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IEd Promenade

The Hong Kong Institute of Education situates adjacent to the country parks and sites of special scientific interest, possessing rich ecological resources. Pretty butterflies’ hovering over colorful flowers is a common scene that could be seen on the campus. The ecological guided tour will include not only the introduction of common flora and fauna in the campus, but also the demonstration of aquaponics and organic farming, rendering you an enjoyable weekend outing of leisure and intellectuality.


Date   9 April 2016 (Sat) and 23 April 2016 (Sat)

Time   10:00 am - 4:30 pm

Venue   HKIEd Tai Po Campus 

Application   Registration Closed (FULL)

Application Deadline   1 April 2015 before 5:00 pm


Free of Charge and places are allocated on a first-come first-serve basis. 


2016年 04月 09日
10:00 - 16:30
HKIEd Tai Po Campus