (GRF), 2015-2016, K.K.H.Chung (PI) with McBride Catherine.] Awarded $1.7 million.



Reducing early literacy differences in preschool children from low-SES families: The effects of an early metalinguistic intervention [Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR), 2015-2018, K.K.H Chung (PI) with Catherine McBride, Ian Lam and Liu Duo]. Awarded $1.9 million 



Dialogical reading programme on Chinese language and emergent literacy learning in ethnic minority preschool children in Hong Kong [Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR), 2015-2017, Zhou, Y.L. (PI) with K.K.H Chung & McBride Catherine Alexandra. Awarded$1.3 million



Hong Kong students diagnosed with childhood dyslexia: What is and is not compensated? [General Research Fund (GRF), 2012-2014, K.K.H chung (PI) with Catherine McBride-Chang, & Dennis Molfese].



A longitudinal examination of late-emerging reading difficulties in Hong Kong Chinese Children [General Research Fund (GRF), 2013-2015, K.K.H chung (PI) with C.C-H. Ho, D. W. Chan, S-M. Tsang, & S-H. Lee].



Reading difficulties in Chinese (L1) and English (L2): Co-occurrence and cognitive and perceptual correlates in Hong Kong children [General Research Fund (GRF), 2011-2014, C. A. McBride-Chang (PI) with K.K.H. Chung., & C. Y. Lee].



Theory of Mind Development and Use in Children from Hong Kong and the UK -A Latent Variable Study [Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)/ Research Grants Council (RGC) Joint Research Scheme, 2012-2013, C. Hughes (PI) and Z. Wang (PI), K.K.H. Chung., W. C. Wang., & D. Cheng].



Cognitive-linguistic skills important to Chinese text writing among beginning writers [The University Research Committee, Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research, HKU, 2011-2012, with P.-S. Yeung, (PI), C.S-H. Ho, D.W.Chan, K.K.H.Chung.]. Awarded 80,000


Longitudinal Predictors of Behavioral Regulation, Oral Language and Reading-related Cognitive Skills in Chinese Reading Achievement Across Chinese Children from Different SES Backgrounds. [General Research Fund (GRF), 2009-2012, K.K.H. Chung (PI) with McBride Catherine & A.M.Y. Wong.] Awarded $1.1 million.



READ & WRITE: A Jockey Club Learning Support Network - Publishing a Standardized Assessment Battery for Identification of Secondary School Students with Dyslexia in Hong Kong. [Jockey Club Charities, 2009-2011, K.K.H. Chung (PI) with C.S-H. Ho, D.W. Chan, S-M. Tsang, & S-H. Lee]



READ & WRITE: A Jockey Club Learning Support Network - Effectiveness of early intervention for Chinese kindergarteners at risk for specific learning difficulties . [Jockey Club Charities , 2009-2011, K.K.H.Chung (PI) with C.S-H.Ho, D.W.Chan, S-M.Tsang, & S-H.Lee].



Longitudinal predictors of behavioral regulation, Oral language and reading-related cognitive skills in Chinese reading achievement across Chinese children from different SES Backgrounds. [General Research Fund (GRF), 2009-2011, K.K.H.Chung (PI) with C.A. McBride-Chang,.& A.M.Y.Wong]



An early intervention study on Hong Kong preschool children at risk for specific learning difficulties [QEF, 2006-2009, K.K.H.Chung (PI) with C.S-H.Ho, D.W.Chan, S-M.Tsang, & S-H.Lee].



Temporal processing and cognitive processing in Chinese dyslexic children: behavioral and electrophysiological investigation, [Competitive Earmarked Research Grants (CERG), 2005-2008, K.K.H.Chung (PI) with T.B.Penney, C.A. McBride-Chang, C.S-H. Ho, & H.Cheung].


Selected Outputs



Chung, K. K. H., Lam, C. B., & Liew, J. (2020) Early Education and Development about Studying Children’s Social-Emotional Development in School and at Home through a Cultural Lens. Early Education and Development, 31(6), 927-929.


Yeung, P. S., Ho, C. S. H., Chan, D. W. O., & Chung, K. K. H. (2020). Longitudinal relationships between syntactic skills and Chinese written composition in Grades 3 to 6. Journal of Research in Reading, 43, 201-228.


Chung, K. K. H. & Lam, C. B. (2020). Cognitive-linguistic skills underlying word reading and spelling difficulties in Chinese adolescents with dyslexia. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 53, 48-59.


Li, X., Lam, C. B., & Chung, K. K. H. (2020). Linking maternal caregiving burden to maternal and child adjustment: Testing maternal coping strategies as mediators and moderators. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 32, 323-338.


Yeung, P., Ho, C. S., Chan, D. W., & Chung, K. K. H. (2020). Writing motivation and performance in Chinese children. Reading and Writing, 33, 427-449.


Fung, W. K. & Chung, K. K. H. (2020). The role of socioeconomic status in Chinese word reading and writing among Chinese kindergarten children. Reading and Writing, 33 (2), 377-397.


Liu, C., Chung, K. K. H., & Fung, W.K. (2019). Bidirectional relationships between children’s executive functioning, visual skills, and word reading ability during the transition from kindergarten to primary school, Contemporary Educational Psychology, 59 (101779), 1-9.


Fung, W.-K., Chung, K. K.-H., & Cheng, R. W.-Y. (2019). Gender differences in social mastery motivation and its relationships to vocabulary knowledge, behavioral self-regulation, and socioemotional skills. Early Education and Development, 30(2), 280-293.


Li, X., Lam, C. B., Chung, K. K. H., & Leung, C. (2019). Linking parents' self-stigma to the adjustment of children with disabilities. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 89(2), 212-221.


Yang, X., Chung, K. K. H., & McBride, C. (2019). Longitudinal contributions of executive functioning and visual-spatial skills to mathematics learning in young Chinese children. Educational Psychology, 39(5), 678-704.

2018 Tong, X., McBride, C., Ho, C.S.H, Waye, M. M., Chung, K.K.H., Wong, S.W.L. & Chow, B.W.Y., (2018) Within- and cross-language contributions of morphological awareness to word reading and vocabulary in Chinese–English bilingual learners. Reading and Writing, 31(8), 1765-1786. 

Li, C. W. & Chung, K. K. H.. (2018) Co-morbidities in Chinese children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and reading disabilities. Dyslexia, 24, 276-293.


Kwong, S. C., Lam, C. B., Li, X., Chung, K. K. H., Cheung, R. Y. M., & Leung, M. (2018). Fit in but stand out: A qualitative study of parents’ and teachers’ conceptualization of child socioemotional competence. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 44, 275-287. 


Lam, C. B., Chung, K. K. H., & Li, X.~ (2018). Parental warmth and hostility and child executive functions: A longitudinal study of Chinese families. Frontiers in Psychology. 9. 


Kalindi, C. S & Chung, K.K.H. (2018). The impact of morphological awareness on word reading and dictation in Chinese early adolescent readers with and without dyslexia. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 1-14.


Chung, K. K. H., Lam, C. B., & Cheung, K. C. (2018). Visuomotor integration and executive functioning are uniquely linked to Chinese word reading and writing in kindergarten children. Reading and Writing, 31, 411.


Lam, C. B., & Chung K. K. H. (2017). Associations of sleep problems with externalizing behaviors and pre-academic performance: The moderating role of family socioeconomic status.  Infant and Child Development, 26, 2026-2026.


Wong, S.W.L., Tsui, J.K.Y., Chow, B.W.-Y., Leung, V.W.H., Mok, P., & Chung, K.K.-H. (2017). Perception of native English reduced forms in adverse environments by Chinese undergraduate students.  Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 46, 1149-1165.


Yeung, P.-S., Ho, C. S.-H., Chan, D. W.-O., & Chung, K. K.H. (2017). The role of transcription skills and oral language skills in Chinese writing among children in upper elementary grades. Applied Psycholinguistics, 38, 211-231.


Yeung, P. Z., Ho, C. S. H., Chan, D. W. O., & Chung, K. K.H. (2017). A simple view of writing in Chinese. Reading Research Quarterly, 52, 333-355.


Wang, L.C., Liu, D., Chung, K.K.H., Yang, H.M. (2017) Development of Lexical Tone Awareness in Chinese Children with and without Dyslexia, Contemponary Educational Psychology, 49, 203-214.


Chung, K.K.H. (2017) Understanding developmental dyslexia in Chinese: linking research to practice. Asia Pacific Journal of Developmental Differences, 4, 3-15.


Chung, K.K.H., Liu, H.Y., McBride, C., Wong, A.M.Y., Lo, J.C.M. (2017) How socioeconomic status, executive functioning and verbal interactions contribute to early academic achievement in Chinese children. An International Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology, 37, 402-420. 


Wong, S.W.L., Mok, P.P.K., Chung, K.K.H., Leung, V.W.H., Bishop, D.V.M., Chow, B.W.Y. (2017). Perception of Native English Reduced Forms in Chinese Learners: Its Role in Listening Comprehension and Its Phonological Correlates. Tesol Quarterly, 51, 7-31.


Lo, L.Y., Ho, C.S.H., Wong, Y.K., Chan, David W.O., Chung, K.K. H. (2016). Understanding the Microstructure and Macrostructure of Passages Among Chinese Elementary School Children. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 46, 1287-1300.


Yeung, P.S., Ho, C.S.H., Chan, David W.O., Chung, K.H.H. (2016). Orthographic skills important to Chinese literacy development: the role of radical representation and orthographic memory of radicals. Reading and Writing, 9, 1935-1958.


Tong, X., Lo, J. C., McBride, C., Ho, C. S., Waye, M. M., Chung, K. K. H., Wong, S. W., Chow, B. W.. (2016). Coarse and fine N1 tuning for print in younger and older Chinese children: Orthography, phonology, or semantics driven? Neuropsychologia, 91, 109-119.


Liu, D., Chung, K. K. H., & McBride, C. (2016). The role of SES in Chinese (L1) and English (L2) word reading in Chinese-speaking kindergarteners. Journal of Research in Reading, 39, 268-291.


Tong X., Maurer U., Kevin K.H. Chung, McBride, C. (2016). Neural specialization for print in Chinese-English language learners. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 38, 42-55


Siu, C. T. S., Ho, C. S. H., Chan, D. W. O., & Chung, K. K. H. (2016). Development of word order and morphosyntactic skills in reading comprehension among Chinese elementary school children. Learning and Individual Differences, 47, 61-69.


Yeung, P. S., Ho, C. S. H., Chan, D. W. O., & Chung, K. K.H. (2016). A componential model of reading in Chinese. Learning and Individual Differences, 45, 11-24.


Kalindi, S., McBride-Chang, C., Chan, S., Chung, K. K. H., Lee, C-Y., Maurer, U., & Tong, X. (2016). A short test of word recognition for English language learners. Child Studies in Asia-Pacific Contexts, 5, 95-105.


Liu, D., Chen, X., & Chung, K. K.-H. (2015). Performance in a Visual Search Task Uniquely Predicts Reading Abilities in Third-Grade Hong Kong Chinese Children. Scientific Studies of Reading, 19, 307-324


Kalindi, S. C., McBride, C., Tong, X., Wong, N. L. Y., Chung, K. H. K., & Lee, C. Y. (2015). Beyond phonological and morphological processing: pure copying as a marker of dyslexia in Chinese but not poor reading of English. Annals of dyslexia, 1-16.


Chung, K.K.H., (2015). Behavioural self-regulation and its contribution to reading among Chinese poor readers. Asia Pacific Journal of Developmental Differences, 2, 5-25.


Tong, X, McBride, C., Lee, C.-Y., Zhang, J., Shuai, L., Maurer U., & Chung, K.K.H. (2014). Segmental and suprasegmental features in speech perception in Cantonese-speaking second graders: An ERP study. Psychophysiology, 51, 1158-1168. 


Chung, K. K. H., Lo, C. M., Ho, C. S. H., Xiao, X., & Chan, D. W. (2014). Syntactic and discourse skills in Chinese adolescent readers with dyslexia: a profiling study. Annals of Dyslexia, 64, 222-247.


Tong, X., McBride, C., Zhang, J., Chung, K. K.H., & Lee, C.-Y., Shuai, L., & Tong, X. (2014). Neural correlates of acoustic cues of English lexical stress in Cantonese-speaking children.  Brain and Language, 138, 61-70. 


Tong, X., Chung, K. K. H., & McBride, C. (2014). Two-Character Chinese Compound Word Processing in Chinese Children With and Without Dyslexia : ERP Evidence. Developmental Neuropsychology39, 285-301.


Yeung, P. -S., Ho, C. S. -H., Chan, D. W., & Chung, K. K. -H. (2014). What are the Early Indicators of Persistent Word Reading Difficulties among Chinese Readers in Elementary Grades?. Dyslexia20, 119-145.


Ching, B. H. -H., Ho, C. S. -H., Chan, D. W., Chung, K. K. H., & Lo, L. -Y. (2014). Behavioral characteristics of Chinese adolescents with dyslexia: The use of teachers' behavior checklist in Hong Kong. Applied Psycholinguistics, 35, 1235-1257.



Yeung, P. -s., Ho, C. S. -H., Chan, D. W., & Chung, K. K. H. (2013). Contribution of Oral Language Skills, Linguistic Skills, and Transcription Skills to Chinese Written Composition Among Fourth-Grade Students. Discourse Processes50, 498-529.



Chung, K. K. H., McBride-Chang, C., Cheung, H., & Wong, S.W.L. (2013). General auditory processing, speech perception, and phonological awareness in Chinese-English biliteracy. Journal of Research in Reading36, 202-222.



Yeung, P.-S., Ho, C. S.-H., Chan, D. W., & Chung, K. K.-H. (2013). Modeling the relationships between cognitive-linguistic skills and writing in Chinese among elementary grades students. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 26, 1195-1221.



Yeung, P. -S., Ho, C. S. H., Chan, D. W., Chung, K. K. H., & Wong, Y. -K. (2013). A model of reading comprehension in Chinese elementary school children. Learning and Individual Differences, 25, 55-66.



Liu, D., Chung, K. K. H., Zhang, Y., & Lu, Z. (2013). Sensitivity to the positional information of morphemes inside Chinese compound words and its relationship with word reading. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 27, 431-450.



Chung, K.K.H., Ho, C. S. H., Chan, D. W., Tsang, S. M., & Lee, S. H. (2013). Contributions of syntactic awareness to reading in Chinese-speaking adolescent readers with and without dyslexia. Dyslexia, 19, 11-36.



Yeung, P.-S., Ho, C. S.-H., Wong, Y.-K., Chan, D. W.-O., Chung, K. K.-H., & Lo, L.-Y. (2013). Longitudinal predictors of Chinese word reading and spelling among elementary grade students. Applied Psycholinguistics, 34, 1245-1277.



Chung, K. K.-H., Tong, X., & McBride-Chang, C., (2012). Evidence for a deficit in orthographic structure processing in Chinese developmental dyslexia: An event-related potential study, Brain Research, 1472, 20-31.



Chan, D. W., Ho, C. S.-H., Chung, K. K. H., Tsang, S. -M., & Lee, S. -H. (2012). The Hong Kong behavior checklist for primary students: Developing a brief dyslexia screening measure. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 59, 173-196.



Chik, P. P., Ho, C. S. –H., Yeung, P., Wong, Y. –K., Chan, D. W., Chung, K. K. –H., & Lo, L. (2012). Contribution of discourse and morphosyntax skills to reading comprehension in Chinese dyslexic and typically developing children.Annals of Dyslexia, 62, 1-18



Ho, C.S.-H., Wong, Y.-K., Yeung, P.-S., Chan, D. W., Chung, K. K. -H., Lo, S. -C., & Hui, L. (2012). The core components of reading instruction in Chinese. Reading and Writing, 25, 857-886.



Chik, P.P., Ho, C.S.-H., Yeung, P., Chan, D.W., Chung, K.K.-H., Hui, L., Lo, L., & Lau, W.S. (2012). Syntactic skills in sentence reading comprehension among Chinese elementary school children. Reading and Writing25, 679-699.



Chung, K.K.-H., & McBride-Chang, C. (2011). Executive functioning skills uniquely predict Chinese word reading. Journal of Educational Psychology, 103, 909-921.



McBride-Chang, C., Chung, K. K.-H., & Tong, X. (2011). Copying skills in relation to word reading and writing in Chinese children with and without dyslexia. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology110, 422-433.



Yeung, P.-S., Ho, C. S. –H., Chik, P. P.-M., Lo, L. -Y, Hui, L., Chan, D. W., & Chung, K. K. –H. (2011). Reading and spelling Chinese among beginning readers: what skills make a difference?. Scientific Studies of Reading, 15, 285-313.



Chung, K. K. H., Ho, C. S.-H., Chan, D. W., Tsang, S. -M., & Lee, S. -H. (2011). Cognitive skills and literacy performance of Chinese adolescents with and without dyslexia. Reading and Writing24, 835-859.



Chung, K. K. H., & Ho, C. S.-H. (2010). Dyslexia in Chinese language: An overview of research and practice. Australian Journal of Learning Diffculties, 15, 213-224.



Chan, D. W., Ho, C. S.-H., Chung, K. K. H., Tsang, S.-M., & Lee, S.-H. (2010). Teachers' checklist on reading-related behavioral characteristics of Chinese primary students: A Rasch measurement model analysis. Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties, 15, 151-170.



Chung, K. K. H., Tong, X., Liu, P. D., McBride-Chang, C., & Meng, X. (2010). The processing of morphological structure information in Chinese coordinative compounds: An event-related potential study. Brain Research, 1352, 157-166.



Liu, P. D., Chung, K. K. H., McBride-Chang, C., & Tong, X. (2010). Holistic versus analytic processing: Evidence for a different approach to processing of Chinese at the word and character levels in Chinese children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 107, 466-478.



Cheung, H., Chung, K. K. H., Wong, S. W. L., McBride-Chang, C., Penney, T. B., & Ho, C. S. H. (2010). Speech perception, metalinguistic awareness, reading, and vocabulary in Chinese-English bilingual children. Journal of Educational Psychology, 102, 367-380.



Chung, K. K. H., & Ho, C. S.-H. (2010). Second language learning difficulties in Chinese children with dyslexia: What are the reading-related cognitive skills that contribute to English and Chinese word reading? Journal of Learning Disabilities, 43, 195-211.



Chung, K. K. H., Ho, C. S. H., Chan, D. W., Tsang, S. M., & Lee, S. H. (2010). Cognitive profiles of Chinese adolescents with dyslexia. Dyslexia, 16, 2-23.



Cheung, H., Chung, K. K. H., Wong, S. W. L., McBride-Chang, C., Penney, T. B., & Ho, C. S. H. (2009). Perception of tone and aspiration contrasts in Chinese children with dyslexia. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 50, 726-733.



Chung, K. K. H., McBride-Chang, C., Wong, S. W. L., Cheung, H., Penney, T. B., & Ho, C. S. H. (2008). The role of visual and auditory temporal processing for Chinese children with developmental dyslexia. Annals of Dyslexia, 58, 15-35.



Chan, D.W., Ho, C.S.H., Tsang, S.M., Lee, S.H., & Chung, K.K.H. (2008). Estimating incidence of developmental dyslexia in Hong Kong: What differences do different criteria make? Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties, 13, 1-16.



Chung, K. K. H. (2008). What effect do mixed sensory mode instructional formats have on both novice and experienced learners of Chinese characters? Learning and Instruction, 18, 96-108.



Ho, C.S.H., Chan, D.W., Chung, K.K.H., Lee, S.H., & Tsang, S.M. (2007). In search of subtypes of Chinese developmental dyslexia. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 97, 61-83.



Chung, K.K.H. (2007). Presentation factors in the learning of Chinese characters: the order and position of Hanyu pinyin and English translations, Educational Psychology, 27, 1-20.



Chan, D.W., Ho, C.S.H., Tsang, S.M., Lee, S.H., & Chung, K.K.H. (2007). Prevalence, gender ratio and gender differences in reading-related cognitive abilities among Chinese children with dyslexia in Hong Kong, Educational Studies, 33, 249-265.



Chan, D.W., Ho, C.S.H., Tsang, S.M., Lee, S.H., & Chung, K.K.H. (2006). Exploring the reading-writing connection in Chinese children with dyslexia in Hong Kong, Reading and Writing, 19, 543-561.



Ho, C.S.H., Chan, D.W., Tsang, S.M., Lee, S.H., & Chung K.K.H. (2006). Word learning deficit among Chinese dyslexic children, Journal of Child Language, 33, 145-161.



Chung, K. K. H., & Tam, Y. H. (2005). Effects of cognitive based instruction on mathematical problem solving by learners with mild intellectual disabilities, Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, 30, 207-216.



Chan, D.W., Ho, C. S H., Tsang, S M., Lee, S H., & Chung, K.K.H. (2004). Screening for Chinese children with dyslexia in Hong Kong: The use of the teachers' behaviour checklist. Educational Psychology, 24, 811-824.



Chung, K.K.H., Code, C. & Ball, M.J. (2004). Speech automatisms and recurring utterances from aphasic Cantonese speakers, Journal of Multilingual Communication Disorders, 2, 32-42.



Chan, D. W., Ho, C. S., Tsang, S., Lee, S., & Chung, K. K. H. (2003). Reading-related behavioral characteristics of Chinese children with dyslexia: The use of the teachers’ behavior checklist in Hong Kong, Annals of Dyslexia, 53, 300-323.



Chung, K.K.H. (2003). The role of pronunciation prompts and first language words in learning of Chinese characters as a second language, Journal of Behavioral Education, 3, 207 – 223.



Chung, K.K.H. (2002). Effective use of Hanyu Pinyin and English translations as extra stimulus prompts on learning of Chinese characters, Educational Psychology, 22, 149-164.



Taft, M., & Chung, K.K.H. (1999). Using radicals in teaching Chinese characters to second language learners,Psychologia, 42, 243-251.



Solman, R.T., & Chung, K.K.H. (1996). Language transfer and blocking in second language vocabulary learning, Journal of Behavioral Education, 6, 173-190.





Chung, K. K. H., Yuen, K. C. P., & McInerney, D. M. (Eds.) (2014). Understanding developmental disorders of auditory processing, language and literacy across languages: International perspectives. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.


Book Chapters


Kalindi, S., Chung, K. K. H., Liu, D., & Wang, L.C. (2018). The Complexities of Written Chinese and the Cognitive-Linguistic Precursors to Reading, with Consequent Implications for Reading Interventions. In H. K. Pae (Ed.), Writing Systems, Reading Processes, and Cross-Linguistic Influences: Reflections from the Chinese, Japanese and Korean Languages. John Benjamins.


Chung, K. K. H. (2018). Understanding and Supporting children with dyslexia and late-emerging reading difficulties. In Kennedy. J. K and Lee. J. C-K (Eds.), Routledge International Handbook of Schools and Schooling in Asia, London: Routledge, 531-540.


Cheung, K. C., Kwong, E., & Chung, K. K. H. (2018). Leading the way in supporting children with additional needs. In Kennedy. J. K and Lee. J. C-K (Eds.), Routledge International Handbook of Schools and Schooling in Asia, London: Routledge, 527-530. 


Cheung, K. C., Kwong, E., & Chung, K. K. H. (2018). Leading the way in supporting children with additional needs. In Kennedy. J. K and Lee. J. C-K (Eds.) , Routledge International Handbook of Schools and Schooling in Asia, London: Routledge, 527-530.


Chung, K. K. H. (2018). Supporting children with dyslexia and late-emerging reading difficulties. In Kennedy. J. K and Lee. J. C-K (Eds.) , Routledge International Handbook of Schools and Schooling in Asia, London: Routledge, 531-540.


Chu, S. S. W., & Chung, K. K. H. (2017). Ka-ho, a case study of a Chinese adolescent with dyslexia. In Anderson, P. L., & Meier-Hedde, R. (Eds.), Dyslexia in Adolescence: Global Perspectives (pp. 68-86). New York: Routledge. 



Chung, K.K.H., 2015. Socioeconomic Status and Academic Achievement. In: James D. Wright (editor-in-chief), International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, Vol 22. Oxford: Elsevier. pp. 924–930.



Chung, K. K. H. (2014). Developmental dyslexia in Chinese. In D.M. McInerney (Ed.), Educational Psychology: Constructing Learning (6th Edition) (pp. 264-267). Sydney: Pearson. (8th ed.,), Sydney: Pearson.



Ho, C.S-H., Wong, Y. K., Lo, C. M., Chan, D.W., Chung, K.K.H., & Lo, S.C. (2014). Helping children with reading disability in Chinese: The response to intervention approach with effective evidence-based curriculum, In X. Chen, Q. Wang, Y. C. Luo (Ed.), Reading Development and Difficulties in Monolingual and Bilingual Chinese Children (pp.103-124). New York London: Springer.    



Wong, S. W. L., Xiao M. X. Y., & Chung, K. K. H. (2012). Issues of culture and language in developmental disorders: The case of dyslexia in Chinese learners, In C. Marshall (Ed.), Current Issues in Developmental Disorders (pp.151-164). New York: Psychology Press.



Chu, S. S. W., Chung, K. K. H., & Ho, F. C. (2011). Ka-ho, a case study of dyslexia in China. In Anderson, P. L., & Meier- Hedde, R. (Eds.), International Case Studies of Dyslexia (pp. 46-64). New York: Routledge. 



Chung, K. K. H. (2010). Meeting students with special educational needs. In L.-F. Zhang, J. Biggs, & D. Watkins. (Eds.),Understanding the learning and development of Asian students: What the 21st century teacher needs to know (pp. 143-166). Singapore: Pearson Education.



Chung, K. K. H. (2008). Supporting Chinese learners with developmental dyslexia. In C. Forlin (Ed.), Catering for learners with diverse needs: An Asia-Pacific focus. (pp. 61-70). Hong Kong: HKIEd.


Other Publications / Related Research Activities

Curriculum Design and Development:

Primary School Sector



何淑嫻、陳穎修、陳維鄂、鍾杰華、曾淑雯、李淑嫻(2011):《小學中文分層支援教學模式  運作指南》。香港﹕香港特殊學習困難研究小組。



何淑嫻、陳穎修、陳維鄂、鍾杰華、曾淑雯、李淑嫻(2011):《小學中文分層支援教學模式 支援人員手冊》。香港﹕香港特殊學習困難研究小組。









何淑嫻、盧菁、陳維鄂、鍾杰華、曾淑雯、李淑嫻 (2007):《悅讀.悅寫意(一 初小中文讀寫課程),香港:香港特殊學習困難研究小組。


School Training Package:

Preschool Sector



鍾杰華、何淑嫻、陳維鄂、曾淑雯、李淑嫻 (2011):《童心齊悅讀-幼兒語文課程教材套》,香港:香港特殊學習困難研究小組。



鍾杰華、何淑嫻、陳維鄂、曾淑雯、李淑嫻(2008)。《讀樂樂 — 幼兒語文訓練活動》 ,香港:香港特殊學習困難研究小組。

Primary School Sector



何淑嫻、陳維鄂、鍾杰華、李淑嫻 、 曾淑雯、陳穎修 (2008):《 中文字詞認讀訓練 ( 第二版 ) 字得其樂 》,香港:香港特殊學習困難研究小組。

Assessment Battery and Checklist:

Preschool Sector



Ho, C.S.H., Leung, K.N.K., Yeung, P.S., Chan, D. W., Chung, K. K. H., Tsang, S.M., & Lee, S.H. (2011). The Hong Kong Reading Ability Screening Test for Preschool Children. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Specific Learning Difficulties Reserch Team. 



Wong, E.Y. F., Ho, C.S.H., Chung, K.K.H., Chan, D. W., Tsang, S.M., & Lee, S.H. (2006). The Hong Kong Learning Behaviour checklist for Preschool Children (Parent Version). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Specific Learning Difficulties Research Team.

Primary School Sector



何淑嫻、黃有佳、羅楚明、陳維鄂、鍾杰華、曾淑雯、李淑嫻、盧立仁 (2010) : 《香港初小學生中文讀寫能力評估》, 香港: 香港特殊學習困難研究小組。



Ho, C. S.-H., Chan, D. W.-O., Chung, K. K.-H., Tsang, S.-M., & Lee, S.-H. (2009). The Hong Kong Behaviour Checklist of Specific Learning Difficulties in Reading and Writing for Primary School Students (2nd ed.) (BCL-P (II)). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Specific Learning Difficulties Research Team.



Ho, C. S. H., Chan, D. W., Chung, K. K. H., Tsang, S. M., Lee, S. H., & Cheng, R. W. Y. (2007). The Hong Kong Test of Specific Learning Difficulties in Reading and Writing for Primary School Students (HKT-P(II)) (2nd ed.). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Specific Learning Difficulties Research Team.

Secondary School Sector



Chung, K.K.H., Ho, C.S.H., Chan, D W., Tsang, S.M., Lee, S.H. & Xiao, X. M. (2012). The Hong Kong Test of Specific Learning Difficulties in Reading and Writing for Junior Secondary School Students [HKT-JS(II)]. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Specific Learning Difficulties Research Team.



Chung, K.K.H., Ho, C.S.H., Chan, D W., Tsang, S.M., Lee, S.H. & Xiao, X. M. (2011). The Hong Kong Test of Specific Learning Difficulties in Reading and Writing for Junior Secondary School Students [HKT-JS(II)]. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Specific Learning Difficulties Research Team.



Ho, C. S. H., Lo, L. Y., Chan, W. D., Chung, K. K. H., Tsang, S. M., & Lee, S. H. (2009). The Hong Kong Behaviour Checklist of Specific Learning Difficulties in Reading and Writing for Junior Secondary School Students (BCL-JS). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Specific Learning Difficulties Research Team, 1-18.



Chung, K.K.H., Ho, C.S.H., Chan, D W., Tsang, S.M., & Lee, S.H. (2007). The Hong Kong Test of Specific Learning Difficulties in Reading and Writing for Junior Secondary School Students (HKT-JS). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Specific Learning Difficulties Research Team.




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Ph.D. Education University of Hong Kong

Research Areas:

  • Social and cognitive development in early childhood
  • Household environment and family process
  • Cross-cultural studies

Selected Funded Projects:

Co-Investigator. “Student Learning under the Pandemic: Self-control, School and Family Support, and Mental Health among Primary School Students in Hong Kong” (external fund, 2021)

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Refereed Journal Articles


Gao, X., Lee, K., Permpoonputtana, K., & Plitponkarnpim, A. (2022). Earning too little and worrying too much: The role of income and financial worries on parents’ well-being in Hong Kong and Bangkok. Journal of Family and Economic issueshttps://doi.org/10.1007/s10834-022-09863-y


Gao, X., & Wang, Z. (2022). Parental neuroticism and negative discipline: The role of household chaos and parental perspective taking. Journal of Family Psychology, 36(3), 458–467. https://doi.org/10.1037/fam0000887


Wang, Z., & Gao, X. (2022). Patience is a virtue: Theory of mind longitudinally predicts children’s delay during school transition. Developmental Neuropsychology, 47(5), 233-246. https://doi.org/10.1080/87565641.2022.2094382


Thichanpiang, P., Kaunnil, A., Lee, K., Gao, X., Nopparat, C., & Permpoonputtana, K. (2022). Psychometric Assessment of the Handwriting Proficiency Screening Questionnaire (HPSQ)—Thai Version for Primary School-Aged Children. Children, 9(10), 1580. https://doi.org/10.3390/children9101580


Wang, Z., Wang, L., & Gao, X., Zhu, L. (accepted). Cognitive flexibility moderates the association between false believe understanding and children’s sharing in the ultimatum game. Journal for the Study of Education and Development.


Gao, X., & Lee, K. (2021). Factorial Structure and Cross-Cultural Invariance of the Parenting Stress Index-Short Form in Hong Kong and Thailand. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 661972. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.661972


Ye, F. T.-F., Sin, K.-F., & Gao, X. (2021). Subjective Well-Being among Parents of Children with Special Educational Needs in Hong Kong: Impacts of Stigmatized Identity and Discrimination under Social Unrest and COVID-19. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(1), 238. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19010238


Wang, Z., Yeung, P. L., & Gao, X. (2021). Under the same roof: Parents’ COVID-related stress mediates the associations between household crowdedness and young children’s problem behaviors during social distancing. Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology, 100022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cresp.2021.100022


Refereed Conference Papers


Gao, X. & Wang, Z. (2021, April). Parental neuroticism and Limit setting: The role of household chaos and parental perspective taking. Society for Research in Child Development Virtual Biennial Meeting, Virtual


Gao, X. (2021, January). Structural validity of the simplified Parenting Stress Index-Short Form (S-PSI-SF): A Hong Kong sample. Paper presented at the International Graduate Studies Seminar (IGSS 2021), Hong Kong, SAR


Gao, X. & Wang, Z. (2019, March). Relation between theory of mind and hot/cool executive function: A longitudinal perspective. Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting (SRCD 2019) (poster), Baltimore, USA


Wang, Z. & Gao, X. (2018, July). Parental perspective taking and mind-mindedness: Associations and distinctions. The 25th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD 2018) (oral presentation), Goad Coast, Australia


Gao, X. & Wang, Z. (2017, November). Standing in your child’s shoes: Parental perspective taking moderates the influence of limit setting on child compliance. WERA Focal Meeting & HKERA International Conference 2017 (oral presentation), Hong Kong, SAR


Zhou, H. & Zhou, H. & Gao, X. (2015, August). The Effects of Social-Comparison Criticism on Children’s Development. The 13th National Annual Seminar of Developmental Psychology Abstracts (China) (poster), Chang Chun, China


Wang, X. & Gao, X. (2014). The Effects of the Cognitive Load and Stimuli Attractiveness on Self-regulation in Decision-making. The 17th National Academic Conference of Psychology Abstracts (China) (poster), Nan Jing, China




(852) 2948 7099

(852) 2948 7099
(852) 2948 7160



Research Areas

  • Non-Chinese Speaking Kindergarteners
  • Ethnic Minorities in Hong Kong
  • Multicultural and Intercultural Education


Selected Funded Projects

2015 - 2017


Start from the beginning – Chinese supporting scheme for non-Chinese speaking students in kindergartens (樂施會-從起步開始計劃)

Ms HO Chun Yun Jenny



Ms HO Chun Yun Jenny


  • Master of Social Science in Educational Psychology, The University of Hong Kong
  • Master of Arts in Psychology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics, The University of Hong Kong
  • Postgraduate Diploma in English Language Education, The City University of Hong Kong
  • Bachelor of Arts in Teaching English as a Second Language, The City University of Hong Kong


Research areas

  • Educational Psychology
  • Language Acquisition
  • Special Education Needs
  • Pedagogical approach


Professional Service

  • Member of the School Management Committee of SKH St Peter’s Church Kindergarten and SKH St Peter’s Church Kindergarten (Stanley)



(852) 2948 8268

(852) 2948 8268
(852) 29487160

PhD Queensland University of Technology

MEd London
BEd Hertfordshire
HCertEd HKPolyU
Cert(Adm&MgtofPre-schEdInst) HKU

Research Areas

  • Parent Involvement
  • Learning and Teaching

Selected Funded Projects



Wong, K. S. (PI), Leung, W. M., Lai, Y. C., Ho, J. & Cheuk, W.H.  (Co-PIs) (1/7/2015- 31/8/2016). Learning Fun in the Community Quality Education Fund (QEF) ($150,000) (Project Number: 2013/0859).

2010 - 2011


Enhancing children's learning and development through integrated multi media educational programmes

2007 - 2008


Assessing Children’s Learning and Development through Portfolio. (HK$479,370. Teacher Development Plan, Pre-Primary Education Voucher Scheme, PLK Lau Chan Siu Po Kindergarten, PLK Yik Kwai Fong Kindergarten and PLK Ting Mau Kindergarten, Education Bureau, 2007-08


Selected Outputs

Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters

Research book or monograph



藍美容, 何斯濃, 黃鑾鳳(2011):《優化幼教質素系列 : 學與教校本檢視》,香港,教育出版社有限公司。



顏素芳、何斯濃 (2011) :《香港幼兒學報:幼兒藝術綜合活動初探》,香港,教育出版社有限公司。



藍美容、繆慧碧、梁玉蘭、黎玉貞、何斯濃、黃國茜、蔡昌 (2011) : 《「透過多媒體綜合教育節目協助幼兒學習與發展」計劃 - 資源冊》,香港,優質教育基金。


Conference Papers

Refereed Conference Paper



Lam Mei Yung, Hazel, Chan Chi Ying, Eliza, Choi Cheong, Ben, Ho Joyce, Lai Yuk Ching, Eva, Leung Yuk Lan, Edith, Mou Wai Pik, Wong Kwok Sai, Tricia. (2011). Enhancing Children’s Learning & Development Through Integrated Multimedia Educational Programmes. Symposium held at the 63rd OMEP World Conference 2011, 6-10 July 2011, Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education.



Lam Mei Yung, Hazel, Chan Chi Ying, Eliza, Choi Cheong, Ben, Ho Joyce, Lai Yuk ching, Eva, Leung Yuk Lan, Edith, Mou Wai Pik Wong Kwok Sai, Tricia. (2011). Enhancing Children’s Learning & Development Through Integrated Multimedia Educational Programmes. Symposium held at the 63rd OMEP World Conference 2011, 6-10 July 2011, Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education.



Lai, Y. C., Leung, W. M., & Ho, J. (2009, October). Assessment using young children portfolio: A case study in Hong Kong preschools. Paper Presented at the Asian Conference on Education 2009, Osaka, Japan.



Leung, W. M., Lai, Y. C., & Ho, J. (2009, October). Hong Kong Preschool Teachers’ Perspectives of Using Portfolio to Assess Young Children’s Learning and Development. Paper Presented at the Asian Conference on Education 2009, Osaka, Japan.


Creative & Literary Works, Reports and Published Teaching Materials




藍美容、繆慧碧、梁玉蘭、陳之瑛、黎玉貞、何斯濃、黃國茜、蔡昌 (2011) : 1. 開心保兒日記 – 家,香港,優質教育基金。 2. 開心保兒日記 – 寵物,香港,優質教育基金。 3. 開心保兒日記 – 公園及遊樂場,香港,優質教育基金。 4. 開心保兒日記 – 幫助我們的人,香港,優質教育基金。


Published Teaching Materials



藍美容、繆慧碧、梁玉蘭、黎玉貞、何斯濃、黃國茜、蔡昌 (2011) : 《「透過多媒體綜合教育節目協助幼兒學習與發展」計劃 - 資源冊》,香港,優質教育基金。


Selected Output Categories

High-level public or professional service



consultant, (Project of Enhance Young children’s Development and Learning through children Portfolio) for three kindergartens during 2007 - 2008.




(852) 2948 7585

(852) 2948 7585
2948 7160

M.Ed, The University of Melbourne
BEd.Early Childhood Education, The University of Melbourne


Research Areas

  • Sustainability of Human Capital in Early Childhood Education
  • Teacher Professional Development
  • Early Childhood Education in China


Selected Funded Projects

2020 - 2021  

Academic Consultant of Project “Developing Innovative Teaching and Learning Packages on Disaster Education for Kindergarten Students” (Funded by Hong Kong Jockey Club Disaster Preparedness and Response Institute, HKJC-DPRI)

2017 - 2019  

Examining the effectiveness of iFeedback in Teaching Supervision across different teaching programmes (Funded by EdUHK Leaders of Learning Project Cluster Grant HK$80,000)

2017 - 2019


Development of a Peer-Coaching Model for Enhancing the teaching skills of Pre-service Teachers (Funded by EdUHK Leaders of Learning Project Cluster Grant HK$80,000)


Conference paper


Lam, M.Y., Ho, C., Koong, M.K. & Wang, J.R. (2018). Communication matters: A comparative study of school-parent collaboration for enhancing young children’s development in Hong Kong and Mainland China. Paper presentation at the 70th OMEP World Conference, Prague, June 25 to 29, 2018



Lam, M.Y., Ho, C. & Gong, S.H (2017) Symposium on Effect of the “Child-Rity Preschool Teachers Supporting Scheme” on promoting the Early Childhood Education in Rural Areas. Paper presentation at OMEP Asia Pacific Regional Conference, Hong Kong, May 18 to 20, 2017


Public / Professional Service

2019 - present  

Po Leung Kuk Academy of Professional Education
External Advisor

2014 - present


Hong Kong Child-Rity Association


Invited Speaker for Po Leung Kuk Affiliated Kindergartens Educational Conference entitled 'Rethinking teachers' professional roles - Activating children's self-directed and joyful learning journey' (Nov 2019) (Audience : about 400 Po Leung Kuk's kindergarten principals and teachers)


Invited Speaker for Seminar 'Development of early childhood education and kindergarten management in Hong Kong' for Shenzhen Department of Education (Jan 2019)


Invited Speaker for Public Lecture 'Creating learning environment for young children' in collaboration with Hong Kong Child-Rity Association and Education Bureau at Long'an County of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (April, 2018) (Audience : about 500 rural kindergarten principals and teachers)

2014 - 2018  

ECE training specialist for Hong Kong Child-Rity Association's Project 'Child-Rity Preschool Teachers Supporting Scheme' (2014 - 2018) (Training audience: Over 3600 kindergarten principals & teachers and about 110 pre-service early childhood education students from rural China at Shandong & Guangxi regions)




(852) 2948 8062

(852) 2948 8062
(852) 29487160

EdD The University of Hong Kong
MEd Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

Advanced Certificate in Enterprising GroupT
BEd Shaanxi Normal

Research Areas

  • New Technologies in Education 
  • STEM in Early Years
  • Digital Play in Future Classroom
  • Teacher Professional Development 


Selected Outputs

Journal Publications

Refereed Journal Article


Yang, W., Hu, X., Yeter, I. H., Su, J., Yang, Y., & Lee, J. C.-K. (2023). Artificial intelligence education for young children: A case study of technology-enhanced embodied learning. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1111/jcal.12892


Hu, X., Fang, Y., Liang, Y. (submitted). Roles and effect of digital technology in young children’s STEM learning: A systematic review of empirical studies.


Hu, X., Chiu, M. M., Yelland, N., & Liang, Y. (2023). Scaffolding young children’s computational thinking with teacher talk in a technology-mediated classroom. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 65, 81–91. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecresq.2023.05.011


Salas-Pilco, S.Z., Xiao, K. & Hu, X. (2022). Artificial Intelligence and Learning Analytics in Teacher Education: A Systematic Review. Education Sciences (12), 569. https:// doi.org/10.3390/educsci12080569


Hu. X. (2021) Developing STEM toolkits for young children to improve spatial skills. Journal of Education and Human Development, 10 (1), 24-34. doi.org/10.15640/jehd.v10n1a3


Hu, X., Chiu, M. M., Leung, W. M. V., & Yelland, N. (2021). Technology integration for young children during COVID-19: Towards future online teaching. British Journal of Educational Technology, 00, 1–25. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjet.13106


Leung, W. M. V, & Hu. X. (2019). We want STEM: Exploring digital toys in a Hong Kong school. Journal of Education and Human Development, 8 (4), 82-93, doi.org/10.15640/jehd.v8n4a11


Hu, X. & Yelland, N. (2019). Changing learning ecologies in early childhood teacher education: From technology to STEM learning. Beijing International Review of Education, 2-3, 487-506. doi.org/10.1163/25902539-00102005.


Hu, X. & Yelland, N. (2017). An investigation of preservice early childhood teachers’ adoption of ICT in a teaching practicum context in Hong Kong. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 38(3), 259-274. doi:10.1080/10901027.2017.1335664.



Hu, X. (2013). Using tablet computers in early childhood education: The experience in Hong Kong (in Chinese). Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 13(2), 29-36. http://libdr1.eduhk.hk/pubdata/img00/arch00/link/archive/1/instarh/3350_image_vol12_no1.pdf



Hu, X. (2012). Using picture books to teach Putonghua: Experience in Hong Kong kindergartens (in Chinese). Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 11 & 12(2), 28-32.




Zhao, L. & Hu, X. (2008). The development of Early Childhood Education in Rural Areas in China. Early Years: An International Journal of Research and Development. 28 (2), 197-209. doi.org/10.1080/09575140802079756


Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters








Chapter in an edited book

in press  

Hu, X., Yelland, N., Leung, W. M. V., Liang, Y., Sun, C., & Graham, C. R. (in press). Integrating digital technologies during COVID-19 kindergarten suspension period in Hong Kong. In I. R. Berson, W. Luo, C. Dong, & M. J. Berson (Eds.), Digital Technologies and Early Childhood in China: Policy and Practice. A Volume in I. R. Berson & M. J. Berson (Series Eds.), Research in Global Child Advocacy. Information Age Publishing.


Lau. X. & Hu, X. (2018). In G. Lau, & Y. Y. Tai (Eds.), Integrate “environmental education” picture books (Book Eight), (pp. 72-88) (In Chinese). Hong Kong, The Education University of Hong Kong.


Hu, X. & Wong, S. Y. (2016).Reading from beginning: family reading plan for children aged0 to 3.  In G. Lau, & Leung. C. C. (Eds). Family Fun: Reading instruction, (pp. 60-68)( (In Chinese). Hong Kong. Sing Tao Publishing Ltd.


Hu, X. & Wong, S. Y. (2016).  Promote parent-child book reading: Applying “Family reading porgramme”.  In G. Lau, & Leung. C. C. (Eds). Family Fun: Reading instruction, (pp. 212-221) (In Chinese). Hong Kong. Sing Tao Publishing Ltd.


Hu, X. & Cheng, Y. L. (2016). Review the Position Statement of Technology and    Interactive Media as Tools in Early Childhood Programs. In G. Lau, & Y. Y. Tai (Eds.), Studies and Research on Early Childhood Education (Book Seven), (pp.52-64) (In Chinese). Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Institute of Education.


Hu, X. (2012). Using picture books to support young children’s Putonghua learning. In G. Lau, & Y. Y. Tai (Eds.), Studies and Research on Early Childhood Education (Book Four), (pp. 49-52) (In Chinese). Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Institute of Education.



Hu, X. (2012). Chapter one “emotion”, In M. Wong (Ed.), Zippy’s Friends Hong Kong, (pp. 41-53) (In Chinese). Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Institute of Education.


Hu, X. (2008). Research on the status of teaching early experience Putonghua by pre-service kindergarten teachers (In Chinese). Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 7(2), 55-59.


Chan, L. K. S., Hu, X., & Chan, L. (2007). Early childhood education in Hong Kong: Meeting the challenges (In Chinese). In J. X. Zhu (Ed.), Chinese Inspective in Early Childhood Education (pp. 30-42). Shanghai, Shanghai Normal University.


Conference Papers

Refereed Conference Paper


Zhang, L., & Hu, X. (2020). A Design-Based Study of STEM Education in A Shenzhen Kindergarten. Presented at International Conference on Learning and Teaching 2020, Hong Kong, 2020. (Link)


Hu, X., Liang, Y., & Hai, Y. (2020). Using STEM Toolkits to Support Young Children’s Spatial Learning. Presented at International Conference on Learning and Teaching 2020, Hong Kong, 2020. (Link)


Hu, X., Liang, Y., & Xu, J. (2020). Future Classroom in Early Years: An Exploratory Study in Hong Kong. Presented at International Conference on Learning and Teaching 2020, Hong Kong, 2020. (Link)


Hu, X. (2018, December). STEAM education in early childhood: Explore pedagogical play. Learning & Teaching Expo 2018. Hong Kong, 12-14 December, 2018.(Link)


Hu, X. (2018, November). STEAM education: New opportunities and challenges for young children's creativity. Research Association- Global Association of Chinese Creativity 2018 (TERAGACC2018). Kaohsiung, 8-11 November, 2018. (Link)


Hu, X. & Wong, S. Y.(2017, November)Kindergarten environmental education: Exploring nature through play. The 8th Cross-Strait Education Forum for Sustainable Development, Hong Kong (in Chinese). (Link)


Hu, X. & He. C. (2017, November). Using picture books to teach in kindergarten through experimental-based learning. WERA Focal Meeting & The Hong Kong Educational Research Association (HKERA) International Conference 2017. Hong Kong, 30 November -2 December, 2017. (Link)


Hu, X. (2017, July). Adopting interactive media in preschool settings. The Annual Conference of Digital Learning and Teaching (DigiCon 2017). Melbourne, 27-28, July 2017. (Link)


Hu, X. & Ng. K. (2017, June). Using picture books to explore effective Putonghua learning strategies in an international kindergarten. 3rd International Conference on Teaching Chinese as a Second Language. Hong Kong, 24, June 2017.


Hu. X. (2016, May). Using interactive digital media to improve non-Chinese speaking children’s interest in learning Putonghua. 2rd International Conference on Teaching Chinese as a Second Language. Hong Kong, 28, May 2016.


Hu, X. (2015, June). Using interactive media in early childhood education. UNESCO-FEHD (HKIEd) Expert Meeting for ​Building the Capacity of Higher Education Institutions in Asia-Pacific for Blended Learning to Enhance Student Engagement and Outcomes. Hong Kong, 3-5, June 2015.(Link)



Hu, X. & Wong, S. Y. (2015, June). Using interactive digital picture book to promote young children’s Putonghua learning. Paper will be presented at the 2015 Quality Childhood Conference International (QCCI), Hong Kong, 17-19 June. (Link)



Cheung. S. M. & Hu. X. (2015, June). The innovation of school-based curriculum: A mechanism for developing in a long whole day kindergarten in Hong Kong. Paper will be presented at the 2015 Quality Childhood Conference International (QCCI), Hong Kong, 17-19, June 2015. (Link)



Hu, X. (2014, November). Using interactive media to promote young children’s learning. The Asia Pacific Educational Research Association International Conference 2014. Hong Kong, 17-21, November. (Link)



Hu, X. (2014, March). Pre-service teachers’ ICT adoption in preschool settings in Hong Kong. Paper presented at Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference 2014. Jacksonville, 17-21, March. (Link)



胡馨允(2009, 5月). 兩文三語環境中的早期普通話教學。論文發表於「2009幼兒教育專業、品質與卓越:幼教課程與幼兒園經營學術研討會」, 台北市。



Hu, X. (2008, June). Integrating technologies: New possibilities for early childhood pedagogy. Paper presented at the Centre for Information Technology in Education Research Symposium 2008, Hong Kong. (Link)



Hu X. (2007, July). A case study in integrating ICT into early childhood teacher education. Paper presented at International Conference on ICT in Teaching and Learning, Hong Kong. (Link)



Hu X. (2007, July). Exploring pre-service teachers to integrate ICT into teaching and learning. Paper presented at the Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association (PECERA), Hong Kong. (Link)


Keynote Speaker



Hu, X. (2020). Connecting Children with Nature: Multimodal Learning Experience. 6th Conference of Research in Early Childhood Education, Hong Kong, 10/10, 2020 (Conference link)


Other Publication


Hu, X. (2020). Little Explorer: Constructing STEM thinking in early years. In W. Wang (Ed.), Guideline for A Smarter Brain in Your Child, (pp. 216-243) (In Chinese). Beijing. Publishing House of Electronics Industry.


Hu, X. (2010). Imitation? Keep own strategies? In K. M. B. Wong, W. K. G. Yuen, & A. Chak (Eds.), The Activity Guide Book of the Field Experience in Kindergartens (pp. 30-42) (In Chinese). Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Institute of Education.


Hu. X. (2009). Young children’s Putonghua learning in Hong Kong (In Chinese). Early Education (Teacher’s edition), 6, 18-19

2008   胡馨允(2008, 12月). 新媒体,新玩教具—信息技术时代自制玩教具的案例。論文發表於第一屆亞洲兒童遊戲與玩具國際研討會,杭州市。




Departmental Research Grant

Principal Investigator, (Developing a Portable STEM Toolkit to Support Early Childhood Teacher Education, Departmental Research Grant), 7/2019-12/2020,


Complex Analysis ARC Grant

Principal Investigator, Investigating Student Teachers’ Engagement in the Future Classroom: Technology-mediated Learning Experiences, Complex Analysis ARC Grant), 8/2019-8/2021


ECE Departmental Innovative Teaching Grants

Principal Investigator, Prepare New e-Portfolio: Supporting New Field Experience Framework for Part-time BEd (ECE), 27/07-30/06, 2021


Leaders of Learning Travel Grant

Group Leader, (Visiting Future Classroom Lab and Research Teams in Europe (Belgium)

European Schoolnet, Ghent University-TECOLAB project, University of Leuven-TECOL project, Leaders of Learning Travel Grant), 2018-2019, HK$ 25,000


Innovative Teaching (Beyond e-Learning)

Principal Investigator, (Exploring Nature Play in Early Childhood Teacher Education: A Pilot Study

Production of the first e-learning package related to nature education in early years in Hong Kong, Innovative Teaching (Beyond e-Learning), 2/2018-1/2019


Leaders of Learning Cluster Grants

Co-investigator, (Digital Pedagogy: Exploring the Effectiveness of Social Media in Teaching and Learning, Leaders of Learning Cluster),12/2017-12/2018

Co-investigator, (Online Learning Professional Development - Q&A Platform), Leaders of Learning Cluster, 12/2017-12/2019


Teaching Development Grants (TDG)

Co-investigator, (Incubating artificial intelligence (AI) makers by integration computer vision and 3D technologies for remote learning, Teaching Development Grants), 1/12/2020-31/03/2022,

Principal Investigator, (Piloting the Future Classroom: Developing Self-directed Professional Development Resources, Teaching Development Grants), 1/2019-7/2019


Central Reserve Allocation Committee (CRAC) Project:

Co-investigator, Strategic Development of the EdU Online Classes Platform (EOCP) for the Enhancement of Online Learning and Teaching in Local Schools [FEHD part: EdU Online Classes Platform]HKD

Co-investigator, Early Childhood Education STEM and Maker Education, 5/2020-12/2022, HKD   

Co-investigator, (Harnessing Online Technologies for Quality Access to Education and Lifelong Learning: Innovations@FEHD and the Next Level, CRAC), 9/2018-7/2020

Co-investigator, (A Multi-Disciplinary Research Programme in Research on Child Development, CRAC), 7/2018-7/2020


Knowledge Transfer Grant

Principal Investigator, (Integrating Interactive Digital Storybooks to Support Young Children’s Putonghua Learning in Preschools), 02/2014-06/2015


Other Grants

Principal Investigator, (English Using Multimedia to Support the EMI Course, FEHD EMI Enhancement Grants), 01/2015-06/2015

Member (Global and Future-oriented Learning: Nurturing Global Perspectives through Innovative Pedagogies), 8/2019- 8/2022



  • International Journal of Early Years Education
  • Early Years: An International Research Journal
  • Frontiers in Psychology



Other Publications

Local newspapers

  1. 胡馨允、梁語桐(2020年9月1日)。幼稚園網絡學習:混合式教學法。明報。

Hu Xinyun, Liang Yutong (01/09/2020). Online learning in kindergartens: Blended Learning approaches. Ming Pao.

  1. 胡馨允(2020年8月4日)。趁疫情培養自驅力。明報。

Hu Xinyun (04/08/2020). Cultivate children’s self-drive ability during the COVID-19. Ming Pao.

  1. 胡馨允、張偉樂(2018年12月28日)。從幼兒開始 進行 STEM 探索。信報財經新聞。

Hu Xinyun, Zhang Weile. (28/12/2018). Supporting children to start STEM exploration early. Hong Kong Economic Journal, Teaching and Researching.

  1. 胡馨允(2018年11月13日)。運用「停止信號」節制玩手機。明報

Hu Xinyun. (13/11/2018). To control the mobile phone using through 'Stopping cue'. Ming Pao.

  1. 胡馨允、黃雪媛 (2018年1月4日)。大自然融入日常幼稚園活動。星島日報,F03版。

Hu Xinyun, Wong Suet Yuen. (04/01/2018). Bringing nature into the kindergarten Classrooms. Sing Tao Daily, F03.

  1. 胡馨允(2017年10月17日)。防止兒童使用手機成癮。星島日報,F02版。

Hu Xinyun. (17/10/2017). Prevent children from mobile phone addiction. Sing Tao Daily, F02.

  1. 胡馨允(2017年5月23日)。e時代的養育。星島日報,F03版。

Hu Xinyun. (23/05/2017). Parenting in the Digital Era. Sing Tao Daily, F03.

  1. 胡馨允(2017年4月07日)。新學習範疇:大自然和發現。星島日報,F03版。

Hu Xinyun. (07/04/2017). New Learning Area: Nature and Discovery. Sing Tao Daily, F03.

  1. 胡馨允(2017年2月07日)。數碼媒體是洪水猛獸?星島日報,F02版。

Hu Xinyun. (07/02/2017). Is Digital Media a Monster? Sing Tao Daily, F02.

  1. 胡馨允(2015年6月10日)。兒童節禮物。星島日報,F03版。

Hu Xinyun. (10/06/2015). A gift of the Children’s Day. Sing Tao Daily, F03.

  1. 胡馨允(2015年4月15日)。五個小孩的老師。星島日報,F03版。

Hu Xinyun. (15/04/2015). Little Big Master. Sing Tao Daily, F03.

  1. 胡馨允(2015年2月18日)。兒童的知識建構-由蘿蔔糕引起的故事。星島日報,F03版。

Hu Xinyun. (18/02/2015). Children's knowledge construction-A story caused by the turnip cake. Sing Tao Daily, F03.

  1. 胡馨允(2014年12月24日)。長全日幼稚園。星島日報,F03版。

Hu Xinyun. (24/12/2014). Long whole-day Kindergartens. Sing Tao Daily, F03.

  1. 胡馨允(2014年10月29日)。全日制幼稚園。星島日報,F03版。

Hu Xinyun. (29/10/2014). Whole-day Kindergartens. Sing Tao Daily, F03.

  1. 胡馨允(2014年9月3日)。窗口的圖書館。星島日報,F03版。

Hu Xinyun. (03/09/2014). Library by the window. Sing Tao Daily, F03.

  1. 胡馨允(2014年6月25日)。內心的聲音。星島日報,F03版。

Hu Xinyun. (25/06/2014). Inner voice. Sing Tao Daily, F03.

  1. 胡馨允(2014年3月19日)。何處寄存悲傷。星島日報,F03版。

Hu Xinyun. (19/03/2014). Where to handle the sorrow? Sing Tao Daily, F03.

  1. 胡馨允(2013年12月4日)。快病纏身。星島日報,F03版。

Hu Xinyun. (04/12/2013). Suffer from hurry sickness. Sing Tao Daily, F03.

  1. 胡馨允(2013年9月18日)。孩童當行的道。星島日報,F03版。

Hu Xinyun. (18/9/2013). Train up a child in the way he should go. Sing Tao Daily, F03.

  1. 胡馨允(2009年4月29日)。教育語言「微調」 波及幼園。信報財經新聞。

Hu Xinyun. (29/4/2009). 「Fine-tuning」of language policy impacts on kindergartens. Hong Kong Economic Journal.



(852) 2948 6802

(852) 2948 6802
(852) 29487160


2017       Doctor of Education                 University of Western Australia



Research Areas

  • Learning & Teaching
  • Curriculum Planning

Selected Funded Projects


不一樣的學習經驗 : 生命教育 發現、探索、親親大自然 “     QEF Project: 9/2021-7/2022


Harnessing the Power of Assessment to Support Pre-service Teachers' Learning and Professional Development Through an Innovative Blended Learning Approach (A+BLe)  TDG Project  5/2020-5/2022 


“ Communities of Practice Project for Virtual Teaching in Early Childhood Education” Project 2020- 2022  (TDG Project)


Bridging the theories  Explainer videos on curriculum approaches and pedagogies in ECE 2021-2022

2004 - 2006


An Overall Evaluation of Piloting Zippy's Friends Programme in Kindergartens and Primary Schools of Hong Kong

Selected Outputs

Journal Publications

Refereed Journal Article


許麗平、鄭婉玲、梁玉蘭、何斯濃 (2015)。本港少數族裔學前兒童的學習: 與一所幼稚園校長的訪談,輯於劉慧中、戴燕儀(主編)《幼兒教育面面觀: 研究與實務結集本 》第七冊,(頁7-12),香港,香港教育學院。


許麗平(2015)。淺談融合教育的真義,輯於劉慧中、戴燕儀(主編)《幼兒教育面面觀: 研究與實務結集本 》第七冊,(頁13-17),香港,香港教育學院。



Hui, L. P., & Yeung, S. S. (2007). Integrated education: Barriers and chance. Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 6 (1), (49-53) .


Conference paper


Yeung, S.S., Ganotice, F.A., & Hui, L.P. (2015, Oct). English reading and spelling development of Chinese ESL children. Paper presented at the Melbourne International Business and Social Science Research Conference 2015, Melbourne, Australia.


Yeung, S. S., Hui, L. P., Cheng, Y.L., Leung, Y.L., & Ho, J. (2014, July). Identifying Chinese children who have English reading difficulties: What are the important cognitive-linguistic and language skills?. The 3rd International Symposium on Business and Social Sciences, Hokkaido.



Creative & Literary Works, Reports and Published Teaching Materials

Published Teaching Materials



張杏冰、梁玉蘭、鄭婉玲及許麗平 (2007): 《朗文快樂學習與成長系列全方位學習教材套》, 香港。



張杏冰、梁玉蘭、鄭婉玲及許麗平 (2007): 《學前教育課程指引》, 香港,全方位學習教材。


Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

  2015-  2016  

Teaching Development Grants 2015/2016 Project Title “Enhancing Students’ Learning through Team-based Learning (TBL). (Approved Budget, 174,200)


Principal Project Supervisors: Hui Lai Ping Dorothy, Dr. Yang Lan Joy and Dr. Yeung Siu Sze Susanna.



(852) 2948 7861

(852) 2948 7861
(852) 2948 7160


PhD in Music Education, Hong Kong Baptist University

MA in Music, Hong Kong Baptist University

PgDE, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

BSc in Biology, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


Research Areas

  • Music in early childhood education
  • Sociology of music education
  • Teacher education
  • Comparative education
  • Psychology of music


Selected Funded Projects


Principal Investigator, Influences of parental cultural and social capital on children’s music activities: A comparative study of Chengdu and Hong Kong (RG 39/2022-2023R), HKD$149,776. [Start-up Research Grant, EdUHK]


Principal Investigator, Developing pre-service teachers’ musical competence and teaching confidence: A training programme for transforming musicianship into pedagogy (ITG2022-23/005), HKD$59,400. [ECE Innovative Teaching Grants, ECE, EdUHK]


Principal Investigator, The effect of language-learning-devised music-pedagogical methodology on the reinforcement of acoustic sensitivity (DRG2022-23/004), HKD$99,145. [Departmental Research Grant, ECE, EdUHK]


Selected Outputs



Kong, S. H. (2023). Cultural capital and parental involvement: A comparison of students’ music participation between Beijing and Hong Kong. Springer Singapore.


Refereed Journal Article


Wong, J., Bautista, A., Ho, Y. L. & Kong, S. H. (2023). Preschool teachers’ music-specific professional development preferences: Does teaching experience matter? Research Studies in Music Education. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1177/1321103X221139992


Kong, S. H. & Wong, W. K. (2022). Stressors and psychological distress from COVID-19: Music as a coping strategy during a pandemic. International Journal of Music Education, 40(2), 260-275. https://doi.org/10.1177/02557614211050986


Kong, S. H. (2021). A study of students’ perceptions of parental influence on students’ musical instrument learning in Beijing, China. Music Education Research, 23(3), 287-299. https://doi.org/10.1080/14613808.2020.1832978


Kong, S. H. (2019). Influences of cultural capital on junior secondary school students’ musical preferences in Hong Kong, China. Current Politics and Economics of Northern and Western Asia, 28(1), 1-22.


Kong, S. H. (2017). Influence of parental cultural capital and support for students’ participation in music activities: A study of junior secondary school students in Hong Kong. Music Communication, (1), 63-71.


江肇衡 (2017)。家庭文化資質及支持對中學生音樂活動參與的影響—以香港特別行政區初中生為例的研究。,(1),63-71。


Kong, S. H. (2016). A study of parental support for junior secondary school students’ musical activities in Hong Kong. Journal of Youth Studies, 19(1), 119–133.


Book Chapters


Kong, S. H. (2019). Influences of cultural capital on junior secondary school students' musical preferences in Hong Kong, China. In R.V. Nata (Ed.), Progress in education: Volume 55 (pp. 143–165). New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.


Kong, S. H. (2018). A study of young students’ musical preferences in contemporary Hong Kong. In R. Kyros & M. Lott (Eds.), Public policy and social change: Perspectives, challenges and future directions (pp. 89-116). New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.


Kong, S. H. (2017). Parental cultural capital and parental support for students’ participation in music listening and instrumental learning: A study of junior secondary school students in Beijing, China. In R.V. Nata (Ed.), Progress in education: Volume 42 (pp. 169–192). New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.


Paper in Refereed Conference Proceeding


Kong, S. H. (2015). Students’ perceptions of parental influence on their participation in music activities in Hong Kong. Conference Proceedings of the 10th Asia-Pacific Symposium for Music Education.


Refereed Conference Presentations


Kong, S. H. & Wong, W.K. (2020). Stressors and Psychological Distress under COVID-19 Pandemic: The Use of Music as a Coping Strategy. Paper presented at FSTE Conference: Emotional and Mental Wellbeing for Whole Person Development organized by Federation for Self-financing Tertiary Education, Hong Kong, China


Kong, S. H. (2019). The Influence of Parental Cultural Capital and Support on Chinese Students’ Musical Instrument Learning. Paper presented at The Asian Conference on the Liberal Arts 2019 organised by the International Academic Forum (IAFOR) and Lingnan University, Hong Kong, China


Kong, S. H. (2019). The Impact of Societal Factors on Young Student Musical Preferences in Contemporary Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 11th Asia-Pacific Symposium for Music Education Research organised by Macao Polytechnic Institute, Macao, China


Kong, S. H. (2018). The Influence of Parental Cultural Capital and Support on Chinese Students’ Musical Instrument Learning. Paper presented at the Hong Kong Educational Research Association International Conference 2018 organised by Hong Kong Educational Research Association, the Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research and the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China


Kong, S. H. (2017). Societal Influence on Young Students’ Music Preferences in Contemporary Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 19th Annual Conference of the Hong Kong Sociological Association organised by Hong Kong Sociological Association, Hong Kong, China


Kong, S. H. (2017). The Influence of Parental Involvement and Cultural Capital, on Instrument Learning Among Chinese Junior Secondary School Students. Paper Presented at the 11th Asia-Pacific Symposium for Music Education Research organised by the Faculty of Music, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Melaka, Malaysia.


Kong, S. H. (2017). The influence of parental involvement and cultural capital, on instrument learning among Chinese junior secondary school students. Paper presented at the 6th Music Education Forum (第六屆海峽兩岸暨港澳學校音樂教育論壇) organized by School of Music, South China Normal University, GuangZhou, China


Kong, S. H. (2016). Influence of parental cultural capital and parental support on students’ music listening: A comparative study of Beijing and Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 18th Annual Conference of the Hong Kong Sociological Association organised by Hong Kong Sociological Association, Hong Kong, China


Kong, S. H. (2016). Students’ Perceptions of Parental Influence on their Participation in the Activities of Music Listening: A Comparative Study of Beijing and Hong Kong. Paper presented at 32nd World Conference, International Society for Music Education organised by International Society for Music Education, Glasgow, United Kingdom


Kong, S. H. (2015). Impact of Parents’ Cultural Capital and Social Capital on Secondary School Students. Paper presented at the 17th Annual Conference of the Hong Kong Sociological Association organised by Hong Kong Sociological Association, Hong Kong, China


Kong, S. H. (2015). Students’ Perceptions of Parental Influence on Their Participation in Music Activities in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 10th Asia-Pacific Symposium for Music Education Research organised by the Department of Cultural and Creative Arts, the Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong, China


Kong, S. H. (2014). A Study of Parental Influence on Student’s Participation in Music Activities in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 16th Annual Conference of the Hong Kong Sociological Association organised by Hong Kong Sociological Association, Hong Kong, China


Kong, S. H. (2014). A Study of Parental Influence on Student’s Participation in Music Activities in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the Forum on Graduate Ethnomusicology (2014 兩岸三地民族音樂學研究生論壇) organised by the Graduate Institute of Ethnomusicology, National Taiwan Normal University; Department of Musicology, China Conservatory; and Department of Music, Hong Kong Baptist University, Taipei, Taiwan


Professional Service

  • Scientific Committee of the 16th Annual Education and Development Conference, Bangkok, 2020-2021
  • Scientific Committee of the 15th Annual Education and Development Conference, Bali, 2019-2020
  • Reviewer, The Asian Conference on the Liberal Arts, Hong Kong, 2019
  • Reviewer, The Asian Conference on the Social Sciences, Japan, 2016



(852) 2948 8804

(852) 2948 8804
(852) 2948 7160





Research areas 

  • Early childhood curriculum and pedagogy
  • Teaching and learning in early childhood Education


Internal and Professional Service 

Year Coordinator (2022) Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education (Two-year Full-time). Department of Early Childhood Education, the Education University of Hong Kong (2022). 



2022   Orbis Project (Kindergarten workshop and training) 



(852) 2948 7764

(852) 2948 7764
(852) 2948 7160

Master of Arts in Social Work (Family-centred Practice and Family Therapy), HKPolyU

Postgraduate Diploma in Biblical Studies, Evangel Seminary

Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Education), EdUHK


Professional Recognition

  • Full Member of Asian Professional Counselling & Psychology Association
  • Member of The Hong Kong Professional Counselling Association (MHKPCA)
  • Member of The International Association of Children’s Spirituality
  • Associate Member of The Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong Limited (CASH Writer Membership)


Research Areas

  • Christian Education in ECE
  • Family Therapy and Parent Education
  • Children’s Spirituality Development


External Service

Sept 2023 – Aug 2026

External Examiner of the Diploma of Applied Education (DAE) Programme (Lingnan Institute of Further Education)


Internal Service


Sub-Committee member

Departmental Conference – Conference for Research in Early Childhood Education 2023: Embracing Opportunities and Innovations in Early Childhood Education, EdUHK

2021 - current

Programme Leader & Practicum Coordinator

Diploma in Early Childhood Education (Supporting Learning and Teaching for Non-Chinese Speaking Children) (One-year Full-time)

Department of ECE, EdUHK


Selected Funded Projects

2023 - current


Research Impact Cluster - Moral education through arts education in the Guangdong - Hong Kong - Macao Greater Bay Area


Team member

QEF Project: Using Picture Book to Promote Positive Education in Pre-school through Home-School-Community Collaboration (透過繪本推廣以家、校、社區協作為本的幼兒正向教育)


Selected Output





黎諾行(2023):教大GPS:有品原動力,明報副刊,《Happy PaMa 教得樂》,第475期。https://happypama.mingpao.com/%E5%90%8D%E4%BA%BAkol/%E6%95%99%E5%A4%A7gps%EF%BC%9A%E6%9C%89%E5%93%81%E5%8E%9F%E5%8B%95%E5%8A%9B/


黎諾行(2022):教大GPS:與別不同的「六育」,明報副刊,《Happy PaMa 教得樂》,第385期。https://happypama.mingpao.com/%E5%90%8D%E4%BA%BAkol/%E6%95%99%E5%A4%A7gps%EF%BC%9A%E8%88%87%E5%88%A5%E4%B8%8D%E5%90%8C%E7%9A%84%E3%80%8C%E5%85%AD%E8%82%B2%E3%80%8D/


黎諾行(2018):2-7歲培育子女必看 Tips (上),《香港媽咪幫》網頁。


黎諾行(2018) :0-2歲育兒必看四大Tips,《香港媽咪幫》網頁。


黎諾行(2018) :入讀N1/K1,選擇甚麼課程的幼稚園,《香港媽咪幫》網頁。


黎諾行(2018) :小朋友有無需要讀N班,《香港媽咪幫》網頁。


黎諾行(2016) :如何面對突如其來的慘劇? 如何協助家人走出傷心之路,《香港媽咪幫》網頁。



黎諾行(2016) :小朋友,先學英文或是中文較好,《香港媽咪幫》網頁。


黎諾行(2016) :小朋友發脾氣,作為爸媽如何處理,《香港媽咪幫》網頁。


黎諾行(2016) :寶寶害怕晚上獨自睡覺,常要父母陪伴,《香港媽咪幫》網頁。



Selected Output: Teaching Materials



Pearson Education Asia Limited (‘Pearson’): Writing teaching materials for New Pre-school Longman Elect Teacher’s Guide 6 (Units 1 – 9 and Tasks 1 & 2)


Pearson Education Asia Limited (‘Pearson’): Writing teaching materials for New Pre-school Longman Elect Teacher’s Guide 5 (Units 1 – 9 and Tasks 1 & 2)


Song Composition for Living Learning Package: K3 BK1 ‘爸媽,感謝你’、K3 BK2 ‘節日食品歌’、K3 BK6 ‘購物想一想’、K3 BK7 ‘小小水滴’、K3 BK8 ‘電腦小世界’、K3 BK9 ‘小白雲’ (Music + Lyrics)


Parent Talks & Workshops

Dec 2023 

講題 — 原生家庭與個人成長(I) – 從不安走進平安   [浸信宣道會恩雨堂]

Oct 2023 

講題 — 個人成長與原生家庭關係   [李伯忠一片天國際啟育中心]

Oct 2023 

講題 — 孩子正向教育與品格培育   [浸信宣道會恩雨堂]

Jul 2023 

講題 — 邏輯後果   [浸信宣道會恩雨堂]

Jun 2023 

講題 — 「感恩」的生命   [浸信宣道會恩雨堂]

Apr 2023 

講題 — 「主動建設」的回應   [浸信宣道會恩雨堂]

Jan 2023 

講題 — 也許相愛很難 (愛的言語)   [浸信宣道會恩雨堂]

Nov 2022 

講題 — 贏在起跑線?!   [浸信宣道會恩雨堂]

Oct 2022 

講題 — 如何「教好」孩子?ABC行為分析法   [浸信宣道會恩雨堂]

Aug 2021  

講題 — 怎樣培育「雙語」孩子?   [浸信宣道會恩雨堂]

Aug 2021  

講題 — 如何提升孩子認讀能力?   [浸信宣道會恩雨堂]

Jul 2021   講題 — 管教有難度?!促進兒童正向行為錦囊   [浸信宣道會恩雨堂]

Jun 2019   

講題 — Fun to read book   [浸信宣道會恩雨堂]



(852) 2948 7107

(852) 2948 7107
(852) 2948 7160

PhD The Pennsylvania State University
MPhil (Psychology) CUHK
BSSc (Psychology) CUHK

Research Areas

  • Family systems (marital, parent-child, sibling)
  • Youth psychosocial adjustment 
  • Gender, sexuality, and sexual health


Selected Funded Projects

2014 - 2016


Lam, C. B. (PI). Parental emotion socialization: The roles of fathers, parental gender attitudes, and child temperament. Early Career Scheme, 01/09/2014-31/08/2016, HK$196,720.


Selected Outputs
Journal Publications

Refereed Journal Article

#indicates supervisees, including graduate students, research assistants, and postdoctorate fellows. 

2020   (42) Chung, K. K. H., Lam, C. B., & Liew, J. (2020) Early Education and Development about Studying Children’s Social-Emotional Development in School and at Home through a Cultural Lens. Early Education and Development, 31(6), 927-929.

(41) Chung, K. K. H., & Lam, C. B. (2020). Cognitive-linguistic skills underlying word reading and spelling difficulties in Chinese dyslexic adolescents. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 53, 48-59. doi: 10.1177/0022219419882648 (2018 JCR impact factor: 2.58; Q1 in Education, Special)


(40) Fung, W. K., Chung, K. K. H., Lam, C. B., & Li, X.# (2020). Bidirectionality in kindergarten children’s emotional regulation and school readiness. Social Development. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1111/sode.12434 (2018 JCR impact factor: 1.81; Q3 in Psychology, Developmental)


(39) Li, X.#, Lam, C. B., & Chung, K. K. H. (2020). Linking maternal caregiving burden to maternal and child adjustment: Testing maternal coping strategies as mediators and moderators. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1007/s10882-019-09694-0 (2018 JCR impact factor: 0.95; Q3 in Education, Special)


(38) Li, X.#, Lam, C. B., Chung, K. K. H., Cheung, R. Y. M., Leung, M., & Fung, W. K. (2020). Development and validation of the Chinese Inventory of Children’s Socioemotional Competence (CICSEC). Early Education and Development. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/10409289.2020.1715735 (2018 JCR impact factor: 1.54; Q2 in Education and Educational Research)


(37) Liu, C., Cheung, S. K., Chung, K. K. H., McBride, C., Lam, C. B., & Li, X.# (2020). The roles of executive functioning and oral language skills in young Chinese children’s arithmetic competence. Learning and Individual Differences, 77, e101810. doi: 10.1016/j.lindif.2019.1018102018 (JCR impact factor: 1.81; Q2 in Psychology, Educational)


(36) Yao, S.#, Lam, C. B., Chan, K. K. S., Li, J. B., Chung, K. K. H. (2020). Trait mindfulness moderates the longitudinal association of family financial strain with cognitive function difficulties. Mindfulness. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1007/s12671-020-01339-0 (2018 JCR impact factor: 3.00; Q1 in Psychology, Clinical)


(35) Cheung, R. Y. M., Leung, M. C., Chan, K. K. S., & Lam, C. B. (2019). Investigating the effects of mother-child and father-child dynamics on college students’ adjustment in Hong Kong: The mediating role of emotion regulation. PLoS One, 14, e0212331. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0212331. (2018 JCR impact factor: 2.78; Q2 in Multidisciplinary Sciences)


(34) Li, X.#, Lam, C. B., Chung, K. K. H., & Leung, C. (2019). Linking parents’ self-stigma to the adjustment of children with special educational needs. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 89, 212-221. doi: 10.1037/ort0000386 (2018 JCR impact factor: 1.90; Q1 in Social Work)


(33) Chan, K. K. S., & Lam, C. B. (2018). The impact of familial expressed emotion on clinical and personal recovery among patients with psychiatric disorders: The mediating roles of self-stigma content and process. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 88, 626-635. doi: 10.1037/ort0000327 (2017 JCR impact factor: 1.53; Q2 in Social Work)


(32) Chan, K. K. S., & Lam, C. B. (2018). Self-stigma among parents of children with autism spectrum disorder. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 48, 44-52. doi: 10.1016/j.rasd.2018.01.001 (2017 JCR impact factor: 1.68; Q2 in Education, Special)


(31) Chan, K. K. S., Lam, C. B., Law, N. C. W., & Cheung, R. Y. M. (2018). From child autistic symptoms to parental affective symptoms: A family process model. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 75, 22-31. doi: 10.1016/j.ridd.2018.02.005 (2017 Impact factor: 1.82; Q1 in Education, Special)


(30) Chung, K. K. H., Lam, C. B., & Cheung, K. C.# (2018). Visuomotor integration and executive functioning are uniquely linked to Chinese word reading and writing in kindergarten children. Reading and Writing, 31, 155-171. doi: 10.1007/s11145-017-9779-4 (2017 JCR impact factor: 1.84; Q2 in Education and Educational Research)


(29) Kwong, S. C.#, Lam, C. B., Li, X.#, Chung, K. K. H., Cheung, R. Y. M., & Leung, M. (2018). Fit in but stand out: A qualitative study of parents’ and teachers’ conceptualization of child socioemotional competence. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 44, 275-287. doi: 10.1016/j.ecresq.2018.02.018 (2017 Impact Factor: 2.36; Q1 in Education and Educational Research)


(28) Lam, C. B., Chung, K. K. H., & Li, X.# (2018). Parental warmth and hostility and child executive function problems: A longitudinal study of Chinese families. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 1063. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01063 (2017 JCR impact factor: 2.09; Q2 in Psychology, Interdisciplinary)


(27) Lam, C. B., Tam, C. Y. S.#, Chung, K. K. H., & Li, X.# (2018). The link between coparenting cooperation and child social competence: The moderating role of child negative affect. Journal of Family Psychology, 32, 692-698. doi: 10.1037/fam0000428 (2017 JCR impact factor: 2.23; Q1 in Family Studies)


(26) Lau, E. Y. H., Chan, K. K. S., & Lam, C. B. (2018). Social support and adjustment outcomes of first-year university students in Hong Kong: Self-esteem as a mediator. Journal of College Student Development, 59, 1411-1416. doi: 10.1353/csd.2018.0011 (2017 JCR impact factor: 0.95; Q3 in Education and Educational Research) 


(25) Li, T., Lam, C. B., & Chan K. K. S. (2018). Grandparental involvement and young adults’ cognitive and social adjustment: The moderating role of filial piety in Hong Kong. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 35, 999-1018. doi: 10.1177/0265407517702011 (2017 JCR impact factor: 1.70; Q2 in Communication)


(24) Chan, K. K. S., & Lam, C. B. (2017). Trait mindfulness attenuates the adverse psychological impact of stigma on parents of children with autism spectrum disorders. Mindfulness, 8, 984-994. doi: 10.1007/s12671-016-0675-9 (2017 JCR impact factor: 3.02; Q1 in Psychology, Clinical)


(23) Lam, C. B., & Chung K. K. H. (2017). Associations of sleep problems with externalizing behaviors and pre-academic performance: The moderating role of family socioeconomic status. Infant and Child Development, 26, 2026. doi: 10.1002/icd.2026 (2017 JCR impact factor: 1.30; Q4 in Psychology, Developmental)


(22) Lam, C. B., Stanik, C., & McHale, S. M. (2017). The development and correlates of gender attitudes in African American adolescents. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 35, 406–419. doi: 10.1111/bjdp.12182 (2017 JCR impact factor: 1.80; Q3 in Psychology, Developmental)


(21) Wang, X.#, & Lam, C. B. (2017). An exploratory case study of an American-style, play-based curriculum in China. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 31, 28-39. doi: 10.1080/02568543.2016.1243175 (2016 SJR cites per doc: 0.53; Q2 in Education)


(20) Chan, K. K. S., & Lam, C. B. (2016). Parental maltreatment of children with autism spectrum disorder: A developmental-ecological analysis. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 32, 106-114. doi: 10.1016/j.rasd.2016.09.006 (2016 JCR impact factor: 1.50; Q2 in Education, Special)


(19) Lam, C. B., Greene, K. M., & McHale, S. M. (2016). Changes in housework time from middle childhood through adolescence: Links to parental work hours and youth adjustment. Developmental Psychology, 52, 2071-2084. doi: 10.1037/dev0000223 (2016 JCR impact factor: 3.22; Q1 in Psychology, Developmental)


(18) Lam, C. B., & Lefkowitz, E. S. (2016). Male role attitudes and self-esteem: A 3-year longitudinal study of heterosexual college students. Emerging Adulthood, 4, 427-435. doi: 10.1177/2167696816638580. (2016 SJR cites per doc: 2.30; Q1 in Life-Span and Life Course Studies) 


(17) Lee, S., Davis, K. D., Neuendorf, C., Grandey, A., Lam, C. B., & Almeida, D. M. (2016). Individual and organizational work-to-family spillover are uniquely associated with hotel managers’ work exhaustion and satisfaction. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 1180. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01180 (2016 JCR impact factor: 2.32; Q2 in Psychology, Interdisciplinary)


(16) Doughty, S. E., Lam, C. B., Stanik, C. E., & McHale, S. M. (2015). Links between sibling experiences and romantic competence from adolescence through young adulthood. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 44, 2054-2066. doi: 10.1007/s10964-014-0177-9 (2016 JCR impact factor: 3.28; Q1 in Psychology, Developmental)


(15) Lam, C. B., & McHale, S. M. (2015). Developmental patterns and parental correlates of youth leisure-time physical activity. Journal of Family Psychology, 29, 100-107. doi: 10.1037/fam0000049 (2016 JCR impact factor: 1.74; Q2 in Family Studies)


(14) Lam, C. B., & McHale, S. M. (2015). Time use as cause and consequence of youth development. Child Development Perspectives, 9, 20-25. doi: 10.1111/cdep.12100 (2016 JCR impact factor: 3.91; Q1 in Psychology, Developmental)


(13) Lam, C. B., McHale, S. M., & Crouter, A. C. (2014). Time with peers from middle childhood to late adolescence: Developmental course and adjustment correlates. Child Development, 85, 1677-1693. doi: 10.1111/cdev.12235 (2016 JCR impact factor: 4.20; Q1 in Psychology, Educational)


(12) Lam, C. B., & Lefkowitz, E. S. (2013). Risky sexual behaviors in emerging adults: Longitudinal changes and within-person variations. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 42, 523-532. doi: 10.1007/s10508-012-9959-x (2016 JCR impact factor: 2.72; Q1 in Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary)


(11) Lam, C. B., & McHale, S. M. (2012). Developmental patterns and family predictors of adolescent weight concerns: A replication and extension. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 45, 524-530. doi: 10.1002/eat.20974 (2016 JCR impact factor: 3.57; Q1 in Psychology)


(10) Lam, C. B., McHale, S. M., & Crouter, A. C. (2012). Parent-child shared time from middle childhood to late adolescence: Developmental course and adjustment correlates. Child Development, 83, 2089–2103. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8624.2012.01826.x (2016 JCR impact factor: 4.20; Q1 in Psychology, Educational)


(9) Lam, C. B., McHale, S. M., & Crouter, A. C. (2012). The division of household labor: Longitudinal changes and within-couple variation. Journal of Marriage and Family, 74, 944-952. doi: 10.1111/j.1741-3737.2012.01007.x (2016 JCR impact factor: 2.24; Q1 in Family Studies)


(8) Lam, C. B., McHale, S. M., & Updegraff, K. A. (2012). Gender dynamics in Mexican American families: Connecting mothers’, fathers’, and youths’ experiences. Sex Roles, 67, 17-28. doi: 10.1007/s11199-012-0137-3 (2016 JCR impact factor: 1.95; Q1 in Womens Studies)


(7) Lam, C. B., Solmeyer, A. R., & McHale, S. M. (2012). Sibling differences in parent-child conflict and risky behavior: A 3-wave longitudinal study. Journal of Family Psychology, 26, 523-531. doi: 10.1037/a0029083 (2016 JCR impact factor: 1.74; Q2 in Family Studies)


(6) Lam, C. B., Solmeyer, A. R., & McHale, S. M. (2012). Sibling relationships and empathy across the transition to adolescence. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 41, 1657-1670. doi: 10.1007/s10964-012-9781-8 (2016 JCR impact factor: 3.28; Q1 in Psychology, Developmental)


(5) Kane, J. B., & Lam, C. B. (2011). A promising approach to future biosocial research on the family: Considering the role of temporal context. In A. Booth, S. McHale, & N. Landale (Eds.), Biosocial research contributions to understanding family processes and problems. New York: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4419-7361-0_17


(4) Marks, J. L., Lam, C. B., & McHale, S. M. (2009). Family patterns of gender role attitudes. Sex Roles, 61, 221-234. doi: 10.1007/s11199-009-9619-3 (2016 JCR impact factor: 1.95; Q1 in Womens Studies)


(3) Chan, D. K.-S., Lam, C. B., Chow, S. Y., & Cheung, S. F. (2008). Examining the job-related, psychological, and physical outcomes of workplace sexual harassment: A meta-analytic review. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 32, 362-376. doi: 10.1111/j.1471-6402.2008.00451.x (2016 JCR impact factor: 2.43; Q1 in Women Studies)


(2) Lam, C. B., & Chan, D. K.-S. (2007). The use of cyberpornography by young men in Hong Kong: Some psychosocial correlates. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 36, 588-598. doi: 10.1007/s10508-006-9124-5 (2016 JCR impact factor: 2.72; Q1 in Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary)


(1) Lam, C. B., & McBride-Chang, C. A. (2007). Resilience in young adulthood: The moderating influences of gender-related traits and coping flexibility. Sex Roles, 56, 159-172. doi: 10.1007/s11199-006-9159-z (2016 JCR impact factor: 1.95; Q1 in Womens Studies)


Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters

Chapter in an edited book



Kane, J. B., & Lam, C. B. (2011). A promising approach to future biosocial research on the family: Considering the role of temporal context. In A. Booth, S. McHale, & N. Landale (Eds.), Biosocial research contributions to understanding family processes and problems. New York: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4419-7361-0_17 


Conference Papers

Refereed Conference Paper




Lam, C. B. (2015, March). Coparenting and child social functioning in Chinese families: The moderating role of child negative affect. In R. Mills-Koonce & B. Zvara (Chairs), Coparenting in clinically and culturally diverse family systems. Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development, Philadelphia, PA, USA.




Lam, C. B., & McHale, S. M. (2015, March). Global self-worth from middle childhood through adolescence: Developmental patterns and links with sibling relationship qualities. In K. Tsai (Chair), Gender dynamics in family relationships and their links to adolescent daily well-being and long-term adjustment. Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development, Philadelphia, PA, USA.




Lam, C. B. (2014, March). Parental involvement and Chinese preadolescent learning motivation: The moderating roles of parental warmth and family economic pressure. In P. Qualter (Chair), Young adolescents' school transitions and motivation: The importance of connection in China, the UK, and the US. Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescents, Austin, Texas, USA.





Lam, C. B., & McHale, S. M. (2014, March). Time with peers from middle childhood to late adolescence: Developmental course and adjustment correlates. In K. Greene (Chair), New directions in research on adolescent time use and adjustment. Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescents, Austin, Texas, USA.





Lam, C. B., Stanik, S. E., & McHale, S. M. (2014, March). The development and correlates of gender attitudes in African American adolescents. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescents, Austin, Texas, USA.





Greene, K. M., Lam, C. B., & McHale, S. M. (2013, April). Familism moderates associations between youth housework participation and adjustment. Poster presented in the biennial meeting for the Society for Research on Child Development, Seattle, Washington, USA.





Lefkowitz, E. S., & Lam, C. B. (2013, April). Gendered behaviors in adolescents’ conversations: Marian Sigman’s influence on studying context during interpersonal interactions. In M. Siller (Chair), Marian Sigman’s enduring influence as a scientist and mentor. Paper presented in the biennial meeting for the Society for Research on Child Development, Seattle, Washington, USA.





Rodríguez, S. A., Lam, C. B., Updegraff, K. A., & McHale S. M. (2013, April). The role of siblings in Mexican American adolescents’ interactions with same-and opposite-sex peers. Poster presented in the biennial meeting for the Society for Research on Child Development, Seattle, Washington, USA.





Doughty, S., Lam, C. B., & McHale S. M. (2012, October). Links between sibling experiences and romantic competence from adolescence through young adulthood. Poster presented in the themed meeting for the Society for Research on Child Development, Tampa, Florida, USA. 





Solmeyer, A. R., Kim, J.-Y., Lam, C. B., & McHale, S. M. (2012, October) Parent-child relationships in childhood and adolescence: Implications for love and work in young adulthood. Paper presented in the themed meeting for the Society for Research on Child Development, Tampa, Florida, USA.




Lam, C. B., & McHale, S. M. (2012, March). Social and dyadic time with mothers and fathers: Developmental patterns and adjustment correlates. Paper presented in the biennial meeting for the Society for Research on Adolescence, Vancouver, Canada.



Solmeyer. A. R., Lam, C. B., & McHale, S. M. (2012, March). Sibling influences on the development of empathy in early adolescence. Poster presented in the biennial meeting for the Society for Research on Adolescence, Vancouver, Canada.




Lam, C. B., McHale, S. M., & Crouter, A. C. (2011, November). Longitudinal changes and within-family variations of spouses’ division of household labor. Paper presented in the annual meeting for the National Council on Family Relations, Orlando, USA.



Lam, C. B., & Lefkowitz, E. S. (2011, April). Changes in masculine attitudes across emerging adulthood: Links with self-esteem and condom-related beliefs. Poster presented in the biennial meeting for the Society for Research on Child Development, Montreal, Canada.




Lam, C. B., & McHale, S. M. (2011, April). Changes of physical activity involvement from middle childhood through adolescence. Poster presented in the biennial meeting for the Society for Research on Child Development, Montreal, Canada.




Lam, C. B., & McHale, S. M. (2010, April). Division of household labor and gender role attitudes in Mexican American families: Patterns and correlates. Poster presented in the 4th Gender Development Research Conference, San Francisco, USA.




Lam, C. B., & McHale, S. M. (2010, March). Changes in alone time with parents from middle childhood through adolescence. Poster presented in the biennial meeting for the Society for Research on Adolescence, Philadelphia, USA.



Solmeyer, A. R., Lam, C. B., & McHale, S. M. (2010, March). Parental differential conflicts and sibling differences in risky behaviors. Poster presented in the biennial meeting for the Society for Research on Adolescence, Philadelphia, USA.



Lam, C. B., & McHale, S. M. (2009, April). Changes in total time with parents from middle childhood through adolescence. Poster presented in the biennial meeting for the Society for Research on Child Development, Denver, USA.




Chan, D. K.-S., Chow, S. Y., & Lam, C. B. (2006, July). Examining the effects of sexual harassment in the workplace: A meta-analytic review. Poster presented in the 26th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Athens, Greece.




Chan, D. K.-S., & Lam, C. B. (2004, August). Psychosocial correlates of men’s online pornography viewing in Hong Kong. Paper presented in the 28th International Congress of Psychology, Beijing, China.




(852) 2948 7543

(852) 2948 7543
(852) 2948 7160


Research Areas

  • Learning and Teaching of Chinese Characters 
  • Phenomenography and Variation Theory
  • Multicultural Education
  • Designing Technology for Learning

Selected Funded Projects



Principal Investigator. Innovative Pedagogy for Teaching Chinese Characters: An Interventional Study to Test Variation Theory. General Research Fund (GRF).



Programme Leader, Chinese Language Enhancement Programme for Kindergarten Teachers – Foundation Course, SCOLAR tender.



Programme Leader, Chinese Language Enhancement Programme for Kindergarten Teachers – Extended Course, SCOLAR tender.



Principal Investigator. Landscape Analysis of the Literacy Context in Hong Kong for Migrant and Low-income Communities. Room to Read (a global non-profit organization headquartered in US for improving literacy and gender equality in education).



Programme Leader, Chinese Language Enhancement Programme for Kindergarten Teachers, SCOLAR tender.



Programme Coordinator, Professional Development Programme on Catering for Students with Diverse Needs in Kindergartens. EDB tender.



A visit to the preschools and educational institutions in Yunnan, China for exploration of research and teacher development collaboration.



Principal Investigator, Children’s writing of Chinese characters at their teachers’ dictation.



Orthographic Awareness in Learning Chinese Characters



Creating a Community of Practice with ICT: An Internet Based Initiative



The School-based Curriculum of Learning Chinese for Non-Chinese Speaking Students (NCS): Construction and Implementation. 非華裔學童學中文之校本課程:設計與實踐



Chinese Characters Learning Software Package for South Asian Learner.



Second Generation Dragonwise Chinese Learning System: Web Construction, Teacher Development & Learning Materials Creation Project



A Computer-assisted Learning System for Chinese Vocabulary Acquisition



A Multimedia Software Package for the Teaching and Learning of Chinese Characters and Words


Selected Outputs
Journal Publications

Refereed Journal Article



Lam, H.C. (2022). The pedagogy of learning: Engaging teachers in observing children’s spoken word errors for professional development. International Journal of Chinese Language Education. (In translation: 林浩昌(2022)。「學習教學」:觀察幼兒口頭詞彙錯誤以促進教師的專業成長。國際中文教育學報。)



Lam, H.C. (2022). Teachers’ understanding of cultural diversity: phenomenography of ethnically diverse children in Hong Kong. Multicultural Education Review, 14(1), 28-47. DOI: 10.1080/2005615X.2022.2040143



Lam, H.C. (2020). Linguistic variation in Chinese characters: Knowledge essential for teachers. e-FLT – Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 17(Suppl. 2), 489-504.



Lam, H.C. (2019). Revisiting variation affordance: Applying variation theory in the design of educational software. Interactive Learning Environments, 30(3), 527-538. DOI: 10.1080/10494820.2019.1668812



Ng, C.S.M., Chai, W., Fok, H.K., Chan, S.P., Lam, H.C., & Chung, K.K.H. (2019). Building preschool teachers’ capacity for teaching Chinese to ethnic minority children in Hong Kong: A qualitative study. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 41(3), 284-305. DOI: 10.1080/10901027.2019.1638852



Lam, H.C. (2019). The phenomenography tradition in the study of classroom teaching. International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 42(5), 513-524DOI: 10.1080/1743727X.2018.1518417



Lam, H.C. (2017). Using phenomenography to investigate the enacted object of learning in teaching activities: The case of teaching Chinese characters in Hong Kong preschools. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 61(2), 169-186. DOI: 10.1080/00313831.2015.1119728



Lam, H.C. (2016). An investigation of preschool teachers’ ways of seeing action research using phenomenography. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 15(2), 147-162. DOI: 10.1007/s10671-015-9187-y



Lam, H. C. (2015). Designing teaching based on learners’ ways of seeing the object of learning. e-FLT – Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 12(suppl. 1), 332-345.



Lam, H.C. (2015, June). An exploratory study on Primary 3 student writing of Chinese characters at their teachers’ dictation. Journal of Educational Research and Development, 11(2), 33-60. (In translation: 林浩昌(2015)。探索小學三年級生默書時寫字的表現。教育研究與發展期刊,第112期,33-60。)



Lam, H.C. (2014). Different ways that preschool teachers taught children to write Chinese characters in Hong Kong classrooms. Educational Research Journal, 29(1 & 2), 41-67.



林浩昌 (2014)。學前認讀字詞評估方式:現象圖析學分析。師大學報:語言與文學類,第592期,105-134。DOI: 10.6210/JNTNULL.2014.59(2).05 (In translation: Lam, H.C. (2014). Different ways of assessing the recognition of Chinese characters in preschools: A phenomenographic analysis. Journal of National Taiwan Normal University: Linguistics & Literature, 59(2), 105-134.)



Lam, H.C. (2014). Elaborating the concepts of part and whole in variation theory: The case of learning Chinese characters. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 58(3), 337-360, DOI: 10.1080/00313831.2012.732604.



Lam, H.C. & Tsui, A.B.M. (2013). Awareness of orthographic structure in children’s learning of Chinese characters. Contemporary Educational Research Quarterly, 21(3), 83-111. (In translation: 林浩昌、徐碧美(2013)。學童對於漢字結構的覺識能力。當代教育研究季刊,第213期,83-111)



Lam, H.C. & Tsui, A.B.M. (2013). Drawing on the variation theory to enhance students’ learning of Chinese characters. Instructional Science, 41(5), 955-974. DOI: 10.1007/s11251-013-9264-7.



Lam, H.C. (2013). On generalization and variation theory. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 57(4), 343-356. DOI:10.1080/00313831.2012.656277



林浩昌 (2012)。學前字、詞教學:現象圖析學分析。華語文教學研究,9(3),47-73。(In translation: Lam, H.C. (2012). A phenomenographic study on the learning and teaching of Chinese characters in preschools. Journal of Chinese Language Teaching, 9(3), 47-73.)




Lam, H.C. (2011). Critical analysis of the various ways of teaching Chinese characters. e-FLT – Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 8(1), 57-70.



林浩昌 (2010)。幼教研究方法重要概念學習清。香港幼兒學報,9(2),79-87。(In translation: A checklist for learning the important concepts in early childhood research methods. Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 9(2), 79-87.)



Lam, H. C. (2008). An exploratory study of the various ways that children read and write unknown Chinese characters. Journal of Basic Education, 17(1), 73-97.



Lam, H.C., Ki, W.W., Chung, A.L.S., Ko, P.Y., Lai, A.C.Y., Lai, S.M.S., Chou, P.W.Y. & Lau, E.C.C. (2004), Designing learning objects that afford learners the experience of important variations in Chinese characters, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 20(2), 114-123. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2729.2004.00071.x



Ki, W.W., Tse, S.K., Shum, M.S.K. & Lam, H.C. (2003). The introduction of a computerised network to support educational change in Hong Kong. Education and Information Technologies, 8(2), 147-164.



Ki, W.W., Lam, H.C., Chung, A.L.S., Tse, S.K., Ko, P.Y., Lau, C.C., Chou, W.Y., Lai, C.Y. & Lai, M.S. (2003). Structural awareness, variation theory, and ICT support. L1: Educational Studies in Language and Literature, Special Issue: ICT and the Transformation of the L1 Curriculum: Implications for Teacher Educators, 3(1-2), 53-78.



Chung, A.L.S., Ki, W.W., Lam, H.C., Ko, P.Y., Chou, P.W.Y., Lau, E.C.C., Lai, A.C.Y. & Lai, S.M.S. (2003). Teacher participation and empowerment: a critical process in developing ICT curriculum materials and classroom practice. Information Technology, Education and Society, 4(1), 39-54.



Lam, H.C., Ki, W.W., Law, N., Chung, A.L.S., Ko, P.Y., Ho, A.H.S. & Pun, S.W. (2001). Designing CALL for learning Chinese characters. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 17(1), 115-128. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2729.2001.00164.x



Lam, H.C., Ki, W.W., Chung, A.L.S. & Ko, P.Y. (2000). Experience in designing databases for learning Chinese characters. International Journal of Computer Processing of Oriental Languages, 13(4), 351-375.



鐘嶺崇、高寶玉、羅陸慧英、祁永華、 林浩昌 (1998) ,香港小學生漢字筆順研究,課程論壇,7(2),84-97 。



Law, N., Ki, W.W., Chung, A.L.S., Ko, P.Y. and Lam, H.C. (1998). Children's stroke sequence errors in writing Chinese characters. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 10(3-5), 267-292. Also in C.K. Leong & K. Tamaoka (Eds.), Cognitive processing of the Chinese and the Japanese languages (pp. 113-138). Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Kluwer Academic.



Lam, H.C., Pun, K.H., Leung, S.T., Tse, S.K. and Ki, W.W. (1993). Computer-Assisted-Learning for Learning Chinese Characters. Communications of COLIPS: An International Journal of Chinese and Oriental Languages Information Processing Society, 3(1), 31-44.



Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters

Chapter in an edited book

2020 林浩昌(2020)。大同小異:辨識漢字不同處,香港:牛津大學出版社。



祁永華、劉仲池、林浩昌、吳柏基 (2012). 如何透過電腦學習軟件幫助少數族裔學生建立中文字的觀念。載於叢鐵華、岑紹基、祁永華、張群英(編輯),香港少數族裔學生學習中文的研究:理念、挑戢與實踐(第143-157頁)。香港:香港大學出版社。



Lam, H.C. (2010). Orthographic awareness. In F. Marton, S.K. Tse, and W.M. Cheung (Eds.), On the Learning of Chinese (pp. 53-74). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.












鍾嶺崇、祁永華、林浩昌、巢偉儀 (編輯) (2003)。電腦輔助中文識字:課堂實例。香港:香港大學教育學院現龍發展小組。


Conference Papers

Refereed Conference Paper



Lau, S.T. & Lam, H. C. (2019, July). The study on the teaching of Chinese course for children with picture book. Presentation in the Fifth International Conference on Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, 26-27 July 2019, Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.



Lam, H.C. (2019, Feb). The phenomenography of Chinese characters: children’s and teachers’ ways of seeing and their implications to teaching. Invited seminar by Division of Chinese Language & Literature, Faculty of Education and Centre for Advancement of Chinese Language Education and Research, the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.



Lam, H.C. (2018, Dec). Enhancing awareness of linguistic contrast and variation in Chinese characters for teachers. Invited presentation in the Asia-Pacific Symposium for the Teaching of Asian Languages, The Eighth CLS International Conference Learning in and beyond the classroom: Motivation, identity and autonomy in foreign language education, 6-8 December 2018, National University of Singapore, Singapore.



Lam, H.C. & Fung, S.W.S. (2017, Dec). Teaching Chinese for children, cultural responsiveness, and Non-Chinese speaking children. Presentation in the ECE theatre of the Learning & Teaching Expo 2017, 13-15 December 2017, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong.



Lam, H.C. (2017, Feb). Qualitative difference in children’s learning of Chinese characters. Presentation in Annual Conference of Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, 24-25 February 2017, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.



Lam, H.C. (2016, Dec). Engaging teachers in identifying learners’ ways of seeing for improving their teaching of Chinese characters and words. Invited presentation in the Asia-Pacific Symposium for the Teaching of Asian Languages, The Seventh CLS International Conference: Learning in and beyond the classroom: Ubiquity in foreign language education, 1-3 December 2016, National University of Singapore, Singapore.



Lam, H.C. (2016, Aug). Using phenomenography to study enacted object of learning: The case of teaching children to recognize Chinese characters. Extended abstract presented in EARLI SIG 9 Phenomenography and Variation Theory Conference Different horizons: setting directions for phenomenographic research, 24-26 August 2016, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.



林浩昌(2016, 4月)。幼兒怎樣看學習內容?以字詞教學為例。Lam, H.C. (2016, Apr). How do children see the object of learning? An example sharing on teaching Chinese characters and words. Invited presentation in the conference Revisiting Kindergarten Education: Succession of its Values and Practices, 23 April 2016, Munsang College, Hong Kong. Also in the Conference Proceedings of Revisiting Kindergarten Education: Succession of its Values and Practices (pp. 65-66). Hong Kong: Munsang College.



Lam, H.C. (2014). Learning Chinese characters, phenomenography, and Dragonwise projects. Invited presentation in the Asia-Pacific Symposium for the Teaching of Asian Languages, The Sixth CLS International Conference, 4-6 December 2014, National University of Singapore, Singapore.



Ki, W.W., Cheung, W.M., Ng, E., Lau, E., Wong, S., Pang, M.F., Lam, H.C., & Marton, F. (2014). Open software to enhance learners’ discernment and connection of features of Chinese characters. Paper presented in International Conference – When East Meets West: The Teaching and Learning of Reading and Writing in the Multilingual and Multicultural Context, 13-14 June 2014, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.



Ki, W.W., Lau, E., Ng, E., & Lam, H.C. (2014). Software to enhance tone learning by intonation language speakers through variation. Powerpoint presented in International Conference – When East Meets West: The Teaching and Learning of Reading and Writing in the Multilingual and Multicultural Context, 13-14 June 2014, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.



Lam, H.C. (2012). On generalization and variation theory. Extended abstract presented in EARLI SIG 9 Phenomenography and Variation Theory Conference, 27-28 August 2012, University of Jonkoping, Sweden.



(In translation, Lam, H.C. (2009, May). Children’s different ways of reading and writing unknown Chinese characters. Graduate Institute of Early Childhood Education (Ed.), Proceedings of the Academic Conference 2009 Early Childhood Profession, Quality and Excellence: The Management of Early Childhood Curriculum and Nursery School (pp. 345-356), Taipei: Graduate Institute of Early Childhood Education, National Chengchi University.)



Lam, H.C. (2006). How Children Read and Write Unknown Characters? Paper presented at the Second International Conference on Chinese Literacy Education (ICCLE), Apr 23-25, 2006, Beijing, China.



Lam, H.C., Ki, W.W., Chung, A.L.S. and the Dragonwise Team (2004). Bringing Students’ Learning Experience to Designing Instruction of Chinese Characters, D.B. Xu & P. Zhang (eds.), in the Proceedings of the Third International Conference & Workshops on Technology and Chinese Language Teaching (pp. 138-141), May 28-30, 2004, Columbia University, New York.



Lam, H.C. & Ki, W.W. (2003). An Observational Study on How Learners Go About Using an Online Database for Improving the Writing of Chinese, In the Proceedings of ICCE 2003 (International Conference on Computers in Education) , Dec 2-5, 2003, Hong Kong.



鍾嶺崇、 林浩昌、祁永華、高寶玉、巢偉儀 (2001) 。〈樂在詞中〉 ─ 「智趣」型多媒體詞語學習系統。刊於第二屆全球華文網路教育研討會論文集,第 251-254 頁,台灣, 2001 年 12 月 21-24 日。



林浩昌 、祁永華、羅陸慧英、鍾嶺崇、高寶玉、何巧嬋、潘世榮 (2000) 。根據漢字部件原理,設計電腦輔助漢字學習軟件。刊於第四屆全球華人教育資訊科技大會會議論文集,卷一,第 55-63 頁,新加坡, 2000 年 5 月 29-31 日。 (In translation, H.C. Lam, W.W. Ki, N. Law, A.L.S. Chung, P.Y. Ko, A.H.S. Ho and S.W. Pun (2000). The Design of CALL software for Learning Chinese Characters. In the Proceedings of the 4th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Volume 1, pp. 55-63, May 29-31, 2000, Singapore.)



祁永華、謝錫金、岑紹基、 林浩昌、黃志堅 (2000) 。有效運用電腦網絡支援教育變革。第四屆全球華人教育資訊科技大會布貼,新加坡, 2000 年 5 月 29-31 日。 (In translation, W.W. Ki, S.K. Tse, M.S.K. Shum, H.C. Lam and C.K. Wong (2000). A Network To Support Educational Changes. Poster of the 4th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, May 29-31, 2000, Singapore.)



謝錫金、岑紹基、祁永華、 林浩昌、黃志堅 (2000) 。建立網站推廣中文作為教學語言及發展優質教學。刊於第一屆全球華文網路教育研討會會議實錄與論文集,第 61-75 頁,台北, 1999 年 5 月 22-24 日。再刊於香港語言教育論文集:後殖民地時期的發展,李楚成、練美兒、曾慧瓊編輯,香港語言學學會,第 131-147 頁。 (In translation, S.K. Tse, M.S.K. Shum, W.W. Ki, H.C. Lam and C.K. Wong (1999). Building Teacher Network to Promote Chinese as the Medium of Instruction and to Develop Quality Education. In the Proceedings of first International Conference on Internet Chinese Education, pp. 61-75, Taiwan, May 22-24, 1999.)



林浩昌 、祁永華、羅陸慧英 (1997) 。多媒體電腦在幫助學童學習漢字上的應用。摘要刊登於,計算機教育應用與教育革新, ’97 全球華人計算機教育應用大會論文集 ,李克東、何克抗主編,北京師範大學出版社, 1997 ,頁 488 。



Lam, H.C. , Chang, C.S., Leung, K.S. and Chen, T.C. (1993). A Computer Graphics Aided Lecture Presentation System. In proceedings of 1993 International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE). Taiwan, Dec 1993.



謝錫金、祁永華、 林浩昌、潘國雄、梁小天 (1992) 。電腦輔助中文教學:識字教學。第二屆中文科課程教法研討會, 1992 年 6 月,香港大學。刊於語文教學面面觀,香港中文教育學會編,香港文化教育出版社有限公司, 1994 ,頁 231-239 。


Creative & Literary Works, Reports and Published Teaching Materials

Computer Software / System



Chinese character software learning package for South Asian learners 南亞裔學生漢字學習軟件套 , 2006



Web-based Learning and Teaching Support (WLTS), 2002



Dragonwise Series Websites 現龍系列網站中文字詞學習系統 - 教師協作交流計劃 , 2002,http://www.dragonwise.hku.hk/dtn



第二代現龍系列網站 , 2001, http://www.dragonwise.hku.hk/dragon2



《樂在詞中》網站 , 2000, http://www.dragonwise.hku.hk



母語教學教師支援中心網站 http://www.cmi.hku.hk, 1998 – 2003



現龍系列 《漢字學習系統》光碟與配合教材



《漢》 HAN - Computer assisted learning for learning Chinese characters, 1991


Published Teaching Materials



Chinese character software learning package for South Asian learners 南亞裔學生漢字學習軟件套, 2006



Web-based Learning and Teaching Support (WLTS), 2002



Dragonwise Series Websites 現龍系列網站 中文字詞學習系統-教師協作交流計劃, 2002,http://www.dragonwise.hku.hk/dtn



《文字國》 , 2000



《現龍漢字資料庫及互動練習》 , 1999



母語教學教師支援中心網站 http://www.cmi.hku.hk,1998 – 2003



《漢》HAN - Computer assisted learning for learning Chinese characters, 1991



《小兔子找食物》 , 1988



《童歌字趣》 , 1988




(852) 29487569

(852) 29487569
(852) 2948 7160

MEd Alberta
BA W Ontario

Edith Cowan University Western Australia

Research Areas

  • Children’s emotional adjustment
  • The professional identity change of early childhood educators
  • Children’s learning

Selected Funded Projects



Wong, K. S., Lau, P. L., & Choi, C. (2014-16). Early Childhood Education in Chinese Societies: Curriculum and Teaching. (Monograph Publication fund:  Educational Publishing House Limited)($55,000).  (Reference Number: _NCN0003-2014) (12/ 2014- 03/ 2016)。



Emotionality, Emotion Control & Problem Solving Strategies of Young Children,

2009 - 2011


Fostering and Assessing Young Children's Moral and Social Development: Enhancing Early Childhood Organizations' Knowledge of Implementing and Evaluating Program Innovations

2007 - 2008


The Effects of Young Children's Participation in Rule Making on Children's Moral Reasoning and Concept of Rule

2006 - 2009


Zippy's Friends Programme in Kindergarten and Primary Schools in Hong Kong (2005-2009)



Highlight Studies of Good Education Practices of Awarding Winning Schools in Outstanding School Awards Scheme

1999 - 2001


Production of Multimedia Teaching and Learning Resources for Field Experience in ECE Courses

1998 - 2000


Problem Solving Approach to Conflict for Preschool Children in Hong Kong 採用解決問題方法以消除紛爭為香港學前兒童而設的計劃


Selected Outputs

Journal Publications

Refereed Journal Article



Linacre, J. M. & Wright, B. D. (2002).Construction of Measures from Many-facet Data. Lau, P. L. (Trans). In Mok, M. M. C. & Zhang, Q. Journal of Applied Measurement: Book of Abstracts Volume I.  Maple Grove, MN: JAM Press. (ISBN: 978-1-934116-10-4)(308 pages). (Published August 2015)



Andrich, D. and Styles, I. (2014). Understanding Rasch Measurement: Distractors with Information in Multiple Choice Items: A Rationale Based on the Rasch Model (Bailey-Lau, P.L., Trans.). Journal of Applied Measurement: Book of Abstracts Volumne II, 106. (Original work published 2011)



Bailey-Lau, P.L. & Waugh, W., (2014) Rasch Measure of Young Children’s Temperament in Hong Kong.  Journal of Applied Measurement, 15 (1), p.69-81.



William P. F., J. Bringing, (2014). Bringing human, Social, and Natural Capital to Life: Practical Consequences and Opportunities (Bailey-Lau, P.L., Trans.). Journal of Applied MeasurementBook of Abstracts Volumne II, 106. (Original work published 2011)



Li, Y. L. J.; C.H. Hung, Woo, Y. S. & Lau, P.L.B., (2010). Fostering and Assessing Young Children's Moral and Social Development:Enhancing Early Childhood Organizations' knowledge of Implementing and Evaluating Program Innovations. Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 9,1,79-81.




Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters

Chapter in an edited book



黃國茜、劉寶蓮、蔡昌 (主編) (2016): 《華人社會的幼兒教育:課程與教學》,香港,教育出版社。



蔡昌、黃國茜、劉寶蓮 (2016):  四地幼兒課程與教學導論,輯於黃國茜等編《華人社會的幼兒教育:課程與教學》,(頁9-15) ,香港,教育出版社。



黃國茜、劉寶蓮、蔡昌 (2016):  比較四地工幼兒教育及反思香港的問題,輯於黃國茜等編《華人社會的幼兒教育:課程與教學》,(頁115-135) ,香港,教育出版社。



Lau P. L. (2016). Emotion Regulation and Social Competency in Young Children. In M, C. Arnold (Ed.). Temperament:Individual Differences, Social Environmental Influences and Impact on Quality of Life (p.21-3). New York: Nova Science Publishers.



Lau, P. L. (2012). Children’s Solutions for Social Conflicts. In Wong, M. (Ed.). Zippy’s Friends Publication (p.73-82). Hong Kong Institute of Education.



Lau, P. L.& Chan, R. (2012). Children’s Commincation. In Wong, M. (Ed.). Zippy’s Friends Publication (p.54-62). Hong Kong Institute of Education.



Lau, P. L. (2012). Using the Problem Solving Approach in teaching Children to Resolve Social Conflicts. In J. Li (Ed.) Promoting Children’s Social Development: Theory and Curriculum (p. 36-51). Hong Kong Institute of Education & Quality education Fund.



Lau, P. L. (2012). Friendshsip in Young Children. In J. Li (Ed.). Promoting Children’s Social Development: Theory and Curriculum (p.52-59). Hong Kong Institute of Education & Quality education Fund.

Conference Papers

Refereed Conference Paper



Lau, P.L. (2004). Recognition of Emotions of Chinese Preschool Children. Paper presented at the Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association (PECERE), 5th Annual International Conference and Meeting, Melbourne, Australia



Lau, P.L. (2002). Social Problem Solving Strategies of Young Children in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of Creche & Kindergarten Association of Queensland, Australia.



Lau, P.L. (2001). Integrating Emotion in Social Information processing. Paper presented at the Association for Childhood Education, New Zealand.



Lau, P.L.B. (2000). Naturalistic observations of social conflicts in Hong Kong preschool children. Paper presented at the Annual International Conference & Exhibition, Association for Children Education International "Moving Beyond Our Assumptions", U.S.A.



Yuen, L. H. , Lau, P. L., & Chan, P. W. (1999, February). Collaboration between Kindergarten principals and Hong Kong Institute of Education: Its implication on Kindergarten Student-teachers Training. Paper presented at the International conference on Teacher Education, Hong Kong.



Yuen, L.H.F., Lau, P.L.B., & Chan, P.W. (1999). Collaboration between kindergarten principals and Hong Kong Institute of Education: Its implication on kindergarten student-teachers training. Paper presented at the Annual Conference and Exhibition of the Association for Childhood Education International, U.S.A.



Lai, A. & Lau, P.L. (1998). Cross-cultural Study of ADHD; Specific Behavioural Symptoms and Co-morbidity. Paper presented at the 24th Int'l Congress of Applied Psychology "The Challenge for Applied Psychology: Bridging the Millennia" Overseas conference, U.S.A.



Koo, D. R., Choi, C. B., Hui, K. F. P., Lau, P. L. B., & Wong, K. S. T. (1996). Educational development in Hong Kong and Macau. Paper presented at the 13th Annual Conference of Hong Kong Educational Research Association, Hong Kong



Lau, P. L. (1993). Pre-school Education in Macau. Paper presented at The Hong Kong Educational Research Association Conference.



Lau, P. L. (1993). Civil Education in Early Childhood Education. Paper presented at OMEP - Hong Kong.



Lau, P.L. (1991). Adaptive Behaviour of MR Children in Integrated Child Care. Paper presented at the 8th Annual Conference of the Hong Kong Educational Research Association.


Other Conference Paper



Lau, P. L. & Waugh, R. (2012). A Rasch Measure of Young Children’s Temperament in Hong Kong. Rasch Measurement Conference, University of Australia, Perth, Australia, 2012.



Lau, P. L. & Waugh, R. (2011). A Rasch Measure of Emotional and Behavioral Regulation for Preschool Children. Paper presented at the Pacific Rim Measurement Conference, Singapore.

Creative & Literary Works, Reports and Published Teaching Materials




李子建、汪雅量、胡錦華、高慕蓮、張月茜、盧乃桂、譚偉明、譚萬鈞和劉寶蓮(2004):《「傑出學校獎勵計劃」優秀教育實踐研究──範疇一:管理與組織 》(視像光碟),香港,優質教育基金及香港中文大學。



李子建、胡錦華、馬慶堂、張月茜、馮以宏、盧乃桂、馮育意和劉寶蓮(2004):《「傑出學校獎勵計劃」優秀教育實踐研究──範疇二:教育與學習 》(視像光碟),香港,優質教育基金及香港中文大學。











劉寶蓮 (2001)《以問題解决的方法去解决紛爭》,香港優質教育基金及香港教育學院。














Lau, P.L. & Cheung, L.H. (1999). Views of Parents, Kindergarten Principals and Child Care center Supervisors on Early Childhood Education. In Contextual Analysis for Program Development, Department of Early Childhood Studies.


Published Teaching Materials



Readdick, C. A., & Bartlett, P.M.著、劉寶蓮譯(2002):垂直式學習環境,輯於陳鄭佩華、阮麗霞編《兒童教育叢書綜合課程──實例與再思》,頁83-93。



劉寶蓮、馬小慧 (2000):《以問題解决的方法去解决紛爭--教師手冊》, 香港優質教育基金及香港教育學院。



劉寶蓮、馬小慧和梁衛文 2000):《以問題解决的方法去解决紛爭--活動手冊》,香港優質教育基金及香港教育學院。






Lam, C. C., Yip, K.W., Chan, K.M. & Lau, P. L. (1997) Civic Education 1,2,3, Human Right for Young Children, Chinese University Press.



Lau, P. L. (Ed.)(1996). Developmental Curriculum and Activities for Young Children (5 to 6 years old). Beijing Normal University.



Lau, P. L. (Ed.)(1996). Developmental Curriculum and Activities for Young Children (4 to 5 years old). Beijing Normal University.



Lau, P. L. (Ed.)(1995). Developmental Curriculum and Activities for Young Children (4 to 5 years old). Hong Kong Christian Service.



Lau, P. L. (Ed.)(1995). Developmental Curriculum and Activities for Young Children (5 to 6 years old). Hong Kong Christian Service.

Selected Output Categories

High-level public or professional service



Promoting the High Scope Approach in a kindergarten through the school based improvement project for the Centre for Early Childhood Research and Development, 2007-08.



2 workshops conducted for Domestic helpers and Sunday school teachers 2003-05



2 staff development workshops conducted for kindergartens during 2002 to present



4 seminars conducted for kindergartens during 2001-02



3 seminars on problem solving of young children during 1999-2000

All Other Outputs

Reviewer of journals/articles, external examiner, academic services



Reviewer of journal articles for Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 2008.



Reviewer of journal articles for Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 2004.



Reviewer of journal articles for Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 2002.




(852) 2948 7549

(852) 2948 7549
(852) 2948 7160

BPhil(Ed) Newcastle (UK)

Research Areas

  • Early childhood music 
  • Child development and early education

Selected Funded Projects

2018 - 2019  

Examining the effectiveness of iFeedback in Teaching Supervision across different teaching programmes. Leaders of Learning Cluster Fund (1/2018 –12/2019)

2017 - 2018  

Promoting children’s socio-emotional wellbeing through music visualization technology. ECE Strategic Research Fund (2017 – 2018)

2017 - 2019  

Organizing Experiential Learning activities “UK Study Cultural Tour”. Leaders of Learning Cluster Fund (10/2017-12/2019)



How teachers think and act in promoting young children’s musical creativity

2006 - 2009


Zippy's Friends Programme in Kindergarten and Primary Schools in Hong Kong (2005-2009)

2001 - 2002


An Investigation of the Strategies Kindergarten Teachers Use to Enhance Children's Musical Creativity

2000 - 2001


Hong Kong Kindergarten Teachers' Knowledge and Practice of Creative Music and Movement Experiences for Young Children


Selected Outputs

Journal Publications

Refereed Journal Article


Wong Y. H. P. & Lau, W. C. M. (2018). Perceived attributes of music teaching effectiveness among kindergarten teachers: Role of personality. Australian Journal of Teacher Education. 43(9), 28-38.


Lau, W. C. M. & Grieshaber, S. (2018). School-based integrated curriculum: An integrated music approach in one Hong Kong kindergarten. British Journal of Music Education. 35(2), 133-152. doi:10.1017/S0265051717000250. Cambridge University Press 2018

2017   Lau, W. C. M. & Chan, M. C. (2017). Enhancing young children’s competence on reading comprehension through the “Reciprocal Teaching Approach” of Storytelling. Tsing Hua Journal of Educational Research. 34(2), 1-44.

Lau, W. C. M. (2013). Using graphic organizer to deliver early integrated arts curriculum: Theory and practice. Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 12(2), 87-97.


Lau, W.C. M., & Hui P. L. (2013). Cultivating children’s creativity through interesting music activities. Journal of Education National Changhua University of Education, 23, 1-34.


Lau, W. C. M. (2012). Cultivating Children's Musical Intelligence in Music Teaching. Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 11(1 & 2), 57-67.






Lau, W. C. M. & So, Y. H. (2011). Promoting children’s creativity through musical movement. Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 10(1), 31-47



Lau, W. C. M. (2010). Make a difference: School-based integrated music curriculum. Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 9(1), 58-67.



Lau, W. M. C, & Grieshaber, S. (2010). Musical free play: A case for invented musical notation in a Hong Kong kindergarten. British Journal of Music Education, 27(2), 127-140.



Lau, W. C. M. & Tam, W. K. (2009). Enhancing young children’s creativity through the “open-ended” art and craft activity. New Horizons in Education, 57(2), 99- 108.



Lau, W. C. M. (2008). Using singing games in music lessons to enhance young children's social skills. Asia -Pacific Journal for Arts Education. 6 (2), 1-30.



Lau, W. C. M. (2008). Art Education: Developmentally appropriate integrated music activities for young children. Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 7(2), 69-76.



Wong, S. S., & Lau, W. C. M. (2008). Innovative changes in early childhood curriculum: Creative rhythmic education. New Horizons in Education, 56(1), 95-106.



Lau, W. C. M. & Cheong, U. I. (2008). Enhancing children’s creativity through interactive music curriculum in kindergarten. New Horizons in Education, 56(2), 62-74.



Wong, M. & Lau, W. C. M., & (2007). Talking about death and coping strategies with young children. Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 6 (2), (12-19) .



Lau, W. C. M. (2007). Adaptation of learning in the transition from kindergarten to primary school. Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 6 (2), (32-39) .



劉永慈 (2006): 親子合唱活動的價值, 《成長園地:親子共成長‧攜手創未來》第3期。



Lau, W. C. M., & Tam L. F. (2005). The practice of a kindergarten teacher mentor: A case study. Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 4(2), 41-45.



Wong, S. S., & Lau, W. C. M. (2002). Fostering young children's creativity through music and movement. Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 1 (1), 26-32.



Lau, W. C. (2001). Kindergarten teachers' rating of children's social competence and strategies they use to guide appropriate behaviour. New Horizons in Education. Vol.44, 77-89.


Non-refereed Article


劉永慈 (2023) : <讓幼兒在音樂韻律中享受唱遊的樂趣> , 載於 <<香港基督教幼稚園教師會五十五周年記念特刊>>,頁17, 香港。


劉永慈 (2018.05.11) : 〈音樂律動遊戲培育社交技能〉,載於《信報財經新聞C04,優質教育-教研陣地》。


劉永慈 (2018.02) : 〈運用「交互教學策略」培養幼兒早期閱讀的興趣〉,載於《香港教育大學幼教通訊》。教育及人類發展學院,幼兒教育學系 2017/2018學年第二期。


Lau, W. C. M. (2018.03.13). Parents should encourage, not pressure preschoolers into hobbies.  South China Morning Post. http://www.scmp.com/print/news/hong-kong/education/article/2136850/parents-should-encourage-not-pressure-preschoolers-hobbies


劉永慈 (2017) : 〈舊曲新詞兒歌唱作大賽兒童繪畫比x 仁禮孝作品集〉,載於《仁禮孝兒歌童畫集》。香港教育大學,香港教育博物館。www.eduhk.hk/renlixiao


劉永慈 (2016. 01. 26):〈如何透過音樂遊戲培育幼兒的音樂智能〉,載於《星島日報教育版- 教院觀點》http://www.ied.edu.hk/web/highlights_advocacy_margaret_lau_wing_chi.html


劉永慈 (2013. 09):〈學習中文幼兒期最佳:音樂遊戲講故事式施教增趣味〉,載於《多倫多明報 / 要聞版A3》,加拿大多倫多:明報報業。



劉永慈 (2012):玩唱跳出音樂感,載於《壹週刊》,1145期,頁112,香港,壹本便利有限公司,2012. 02.



朱劉永慈 (2010):親子專欄《讀好書》,載於壹週刊,1042期,頁78,香港,壹本便利有限公司,2001.11.



朱劉永慈 (2009): 參與Playgroup助孩子成長,載於明報《幼稚園選校全攻略》,頁34-35,香港,明報報業有限公司,2009.03.



朱劉永慈 (2002):慎防孩子變社交低能兒,載於《學前教育》第九期,香港。



朱劉永慈 (2002):小孩太安靜恐損社交能力,載於《東方日報》,香港:東方報業中心。



朱劉永慈 (2002):幼稚園社交透視,載於《成報》副刊 ,香港:成報報刊有限公司,2002.10.



朱劉永慈 (2002):兩成半幼稚園生有社交障礙,載於《星島日報教育版》,香港:星島日報,2002.03.



朱劉永慈 (2001):把創意的音樂律動帶進課室裏,輯於譚雲仙編《幼兒成長》, 第十一期, 雙月刊,頁44-49。香港, 香港晶晶教育出版社。



朱劉永慈 (2001): 輕輕鬆鬆培養孩子學習自發性,載於壹本便利《兒童2001》,頁74-76,香港,壹本便利有限公司,2001.11.




Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters

Chapter in an edited book


劉永慈、黃樹誠 (2016. 12) : 〈讓生命教育融入音樂與肢體教學活動中〉,文章載於《中國陶行知研究會生命教育專業委員會: 第四屆生命教育學術年會暨第三屆教師培訓活動大會文集》,頁165-172。香港: 香港教育大學。


劉永慈(2016):〈將歡樂的音樂律動遊戲帶進課室裏: 培育幼兒的社交技能〉,文章載於張業茂、劉暢主編,《國際化與信息化: 學校音樂教育的應對》,(頁62- 72),中國武漢,華中師範大學出版社。


劉永慈 (2015. 09) : 〈香港學前音樂課程改革的需要與應對策略〉,輯於《國培計劃:第十期學校音樂教育新體系骨幹教師培訓暨中外學校音樂改革研討會第徵文選》,頁307-319。北京: 北京中央音樂學院音樂教育學院。


劉永慈 (2015):〈香港幼兒音樂課程面對的挑戰與對策〉,輯於謝苑玫主編《變動時代學校音樂教育的挑戰與對策:第四屆兩岸四地學校音樂教育論壇論文集》,頁157-170 ,臺南,臺南大學,國立臺南大學音樂學系。





劉永慈 (2012. 5):〈建立和破壞關係:兒童的關係建立及友誼維繫〉,載於黃敏主編 《比比和朋友之旅-香港》,頁63-72。香港:香港教育學院。



劉永慈 (2012. 5):〈建立和破壞關係:兒童的關係建立及友誼維繫〉,載於黃敏主編 《比比和朋友之旅-香港》,頁63-72。香港:香港教育學院。



劉永慈 (2011.07) :〈具效能的校本兒童音樂綜合課程〉,載於黃艾珍、容燕文、譚美顏 編《幼教校本課程發展的實踐編》,頁42-54。香港:香港教育學院。



劉永慈 (2010.10) :〈香港教育學院「卓越教學獎」之教學分享:具素質及效能的教學〉, 輯於劉慧中、戴燕儀編《幼兒教育面面觀: 研究與實務結集本(二)》,頁106-117。香港:香港教育學院。



劉永慈(2010):香港教育學院「卓越教學獎」之教學分享: 具素質及效能的教學,劉慧中、戴燕儀主編,《幼兒教育面面觀: 研究與實務結集本 (二)》,(頁106-117),香港,香港教育學院。



黃樹誠、劉永慈 (2004. 05) : (課程與教學的創新: 透過音樂韻律活動提升兒童的創意〉, 輯於胡少偉 詹華軍編 《創造力的培養與教學與創新: 創新教學國際研討會論文集》, 頁291 -300, 香港, 香港創新教育學會.。


Conference Papers

Refereed Conference Paper


劉永慈 (2019. 7) : 〈以交互教學法說故事來培養幼兒的閱讀理解能力: 以香港一所幼稚園為例〉,論文發表/載於《第五屆國際漢語教學研討會》。香港: 香港教育大學中國語言學系、香港教育學大學。


Lau, W. C. M. (2019, July). Enhancing Young Children’s Social-Emotional Development through Visual-mediated Music Movement―A Preliminary Study. Poster presentation at the International Society of Music Education (ISME) 12th Asia-Pacific Symposium for Music Education Research: Music Education in the Dawn of a New Era. Macau. APSMER 2019 Organizing Committee. 


劉永慈 (2018. 11) : 〈如何在幼稚園的音樂遊戲中培養幼兒語言能力〉,論文發表於《第三屆語文教育國際研討會》。香港: 香港教育大學中國語言學系、香港學校音樂及朗誦協會。


劉永慈、李國揚 (2018. 5) : 〈運用多媒體音樂律動遊戲促進幼兒社交情緒發展的初步研究〉,文章發表於《第九屆兩岸四地啟智服務研討會文集》。CD Rom.台北: 中華民國智障者家長總會。


Lau, W. C. M., Sun, J., Wong, Y.H. P., Lee, K. Y. B, & Mou, W. P. (2018, Dec).

Using music visualization to promote young children’s social and emotion development in Hong Kong kindergartens”. Paper presented at 12th International Conference on Language, Innovation, Culture and Education (ICLICE). Interdisciplinary Circle of Science, Arts and Innovation (ICSAI). Singapore. 


Lau, W. C. M. (2017, May). “Using music games to nurture young children’s social competence”. Paper presented at the Conference for Research in Early Childhood Education 2017 — Social, Emotional, and Moral Development of Young Children. Faculty of Education and Human Development, Department of Early Childhood Education. Hong Kong, EDUHK.


Lau, W. C. M. & Wong, S. S. P. (2017, May). Music and Movement for young children. Paper & workshop presented in Chat Room at the Conference for Research in Early Childhood Education (CRECE) –Social, Emotional, and Moral Development of Young Children. Department of Early Childhood Education. The Education University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong.


Lau, W. C. M. (2016, Oct). Musical performance at Cultural Night. A music performance Presented and conducted at the 13th Asian Christian Conference on Early Childhood Education: Past, Present and Future of Christian Early Childhood Care and Education—Commemorating 50 years of Asian Christian Conference. Japan Christian Federation on Early Childhood Care and Education. Tokyo, Japan.


Lau, W. C. M. (2016, July). “Music practices of Hong Kong preschools”. Paper presented at 68th OMEP World Assembly & International Conference: Transforming Early Childhood Systems for Future Generations. OMEP Korea, Ewha Institute of Childhood Education and Care. Korea, Seoul.


Lau, W. C. M. (2016, May). Teachers’ rating of preschoolers’ social competence and the strategies used to guide appropriate behavior. Paper presented at the Conference for Research in Early Childhood Education (CRECE) - Promoting whole-child development: The role of the family, school, and community. Department of Early Childhood Education. The Education University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong.


劉永慈 (2016. 12) : 〈讓生命教育融入音樂與肢體教學活動中〉,論文發表於《第四屆生命教育學術年會暨第三屆教師培訓》。中國陶行知研究會生命教育專業委員會主辦,香港教育大學: 香港教育大學宗教教育與心靈教育中心。


Lau, W. C. M. (2015, Sept). The reform of pre-primary music curriculum and the strategies suggested for Hong Kong kindergartens. Paper presented at Five Year Review of the Lead Teacher Training Program for the New System of School Music Education & International Symposium on School Music Education Reform. Central Conservatory of Music, Institute of Music Education. China, Beijing.


Lau, W. C. M. (2014, April). Challenges and Counter Measures of Early Childhood Music Education in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 4th Music Education Forum of Greater China. National University of Tainan. Tainan, Taiwan.


Lau, W. C. M., & Wong, S. S P. (2013, May). A new Music-Movement curriculum model: The transformation of the In-service kindergarten teachers’ belief, attitude, skill, and knowledge in Hong Kong. Paper presented at School Music Education in the Era of Multimedia: The 3rd Music Education Forum of Greater China. Macau Polytechnic Institute, Macau.



Lau, W. C. M. (2012, March). Current situation and challenges of Hong Kong pre-primary music curriculum. Paper presented at International Conference of Early Childhood Education and Care: 221st Century Child Rearing. National Taipei University of Education, Taiwan.



Lau, W. C. M. (2011, Sept). Integration of Art/ Music in language learning. Paper presented at International Languages –Elementary TDSB Continuing Education. Toronto District School Board, Toronto.



Lau, W. C. M. (2011, Jan). A study of promoting quality of life of young children with musical games and movement. Paper presented at 2011 ICHPER.SD Asia Congress-Physical Activity for Health and Quality of Life. Taipei, Taiwan.



劉永慈 (2010.11) :〈提升音樂智能的實踐與技巧〉,文章發表於《2010國際學前教育研討會》,陸趙鈞鴻兒童發展研究中心主辦,澳門特別行政區政府社會工作局協辦,香港。



Lau, W. C. M. & Wong, S. S. (2010, July). Enhancing Children’s Resilience through Music and Movement. Paper presented at the 10th International Conference on Children’s Spirituality: Spirituality and Resilience. The Centre for Religious and Spirituality Education, Hong Kong Institute of Education. Hong Kong.



Lau, W. C. M. (2010, July). Chinese Song sharing. Songs led at the 14th International ISME, Early Childhood Music Education Commission Seminar: Nurturing Children’s Musical Lives by Building Bridges. Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China.



劉永慈、譚惠群 (2009. 11) : 〈透過開放式美勞活動提升兒童創造力〉, 文章發表於《小學教育國際研討會—為下一代締造未來: 廿一世紀小學教育新視野》,香港教育學院主辦,香港。



劉永慈、許佩玲 (2009. 11) : 〈透過音樂節奏活動及肢體動作提升兒童的創作力〉, 文章發表於《小學教育國際研討會—為下一代締造未來: 廿一世紀小學教育新視野》,香港教育學院主辦,香港。



Lau, W. C. M. (2009, July). Songs and games are just the beginning: “The value of songs and games in building a sense of self-esteem, and communication skills. Paper presented at the16th Biennial Australasian Human Development Association (AHDA) Conference. Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia.



Lau, W. C. M. (2008, Nov). Beliefs and values of a kindergarten teacher in enhancing young children’s musical creativity. Paper presented at Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association (APERA). National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.



Lau, W. C. M. (2008, Oct). Make a difference with teachers’ scaffolding on children’s musical creativity: A study of a Hong Kong preschool teacher. Paper presented in the 5th Biennial International Conference of Korean Society for Early Childhood Education (KSECE). Korea National University of Education, Korea.



Lau, W. C. M. (2008). Understanding the ways of promoting children's musical creativity: A study of kindergarten teachers'views. Paper presented at the 10th International Conference on Education 2008, Athens, Greece: 2008.5.



Lau, W. C. M., & Wong, S. S. P. (2008, Jan). Towards a new creative world through music and movement in kindergarten. Paper presented at the 17th World Conference of International Play Association 2008, Hong Kong.



Lau, W. C. M. (2008). Using singing games and creative movement to enhance young children's social competence. Paper presented at the 17th World Conference of International Play Association 2008, Hong Kong: 2008.1.



Wong, P. S. S., Lau, W. C., & Hong, W. W. (2006). Promoting young children's creativity through music and movement. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association International Conference, Hong Kong: 2006.11.



Lau, M. W. C. (2006). Make a difference to develop young children's social skills with joyful singing and musical games. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association International Conference, Hong Kong: 2006.11.



劉永慈、黃樹誠及韓永華 (2006, 十一月): 透過音樂──肢體活動提升兒童的創意, 演講發表於「亞太教育研究學會國際研討會:全球化中的教育研究、政策與實踐」, 香港。



Lau, M. W. C. (2006). Let young children's music creativity unleashed: An experience in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 4th Biennial International Conference of Korean Society for Early Childhood Education in Collaboration with World OMEP Transcending Modernity in Early Education and Care, 2006.10.



劉永慈 (2006. 06) : 遊戲化的音樂活動, 文章發表於《第五屆國際學前教育研討會論文集》, 香港, 陸趙鈞鴻兒童發展研究中心、國際關注教育機構。



劉永慈 (2006. 04) : 透過音樂提升幼童的社交技能, 文章發表於《華人社會的教育發展學術研討會》, 澳門特別行政區政府教育主辦,澳門,澳門大學。



劉永慈 (2005. 05) : 在幼稚園裡透過音樂提升幼童的語言發展, 文章發表於《兩岸四地教育改革的實踐與反思 : 學術研討會》, 澳門特別行政區政府教育主辦,澳門,澳門大學。



朱劉永慈 (2004. 11):〈給孩子一個歡樂綜合藝術音樂活動〉, 文章發表於《優質教育 與幼兒發展第四屆優質學前教育國際研討會》,上海, 中國福利會出版社, 中國福利會。



黃樹誠、朱劉永慈(2004. 09):〈課程與教學的創新: 「透過音樂韻律活動提升兒童的創意」〉,文章發表於《創造力的培養與教學創新-- 創意教學國際研討會》, 香港創新教育學會, 香港。



Wong, S.S.P. & Lau, W.C.M. (2004, July). Promoting children’s creativity through music and movement: From theory into practice – Hong Kong. Paper presented at the II Conference for Physical Educators (ICPE 2004), Hong Kong.



黃樹誠、朱劉永慈 (2004,五月) : 音樂與肢體活動之傳奇,文章發表於「創意教學國際研討會」,香港。



劉永慈(2003.11):幼稚園老師對兒童的社交能力之評量和適當的輔導方法,論文發表於教與學的改革和創新教育學術研討會,澳門大學教育學院教育研討會論文系列之八《教與學的改革和創新教育研討會論文集》, 頁207-221。, 澳門特別行政區政府教育主辦,澳門,澳門大學。






Wong, S. S. P. & Lau, W. C. (2003, June). Enhancing A Child’s Body, Mind and Spirit Through Creative Music-movement Activities. Paper presented at the Tenth Annual International Conference on “Education, Spirituality and the Whole Child” at Roehampton University of Surrey hosted by the Centre for Research in Religious Education and Development, U.K.



Wong, S. S. P., & Lau W. C. (2003, March). Creative preschool music and movement curriculum in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the Teachers’ Professional Experience Sharing Month, Hong Kong.



Lau, W. C. & Wong, S. S. P. (2002, June). An Innovative Movement and Music Approach In Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 44th ICHPER.SD World Congress Pursuit of Wellness in the New Millennium: Contribution of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport, and Dance. National Council on Physical Fitness and Sport (NCPFS), Taipei, Taiwan.



朱劉永慈(2002.05):幼兒的綜合音樂教育,論文發表於《國際學前教育研討會議論文集》, 頁28-31. 香港啟思幼稚園教育機構、國際關注教育機構、中國福利會主辦;嶺南幼稚園/幼兒園、晶晶教育出版社協辦,香港,晶晶教育出版社。



Lau, W. C. (2001, December). How kindergarten teachers can enhance children’s social competence: Hong Kong Experience. Paper presented at the 5th Annual New Zealand Early Childhood Research Network Symposium, Christchurch, New Zealand.



Wong, S. S. P., & Chu Lau, W. C. M. (2001, June). Creativity in the teaching of kindergarten eurhythmics: A case study in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 2nd International Symposium on Child Development Creativity: A Moment of Aha, Hong Kong.



Wong, S. S. P., & Chu Lau, W. C. M. (2001, June). Re-visiting the missing legend of eurhythmics and eurythmy: Implications for pre-school creative music-movement education. Paper presented at the 5th International Conference of OMEP - Hong Kong, Developing a New Culture for ECE: Reflections on Reggio Emilia, Hong Kong.






Wong, S. S. P., & Chu Lau, W. C. M. (2001, May). An innovative movement and music approach for preschool curriculum in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the International Conference on Rejuvenation Schools through Partnership, Hong Kong.



Chu Lau, W. C. M., & Wong, S. S. P. (2000, November). A creative music and movement program for Hong Kong preschoolers. Paper presented at the 17th Annual Conference of Hong Kong Education Research Association, Hong Kong.


Conference Proceeding (Refereed)


劉永慈、李國揚 (2018. 5) : 〈運用多媒體音樂律動遊戲促進幼兒社交情緒發展的初步研究〉,文章載於《第九屆兩岸四地啟智服務研討會文集》。CD Rom.台北: 中華民國智障者家長總會。


劉永慈、黃樹誠 (2016. 12) : 〈讓生命教育融入音樂與肢體教學活動中〉,文章載於《中國陶行知研究會生命教育專業委員會: 第四屆生命教育學術年會暨第三屆教師培訓活動大會文集》,頁165-172。香港: 香港教育大學。


Lau, W. C. M. (2015, Sept). “The reform of pre-primary music curriculum and the strategies suggested for Hong Kong kindergartens”. Proceedings of Five Year Review of the Lead Teacher Training Program for the New System of School Music Education & International Symposium on School Music Education Reform. (p. 307-319). Central Conservatory of Music, Institute of Music Education. China, Beijing.


劉永慈 (2015. 09) : 〈香港學前音樂課程改革的需要與應對策略〉,文章載於《國培計劃:第十期學校音樂教育新體系骨幹教師培訓暨中外學校音樂改革研討會第徵文選》,頁307-319。北京: 北京中央音樂學院音樂教育學院。


劉永慈 (2015. 04) : 〈將歡樂的音樂律動遊戲帶進課室裡: 培育幼兒的社交關係和技能〉,文章節錄於《第五屆兩岸四地學校音樂教育論壇: 國際化與信息化:學校音樂教育的應對論文集》,頁29-39。武漢: 華中師範大學音樂學院。


劉永慈 (2014. 04):〈香港幼兒音樂課程面對的挑戰與對策〉,文章發表於《第四屆兩岸四地學校音樂教育論壇:變動時代學校音樂教育的挑戰與對策論文集》,頁254-265。國立台南大學,台南。


Lau, W. C. M., & Wong, S. S P. (2013, May). “A new Music-Movement curriculum model: The transformation of the In-service kindergarten teachers’ belief, attitude, skill, and knowledge in Hong Kong”. Proceedings of School Music Education in the Era of Multimedia: The 3rd Music Education Forum of Greater China. (p. 98-106). Macau Polytechnic Institute, Macau.



劉永慈 (2012. 3) :〈香港幼兒音樂課程的現況與挑戰〉文章載於《21世紀兒童教養國 際幼兒教育研討會》,頁47-57。台灣:國立台北教育大學。



劉永慈 (2010.11) :〈提升音樂智能的實踐與技巧〉,文章發表於《2010國際學前教育研 討會論文集》,頁24-31。香港::陸趙鈞鴻兒童發展研究中心。



朱劉永慈(2004.11):〈給孩子一個歡樂的綜合藝術音樂活動〉,《優質教育與幼兒發展第四屆優質學前教育國際研討會論文集》, 頁53-58. 中國福利會出版社, 中國上海。



黃樹誠、朱劉永慈(2004.09):課程與教學的創新:「透過音樂韻律活動提升兒童的創意」,《創造力的培養與教學創新--創意教學國際研討會論文集》, 頁291-300,香港, 香港創新教育學會。



Lau, W. C. (2002, April). Kindergarten teachers' rating of children's social competence. Proceedings of the 5th New Zealand Early Childhood Research Symposium.p.37-39. Zealand Early Childhood Research Network, Christchurch, New Zealand.

Creative & Literary Works, Reports and Published Teaching Materials




Chan, K. S. L., Cheng, Z. J., Lau W. C. M., Li, Y. L., Ma, J. C. J., Ngan, S. F., & Wu, S. C. (2004). Ten years of commitment to Early Childhood Education: An Anniversary Report. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education.


Published Teaching Materials


Lau, W. C. M. (2018). A song “Dim Sum” (上茶樓吃點心) composed for “Non-Chinese speaking student” project, HKIEd-ECE & Hong Kong Bank Foundation Fund (2018).


Lau, W. C. M. (2018). Video Clip of music teaching uploaded at ECE teaching resource website “Music activity demonstration in Early Childhood Education. (10/2017, 10/2018) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVV1k4AuTGQ&list=PLBIxRjXqtHp6wj5XFizdjDTtfkY1HI4kn&index=3


Lau, W. C. M. (2010). Video clip and CD-Rom : Demonstration of Excellence in Teaching on EDUHK web, ITS, EdUHK (March 2010- 2019) (http://www.Ittc.ied.edu.hk/vblc/download.php?dI=e9806845397e6316f5f50031c3ed0c3f&video_id=9595&video_format_id=8)


Lau, W. C. (2003). Video Clip of music teaching for SECE website “Music in Early Childhood Education." School of Early Childhood Education. Hong Kong. (2003, Aug) http://www.ied.edu.hk/sece/tl_resources/teachers/expertise/sharing.html



劉永慈 (2003). 《學前教育電視節目匯集光碟(五)--- 有趣的聲音、夢中的玩具王國 (上)、夢中的玩具王國 (下) 》, 教育統籌局課程資源組教育電視,香港.。 2003. 11。



Lau, W. C. (2003). Video Clip of music teaching for SECE website “Music in Early Childhood Education." http://www.ied.edu.hk/sece/tl_resources/teachers/expertise/sharing.html School of Early Childhood Education. Hong Kong. 2003, Aug.



朱劉永慈 (2002):幼稚園歡樂的律動和舞蹈,載於優質教育基金贊助《幼稚園教師舞蹈培訓計劃》小冊子,香港,太陽島英文幼稚園。



朱劉永慈(2001):童謠、兒歌是開啟文學王國的鑰匙,載於優質教育基金贊助《悠揚樂韻、童謠、民謠頌中華嘉年華會》小冊子,香港,景林天主教幼稚 園。


Teaching materials used by local Pre-primary educational setting


An article〈運用交互教學策略培養幼兒早期閱讀的興趣 2018〉selected by the Chai Wan Baptist Church Pre-school Education Lui Ming Choi Kindergarten as the required article to be used in the “Parent Companion Reading Program” (Feb, 2019).


Teaching materials used by the Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK)


An article〈不一樣的校本綜合音樂課程, 2010〉selected by the Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK) as the required article in the course EDU BEd Music programme (2012 to 2019).


A song “Zippy My Friend” composing for “Zippy’s Friend” project (HKIEd-ECE & Hong Kong Bank Foundation Fund, 2008)


A package of music teaching material “Interesting Sound” (有趣的聲音) & “Toy Kingdom in the Dreamland” (夢中的玩具王國) with CD-ROM (Series 1)

(Education and Manpower Bureau ETV Section, 2004)


Selected Output Categories

High-level public or professional service

2021 - 2022  

Learning Habitat Kindergarten & Bilingual Nursery, teacher’s professional development day, music workshop and seminar entitled “The skills of conducting music activities for young children in kindergartens and nurseries. 26 /10/2021

2021 - 2022  

Po Leung Kuk Lee Shu Fook Kindergarten, teacher’s professional development day, music seminar and workshop entitled “Enhancing children’s creativity and social skills through music and movement ” 22/12/2021

2021 - 2022  

Mink Anglo-Chinese Kindergarten, teacher’s professional development music workshop and seminar entitled “Rhythmic teaching and strategies for young children in kindergarten ” 28/5/2022

2021 - 2022  

C. & M. A. Fairview Park Kindergarten/ Nursery School, teacher’s professional development music workshop and seminar entitled “Implementation of integrated music- movement activities in kindergartens. 28 /8/2021

2020 - 2021  

Hong Kong Christian Kindergarten Teachers’ Association, teacher’s professional development music workshop and seminar entitled “Let children enjoy the fun of singing and playing in the rhythm of music” (25 kindergartens, 344 teachers) 13/3/2021

2020 - 2021  

Church of United Brethren in Christ Social Service Division entitled “An extensive understanding of early childhood education and the intelligence of collaborations between preschools Social Workers" under the 'Pilot Scheme on Social Work Service for Pre-Primary Institutions' (29/7/2020)

2019 - 2020  

Tsung Tsin Mission Pak Tin Graceful Kindergarten –Professional training on music teaching for young children, 4/1/2020.

2019 - 2020  

Yuen Long Sam Yuk Kindergarten of Seventh-Day Adventists, teacher professional development music seminar – Integrated curriculum for kindergartens, 3/1/2020.

2019 - 2020  

Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society Kowloon (Pre-School Education)—Staff development day--The strategies for implementing music activity in preschools, 2/1/2020.

2019 - 2020  

Greenfield English (International) Kindergarten (Lohas Park)—Staff Development Day—Musical World of Young Children, 22/11/2019.

2019 - 2020  

Yuen Long Sam Yuk Kindergarten of Seventh-Day Adentists, teacher professional development music seminar - Conducting observations on children’s music activity, 28-29/10/2019.

2019 - 2020  

Tsung Tsin Mission Graceful Kindergarten –Staff Retreat training day—Implementation of joyful musical games in young children’s classroom, 26/8/2019

2019 - 2020  

Yuen Long Sam Yuk Kindergarten of Seventh-Day Adventists, teacher professional development music seminar and workshop - Music appreciation and Rhythm teaching, 23/8/2019

2019 - 2020  

Church of United Brethren in Christ Social Service, staff development seminar—The challenges of Kindergarten Education in Hong Kong, 23/8/2019

2019 - 2020  

Gracefield Christian Kindergarten -- teacher professional development music seminar and workshop- How to guide the interesting music and movement games for young children, 13 /7/2019.

2018 - 2019  

Po Leung Kuk Yick Chark Fung Kindergarten- teacher professional development music seminar and workshop- The design of integrated music activities for young children, 16/2/2019.

2018 - 2019  

Yuen Long Sam Yuk Kindergarten of Seventh-Day Adventists, teacher professional development music seminar and workshop-Fostering teachers’ musical knowledge and teaching skills, 15/2/2019.

2018 - 2019  

Catholic Religious School Council, teacher professional development music seminar and workshop – Nurturing young children’s creativity through Music and Movement, 16/11/2018.

2018 - 2019  

Fanling Baptist Church Lui Ming Choi Kindergarten, teacher professional development seminar and music workshop - Skills of leading music activity and activity planning for young children in kindergarten, 29/10/2018.

2018 - 2019  

Yan Chai Hospital Kwok Chi Leung Kindergarten/ Child Care Centre, music seminar and workshop - Music and Movement with Creativity for young children, 27/10/2018.

2018 - 2019  

Abiding Kindergarten- Introduction to Piano Accompaniment Music Workshop, 20/8/2018.

2017 - 2018  

Lutheran Church Social Welfare Organization (10 nurseries), music seminar and workshop - Music and Movement with Creativity for kids, 10/11/2017.

2017 - 2018  

St Barnana’s Kindergarten, music seminar and workshop - Skills of leading music activity for young children in kindergarten, 6/10/2017.

2017 - 2018  

Chan Mung Yan Lutheran Kindergarten, 2 music seminars and workshops - Creative Music Choir for young children, 9/9 & 16/9/2017.

2016 - 2017  

Officiating graduation ceremony and delivering speech for kindergartens:

-Wisely Kindergarten and Day Nursery, 12/5/2017.

-Creative Kindergarten and Day Nursery, 13 & 14/6/2016.  

-Rhenish Mission School (Kindergarten), 24/6/2017.

-The Mission covenant Church Little Angel (Tin Shing) Kindergarten, 8/7/2017.

2016 - 2017  

Rhenish Mission School (Kindergarten), music seminars and workshop—Conducting rhythmic activities, music appreciation and creativity in preschool classrooms, 1/4/ 2017.

2016 - 2017  

Tung Wah Group Hospitals (TWGHs) Lion Club of Metropolitan Hong Kong Kindergarten, music seminars and workshop for Joint school teacher professional development (16 kgs, 220 teachers), 17/3/2017.

2016 - 2017  

Rhenish Mission School (Kindergarten), music seminars and workshop— Skills of conducting Music Activities in preschool classrooms, and the use of music instruments, 4/11/2016.

2016 - 2017  

HKIED Jockey Club Primary School, a seminar for parents and teachers—The Transition from Kindergarten to Primary One, 24/8/2016.

2015 - 2016  

Chan Mung Yan Lutheran Kindergarten, music seminar and workshop (onsite observation & assessment) Creative Music – Movement workshops for young children, 19/3/ 2016.

2015 - 2016  

The Methodist Church Hong Kong (12 Nurseries & Kgs), 11/3/2016.

2015 - 2016  

Creative Kindergarten & Nursery (Rutland Avenue), 4 staff development music seminars and workshops—Conducting Music Activities in preschool classrooms, 23 & 30/1, 20/2 & 4/3/2016.

2015 - 2016  

Chan’s Creative School, staff development workshop—Integrated curriculum & Singing, 8/12/2015.

2015 - 2016  

Chan Mung Yan Lutheran Kindergarten, 2 music seminars and workshops - Creative Music – Movement workshops for young children, 29/9 & 31/10/2015.

2015 - 2016  

Welborn Anglo-Chinese Kindergarten, teacher professional development seminar, 19/9/2015.

2015 - 2016  

Creative Kindergarten & Nursery (Tuen Mum), 3 staff development music seminars and workshops—Conducting Music Activities in preschool classrooms, 7, 21, 25/8/2015.

2014 - 2015  

Officiating graduation ceremony and delivering speech for Creative Kindergarten, 17/6/2015.

2014 - 2015  

Suen Mei Kindergarten –Teacher Professional Development seminar & music workshop- Implementation of integrated music activity for young children in kindergarten, 12/6/2015.

2014 - 2015  

Officiating graduation ceremony and delivering speech for Chan Mung Yan Lutheran Kindergarten, 5/5/2015.

2014 - 2015  

North Point Methodist Church Children Choir, staff development talk—Music and children’s emotion and social behaviour, 25/5/2015.

2014 - 2015  

The Tsung Tsin Mission of Hong Kong Social Service Company Limited, staff development seminar and workshop-- Integrated music activity for young children, 13/3/2015.

2014 - 2015  

Christian & Missionary Alliance Lei Tung Nursery School, staff development music seminar and workshop—Implementing Music and Movement activities in kindergarten, 23/1/2015.

2014 - 2015  

North Point Methodist Church Kindergarten & Nursery—Teacher development music seminar and workshop-- Implementation of integrated music activity for young children, 22/12/2014.

2014 - 2015  

The Chinese Rhenish Church Hong Kong Lok Fu Rhenish Nursery, staff development music seminar and workshop—Demonstration and conducting on-site observation of Music and Movement activities in kindergarten, 1/12/2014.

2014 - 2015  

The Chinese Rhenish Church Hong Kong Lok Fu Rhenish Nursery, staff development music seminar and workshop—Implementing Music and Movement activities, & manipulating music instrument in kindergarten, 1/11/2014.

2014 - 2015  

Christian & Missionary Alliance Lei Tung Nursery School, staff development music seminar and workshop—Implementing Music and Movement activities in kindergarten, 6/9/2014.

2013 - 2014  

Officiating graduation ceremonies and delivering speeches for 5 kindergartens/ nurseries:

~Wisely Kindergarten and Day Nursery, 16/5/2014.

~True Light Kindergarten (Caine Road), 4/6/2014.

~Creative Kindergarten / Day Nursery, 20/6/2014.

~Buddhist Chun Yue Kindergarten (Tung Chung), 22/6/2014.

~Shau Kei Wan Methodist Kindergarten, 5/7/2014.

2013 - 2014  

Education of Manpower Bureau, Effective Learning and Teaching (Series 2) ~ Music and movement workshop for Hong Kong local pre-primary sector, 29/4, 8/5/2014.

2013 - 2014  

The Tsung Tsin Mission of Hong Kong Social Service Company Limited-, staff development seminar and workshop-- Integrated music activity for young children, 20/12/2013.

2013 - 2014  

Shek On Memorial Kindergarten, staff development music seminar and workshop—Implementing an integrated Music and movement activities in kindergarten, 22/11/2013.

2013 - 2014  

Point Methodist Church, Parents Fellowship-- Teaching and Nurturing Young Children , 7/11/ 2013. 

2013 - 2014  

Officiating a Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony, delivering a speech for Christian Little Angel Kindergarten (Richland Gardens), 6/7/2013.

2012 - 2013  

Education of Manpower Bureau, Effective Learning and Teaching (Series 2) ~ Music and movement workshop for local pre-primary sector, 21 & 28/5/2013.

2012 - 2013  

Sha Tsui Baptist Church, Parents Fellowship—Nurturing our children, 6/1/2013.   

2012 - 2013  

St Stephen’s Girls School, Staff development workshop-- Integrated music and movement activities for young children, 15/9/2013.

2012 - 2013  

Officiating a Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony, delivering a speech for Creative Kindergarten & Nursery, 14/6/2013.



Education Bureau, Kindergarten and Primary Section Curriculum Development Institute, HKSAR . Training seminar and workshop for Hong Kong local kindergarten and nursery administrators, head-teachers and teachers—Effective Learning and Teaching:Music and Movement. (13 March & 27 March 2012)



The Church of United Brethren in Christ Shatin Parent Resources Centre --Enhancing effective teaching through Games (16 March 2012)



Christian Alliance Chen Lee Wing Tsing Memorial Kindergarten—Music workshop (3 April 2012)



Invited Guest Speaker , Kindergarten and Primary Section, Curriculum Development Institute. Education Bureau Government Secretariat, the Government of HKSAR. The People ‘s Republic of China (2011, 2012)



Training seminar and workshop for Choi Ha Estate Kit Sum Kindergarten-- Music activities for young children (Sept - Oct 2011)



Training seminar and workshop for Buddish Chun Yue Kindergarten (Tung Chung) –Enhancing teacher’s teaching skill in music activity (22 Dec 2011, 10 April 2012 & 17 Aug 2012)



External Course Assessor, Open University of Hong Kong (Sept 2010 – present)



External Course Assessor, Open University of Hong Kong (Sept 2010 – 2011)


Speech and Prestigious Public Presentation


Invited speaker: Lau, W. C. M. (2017). Using musical games to nurture young children’s social competence. Conference for Research in Early Childhood Education (CRECE) – Social, Emotional, and Moral Development of Young Children. Department of Early Childhood Education. The Education University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong. 5/2017.


Invited musical performance conductor: Lau, W. C. M. (2016). Musical performance in the Cultural Night. A music performance performed at the 13th Asian Christian Conference on Early Childhood Education: Past, Present and Future of Christian Early Childhood Care and Education— Commemorating 50 years of Asian Christian Conference. Japan Tokyo, Japan Christian Federation on Early Childhood Care and Education, 19 - 22/10/2016.


Invited conference speaker: Lau, W. C. M. (2015). The reform of pre-primary music curriculum and the strategies suggested for Hong Kong kindergartens, Five Year Review of the Lead Teacher Training Program for the New System of School Music Education & International Symposium on School Music Education Reform. Beijing, Central Conservatory of Music, Institute of Music Education, 7 - 9/9/2015.


Invited keynote speaker: Lau, W. C. M. (2013). Enhancing Children’s Language Learning Through the Practice of Musical Intelligence, The 13th Annual International Languages – Elementary / African Heritage Symposium, Toronto Ontario, Canada, 7/09/2013.


Invited guest speaker: Lau, W. C. M. (2011). Becoming Effective Teachers: Enhancing Children’s Learning through the Integration of Music, Arts and Language, International Languages Symposium in Toronto, Canada, 9-10/ 09/2011.


被邀講者: 劉永慈 (2015):〈將歡樂的音樂律動遊戲帶進課室裡: 培育幼兒的社交關係和技能〉,《第五屆兩岸四地學校音樂教育論壇: 國際化與信息化:學校音樂教育的應對》,武漢: 華中師範大學音樂學院,17-20/4/2015。


Invited keynote speaker. 劉永慈 (2014): 〈韻律教育在幼兒音樂教學中的實踐〉,《2014年國際學前教育研討會: 優質幼兒音樂教育的實踐暨幼兒音樂培育技巧示範》,香港,陸趙鈞鴻兒童發展研究中心,14-18/11/2014。


Invited speaker: 劉永慈 (2012):〈香港幼兒音樂課程的現況與挑戰〉,《21世紀兒童教養--國際幼兒教育研討會》,台北,國立台北教育大學, 28/03/2012。


大會講者: 劉永慈 (2010):〈提升音樂智能的實踐與技巧〉,《第七屆國際學前教育研討會》,香港陸趙鈞鴻兒童發展研究中心、澳門特別行政區政府社會工作局,30/11/2010。


大會講者: 劉永慈 (2006):〈遊戲化的音樂活動〉,《第五屆國際學前教育研討會》,香港,陸趙鈞鴻兒童發展研究中心、國際關注教育機構,06/2006。


大會講者: 劉永慈 (2004):〈給孩子一個歡樂綜合藝術音樂活動〉,《優質教育與幼兒發展第四屆優質學前教育國際研討會》,上海,中國福利會出版社,中國福利會,11/2004。


大會講者: 劉永慈 (2002):〈幼兒的綜合音樂教育〉,《國際學前教育研討會議》,香港啟思幼稚園教育機構、國際關注教育機構、中國福利會主辦;嶺南幼稚園/幼兒園、晶晶教育出版社協辦,香港,晶晶教育出版社,05/ 2002。



劉永慈 (2007): 幫助孩子從幼稚園進入小學一年級的適應, 演講發表於「幼小協作計劃──賦權幼兒、家長和老師的幼小銜接實務」(2007年7月5日), 香港, 香港教育學院匯豐幼兒發長中心及賽馬會小學計劃研究。



劉永慈 (2007): 將音樂、肢體活動綜合在課程裡, 演講發表於「教師培訓工作坊」, 香港, 迦南幼稚園。



劉永慈 (2006): 音樂統整課程〈二〉(講座及工作坊), 演講發表於「教育研討會:第二次教育培訓活動」〈2006年7月7日〉, 香港, 仁濟醫院明德幼稚園。

All Other Outputs

Reviewer of journals/articles, external examiner, academic services



Lau, W. C. M. (2011, April). Reviewer of journal article. What have young children learned through the New Movement-Music Curriculum program in Hong Kong? Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood. Hong Kong.



Lau, W. C. M. (2008). Reviewer of journal article, Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood.



劉永慈 (2007): 兒童合唱訓練心得分享〈三〉, 北角衛理兒童合唱團委員會導師分享會, 香港。



Lau, W. C. M. (2007). Strategies kindergarten teachers use to enhance children's musical creativity: Case studies of three Hong Kong teachers. PhD: Centre for Learning Innovation, Brisbane, Australia: Queensland University of Technology.



劉永慈 (2006): 親子合唱的好處, 陸趙鈞鴻兒童發展研究中心〈講座及工作坊〉, 香港。



劉永慈 (2006): 兒童合唱訓練心得分享〈二〉, 北角衛理兒童合唱團委員會導師分享會, 香港。



Professional Consultancy

2009 - 2022  

Honorary Education Advisor, Consultant of the Hong Kong, Kowloon and New

Territories Kindergarten Education Association (2009 - 2022)

2018 - 2023  

Education Consultant, Pilot Scheme on Social Work Service for Pre- primary Institutions, Church of United Brethren in Christ Social Service (2018~2023)

2015 - 2021  

Education Advisor, Consultant of Ka Lok Educational organization (2015 – 2021) 

2013 - 2017  

Music Consultant, Chan’s Creative School (2013 – 2017) 

2001 - 2017  

Honorary music consultant of Children’s Choir, Creative Children Choir (2001 – 2017) 

1983 - 2017  

Music Conductor, North Point Methodist Church Children’s Choir for 33 years, (1983 – 2017) 

2010 - 2011  

External Assessor, The Open University of Hong Kong (09/2010 - 11/2011) 


EDB Core Group member for offering views and suggestions for setting up the Kindergarten Resource Centre (1/2020)

2020 - 2022  

Academic Member of HD ECE & BEd ECE Program Advisory Committee, Tung Wah College (Oct 2020-2022 --for 2 years)

2018 - 2019


Consultant on Board of Advisory Committee - Professional Consultancy on Quality Education Fund (QEF) Project (幼稚園中層教師培訓計劃“有效管理領導及建立專業學習社群”), The Methodist Church, Hong Kong (2018-2019)

2007 - 2010   Consultant - Professional Consultancy on University-school Support Programme (CECRD, 2007 - 2010 )



(852) 2948 8531

(852) 2948 8531

MEd QUT, Australia
BEd QUT, Australia


Research Areas

  • Newly Arrived Children
  • Self-Esteem
  • Assessment for Learning
  • Metacognition
  • Professional Learning Communities


Selected Funded Projects


Principal Investigator, Departmental Research Grant 2021/22 (1st round) $95,700

Project Title: Students’ reasons for turning off webcam during synchronous online learning: a Hong Kong study

2012- 2015


Deputy Principal Investigator for Education Development Fund Project ($8.75 million):

Quality Early Childhood Education: The Practice of Assessment for Learning and the Use of Portfolios in Kindergartens, CUHK.



Co-Investigator for Quality Education Fund Project ($3 million):

From Assessment for Learning to Promoting Self-regulated Learning in Early-childhood Education (KG & Lower Primary Levels), CUHK.


Selected Outputs

Journal Publications


Pang, N. S. K., Wang, T., & Leung, Z. L. M. (2016). Educational reforms and the practices of professional learning community in Hong Kong primary schools. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, (36)2, 193-201.



Pang, N. S. K., & Leung, Z. L. M. (2011). Teachers’ competency in assessment for learning in early childhood education in Hong Kong. Educational Research Journal, 26(2), 199-222.


Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters

Chapter in an edited book



Pang, N. S. K., & Leung, Z. L. M. (2015). Exploring the practice of professional learning communities: Case of Hong Kong primary schools. In A. Harris, & M. S. Jones, (Eds.), Leading futures global perspectives on educational leadership (pp. 113-128). New Delhi: SAGE.



Pang, N. S. K., & Leung, Z. L. M. (2010). The development and reforms of educational assessment in Hong Kong. In Hiroto S. Nakamura (Ed.), Education in Asia (pp. 121-137). New York: Nova Science.



Pang, N. S. K., & Leung, Z. L. M. (2010). Teachers’ competence in assessment for learning in early childhood and primary education. School Education Reform Series, No.54. Hong Kong: The Faculty of Education of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research. (30 pages)



Pang, N. S. K., & Leung, Z. L. M. (2008). The practice of assessment for learning and metacognitive teaching in Hong Kong classrooms. School Education Reform Series No.48. Hong Kong: The Faculty of Education of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research. (34 pages)


Conference Papers

Refereed Conference Paper



Pang, N. S. K., & Leung, Z. L. M. (2014). The practice of assessment for learning strategies in Hong Kong kindergartens. Paper presented at the Annual International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement Conference, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.



Pang, N. S. K., & Leung, Z. L. M. (2014). Exploring the practice of professional learning communities in Hong Kong primary schools. Paper presented at the Annual International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement Conference, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.



Pang, N. S. K., & Leung, Z. L. M. (2010). Teachers’ competency in assessment for learning in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the International Conference on Education Research (ICER), Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea. (Refereed)



Pang, N. S. K., & Leung, Z. L. M. (2009). Lesson study: Hong Kong teachers’ assessment-for-learning competence in early childhood education. Paper presented at the World Association of Lesson Studies International Conference 2009, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong.



Pang, N. S. K., & Leung, Z. L. M. (2007). How to learn and apply metacognition in project learning. Paper presented at the Conference on Integrated Learning: Research and Classroom Practices at the Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong.



Leung, Z. L. M. (2003). Self-esteem and foreign language learning. Paper presented at the Japan Association for Language Education and Technology 43rd National Conference (LET), Osaka, Japan.


Teacher Training Packages

Pre-School Sector


Pang, N. S. K. & Leung, Z. L. M. (2010). Module 1 of the Teacher Training Program, “Improving Assessment-for-Learning Teaching Strategies and School-Based Student Portfolio Systems in Kindergartens” (in Chinese). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Centre for the Development of Educational Leadership, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.


Pre-School & Lower Primary Sectors


Pang, N. S. K. & Leung, Z. L. M. (2009). Module 4 of the Training Program for School Development Committees of a Quality Education Funded Project, “From Assessment for Learning to Promoting Self-regulated Learning in Early-childhood Education (Kindergarten & Lower Primary Levels)” (in Chinese). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Centre for the Development of Educational Leadership, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. 


Primary & Secondary Sectors


Pang, N. S. K. & Leung, Z. L. M. (2009). Module 2 of the Training Program for School Development Committees, “Self-Directed Learning: Metacognitive Learning and Teaching Strategies and Implementation” (in Chinese). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Centre for the Development of Educational Leadership, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.



Pang, N. S. K. & Leung, Z. L. M. (2009). Module 1 of the Training Program for School Development Committees “To Promote Teaching and Learning Efficacy through the Implementation of Assessment for Learning” (in Chinese). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Centre for the Development of Educational Leadership, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.



Pang, N.S.K. & Leung, Z.L.M. (2007). Module 5 of the Training Program for School Development Committees of a Quality Education Funded Project. Supporting students’ learning needs: Metacognition and Curriculum Implementation. (In Chinese) Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Center for the Development of Educational Leadership, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. 


Public and Professional Service

  • Honorary Education Consultant of Hong Kong, Kowloon & New Territories Kindergarten Education Advancement Association (港九新界幼稚園教育協進會) 2019-Up till Now
  • Guest speaker of professional development programme: 優質幼兒教育——幼兒科學及數學教育in Oct - Nov 2021 organized by Education and Youth Development Bureau (澳門教育及青年發展局), Macao Special Administrative Region
  • Guest speaker of C-for-Chinese@JC project: Leaders Programme on 21 May 2022
  • Guest speaker of C-for-Chinese@JC project: Empowering Teachers to Embrace Culturally Responsive Teaching and Social and Emotional Learning in Classrooms (2022-2026) on 21 May 2022, 4 June 2022, 11 June 2022 and 18 June 2022



(852) 2948 7070

(852) 2948 7070
(852) 2948 7160

MA. Child & Family Education, EDUHK
BEd. Early Childhood Education, EDUHK


Research Areas

  • Teachers' professional development
  • Young children's development
  • Family education


Publications and Conference Presentations

Li, J. B., Leung, I. T. Y., & Li, Z. (2021). The pathways from self-control at school to performance at work among novice kindergarten teachers: The mediation of work engagement and work stress. Children and Youth Services Review 105881. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2020.105881

Leung, T. Y. & Li, J. B. (2020). Pre-service Early Childhood Education students' self-control and their in-service job performance: The role of work adjustment. Paper accepted by the ISSBD Biennial Meeting 2020



(852) 2948 7565

(852) 2948 7565
(852) 2948 7160

PhD Victoria
MECh Macquarie
BT (EarlyChildhood) Monash

Research Areas

  • STEM/STEAM Education in early years
  • Curriculum and Pedagogy in Early Childhood Education
  • New technologies in early childhood Education

Selected Funded Projects


Principle Supervisor: Prof Lee, C.K. J., Co-Supervisors: Dr Vivienne Leung, Dr Annie Hu, Dr Sun Jin, Dr Winnie Lam and Dr Sarah Lee. Early Childhood Education STEM and Maker Education.  

2020 - 2022  

Tang, Y.F., Chan, P.L., Cheng Y. L., Wong, K. S. (CoPI), Chung, S.L., Han, C. W., Hu, X., Hui, L. P. Lam, H. C., Lau, C. W., Leung, W. M., Mou, W. P., and Woo, Y. S. (CoI). (November 2020 –December 2022).  Project on EdU Online Classes Platform. Faculty of Education and Human Development. $2,500,000).


InnoTech lab for people with diverse learning needs

Project start year: 2019, Chief Investigator: Dr Chi Hung Leung, Co-Investigator: Dr  Vivienne Leung & Dr Rebecca Cheng


Support Young Children’s STEM learning: Creating and implementing an innovative APP

Project start Year: 2019, Chief Investigator: Dr Annie Hu & Dr Elaine Cheng, Co-Investigator: Dr Vivienne Leung & Dr Christina Han


Developing a portable STEM Toolkit to support early childhood teacher education

Project start Year: 2019 Chief Investigator: Dr Annie Hu, Co-Investigator: Dr Vivienne Leung


Global Childhoods: Lifeworlds and Educational Success in Australia and Asia

Project Start Year : 2018  Chief Investigator(s) : Prof Nicola Yelland ; Prof Sue Saltmarsh ; Dr. I-Fang Lee, Co-Investigator: Dr Vivienne Leung,  Dr Anita Chan


Leung, W.M.(PI), Wong, K.S., Lai, Y. C., & Ho, J. (3/2019-2/2020). 透過探究式繪本教學促進幼兒全人發展. Quality Education Fund (QEF) ($245,200) (Project No: 2017/1087)


Leung, W.M.(PI), Wong, K.S., Lai, Y. C., & Ho, J. (3/2019-2/2020). 帶領幼兒走向社區 家校攜手愉快學習. Quality Education Fund (QEF) ($249,000).  (Project No: 2017/1086).


Wong, K.S., & Leung, W.M. (8/2018-7/2019). 透過師生共創遊戲學習區促進幼兒全人發展. Quality Education Fund, HKSAR, HK$145,000.


L. Jones & Leung, W. M.. A Case study that examines whether reflection within a blended learning environment contributes towards transformative change in classroom practice. Teaching Development Grants(TDG)



Lai, Y. C. (PI),  Leung, W. M.,  Wong, K. S., & Cheuk, W.H.(Co-PIs) (1//9/2015- 31/12/2016). Include Non-Chinese Speaking Children into a local kindergarten through home school collaboration.  Quality Education Fund (QEF) ($139,300) (Project Number: 2014/0388).



Leung, W. M.(PI),  Lai, Y. C., & Wong, K. S. & Cheuk, W.H. (Co-PIs) (1/7/2015- 31/08/2016). Life Education Through Picture Book. Quality Education Fund (QEF) ($149,000) (Project Number: 2013/0786).



Wong, K. S. (PI), Leung, W. M., Lai, Y. C., Ho, J. & Cheuk, W.H.  (Co-PIs) (1/7/2015- 31/8/2016). Learning Fun in the Community Quality Education Fund (QEF) ($150,000) (Project Number: 2013/0859).



Blaise, M., Leung, W.M.V., & Sun, C. (2013). Working with partial perspectives: De-colonising and de-imperialising research in the early years. Hong Kong



A Pilot Study - An Exploration of Children's Learning in homes in the 21th Century

2010 - 2009


An Investigation of the environment and the teaching practice of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in pre-primary education in Hong Kong.

2009 - 2010


The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) for young children with disabilities in Hong Kong special child care centres: A pilot study. (2009-2010, with Leung, W. M)

2007 - 2008


Creating a Community of Practice with ICT: An Internet Based Initiative

2007 - 2008


Assessing Children’s Learning and Development through Portfolio. (HK$479,370. Teacher Development Plan, Pre-Primary Education Voucher Scheme, PLK Lau Chan Siu Po Kindergarten, PLK Yik Kwai Fong Kindergarten and PLK Ting Mau Kindergarten, Education Bureau, 2007-08, with Ho, J. (Leung W. M. & Lai, Y. C. / As a Project Leader)

2006 - 2007


Using Multi-model Teaching and Learning Experiences to Enhance Early Childhood Education



IT Research Project



DVD Production of an Introduction to Preschool Teacher Education Programmes in Hong Kong Institute Education

2006 - 2007


Enhance young children’s development and learning through children’s portfolio (2006-07, with Cheung Y. M.) (Project No: 2005/0747) (Leung W. M. & Lai, Y. C. / As a Project Leader)

2004 - 2005


Exemplars for Early Childhood Education: Innovating teaching and learning with ICT in Higher Education

2003 - 2004


Graduate Survey of Certificate in Early Childhood Education (Chinese) Programme (Three-year Full-time) (Second Cohort, 1999-2002)

2003 - 2004


Graduate Survey of Certificate in Early Childhood Education (Chinese) Programme (Three-year Full-time)



An Exploration of Computer Environment of Kindergarten in Hong Kong-A pilot study



Playing is Learning: Summer Fun School Project 2000

2000 - 2001


An Investigation of School Adjustment of Newly Arrived Children From Mainland China in Hong Kong Kindergarten: A Pilot Study



Playing is Learning: Summer Fun School Project 1999

1998 - 2000


Problem Solving Approach to Conflict for Preschool Children in Hong Kong 採用解決問題方法以消除紛爭為香港學前兒童而設的計劃


Selected Outputs

Journal Publications

Refereed Journal Article


Leung, W. M. V. (2023). STEM Education in Early Years: Challenges and Opportunities in Changing Teachers’ Pedagogical Strategies. Education Sciences, 13(5), 490. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/educsci13050490


Hu, X., Chiu, M.M., Leung, W.M.V., & Yelland, N. (2021). Technology Integration for young children during COVID-19: Towards future online teaching. British Journal of Educational Technology, 00,1-25. . https://doi.org/10.1111/bjet.13106 


Yelland, N., Muspratt, S., Bartholomaeus, C., Karthikeyan, N., Chan, A., Leung, W.M.V., Lee, I-F., Soo, L.M. J.,  Lim, K. M., & Saltmarsh, S. (2020). Lifeworlds of nine and ten year old children: Out-of-school activities in three global cities. Globalisation, Societies and Education. DOI: 10.1080/14767724.2020.1816921


Leung, W.M.V., Tse, L.T., & Jones, E. (2019). Putting Bourdieu's Concepts of Habitus and Field to work: Exploring Blended Learning. Journal of Education and Human Development, v. 8, (2),  DOI: 10.15640/jehd.v9n1a8


Leung, W.M. V. (2019). A Case Study of Picture Books as a Stimulus for a Project Approach in Hong Kong. Journal of Education and Human Development, v. 8, (3). DOI: 10.15640/jehd.v9n1a11


Leung, W.M. V., & Hu, X.Y. (2019). We Want STEM": Exploring Digital Toys in a Hong Kong Kindergarten'. Journal of Education and Human Development, v. 8, (4), 82-93.(DOI: 10.15640/jehd.v8n4a11).


Nicola J. Yelland & Leung Wai Man Vivienne (2016): Policy into practice in Hong Kong pre-primary kindergartens: the impact of a reform agenda viewing early childhood as the foundation for lifelong learning, Early Years, DOI: 10.1080/09575146.2016.1234433



Blaise, M., Leung, W. M. & Sun, C (2013). Views from Somewhere:situated knowledges and partial perspectives in a Hong Kong kindergarten classroom. Global Studies of Childhood, Volume 3, Issue 1, 2013, 12-25.


Lai, Y. C. & Leung, W. M. (2013). The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) for children with special needs in Hong Kong special child care centres: A pilot study (in Chinese). Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 12(1), 37-44.



Leung, W. M. (2012). An Investigation of the Environment and Teaching Practice of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Pre-primary Education in Hong Kong. The International Journal of Science in Society, Volume 3, Issue 1, 101-116.



Leung, W.M. (2011). Diverse experiences of learning with Information and Communication Technologies in Hong Kong kindergartens from children’s perspectives. The International Journal of Learning. 18(2). 305-318



Yelland, N. J., & Leung, W. M. (2009). Digital explorations for knowledge building and extending the creative capacities of students. Arts in Society, 4(2), 257-265.



Leung, W.M. (Fall, 2003). The Shift from Traditional classroom to Digital classroom: Hong Kong Kindergartens. Childhood Education. Association for Childhood Education International.


Non-refereed Article



Mary Martin Patton & Tereasa M. Kokoski 著, 梁衛文、馬小慧譯。(1999):學校的幼科學、數學和科技課程是否完善?<幼教育文摘>,香港,香港教育學院

Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters

Research book or monograph



藍美容、張麗霞和梁衞文 (2002):《幼兒美術》,香港,朗文香港教育。


Conference Papers

Refereed Conference Paper



Leung W.M.V (2013, April) Teachers’ Attitudes and Practices Toward the Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Early Childhood Education in Hong Kong Kindergartens. Paper Presented at the Internal Symposium on Education and Psychology (ISEP2013).



Blaise, M., Leung, W.M.V., & Sun, C. (2013). Views from somewhere: situated knowledges and perspectives in a Hong Kong Kindergarten classroom. Paper presented at the Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association 14thAnnual Conference, Korea.



Leung, W.M. (2012, July). A pilot study – An exploration of children’s learning using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) at homes in the new century and the impact of parental involvement. Paper presented at the Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association 13th Annual Conference, Singapore.



Lai, Y.C. & Leung, W.M. (2012, June). The Use of Information and Communication Technologies for Young Children with Disabilities in Hong Kong Special Child Care Centres: A Pilot Study. Paper presented at The 12th International Conference on Diversity in Organisation, Communities and Nations, Vancouver, Canada.



Leung, W. M. (2011, August). An Investigation of the Environment and Teaching Practice of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Preprimary Education in Hong Kong. Paper presented at The Third International Conference on Science in Society, Washing DC, USA.



Leung, W. M. (2010, July). Sharing Diversed Cases of Children’s Learning: Information and Communication Technologies. Paper Presented at The Seventeenth International Conference on Learning 2010, Hong Kong.



Yelland, N., & Leung, W.M. (2005). Learning mathematics and becoming numerate: A cross cultural study. Paper presented in the AARE 2005 International Education Research Conference, NSW, Australia.



Leung, W.M. (2004, July). An Innovative Program with ICT in early childhood program in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the XXIV World Congress of OMEP, Melbourne, Australia.



Leung, W.M. (2004, June). Enhancing Children’s Project Work with ICT in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the Eleventh International Literacy and Education Research Network Conference on Learning, Cuba.



Leung, W.M. (2003, December). An Exploration of Computer Learning Environment of Kindergarten in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the International Computer Conference in Education, Hong Kong.



Leung, W.M.V. & Han, C.W.C. (2001, June). Appropriate software development for young children. Workshop presented at the OMEP conference, Hong Kong.



Leung, W.M.V. & Han, C.W.C. (2001, June). Creatrve Ideas in the use of computers with young children. Workshop presented at the OMEP conference, Hong Kong.



Lam, M.S., & Leung, W.M. (2000, August). An investigation of school adjustment of newly-arrived children from mainland china in Hong Kong kindergartens: A pilot study. Paper presented at the 10th European Conference on Quality in ECE, London, U.K.



Mellor, E.J., Fredriksson, G., and Leung W.M. (2000, July.). Changing expectations about young children's learning outcomes. Symposia’s paper, Australasian Developmental Psychology Conference, Brisbane, University of Queensland.



Han, C. W. C., & Leung, W. M. V. (1999, November). Integrating innovative computer activities in kindergarten classrooms - Hong Kong experience. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of National Association of Education for Young Children 1999, New Orleans, USA.



Leung, W. M., Lai, Y.C., Lam, W.M. & Ngan, S.F. (1999, March). Creative in music,art and movement. Workshop conducted in the Forth International Conference of OMEP, Hong Kong.

Other Conference Paper



Lai, Y. C., Leung, W. M., & Ho, J. (2009, October). Assessment using young children portfolio: A case study in Hong Kong preschools. Paper Presented at the Asian Conference on Education 2009, Osaka, Japan.



Leung, W. M., Lai, Y. C., & Ho, J. (2009, October). Hong Kong Preschool Teachers’ Perspectives of Using Portfolio to Assess Young Children’s Learning and Development. Paper Presented at the Asian Conference on Education 2009, Osaka, Japan.

Creative & Literary Works, Reports and Published Teaching Materials






Published Teaching Materials












劉寶蓮、馬小慧和梁衛文 2000):《以問題解决的方法去解决紛爭--活動手冊》,香港優質教育基金及香港教育學院。









Mary Martin Patton & Tereasa M. Kokoski,梁衛文、馬小慧譯。(1999):學校的幼兒科學、數學和科技課程是否完善?<幼兒教育文摘>,香港,香港教育學院。




(852) 2948 8446

(852) 2948 8446
(852) 2948 7160

BEd(BNU), MEd (BNU), Ph.D. (HKU)

Research areas

  • Curriculum and pedagogy;
  • Developmental cognitive neuroscience;
  • Developmental psycholinguistics;
  • Early literacy and bilingualism;
  • Educational policy;
  • School leadership;
  • Teacher education.


Selected Funded Projects


National Natural Science Foundation of China (CNY$560,000)

Behavioral and Neuroimaging Study of the Impact of Digital Addiction on Young Children's Executive Function (Project No. 62277037) (Principal Investigator).


ACECQA., Australia (AUD$182, 911)

Quality Improvement Research Project (Q.I.R.P.). (PI).


Quality Education Fund (HK$598,100)
Foster Kindergarteners’ Positive Values and Optimistic Attitude through School-based Picture Books and Arts Activities

(Project No. 2016/1102) (PI)


General Research Fund, HKSAR (HK$ 776,650)

Is Whole-Day Programme Better? A 3-Year Longitudinal Comparison of the Effects of Whole-day versus Half-day Kindergarten Programmes (Principal Investigator). 


General Research Fund, HKSAR (HK$723,136)

Understanding and Closing the Literacy Gap between Rural and Urban China: A Longitudinal Study of Primary One Students in Guangdong and Guizhou Provinces (Co-investigator).


General Research Fund, HKSAR (HK$492,200)

Early Childhood Mandarin: Commonalities and Distinctions among Beijing, Hong Kong, and Singapore (Principal Investigator).


Quality Education Fund, HKSAR (HK$ 178,800)

Developing an Early Childhood Classroom Observation Scale to Assess the Quality of Education in H.K. Kindergartens (Principal Investigator)


General Research Fund, HKSAR (HK$498,000)

Teaching literacy in Hong Kong, Shenzhen, and Singapore: pedagogical differences between kindergartens and primary schools (Principal Investigator).


Quality Education Fund, HKSAR (HK$ 1,504,900)

A curriculum-based child assessment model for quality early childhood program (Co-Investigator)


Quality Education Fund, HKSAR (HK$690,000)

Enhancing the Quality of Learning and Teaching in Preschools Using the Guidelines of Preschool Performance Indicators (Co-Investigator).


Quality Education Fund, HKSAR (HK$2,460,000)

A Self-Assessment and Self-Improvement Model for Quality Teaching in Preschools QEF (Co-Investigator).


Selected Output

A complete list of my publications is available at: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hui-Li-23


-          Books (selected)


Li, H. ,& J.J. Chen (2023). The Glocalization of Early Childhood Curriculum: Global Childhoods, Local Curriculum. Routledge.


Yang, W., & Li, H.(2019). Early Childhood Curriculum in Chinese Societies: Policies, Practices, and Prospects. Routledge.


Li, H. , Park, E.H., & Chen, J. (eds.) (2017). Early Childhood Education Policies in the Asia Pacific: Advances in Theory and Practice. Springer.


Li, H.(2014). Teaching Chinese Literacy in the Early Years: Psychology, Pedagogy, and Practice. U.K.: Routledge.


Tse, S.K., & Li, H. (2011). Early Child Cantonese: Facts and Implications. Volume 42 of Studies on Language Acquisition [SOLA] Series. Berlin, Germany: Gruyter Mouton.


Li, H.(2007). Story Approach to Integrated Learning: The Curricula and Pedagogies. Hong Kong: Oxford University Press.


Pang, L.J., & Li, H. (1995). Infant Psychology (Taiwan Edition). Taipei: Wu Nan Press.


-          Book Chapters (selected)


Raban, B., & Li, H.(2021). What Australia and Hong Kong can learn from each other? A comparison of the early childhood curriculum guidelines. In HKBU SCE 45th Anniversary Anthology of Education Theses. Hong Kong: Baptist University.


Li, H. , & Wang, J. (2017). Implementing Free Early Childhood Education in a Completely Privatized Market: A Case Study of Hong Kong. The SAGE Handbook of Early Childhood Policy, 120-132.


Li, H. , & Wang, X.C. (2017). International Perspectives on Early Childhood Education in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan. In N. Rao, J. Zhou, & J. Sun (Eds.), Early Childhood Education in Chinese Societies (pp. 235-250). Netherlands: Springer.


Rao, N. & Li, H. (2008).  “Eduplay:” Beliefs and Practices Related to Play and Learning in Chinese kindergartens.  In I.P. Samuelsson, & I.M. Fleer, (eds.), International Perspectives on Early Childhood Education and Development (pp. 73–92). Springer Academic Publishers.


Wong, N.C., Li, H., & Yung, Y.M. (eds.) (2004). Self-evaluation and Self-improvement in Hong Kong Early Childhood Settings by Using the Performance Indicators Guidelines. Hong Kong: Quality Education Fund.


Li, H., & Tse, S.K. (1999). Teaching and Learning of Chinese Characters in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Singapore. In R.Q. Dai, S.K. Tse & J.J. Hao (eds.), Teaching and Learning of Chinese Characters (pp. 290–301). Ji'nan: Shan Dong Educational Press.


-         Selected Journal Articles published since 2022


Ding, K., Li, C., Li, Y., & Li, H. (2023). Partner’s emotions are associated with preschoolers’ prefrontal activation under joint attention: An fNIRS evidence. Psychophysiology, e14398.


Luo, W., He, H., Liu, J., Berson, I. R., Berson, M. J., Zhou, Y., & Li, H. (2023). Aladdin’s Genie or Pandora’s Box for Early Childhood Education? Experts Chat on the Roles, Challenges, and Developments of ChatGPT. Early Education and Development, 1-18.


Li, H. , Wu, D., Yang, J., Xie, S., Chang, C., & Luo, J. (2023). Bilinguals have more effective executive function: Evidence from an fNIRS study of the neural correlates of cognitive shifting. International Journal of Bilingualism, 27(1), 22-38.


Harrison, L. J., Waniganayake, M., Brown, J., Andrews, R., Li, H., Hadley, F., ... & Hatzigianni, M. (2023). Structures and systems influencing quality improvement in Australian early childhood education and care centres. The Australian Educational Researcher, 1-23.


Leung, S. K., Wu, J., & Li, H. (2023). Explaining kindergarten teachers’ beliefs and practices regarding early visual arts education: a perspective from the theory of planned behavior. Journal for the Study of Education and Development, 1-35. https://doi.org/10.1080/02103702.2022.2133400.


Char, V., Harrison, L. J., & Li, H. (2023). Macro-structural predictors of Australian family day care quality. Frontiers in Public Health11, 1114256.


Xie, S., Gong, C., Lu, J., Zhang, H., Wu, D., Chi, X., Li, H., & Chang, C. (2022). An fNIRS Study of Applicability of the Unity–Diversity Model of Executive Functions in Preschoolers. Brain Sciences12(12), 1722.


Wang, W., Zhou, Y., Jiang, Y., Li, H., Liu, X. (2022). Are Parents Satisfied with China’s Puhui Early Childhood Education? Evidence from a National Validation Study. Early Education and Development, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1080/10409289.2022.2122669.


Dong, C., Cao, S., & Li, H. (2022). Profiles and predictors of young children’s digital literacy and multimodal practices in central China. Early Education and Development, 33(6), 1094-1115.


Zhang, B., Zhou, Y., Jiang, Y., Zheng, C., Li, H. , & Lan, S. (2022). Determinants of Preschool Choice: Understanding How Middle-income Parents Choose Kindergartens in Shanghai. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 1-13.


Wu, D., Li, H. , & Degotardi, S. (2022). Motion events in early child Mandarin: How preschoolers communicate dynamic spatial information in toy-play context?. Lingua, 270, 103218.


Li, H. , Wu, D., Degotardi, S., & Chik, A. (2022). Family language policy and bilingual parenting in monolingual Beijing: latent profiles and associated predictors. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1080/13670050.2022.2058867.


Yang, W., & Li, H. (2022). The role of culture in early childhood curriculum development: A case study of curriculum innovations in Hong Kong kindergartens. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 23(1), 48-67.


Xie, S., & Li, H. (2022). Self-regulation mediates the relations between family factors and preschool readiness. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 59, 32-43.


Li, H. , Wu, D.D., Liang, & Jing, M.G. (2022). Predicting Chinese and English Interrogative Development in a Multilingual Context: A Corpus-based Study of Singapore Preschoolers. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 25(1), 241-260. DOI:10.1080/13670050.2019.1662368.


Luo, J., Yeung, P. S., & Li, H. (2021). Impact of media multitasking on executive function in adolescents: behavioral and self-reported evidence from a one-year longitudinal study. Internet Research. https://doi.org/10.1108/INTR-01-2021-0078.


Wu, D., Cai, L., Liang, L., & Li, H. (2022). Patterns and predictors of code-switching in Singapore preschoolers: a corpus-based study. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism25(8), 2933-2948.




(852) 2948 7789

(852) 2948 7789
(852) 2948 7160

Ph.D. in Human Development, Educational Psychology Specialization

University of Maryland, College Park, U.S.A


Graduate Certificate in Measurement, Statistics & Evaluation 

University of Maryland, College Park, U.S.A 


M.Ed. in Developmental and Educational Psychology 

Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China 


B.Eng. in Automation, North China Electric Power University, Beijing, China 


Research Areas

  • Language Development and Reading Acquisition
  • English-Chinese Bilingual Reading
  • Technology-Based Reading Intervention
  • Text Readability and Leveled Reading


See more details here https://pappl.eduhk.hk/rich/web/person.xhtml?pid=280653&name=LI-Yixun


Selected Funded Projects

Principal Investigator

2021 - 2022  

Constructing and validating readability models for Chinese elementary school texts in Hong Kong

Seed Research Fund at EdUHK (#RG 37/2021-2022R), total cost: HKD 124,468

2021 - 2022  

Contributions of decoding, vocabulary, and reading motivation to reading comprehension in Chinese

Start-up Research Grant at EdUHK (#RG 35/2021-2022R), total cost: HKD 30,000



2018 - 2020  

How do children learn new words through self-teaching?  

Spencer Foundation (#18103093) 

PI: Dr. Min Wang, University of Maryland, College Park, total cost: USD 49,405 

2017- 2019  

Self-teaching mechanism and influence factors during reading of Chinese children 

Beijing Natural Science Foundation (#5172020) 

PI: Dr. Hong Li, Beijing Normal University, total cost: RMB 200,000 (USD 30,000) 

2016 - 2017


Internet+ based invention of dyslexia 

Education online center, Ministry of Education of the P.R. China (#2016YB113) 

PI: Dr. Hong Li, Beijing Normal University, total cost: RMB 50, 000 (USD 7,000) 


Pinyin GraphoGame in the Mobile Library 

KONE Centennial Foundation 

PI: Dr. Hong Li, Beijing Normal University, total cost: RMB 20, 000 (USD 3,000) 



Selected Outputs

Journal Publications


Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications 


1. Li, Y., Hui, Y., Li, H., & Liu, X. (Accepted). The use of phonological and semantic strategies in written word learning among Chinese children with dyslexia. Journal of Learning Disabilities.


2. Li, Y., Wang, M., Li, C., & Li, M. (Accepted). Phonological training and word learning in a novel language. Frontiers in Communication.  



3. Li, Y., Xiao, L., & Li, H. (2021). Self-teaching in Chinese: The roles of phonetic and semantic radicals in orthographic and vocabulary learning. Journal of Research in Reading. http://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9817.12379       


4. Li, Y., Wang, M., & Espinas, D. (2021). Self-teaching in orthographic learning among learners of English as a second language. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 34, 1295-1320. http://doi.org/10.1007/s11145-020-10115-4      


5. Li, Y., Hui, Y., Li, H., & Liu, X. (2021). Compensation for poor character learning: intact visual and phonetic strategies among Chinese children with dyslexia. Annals of Dyslexia. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11881-020-00210-0      


6. Li, Y., Li, H., & Wang, M. (2021). Orthographic learning via self-teaching in Chinese: The roles of phonological recoding, context, phonetic, and semantic radicals. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jecp.2020.104913


7. Li, Y., Chen X., Li, H., Sheng, X., Chen, L., Richardson, U., & Lyytinen, H (2020). A computer-based Pinyin intervention for disadvantaged children in China: Effects on Pinyin skills, phonological awareness, and character reading. Dyslexia, 26(4), 377-393. https://doi.org/10.1002/dys.1654


8. Li, Y., Li, H., & Wang, M. (2020). The roles of phonological recoding, semantic radicals, and writing practice in orthographic learning in Chinese. Scientific Studies of Reading, 24(3), 252-263. https://doi.org/10.1080/10888438.2019.1663199

in press  

9. Yan, M., Li, Y., Sun, X., Zhou, X., Hui, Y., & Li, H. (in Press). The role of decoding and vocabulary in Chinese reading development: Evidence from a 3-year longitudinal study. British Journal of Educational Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjep.12365

Co-principle author        


10. Ruan, Y., George, K, G., Song, S., Li, Y., & Shu, H. (2018). Is phonological awareness a stronger correlate of reading in English and morphological awareness a stronger correlate of reading in Chinese? A meta-analysis. Journal of Educational Psychology, 110 (2), 180-202. https://doi.org/10.1037/edu0000216


11. Cui, J., George, K. G., Zhang, Y., Li, Y., Zhou, X., & Shu, H. (2017). Examining the relationship between rapid automatized naming and arithmetic fluency in Chinese kindergarten children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 154, 146-163. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jecp.2016.10.008 


12. Li, H., Dronjic, V., Chen, X., Li, Y., Cheng, Y., & Wu, X. (2017). The role of semantic relatedness, phonology, and orthography in the development of Chinese primary school students' morphological awareness. Journal of Child Language, 44(5), 1218-1247. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0305000916000477


13. Georgiou, G., Cardoso-Martins, C., Das, J. P., Falcón, A., Hosokawa, M., Inoue, T., Li, Y., Martinez, D., Padakannaya, P., Parrila, R., Pollo, T., Salha, S. S., Samantaray, S., Shu, H., Tanji, T., Tibi, S., & Vieira, A. A. P. (Accepted). Within and cross-language contributions of rapid automatized naming to reading accuracy and fluency in young adults: Evidence from eight languages representing three writing systems. Journal of Cultural Cognitive Science. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41809-021-00092-7  


14. Zhou, T., Li, Y., Li, H., Xu, Z., Zhang, F., Cheng, Y. (2021). The relationship between oral fluency and reading comprehension among Chinese children: A 3-year longitudinal study. Psychological Development and Education, 37(5), 691-700. (CSSCI in Chinese) https://doi.org/10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.05.10  


15. Yan, M., Li, H., Li, Y., Zhou, X., Hui, Y., Cheng, Y., & Wu X. (2020). The importance of decoding skills and vocabulary to reading comprehension in Chinese reading development. Psychological Development and Education, 36(3), 311-317. (CSSCI in Chinese) https://doi.org/10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2020.03.08


16. Yue, X., Han, D., Li, H., Yu, L., Wang, J., Wang, Y., Yao, G., Cheng, J., & Li, Y. (2019). Program of pinyin game training as an intervention tool in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and reading disorder: a pilot randomized controlled trial. Chinese Journal of Psychiatry. 52 (2), 117-122. (CSSCI in Chinese) https://doi.org/10.3760/cma.j.issn.1006-7884.2019.02.003


17. Hui, Y., Zhou, X., Li, Y., De, X., Li, H., & Liu, X. (2018). Developmental trends of literacy skills of Chinese lower graders: The predicting effects of reading-related cognitive skills. Psychological Development and Education, 34(1), 73-79. (CSSCI in Chinese) http://dx.doi.org/10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.01.09


18. Li, Y., Li, H., De, X., Sheng, X., Richardson, U., & Lyytinen, H. (2017). An evidence-based research on facilitating students' development of individualize learning by game-based learning-pinyin GraphoGame as an example. China Educational Technology, 364, 95-101. (CSSCI in Chinese)


19. Li, Y., Xiao, L., Zhang, J., Li, H., & Liu, X. (2016). Orthographic learning in Chinese children: Effects of character type and exposure. Psychological Science, 39(5), 1105-1109. (CSSCI in Chinese) https://doi.org/10.16719/j.cnki.1671-6981.20160513


20. Zhou, X., Cheng, Y., Li, Y., Han, C. & Li, H. (2016). The role of oral reading fluency in Chinese children’s reading development. Psychological Development and Education, 32(4), 471-477. (CSSCI in Chinese) http://dx.doi.org/10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2016.04.11


21. Ding, F., Cheng, Y., Zhang, J., Li, Y., & Li, H. (2016). Influence of collaborative reasoning discussions on written argument of Chinese children. Curriculum, Teaching Material, and Method, 36(3), 108-113. (CSSCI in Chinese) http://dx.doi.org/10.19877/j.cnki.kcjcjf.2016.03.020


Refereed Book Chapters 


1. Li, Y.*, & Zou, L. (2022). The application of AI teacher in facilitating game-based literacy learning: An introduction to theories and evidence-based tools. In L. Carol-Ann (Ed.): Handbook of Research on Acquiring 21st Century Literacy Skills Through Game-Based Learning (pp. 381-195). Hershey, USA: IGI Global Press. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-7271-9.ch020


2. Espinas, D., Wang, M., & Li, Y. (2020). Orthographic learning: A multilingual perspective. In G. Neokleous, A. Krulatz, & R. Farrelly (Ed.): Handbook of Research on Cultivating Literacy in Diverse and Multilingual Classrooms (pp. 82-106). Hershey, USA: IGI Global Press. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-7998-2722-1.ch005



3. Li, H., Li, Y., De, X., & Lyytinen, H. (2016). The role of GraphoGame in pinyin learning for Chinese children. In W.L. Li (Ed.): Research on Children's Reading. Beijing, China: Beijing Normal University Press. (in Chinese)


4. Lyytinen, H., Erskine, J., Li, Y., Su, M., & Li, H. (2016). Trajectories of reading development and early identification and prevention of difficulties of reading acquisition: evidence from a longitudinal study in Finland and China. In W.L. Li (Ed.): Research on Children's Reading. Beijing, China: Beijing Normal University Press. (in Chinese)



International Refereed Conference Presentations


1. Zhao, Y., Li, Y., Xu, Z., Zhang, B., &. Liew, Jeffrey. The relationship between self-regulated learning strategies and academic performance in online context: A meta-analysis. Spoken paper to be presented at the annual conference for the American Educational Research Association (AERA 2022), San Diego, USA.


2. Zhao, Y., Li, Y., Choi, D., Joseph, M., & Dunlap., K. Students’ perceived support and motivational impact by transition to online learning during COVID-19. Spoken paper to be presented at the annual conference for the American Educational Research Association (AERA 2022), San Diego, USA.



3. Li, Y., & Wang, M. (2021, July). A systematic review of orthographic learning via self-teaching. Spoken paper presented at the 28th Society for the Scientific Study of Reading Annual Meeting (SSSR2021), Lancaster, United Kingdom.


4. Li, Y., & Li, H. (2021, May) Contributions of decoding, vocabulary, and reading motivation to reading comprehension in Chinese young children. Poster presented at the 33rd Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention (APS2021), Virtual Convention.


5. Yan, M., Li, Y., & Li, H. (2021, March). A closer look at the linguistic comprehension construct in the Simple View of Reading in Chinese. Poster presented at the 5th Annual Conference of Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, Taipei, Taiwan.


6. Li, Y., Espinas, D., Wang, M., & Peng, P. (2021, January). Self-teaching across writing systems: A meta-analysis. Spoken poster presented at the 11st annual Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development (BCCCD21), Budapest, Hungary.


7. Li, Y., Li, H., & Hui, Y. (2020, November). Intact visual and phonetic strategies in character learning among Chinese children with dyslexia. Poster presented at the 61st Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Virtual Psychonomics.


8. Li, Y., Li, H., & Hui, Y. (2020, October). Compensation for poor character learning: Intact visual and phonetic strategies among Chinese children with dyslexia. Spoken paper presented at the Words in the World International Conference 2020.


9. Li, Y., Li, H., & Hui, Y. (2020, September). The intact use of phonetic and semantic cues in orthographic and semantic learning among Chinese children with dyslexia. Spoken paper presented at the 4th Annual Conference of Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, Beijing, China.


10. Li, Y., Li, H., &. Xiao, L. (2020, September). Self-teaching in Chinese: The independent roles of phonetic and semantic radicals in orthographic and vocabulary learning. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science (APS) Poster Showcase.


11. Li, Y., Li, H., &. Zhou, X. (2020, August). The roles of phonetic and semantic radicals on orthographic learning via self-teaching among Chinese college students. Poster presented at the American Psychology Association 2020 Annual Convention (APA 2020), Washington, DC, USA.


12. Li, Y., Li, H., &. Zhou, X. (2020, July). Self-teaching among Chinese college students: The roles of phonetic and semantic radicals. Poster presented at the 27th Society for the Scientific Study of Reading Annual Meeting (SSSR2020), Newport Beach, USA.


13. Li, Y., Li, H., &. Xiao, L. (2020, May). Self-teaching in Chinese: The independent roles of phonetic and semantic radicals in orthographic and vocabulary learning. Poster presented at the 32nd Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention (APS2020), Chicago, USA.


14. Li, Y., Wang, M., &. Espinas, D. (2020, February). Chinese children self-teach English written words via reading aloud. Poster presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science 2020 Annual Meeting (AAAS 2020), Seattle, USA.


15. Li, Y., Wang, M., &. Espinas, D. (2019, November). Orthographic learning via self-teaching among English language learners. Poster presented at the 60th Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada.


16. Li, Y., Wang, M., &. Espinas, D. (2019, July). Self-teaching in orthographic learning among learners of English as a second language. Spoken paper presented at the 26th Society for the Scientific Study of Reading Annual Meeting (SSSR2019), Toronto, Canada.


17. Li, Y., Wang, M &. Espinas, D. (2019, May). Children learn new words during independent reading: the case of learners of English as a second language. Poster presented at the 31st Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention (APS2019), Washington, DC, USA.


18. Li, Y., Li, H., & Wang, M. (2018, July). The roles of phonological recoding, context, and writing practice in orthographic learning in Chinese. Spoken paper presented in a Symposium on Orthographic Learning at the 25th Society for the Scientific Study of Reading Annual Meeting (SSSR2018), Brighton, United Kingdom.


19. Li, Y., Wang, Y., & Li, H. (2017, July). Orthographic learning in Chinese with and without phonological recoding, in and out of context. Poster presented at the 24th Society for the Scientific Study of Reading Annual Meeting (SSSR2017), Halifax, Canada.


20. Li, Y., Xiao, L., Zhang, J., & Li, H. (2016, July). Orthographic learning during stories reading aloud of Chinese children. Poster presented at the 23rd Society for the Scientific Study of Reading Annual Meeting (SSSR2016), Porto, Portugal.


21. Li, Y., Li, H., Richardson, U., & Lyytinen, H (2016, July). Early identification of poor readers and preventive training in Chinese using Pinyin GraphoGame: results from disadvantaged children in Mainland. Poster presented at the 31st International Congress of Psychology (ICP2016), Yokohama, Japan.


22. Li, H., Zhang, J., Xiao, L., & Li, Y. (2016, July). Transparent semantic radicals facilitate orthographic learning in Chinese. Spoken paper presented at the 23rd Society for the Scientific Study of Reading Annual Meeting (SSSR2016), Porto, Portugal.


23. Ruan, Y., George, K, G., Song, S., Li, Y., & Shu, H. (2016, July). Does writing system influence the association between phonological awareness, morphological awareness, and reading? A meta-analysis. Spoken paper presented at the 23rd Society for the Scientific Study of Reading Annual Meeting (SSSR2016), Porto, Portugal.


24. Li, Y., Li, H., Lyytinen, H., Richardson, U (2016, April). The facilitative effect of Computer-based Pinyin intervention on Chinese children with poor pinyin skills. Spoken paper presented at the 2nd International Conference of Chinese Applied Psychology (ICCAP2016), Beijing, China.


25. Li, H., Li, Y., Richardson U., Lyytinen, H. (2015, October). Early identification of poor readers and preventive training with Pinyin GraphoGame in China. Spoken paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Poverty Reduction and Child Development, Beijing, China.


26. Li, H., Li, Y., De, X., Richardson, U., & Lyytinen, H. (2013, July). Early identification of poor readers and preventive training in Chinese using Pinyin GraphoGame: results from a pilot study in the Mainland. Symposium spoken paper presented at the 20th Society for the Scientific Study of Reading Annual Meeting (SSSR2013), Hong Kong, China.



National Refereed Conference Presentations


1. Yan, M., Li, H., Hui, Y., Zhou, X., Li, Y., & Liu, X. (2017, November). The Relative Importance of Literacy and Spoken Words in Reading Development. Spoken paper presented at the 20th National Academic Congress of Psychology of China, Chongqing, China.


2. Wang, Y., Li, Y., & Li, H. (2016, October). Mechanism and influential factors of the process of self-teaching among Chinese children. Spoken paper presented at the 19th National Academic Congress of Psychology of China, Xi’an, China.



3. Li, Y., Xiao, L., Zhang, J., & Li, H. (2015, October). Orthographic learning and influential factors of the process of reading stories aloud among Chinese children. Spoken paper presented at the 18th National Academic Congress of Psychology of China, Tianjin, China.


Professional Activities


Journal Editor


Journal Reviewer

  • Journal of Experimental Child Psychology
  • Contemporary Educational Psychology
  • Scientific Studies of Reading
  • Applied Psycholinguistics
  • Annals of Dyslexia
  • International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
  • International Multilingual Research Journal
  • International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching
  • Journal of Cultural Cognitive Science
  • Frontiers in Psychology


Award Reviewer

  • Student Research Award, Association for Psychological Science 2020; 2021


Conference Reviewer

  • Division 15 (Educational Psychology), American Psychology Association 2021



  • Departmental Research and Higher Degrees Committee, ECE Department, The Education University of Hong Kong, 2021-2023
  • Board of Examiners (Departmental Representative) for Professional Development Programmes, ECE Department, The Education University of Hong Kong, 2021-2022
  • Review Committee on Research, Maryland Language Science Center, 2021
  • Internal Self-study Committee, Maryland Language Science Center, 2019
  • Outreach Committee, Maryland Language Science Center, 2018



(852) 2948 7644

(852) 2948 7644
(852) 2948 7160

BA in Music, University of Queensland (with Dean’s Commendation for High Achievement)

MA in Music Education, The Education University of Hong Kong (with Distinction and Scholarship)

EdD, The Education University of Hong Kong

Certificate in General Mediator Training, Hong Kong Mediation Centre




Dean’s Award in Teaching Excellence (Hong Kong Baptist University)


National Teaching Excellence Award (7th China Youth Arts Festival)


Professional Recognition

Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA), United Kingdom

Associate Member of Hong Kong Mediation Centre


Research Areas

  • Creative thinking
  • Early Childhood Music Education


Selected Output

Journal Publications

Refereed Journal Article


Lo, K. M. J. (2019). From Teacher-Designer to Student-Researcher: A Study of Attitude Change Regarding Creativity in STEAM Education by Using Makey Makey as a Platform for Human-Centred Design Instrument. Journal for STEM Education Research, 1-17.



Non-refereed Article


羅潔湄 (2020):  <家長的創意如何,子女的創意也必如何?> ,載於《今日校園》。http://www.ecampustoday.com.hk/book-detail.php?id=3838


Conference Presentations


Lo, K. M. J. (2022). “Application of Creative Thinking Skills (CTS) into STEAM-based activities in Hong Kong context”. Presented at the online conference of “Arts in STEAM 2022”, Linz, Austria.


Wong, W. L. V.  & Lo, K. M. J. (2022). “Sharpening your teaching expertise: reflections from dialogic teaching in public administration leadership and research supervision”. Presented at Beijing Normal University, Durham University and Monash University Joint Online Conference.


Wong, W. L. V.  & Lo, K. M. J. (2021). “Perception of Serving Teachers in Hong Kong on their Teacher and Leader Competency Before and After Joining the Profession”. Presented at Beijing Normal University, Durham University and Monash University Joint Online Conference.

2021   Lo, K. M. J. (2021). “How tertiary educators can contribute to a conducive and effective “coaching culture”? ”. Presented at Teaching and Learning Refresher Series, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong.

Wong, W. L. V.  & Lo, K. M. J. (2020). “Reflection and re-engineering for STEM policy-makers: Implications from Finnish STEM-conducive culture based on the “MERGE” model”. Presented at Visiting Scholar Seminar Series, University of Queensland, Australia.


Lo, K. M. J. (2018). “From Teacher-Designer to Student-Researcher: Measurement of Creativity in STEAM Education by Using Makey Makey as a Human-Centred Design Instrument”. Presented at the International Postgraduate Roundtable and Research Forum 2018, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.


Public/ Professional Service

2022 - Present  

Committee member, Po Leung Kuk Independent Review Committee for Residential Child Care Service


Member, The PECERA-HK Strategic Partnership Sub-Committee of Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association (Hong Kong)

2021- Present  

Specialist of the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ)


Accreditation Panel Member, Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ)


Mentor, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at University of Queensland (UQ)


Journal Reviewer, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)



(852) 2948 6388

(852) 2948 6388
(852) 2948 7160



Diploma in Special Child Care Work, HKBU

High Dip (ECE) EdUHK


Research areas

  • Drama pedagogy
  • Early childhood curriculum
  • Special education


Professional Recognition

Member of Professional Association of Master of Education In Early Childhood Education of The Education University of Hong Kong



(852) 2948 7635

(852) 2948 7635
(852) 2948 7160

Doctor of Philosophy in English (Applied English Linguistics) , The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Master of Arts in Linguistics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Postgraduate Certificate of Education (English), The University of Hong Kong

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Language Information Science, City University of Hong Kong


Research Areas

  • Early English learning
  • Early language and literacy development
  • Childhood bilingualism


Selected Funded Projects


Principal Investigator, “Effects of English phonological awareness-enriched vocabulary instruction on Hong Kong Chinese English as a second language (ESL) children's vocabulary development, phonological awareness, and literacy skills.” Departmental Research Grant 2024-25, Department of Early Childhood Education, The Education University of Hong Kong. Funded. HK$180,000.


Co-Investigator, “Meta-analysis of the influence of English picture book reading on preschool children's English vocabulary acquisition” Social Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars 2022/23, Guangzhou City University of Technology. Funded. RMB$20,000.


Co-Investigator, “Applying cognitive linguistics to teaching count nouns and mass nouns to L1 Cantonese ESL learners across different age groups” Seed Grant Funding Scheme 2022/23, School of Continuing Education, Hong Kong Baptist University. Funded. HK$97,915.


Co-Investigator, “The use of information and communication technology of kindergarten teachers in the initial teacher training in Hong Kong.” Seed Grant Funding Scheme 2022/23, School of Continuing Education, Hong Kong Baptist University. Funded. HK$103,587.



Principal Investigator, “Perceptions of parents, principals and teachers on quality education under the Kindergarten Education Scheme in Hong Kong.” Seed Grant Funding Scheme 2020/21, School of Continuing Education, Hong Kong Baptist University. Funded. HK$99,237.



Co-Investigator, “Investigating relationships between theory and practice in language teaching: A longitudinal study.” HKU Seed Funding 2014/15, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong. Funded. HK$104,765.


Conference Presentations


Pang, H. K., & Tam, S. Y. (2023, July 7-9). Teacher Perspectives on the Impact of Governance, Transparency, and Monitoring Measures on Educational Quality: An Evaluation of the Kindergarten Education Scheme in Hong Kong [Poster presentation]. The 23rd Conference of Pacific of Early Childhood Education Research Association, Bali, Indonesia. 


Tam, S. Y., Lau, M. K., & Pang, H. K. (2023, July 7-9). Adaptation and Validation of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Competence Scale in Hong Kong [Poster presentation]. The 23rd Conference of Pacific of Early Childhood Education Research Association, Bali, Indonesia.


Pang, H. K., & Tam, S. Y. (2022, July 8-10). Pursuing Quality Education under the Kindergarten Education Scheme: Perspectives of Teachers and Parents in Hong Kong [Poster presentation]. PECERA-HK Celebration of 25th Anniversary of HKSAR Establishment cum 22nd PECERA Annual Conference, Hong Kong. 



Pang, H. K. (2021, January 8-10). A Cognitive Linguistics Application for Second Language Pedagogy [Paper presentation]. Continuing Professional Development International Conference 2020 for English teaching professionals worldwide, Hong Kong.  



Pang, H. K. (2020, May 24-27). A Cognitive Linguistics Application for Second Language Grammar Pedagogy [Paper presentation]. Asian Conference on Arts & Humanities, Tokyo, Japan. 


Pang, H. K. (2019, April 5-6). Fostering Second Language Conceptualization and Development: Teaching English Tense and Aspect in Hong Kong Classrooms [Paper presentation].13th International Conference on Language, Education, Humanities and Innovation, Osaka, Japan.

2018   Pang, H. K. (2018, June 16-17). Applying Cognitive Grammar to Teaching English Past Tense and Progressive Aspect in the Foreign Language Classroom [Paper presentation]. The 18th Annual Conference of the Japan Second Language Association, Tokyo, Japan.


Public and professional services

External Reviewer, SCOLAR’s Research and Development Projects 2021-22, Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR), Education Bureau (2020)

Member, Core Group (Arts) for the Kindergarten Resource Centre, Education Bureau (2019-2020)

Invited Speaker, Professional seminars at the HMSC Expo 2021: Experiencing a Lesson in Early Childhood Education, Curriculum Development Institute, Education Bureau (2021)  

Vice Chairperson, SCE 45th Anniversary International Conference - Celebrating Nature-based Early Childhood Education, School of Continuing Education, Hong Kong Baptist University (2020)

Reviewer, International Conference on Environment and Human Health: Challenges and Opportunities in the 21st Century, Research Centre for Environment and Human Health, School of Continuing Education, Hong Kong Baptist University

Consultant, Early Childhood Education Department, Young Women’s Christian Association (2021- present)


Programme Leadership

Programme Director, Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Early Childhood Education, School of Continuing Education, Hong Kong Baptist University (2019-2023)

Programme Director, Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Early Childhood Education (Part-time Mode) - Senior Year Admission, School of Continuing Education, Hong Kong Baptist University (2019-2023)

Programme Director, Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education, School of Continuing Education, Hong Kong Baptist University (2020-2023)

Person-in-Charge (2019-2023):

  • English Language Enhancement Programme for Kindergarten Principals. Commissioned by Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR), Education Bureau
  • English Language Enhancement Programme for Kindergarten Teachers Level 1. Commissioned by Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR), Education Bureau
  • English Language Enhancement Programme for Kindergarten Teachers Level 2. Commissioned by Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR), Education Bureau
  • Chinese Language Enhancement Programme for Kindergarten Teachers – Foundation Programme. Commissioned by Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR), Education Bureau
  • Chinese Language Enhancement Programme for Kindergarten Teachers – Extended Programme (Chinese Learning of NCS Children). Commissioned by Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR), Education Bureau

Programme Leader, Overseas Study Programme on English Language Education for Primary School Principals in Hong Kong. Commissioned by Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR), Education Bureau (2011)

Programme Leader, English Language Enhancement Programme for Kindergarten Teachers Quality English Language Education at Pre-primary Level Project. Commissioned by Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR), Education Bureau (2009)



(852) 2948 7629

(852) 2948 7629
(852) 2948 7160
  • EdD, HKU
  • MSc.(MITE), HKU
  • BSc. (Zoology, Botany), MJPRU


 Research areas

  • Computational Thinking in Early Childhood Education
  • Teacher learning and professional development
  • Early childhood curriculum and pedagogy
  • New technologies in education
  • STEM/STEAM education in the early years
  • Digital play in future classroom
  • Computational Thinking in ECE
  • Creativity in ECE curriculum


Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles


Saxena, A., & Chiu, M. M. (2022). Developing preschool teachers’ computational thinking knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and teaching self-efficacies: A curriculum-based professional development program. Frontiers in Education, 7. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.3389/feduc.2022.889116


Saxena, A., Lo, C. K., Hew, K. F., & Wong, G. K. W. (2020). Designing Unplugged and Plugged Activities to Cultivate Computational Thinking: An Exploratory Study in Early Childhood Education. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 29(1), 55-66.


Conference Presentations/Papers


Saxena, A., & Gary Wong (2021). A Preliminary, Systematic Review of Teaching and Learning  Computational Thinking in  Early Childhood Education. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Thinking and STEM Education 2021. Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education.


Saxena, A. (2021). Challenges and Factors Influencing Early Childhood Education in Hong Kong during COVID-19: Teachers’ Perspective. Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT). IEEE 2021


Saxena, A., Smith, R., & Kip A. (2021). Distance Education in Hong Kong Preschools: Learning and Teaching During COVID-19 School Closures. Proceedings of the Southeast Asian Conference on Education (SEACE2021). The International Academic Forum (IAFOR)


Saxena, A., & Tsang A. (2021). Parental perspective on distance learning during class suspension: A study from Hong Kong Early Childhood Education sector. Proceedings of the 12th Asian Conference on Arts & Humanities (ACAH2021). The International Academic Forum (IAFOR)


Saxena, A., & Yau, B. (2021). ECE Leadership: Developing Resilience During Periods of Uncertainty in Hong Kong. Proceedings of the European Conference on Education. (ECE2021). The International Academic Forum (IAFOR)


Saxena, A., & Prasad K. (2021). Tools for Distance Education in Hong Kong Kindergartens During Unexpected School Closures. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Science & Education (ICCSE 2020). IEEE 2021


Saxena, A., & Hew, K. F. T. (2016). Using ICT in Early Childhood: What Teachers, Principals, and Parents Say. In International Conference on Computers in Education. Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education.


Paper Reviewer

  • Computers and Education
  • Journal of Research in Childhood Education
  • Educational Technology Research and Development
  • Teaching and Teacher Education
  • International Journal of STEM Education



(852) 2948 7574

(852) 2948 7574
(852) 2948 7160

PhD Warwick

Research Areas

  • Language, literacy and literature education
  • Drama pedagogy 
  • Qualitative research
  • Dialogism

Selected Funded Projects

External Research Grants


Ploughing drama education for innovating the preschool curriculum and pedagogy in Hong Kong (2019). HKD$ 314,208.5; The Eight Matching Grant of the University Grants Committee, Principal Investigator, in progress. 


Ploughing drama education for innovating the preschool curriculum and pedagogy in Hong Kong (2018-21). HKD$ 1,256,300; Research Donation, D.H. Chen Foundation, Principal Investigator; in progress.


A School-Based Project of Using Drama for Curriculum Enhancement (2017-2018). HKD$ 148,600; Quality Education Fund, HKSAR; Principal Investigator, Co-investigator: Ng Mei Lee, Yeung Ka Yee Karen. Education University of Hong Kong HSBC Early Childhood Learning Centre; completed.


The Glocalisation of Drama Education in Early Childhood Education: the Cases of Taiwan and Hong Kong (2015-17). TWD$ 1,235,500; General Research Project, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan; Co-investigator, Principal Investigator: Professor Lin Mei-Chun (National University of Tainan); completed.


A School, Theatre and University Partnership in Integrating Drama into Preschool Curriculum (2013-15); HKD$ 1,338,000; Commissioned Research, Hong Kong Theatre Repertory, Principal Investigator; completed.


An Audience Research on The Insect Play (《昆蟲世界》劇場教育節目觀眾研究計劃) (2009-10); HKD$ 4,000; Collaborative research with Chung Ying Theatre Company(中英劇團); Principal Investigator; completed.


Internal Grants

in progress  

Construction of Chinese childhoods in participatory children’s theatre. HKD$ 80,000, Support to GRF/ECS Proposal Rated 3.5, RDO, Principal Investigator (In progress).

in progress  

Construction of Chinese childhoods in participatory children’s theatre. HKD$ 20,000, Departmental Funding support to conduct pilot study and develop the GRF/ECS proposal, Principal Investigator


Development of Creative Thinking Skills: Engagement of Teachers and Students in Learning, Assessment and Collection of Evidence. HKD 400,000, Establishment of Community of Practice for 2019/20-21/22 of EDUHK, Co-coordinator, Principal Coordinator: Tam Cheung On, Chan Kit Wa Anita, Cheng Chi Keung Eric, Rogers, John, Other Co-investigators, Chan Yiu Ming Gordon, He Yang, Leung Chi Hin Michael, Liu Hoi Yee Rowena, Ng Tsui San Teresa, Vass, Vilmos (In progress).


Arts and Creativity in Hong Kong Kindergartens: Towards ‘Glocal’ Pedagogies, HKD$ 600,000, Departmental Research Cluster Grant (2020-21), Co-investigator, Principal Investigator: Bautista Alfredo, Other Co-investigators, Wong Kit-Mei and Siu Tik Sze Carrey (In progress).


Integration of board games in early childhood teaching and learning, HKD$ 50,000; Innovative Teaching (Beyond e-Learning) of FEHD Support Grant (2019-20), Project Leader; Member, Ng Mei Lee, Sam Cheung and Serena Fung (In progress).


Using Multisensory Drama for Teaching Children with Diverse Needs, HKD$ 50,000; Innovative Teaching (Beyond e-Learning) of FEHD Support Grant (2017-18), Project Leader; Member, Lai Yuk Ching Eva (Completed).


Using Drama Education as an Innovative Pedagogy in Higher Education, HKD$ 49, 875; Innovative Teaching (Beyond e-Learning) of FEHD Support Grant (2016-17); EDUHK; Project Leader; Members, Pauline Chan Po Lin Pauline, Lau Yi Hung Eva, Lai Yuk Ching Eva, Ng Mei Lee and Tam Mei Ngan Tammy (Completed).  


The teaching of performance activities of Hong Kong Kindergarten Teachers (2012-13); HKD$ 30,000; Start-up Research Grant, HKIED; Chief Investigator (Completed).


Framing and reframing Language Experience Approach: A self-study of enhancing Hong Kong kindergarten teachers’ literacy instruction (2011-2013); HKD$ 50,000; Departmental Research Grant, HKIED; Chief Investigator (Completed).


An Ethnographic Study of the Children’s Communication in Social Dramatic Play (2009-11); HKD$ 81,816; Internal Research Grant, HKIED; Chief Investigator (Completed).  


A Pilot Study of the Emergence of Children’s Multiliteracies in Dramatic-play Corner (2008-9); HKD$ 13,300; Small Scale Research Grant; Chief Investigator (Completed).



Selected Outputs

Journal Publications

Refereed Journal Article


Tam, Po-Chi (Accepted). Artistic transfiguration: Drama education as a method of post-COVID-19 education. The Journal of Drama and Theatre Education in Asia.


Tam, Po-Chi (2020). ‘Now I send you the rays of the sun’: A drama project to rebuild post-COVID-19 resilience for teachers and children in Hong Kong. Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance doi.org/10.1080/13569783.2020.1816816


Tam, Po-chi (2020). Editorial: The lines of flight, transgression and connectability of drama, The Journal of Drama and Theatre Education in Asia, 9, 1-3.


Lin, Mei-Chun & Tam, Po Chi (2018). The glocalization of early childhood drama education in Taiwan & Hong Kong: A study of dialogic video ethnography (臺灣與香港幼兒戲劇教育全球在地化──視像人種誌對話硏究), Curriculum & Instruction Quarterly (課程與教學季刊)[1],2(13),1-28.


Tam, Po Chi. (2018). Teacher as Fool: A study of the teacher’s power in the carnivalesque practice of drama education, Pedagogy, Culture & Society[1]. 26(2), 283-300.


Tam, Po Chi (2017). Editorial: Drama participation and children’s rights. The Journal of Drama and Theatre Education in Asia, 7, 1-4.


Tam, Po Chi. (2017). Integrating Conventions Approach with picture books: The approaches, practices and challenges of early childhood drama education in Hong Kong (繪本融合戲劇習式方法:香港幼兒教育實踐戲劇教育的模式、狀況與挑戰), Research in Arts Education (藝術教育研究)[1], 34, 65-91.


Tam, Po-chi (2016). Editorial: Exploring Asian drama/theatre education: From transculturation, localization to Asia as Method. The Journal of Drama and Theatre Education in Asia, 6(1), 1-5.


Tam, Po-Chi (2016). Children’s creative understanding of drama education: A Bakhtinian perspective. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 20, 29-39.


Chung, Y. H. & Tam, P. C. (2015). A multi-case study of using drama education for enhancing parent-child communication (戲劇教育加強親子溝通之多個案究), Research in Drama Education & Theatre Studies (戲劇教育與劇場研究期刊), 5, 83-114.


Tam, Po-chi. (2014). The quest for glocalisation of drama education: a case study in training Hong Kong early childhood teachers (尋繹戲劇教育全球在地化之道:香港幼兒教育教師培訓個案研究), Research in Arts Education (藝術教育研究). 27, 1-26.


Tam, Po-chi (2013). Editorial: Glocalisation of drama education: A glimpse from Hong Kong perspective. The Journal of Drama and Theatre Education in Asia, 4(1), 1-7.


Tam, P. C. & Wong, K. M. (2013). ‘Teaching’ children to play theatre games: A collaborative inquiry with a student teacher (‘教’幼兒玩劇場遊戲:與實習教師之協同探究), The Journal of Drama and Theatre Education in Asia, 4(1), 65-82.


Wang, Wan-Jung, Tam Po-Chi, Kim, Byoung-Joo & Kok, Heng-Leun (2013). New imaginings and actions of Drama Education and Applied Theatre in NIE4 in Asia.Research in Drama Education, 18(1), 79-93.


Tam, P. C. (2012). A self-study of using Paper Bag Princess and Drama-in-Education for teaching critical reading: Crafting and re-crafting drama conventions (以繪本《紙袋公主》結合教育戲劇實踐批判閱讀教學之自我研究:陶造與再陶造戲劇慣例的運用), Contemporary Educational Research Quarterly (當代教育研究)[1], 20 (4), 85-120.



Tam, Po Chi (2012). Children's bricolage under the gaze of teachers in sociodramatic play. Childhood: A Journal of Global Child Research, 20(2), 244-259.



Wang, Wan-Jung, Tam, Po-chi, Kim, B. J. and Kok, H, L. (forthcoming). New imaginings and actions of Drama Education and Applied Theatre in NIE4 in Asia, Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance (SSCI).



Wong, P. S. & Tam, P. C. (2011). A comparative study of the effects of story reading and storytelling on the reading performance of young children (比較讀故事和說故事對幼兒閱讀表現的影響). Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 10, 25-31.



Tam, P. C. (2010). A case study of the aesthetic responses of young theatre audience: The Insect Play (青少年觀眾的審美回應:以《昆蟲世界》作個案研究). Research in Arts Education (Taiwan SSCI, HSCI core), 20, 67-92.



Tam, Po-chi (2010). Appropriating drama pedagogy: Learning from the local practices in Hong Kong. Pedagogy, Culture & Society, 18(3), 309-329.



Tam, Po-chi (2010). The implications of Carnival theory for interpreting drama pedagogy. Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance (SSCI), 15(2), 175-192.


Non-refereed Articles in Professional Publication


Tam, P. C. (2019). Using picture books to nurture the wisdom of children (繪本培養智慧小孩). Hong Kong Public Libraries Newsletter, 109 (Nov), 10. https://app4.rthk.hk/special/15minsreading/article.php?id=149


Tam, P. C. (2018/9). Thinking outside the box with drama education (突破框框的戲劇教育). EDUHK Early Childhood Education Newsletter, 2, 1. 


Tam, P. C. (2016/7). Drama-in-Education supports children to rehearse ideas and affects (戲劇教育幫助幼兒預演意念和情感). EDUHK Early Childhood Education Newsletter, 3, 3. 


Tam, P. C. (2016). Drama education: the fun to experience, explore and create picture books (戲劇教育:給幼兒體驗、探索與創作繪本的樂趣), In Cheung, K. Y. (Ed.). It is beneficial to play: a collection of exemplary practices of integrating drama into preschool education (戲有益─戲劇融入學前教育教案結集) (pp.15-20). Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Theatre Repertory.



謝錫金, 祁永華, 岑紹基, 鄺偉良, 譚寶芝 (2002). 《母語教學施行情況調查報告》. 香港: 香港大學出版社.


Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters

Research book or monograph



Tse, S. K., Ki, W. W., Tam, P. C., Shum, M., & Kwan, S. N. (2003). Project Learning and Assessment (專題研習與評量). Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.



Wong, S. H., Szeto, S. Y., Ng, L. C. & Tam, P. C. (1996) Ten Famous Ci Poets in Jin & Yuan Dynasty (金元十家詞選). Shanxi: Tai Bai Wen Yi Publisher.


Chapter in an edited book


Tam, P. C. (2018). Neither a borrower nor a lender be? Better to question how to borrow: An exploration of Asia as Method in teaching drama-in-education in Hong Kong, In Kennedy, K.J. & Lee, J. Chi-kin (Eds.). Routledge International Handbook of Schools and Schooling in Asia (450-463). London: Taylor & Francis.


Tam, Po Chi. (2017). A Hong Kong version of early Chinese literacy education: A Sinophone perspective, In Li, Minyi, Fox, J., & Grieshaber, S. (Eds.). Contemporary Issues and Challenges in Early Childhood Education in the Asia-Pacific Region (82-102), Singapore: Springer.



Tam, P. C. (2015). Chinese language education in Hong Kong early childhood education: Current development and future challenges (香港幼兒語文教學的發展狀況、挑戰與方向), In Tse, S. K., Lee, M. and Chan, S. P. (Eds.), Early childhood literacy: Effective Chinese language acquisition and teaching (幼兒綜合高效識字:中文讀寫的理論與實踐) (pp.3-19). Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.



Tam, P. C. (2005). Variations in Drama-in-Education (教育戲劇中的變易). In Ki, W. W., Tse, S. K., Shum, M. S. K. (Eds.), The theory of variation and the space of learning (pp.66-77). Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.



Tam, P. C. (2004). How to use drama-in-education to promote student response in poetry lesson (教育戲劇如何促進讀者回應──以一次詩歌教學為例). In C. S. S. Leung & S. C. Wong (Eds.), Current studies on reading research and the teaching of reading (pp. 81-99). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Reading Association.



Tam, P. C. (2003). A problem solving approach to the design of Chinese grammar online course (網上漢語文語法解難自學教程設計探討). In Tse, S. k., Ki, W. W. & Shum, S. K. (Eds.), Network for Chinese Language Education: Research, Development and Classroom Usage. (pp. 292-302). Guangzoug: GuangDong Higher Education Publisher.


Conference Papers

Refereed Conference Paper


Tam, Po-chi and Lin, Mei-chun (2019). Glocalising drama education in Hong Kong and Taiwan: An Asia-as-Method approach. Paper presented at the 9th International Drama in Education Research Institute, Critical Research Unit in Applied Theatre, University of Auckland, 2-9 July, New Zealand.


Tam, Po-chi and Po Leung Kuk Cheung Poon Mei Yee Kindergarten (2016). After partnership project: The conditions necessary for sustainable development of drama education in school (伙伴計劃以後:校本戲劇教育持續發展的要素), Poster presented at the Conference for Research in Early Childhood Education, the Hong Kong Institute of Education, 12 May, Hong Kong.


Tam, Po-chi (2015). Children’s creative understanding of drama education: A Bakhtinian perspective, Paper presented at the 8th International Drama in Educ