Master of Social Sciences in Global and Regional Studies

New admission for 2024 entry
Remark: The Master of Social Sciences in Global Hong Kong Studies is retitled to Master of Social Sciences in Global and Regional Studies from 2022/23.
The Master of Social Sciences in Global and Regional Studies is the first Master programme that adopts multi-dimensional and multidisciplinary perspectives on studying and understanding Hong Kong and the rise of a sustainable and competitive global city-region in the Pearl River Delta region. The programme provides students with a macroscopic perspective in analysing the historical transformation of global order through the changing status of Hong Kong from British to Chinese sovereign powers, and more recently, the processes and challenges in the socio-economic transformation in the development of the Greater Bay Area as a world-class megalopolis. Having equipped with global and historical perspectives, this programme encourages students to microscopically examine social, cultural, political and economic aspects of the region’s development. Students will be equipped with the knowledge and skills from different fields within a robust pedagogical framework and are well-positioned to pursue diverse careers in the government, mass media, educational institutions, non-governmental organisations, as well as private enterprises. Graduates of this programme will also be able to pursue further studies in a variety of disciplines, ranging from interdisciplinary studies to disciplinary-specific research degrees.
Hotline : | (852) 2948 8727 |
Fax : | (852) 2948 8018 |
E-mail : | |
WeChat no.: | we59384843 |
Website : | |
In person : | Room D3-1/F-22A, Department of Social Sciences and Policy Studies, The Education University of Hong Kong, 10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong |
Every effort has been made to ensure that information contained on this website is correct. Changes to any aspects of the programmes may be made from time to time due to unforeseeable circumstances beyond our control and the University reserves the right to make amendments to any information contained on this website without prior notice. The University accepts no liability for any loss or damage arising from any use or misuse of or reliance on any information on this website. In the event of any disputes regarding the website content, the University reserves the right to make the final decision.
On successful completion of the programme, students will be able to demonstrate the following abilities:
- Master the up-to-date knowledge of the complexity and dynamism in regional development in the Greater Bay Area and the role of Hong Kong in the region from social, economic, spatial, and governance perspectives;
- Acquire multiple perspectives and innovative skills in studying different regional development strategies and pathways in the national and global contexts;
- Apply social science concepts, theories and methodologies empirically to case studies and real-life examples in relation to the developmental issues of the Greater Bay Area by creatively imagining future possibilities as well as solutions; and
- Uphold ethical responsibility and sensitivity to the diversity of values in global and regional studies.
The programme comprises 24 credit points (cps). Students normally take one to two years to complete the programme. They need to attend classes which may be held in the evening/daytime on weekdays or weekends at the Tai Po Campus or Tseung Kwan O Study Centre and/or satellite study center near Kowloon Tong as decided by the University.
The programme consists of 8 core courses and 2 elective courses. Students are required to complete 24 credit points for graduation.
For one-year full-time mode, each student will need to take 4 courses in Semester I and 4 in Semester II: | |||
Core: | Semester | Core: | Semester |
From Area to Global Studies: Conceptual Foundations and Selected Issues | Semester I | Urbanism and the Socio-Economic Geographies in the Pearl River Delta | Semester II |
Research Methods in Global and Regional Studies | Semester I | Migration and Families in Global and Regional Contexts | Semester II |
Global Politics | Semester I | Digital Communities in a Globalized Era | Semester II |
The History of South China: Local and Global Contexts | Semester I | Regions in the Global Economy | Semester II |
Elective: Global Financial Market and Instruments | Semester I | Elective: Local and National Issues in Education | Semester II |
For two-year part-time mode, each student can take 2 courses in each semester. | |||
Two core courses | Year 1 Semester I | Two core courses | Year 1 Semester II |
Two core course OR One core course plus one Elective | Year 2 Semester I | Two core course OR One core course plus one Elective | Year 2 Semester II |
There are two options for completing the 24 credit points for graduation:
1. Students who opt for coursework are required to take eight core courses (3 cps each) OR 6 to 7 core courses plus 1 to 2 electives (3 cps each) adding up to 24 cps for the graduation. | |||
Component | Credit Points (CPs) | ||
All 8 Core courses | 24 | ||
Total | 24 |
2. Students who have sufficient research competencies, have obtained approval, and opt for the Research Project (6 cps) are required to take the two compulsory core courses (3 cps each) plus any 4 courses from the remaining core courses and electives (3 cps each) adding up to 24 cps for the graduation. | |||
Component | Credit Points (CPs) | ||
From Area to Global Studies: Conceptual Foundations and Selected Issues | 3 | ||
Research Methods in Global and Regional Studies | 3 | ||
Any 4 out of the remaining Core courses/ Elective | 12 | ||
Research Project | 6 | ||
Total | 24 |
The medium of instruction is English.
This programme is offered on a self-funded basis. The tuition fee for the whole programme is HK$120,000, which is provisional and subject to adjustment. Tuition fees paid are normally not refundable or transferrable. Extension fees will be charged to students who have to extend their studies beyond the normal duration. (For September 2022 Entry)
Entrance Scholarships are available and awarded on the basis of academic merits with consideration of non-academic achievement.
- Applicants should normally hold recognized Bachelor's degrees or equivalent. Shortlisted applicants may be required to attend an interview.
- Applicants whose entrance qualifications are obtained from institutions in a non-English speaking system should normally meet the EdUHK’s post-graduate admission language requirement:
- IELTS 6.0 or above; or
- a TOEFL score of 80 (internet-based test); or
- Grade C or above in GCSE / GCE OL English; or
- Band 6 in the Chinese Mainland’s College English Test (CET) (a total score of 430 or above and the test result should be valid within two years); or
- Other equivalent qualifications.
For details, please visit:
Course | Course | ||
From Area to Global Studies: Conceptual Foundations and Selected Issues | SSC6265 | Urbanism and the Socio-Economic Geographies in the Pearl River Delta | SSC6322 |
Research Methods in Global and Regional Studies | SSC6321 | Migration and Families in Global and Regional Contexts | SSC6324 |
Global Politics | SSC6223 | Digital Communities in a Globalized Era | SSC6325 |
The History of South China: Local and Global Contexts | SSC6323 | Regions in the Global Economy | SSC6326 |
Elective: EDS6002 Local and National Issues in Education | BUS6031 Global Financial Market and Instruments
Research Project: SSC6228 Research Project
Any aspect of course offerings (including, without limitation, the content of the course and the manner in which the course is taught) may be subject to change at any time at the sole discretion of the University. Without limiting the right of the University to amend the course and its course offerings, it is envisaged that changes may be required due to factors such as staffing, enrolment levels, logistical arrangements, curriculum changes, and other factors caused by unforeseeable circumstances. Tuition fees, once paid, are non-refundable.
Name | Phone | Room | |
Dr HO Ka Ki Lawrence Assistant Professor | 2948 8486 | lawrenceho | D3-1/F-07 |
Dr HUI Lai Hang Dennis Assistant Professor | 2948 6365 | huilh | D3-1/F-01 |
Dr MA Kin Hang Matt Lecturer I | 2948 7690 | makinhang | D2-1/F-05 |
Dr PAN Suyan Associate Professor | 2948 8616 | pansuyan | D3-1/F-52 |
Dr TAN Weiqiang Associate Professor | 2948 8540 | wqtan | D3-1/F-09 |
疫情期間的求學之路李儀萍 (2021 畢業生) | ![]() | |
突如其來的疫情,絆住了我們20級進入學校參與課堂面授的腳步。我們經歷了快一年的網課學習。儘管是線上上課,但我們依然收穫豐富。 網課教學模式一直被質疑其學習品質是否能被保證。然而,網課學習效果如何,是要看學生個人的學習意願與學習動力。雖然是網課,但是同學們依然通過線上交流互相幫助並且共同努力完成了小組作業。同學間的友好配合非常重要,通過合作收穫的友誼更加珍貴! 除了小組作業,個人的學術進階也很關鍵。老師們都非常尊重學生的意願,並且鼓勵學生去發掘自己研究興趣。老師們從來不會強制命題,都是以尊重學生興趣為基礎,然後循循善誘,幫助學生完成一篇優秀論文。並且老師們都特別願意在課後留時間給我們進行輔導。只要有問題找老師,老師都不會拒絕,從來沒出現過找不到老師的情況。 在這一年的學習中,我以自己本科金融學建模知識為基礎,在老師的引導下,不斷拓展相關的學習與研究。我先後用python完成了情感分析,用Nvivo完成了內容分析、文本分析、比較分析。在自己的research project中運用多元回歸模型和主成分分析模型結合SPSS和EViews的輔助得出自己的結論,通過操作软件得出模型是非常有成就感的事情。整個過程都伴隨著大量的文獻閱讀和文字輸出,是一個關關難過、關關過的過程。 在老師的幫助与教导下,我很幸運的獲得了我們學校RA的職位,并通過RA工作的經驗積累,之後又再次換工作到研究智庫。我非常感恩全球香港研究專業選擇了我,因为我們program是很適合在香港找工作的專業。我也很感恩我遇到的老師願意給我成長與發展的空間,我才能因此獲得人生發展的機會。“好的老師可以改變學生的一生“,至少我在我的老師的幫助與引導下,逐步走向正軌,走到了自己喜歡的事業道路上。 非常感恩這一年的學習經歷!感恩我遇到的老師!同時我也相信,天道酬勤,不輟努力與真誠做事必能迎來屬於自己的機會。 學習和研究都需要追尋自己內心的感受。核心問題上,不許彎腰,彎一次腰,一輩子都直不起來。過程很重要,結果不重要。努力永遠是自己的,財富不是,所以不要輕易被流行的東西帶走。不確定性也是正常的,不要焦慮成病。現在強調快的東西,但慢工也很重要。技的東西學的太多,別忘了術,還有學宏觀的趨勢,微觀的體驗。尊重內心的體驗,尊重自己的認知,尊重常識,方法會融入血液。 | ||
留學感想鄒想想 (2020 畢業生) | ![]() | |
來港念書是一念之間,所獲所得所改變的人生軌迹却仿若一眼萬年。 非常幸運,碩士一年畢業後,自己能成功留港在北區一所Top 5的學校當一名自我感覺很幸福的小學英文老師。回想一年前,很幸運自己能入讀教大,雖坦誠而言,教大在QS綜合排名上不若其他幾所高校,但她非常人性化、讓人一踏入就忍不住流連的圖書館,她免費、多樣、齊全“只要人來了就好”的運動設施,她多文化背景的各國外教語言支持,她系統貼心又接地氣的職業規劃支持……都讓我覺得自己這一年,很值,很“回本”。 更幸運自己入讀了全球香港研究專業。雖然這個專業跟我現在所從事的教育行業幷未有直接干係,却直接决定了我未來到底尋哪座城市,過好餘生。 全球香港研究專業,聽起來似有些寬泛,甚至光聽名字幷不能直接猜出到底學什麽,却用實實在在的乾貨幫我更全面地認識了香港,讓我能在2019年幷不平靜、衆說紛紜的大環境中依然對香港的未來對自己的未來懷抱積極的心態,讓我更堅定地選擇留港工作、生活。除了知識上的得獲,更讓我感動幷震撼的是這個專業的授課老師。他們極强的責任心和“護犢”之心,很有感染力的課堂激情,很包容、開明、尊重的學術態度和人生態度,很耐心的“聆聽“,很積極的回應,及go find your curiosity的鼓勵和引導……都在向我role model幷鼓舞著我:我要成爲且也可以成爲他們這樣的老師,然後,我的學生也會同我這般覺得溫暖幸運。因爲他們,我燃起了對教育的熱忱,决心留港,决心從事教育。 如果從結果倒推,問我,既然最後選擇做了老師,會不會後悔當初沒選作爲教大强項的教育類專業。我會毫不猶豫搖頭,不會後悔。 當初不選擇這個專業的話,我可能會被“墻裏墻外“紛紛擾擾真假難辨的“聲音”“嚇跑”,錯過這個依然充滿活力的城市;我可能會遇不到那些身體力行給我知識和價值觀啓蒙的老師們,錯過我熱愛的教育行業;我可能不知道原來從社會科學的角度看外面再看社會裏的自己會這般不一樣,可能不知道社會科學與教育會碰撞出我從未思考過的火花……我的人生軌迹會完全不一樣。 不後悔,且感恩。 感恩遇見教大,感恩遇見這個專業,感恩遇見這個專業的授課老師們,短短一年,受益良多。 心懷感恩,幷希望能將自己這一年有幸得之的收穫,傳遞給正在閱讀的你。 | ||
深港大齡跨境生求學記吳曉慧 (2019 畢業生) | ![]() | |
歷經三個月的艱苦備考拿到了雅思6分,通過了學校的層層選拔和面試,2018.5.31收到香港教育大學的研究生Offer,功夫不負有心人,一切塵埃落定! 作為香港八大之一,教育專業列全球第9,亞洲第2,教大實力不容小覷。養了兩個也算全面發展的學霸娃,我在教育方面還算有點經驗和感悟,很想系統地再學習深造一下。二娃在香港讀書,我一直很關心香港,也想深入地去瞭解香港並融入香港。再加上開公司做企業的經歷,必須關注國際局勢和經濟前景,所以“全球化和香港研究”這個專業很適合我。 開學前連續三天的學前Workshop,安排的周到又貼心。重返校園再進教室當學生的感覺,真的很棒!9.3正式開學,專業和課程都是自己感興趣的,所以學得興趣盎然。全班35人,大部分90後,還有不少應屆畢業生,不僅英語好,思維清晰,知識面也廣,我這樣的超齡學生壓力好大,只能更努力! 學到用時方恨少,最大的挑戰來自於全英文授課,之前從沒體驗過啊!因此每一次上課絕不敢怠慢,打起十二分精神基本能聽懂一大半,回去再回味復習一下也能跟上節奏。但碰到個別導師英語講太快,直接傻眼。英語不夠好,就得創造和抓住機會練習,學語言最重要的就是環境。於是在同學群裏宣導大家儘量用英語交流,朋友圈都發中英文雙語,課堂上也積極舉手回答問題、踴躍參與討論,不管說的對不對,敢說就行。再加上啃了許多英文文獻,寫了無數篇Response Paper,一年下來不管是英語閱讀,還是聽力口語都進步了一些,頗感欣慰。 最難的是Presentation和Research Paper,用中文來做都是很大挑戰,況英語乎!硬著頭皮也要上啊,經過充分準備和學習演練,還有小組小夥伴們的協作配合,總算順利又圓滿完成了每一次任務。為我們自己鼓掌喝彩!連英語演講都沒問題,相信大家以後在任何場合都落落大方不會怯場! 上學期寫過一篇“說說我們的教授和Tutor”,詳細介紹了德高望重的副校長趙教授,認真負責的Leader Dr Ho,謙謙君子溫潤如玉的王老師,帥氣幹練的Vic Li,細心細緻隨時隨地陪伴和幫助我們的Tutor正非。下學期還認識了非常用心、非常可愛的Eric,平易近人的Dennis,體貼溫和的Clara,時尚美麗的黎明老師。你們用專業的知識、認真的態度、清晰的講授、和親身帶領我們實地參觀考察,不僅為我們打開了知識的大門,還讓我們看到這個世界的多樣性、可能性,讓我們的眼界和視野更廣闊,衷心感謝你們! 教授們還教導我們不管做什麼、說什麼都要講究實證,用數據、事實來證明你的觀點,而不是信口開河、主觀臆斷。學會批判性思維,客觀公正地看待世間萬物。這些理論和方法,讓人一生受益! | ||
ELYASI Mahdi (Iran), (2018 Graduate) | ![]() | |
"The Programme has enabled me to identify all important elements and factors in an event. Because of following waves of development in this region taking a comparative approach in studying East Asian countries is so helpful in understanding the way they followed toward development. I can say with confidence, joining this programme has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. I have gained a strong foundation for further studies on the region. I am so glad I came to The Education University of Hong Kong to study." | ||
CHEN Zhiyuan (2018 Graduate, current PhD student of Peking University) | ![]() | |
“在教大學習這一年令我獲益匪淺,也對我考上北京大學的幫助非常大,衷心希望每一位老師都一切順利,學弟學妹們今後越來越優秀,志遠謹上” | ||
Au Yeung Ka Ki (2017 Graduate, current Assistant Curatorial Officer of a museum) | ![]() | |
"Taking this Programme, you will gradually dispel the myths of society through finding out the related evidences. Come and join us!" |
Field trip to Central on Hong Kong's Financial History
MGRS students participated in a field trip to Central to learn about Hong Kong's financial history and stories about financial institutions from an experienced banker as the guide.
A warm gathering with some MSSc(GHKS) students 2020/21 was held on 23 June 2021. Although behind masks, this was the first time students and the programme team met after a whole year of online classes. What a joyful afternoon!
Study Tour to Netherlands (Dec 2019)
Study Tour to Vancouver (June 2019)
Visiting refugee centre in Chung King Mansions led by Dr Ho (26 Oct 2019)
Learning By Doing in Shek Lei St John's Catholic Primary School led by Prof Chiu (17 Oct 2019)
Tai Po History Walk
Tai Po Walk

Trip to Hong Kong Museum of History
Library Tour
Iran Trip 2016
Selfie with local students at the Golestan Palace
Imam Square in Isfahan
Geneva Tour 2017
UN Geneva
International Red Cross and Red Crescent
World Council of Churches
配合大湾区建设 创建全新学科 ——访香港教育大学“全球香港研究”硕士课程副主任赵振洲博士
(深圳商报, 24-3-2021)近年来,在香港的高校研究领域逐渐兴起一个新的社会科学学科——“全球香港研究”。其中,最为典型、成果颇丰的当属香港教育大学。该校专门设置了“全球香港研究”的硕士研究生方向。
为了一探这个新学科的究竟,记者采访了香港教育大学赵振洲博士。赵博士是该校“全球香港研究”硕士课程副主任,她对此学科的缘起、设置及发展了解深入而全面。她说,“全球香港研究”主要是以全球化视野研究香港。香港是一带一路和粤港澳大湾区发展重要枢纽,也是重要的国际金融、贸易、和航运中心。Read More ...
教大首名伊朗生 學粵語融入本港
(星島日報報道)教育大學今個學年首次取錄來自伊朗的學生,隻身來港的Mahdi Elyasi,正攻讀全球及香港研究社會科學碩士。在港生活短短兩個月,他已入鄉隨俗,學習廣東話,又與港人一樣愛
上喝檸檬茶;Mahdi又發現兩地文化不謀而合,如伊朗人都是以米飯為主食,慶祝等同中國農曆新年的春節等。Read More ...

Master programme in Global and Hong Kong Studies offers students a whole new perspective, not just on global issues but also about themselves
(SCMP, Professional Education, 2016-12-09)
While university programmes are often interesting and useful, they are seldom lifechanging. But Wang Zhengfei, who began studying for his master’s degree in September, feels that the course is already changing him and how he views his future. Read More ...
香港留學錦囊鄒想想 (2020畢業生) |
(一) 教大資源篇 教大提供了非常多有用的綫上綫下資源,有時間建議一定要多參加/多利用^_^
(二) 香港教師求職篇 1. 提前一年的準備 2. 揾工過程 3. 薪酬相關 4. 教學工作量 |
(三) 香港生活及非教育行業求職篇
(四) 粵語篇 我起步還是晚了,如果决心留港,建議提前學習提前學習提前學習,根據我個人的經驗,3-6個月可以聽得懂大部分,有堅持聽說的話,不到一年可以比較流利地用粵語溝通~ 推薦app: 粵語U學員,粵語字典 |
附錄一 面試問題清單 我面試的主要是TA和英文老師的職位(中學和小學),以下是我面試過得部分學校的面試問題,原則是每間學校都不一樣,每年都會不一樣。爲保證公平性,不透露學校的名字,僅供參考。教大的Career develop team的面試培訓也會給出一個清單,那上面的問題也可以好好準備一下,有備無患~面試一般有2-3甚至4輪,一般都會有英文、普通話和廣東話三種語言。 A中學面試 第一輪:panel head + 2個英文老師,全英文面試 1. 爲什麽會申請這個崗位 2. 你對這個崗位的瞭解是什麽 3. 教英文需要過LPAT你知不知道 4. TA的人工比老師的會低很多,你知不知道 5. 在香港成爲一個老師需要做什麽你知不知道 6. 如果我們的學生英文很差,你打算怎麽教 7. 如果你說完指令後,學生聽不懂,你怎麽辦 8. 如果上課有學生非常調皮,擾亂課堂秩序,你怎麽辦 9. 你會不會講粵語 10. 你有沒有教青少年的經歷 11. 暑假要帶隊去國外study tour,你覺得OK嗎?你覺得自己可以勝任嗎? 12. 我們是宗教學校,你知道我們屬哪個宗教嗎?你如何看待宗教信仰? 第二輪:校長 1. 自我介紹一下(用普通話) 2. 用英文:你的未來規劃是怎麽樣的(進一步問了先生的工種和工作地方,以及關于孩子的事情) 3. 你的學歷比較高,爲什麽會願意做TA 4. 用粵語:你如何看待青年的社會運動 5. 用粵語:你如何看待宗教 6. 你有什麽其他問題 第三輪:校監 1. 用粵語:你爲什麽想申請我們這個崗位 2. 你有簽證嗎? 3. 用粵語:你家人在哪裏?你是獨生的嗎?進一步引出你的先生是做什麽的?教什麽科目 4. 用英語:你爲什麽想在香港當老師?而不是深圳?你未來的規劃是什麽? 5. 以下都是英語:你爲什麽選擇我們這個學校 6. 你對現在的香港社會運動怎麽看 7. 你有宗教信仰嗎? 8. 你的名字一直叫sunshine 嗎?爲什麽叫這個名字 B中學 第一輪 1st-round Interviewer: English panel head, Chinese panel head & liberal study panel head 1. For the 1st 10 minutes: three of the interviewer will act as students and ask me questions based on the Worksheet they are going to finish. Let me answer their questions —>involve pronunciation, difference between countable noun and uncountable nouns & how to respond students 2. How are you gonna help those students whose English is weak? 3. [用粵語問答]你如何對待班上的少數族裔學生及他們的信仰 4. What’s your expectation of this position 5. School mission 6. If you are gonna bring your students to the museum, according to the law, there must be another teacher accompany you but no teacher would like to do that? How do you deal with this? 第二輪面試:Interviewer: 3個課程主任 1. If you are going to cooperate with NET teacher on programs, what would you do? 2. Why do you wanna be an English teacher in HK instead of Mainland China? 3. Being a teaching assistant involves so many trifles, sometimes you’ll feel bored, how would u deal with that? 4. If your student can not speak good English and Putonghua and can only speak Cantonese, how would u deal with that? 5. What kind of extra-curriculum activities you can do to promote education diversity? 6. Do you know about cross-subject teaching? How would you do that? 7. Can you teach phonics? 8. [用普通話] 你對推廣天主教宗教活動有信心嗎? 9. [用普通話]你是碩士學歷,會不會覺得做教學助理太委屈了? 10. [用普通話]如果課堂一個學生對你很不尊敬,甚至駡你,你怎麽辦? 11. [粵語] 你可以帶領什麽課外活動? 12. Do you have any questions? 第三輪面試:面試者:校長,全英文面試 1. 簡單介紹一下自己的姓名,教育背景,經歷,爲什麽想應聘這個崗位 2. 這個崗位會涉及一些福音傳教,需要你role model, can you do that? 3. 你最終想當老師,那你知道申請PGDE的流程嗎? 4. 你在這裏工作需要工作簽證嗎? 5. 你如何看待香港的青年一代? 6. 如果你的學生讓你去參加游行,在校內反對升國旗,在校內舉行一些光榮香港的活動,作爲老師,你會怎麽做? C中學 1st-round Interview:2 interviewer 1. One-minute Self-introduction 2. Why do you want to be an English teacher 3. What’s your weakness 4. How are you gonna promote e-learning 5. How do you deal with SEN students 6. Some students can only speak Cantonese; will it be a concern for you? 7. What do you know about our school 8. Have you ever taught local school students 9. Do you have any question A小學 面試人:校長,3個主任 1. 用粵語自我介紹 2. [英文回答] what’s your understanding towards this teaching assistant position? 3. [用粵語回答] 如何幫助學生提高英文單詞的聽寫 4. 預期薪水 B小學 第一輪面試,3個老師,全英文 1. 自我介紹 2. 你喜歡教中學還是小學 3. 你在你的教育實習中遇到的困難點 4. 說課(一張reading section from textbook,準備15分鐘,然後向面試官說明我打算如何教這篇閱讀) C小學 第一輪面試:panel head 1. 自我介紹(英文) 2. 你打算如何交outdoor activity的生詞 3. 你如何做課堂管理?如果學生很頑皮,你怎麽辦? 4. 你會如何懲罰學生? 第二輪面試:副校長、2個高級主任 1. 你的學生如果喜歡電競,你會怎麽處理? 2. 你打算如何教post-reading? 3. 你可以教幾年級,可以教哪些科目 4. 請說一下你上份工作的主要內容 5. 你對香港社會運動的理解是什麽? 第三輪:校長 1. 你爲什麽要留港當老師?其他不記得了。。。 附錄二(谷歌香港教師薪級表即可) |