最新活动 >
Students’ STEM Career Development: An Intervention Based on Social Cognitive Career Theory

The Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (FLASS) will organize a series of Weekly Faculty Research Postgraduate Seminars (FRPS) in 2019/20 for current Research Postgraduate (RPg) students to share their research progress or findings with others and to promote interdisciplinary research.  You are cordially invited to participate in the seminar with the following details:



Students’ STEM Career Development: An Intervention Based on Social Cognitive Career Theory




Ms HE Qianwen


PhD Student


Principal Supervisor:

Prof SO Wing Mui Winnie    

Department of Science and Environmental Studies



Date and Time:

02 December 2019 (Monday) 11:30am – 12:00 nn




D4-G/F-01, Tai Po Campus






All are welcome to join the seminars, no registration is required. For inquiries, please contact us at 2948 6348 or via email tamlw@eduhk.hk. In case of bad weather or typhoon signal No. 8 is hoisted before 6:00 am on that day, the seminar will be cancelled and rescheduled.  

2019年 12月 02日
11:30 - 12:00
D4-G/F-01, Tai Po Campus
+2948 6348