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You may visit the EdUHK Research Repository
(https://repository.eduhk.hk) or the websites of individual departments/offices/units for profiles of our academic staff. 
President : Professor John LEE Chi Kin
Tel No.  : 2948 7414
Fax No.  : 2948 6314
Website  www.eduhk.hk/en/about/university-leadership/university-administration/president
Vice President (Academic) : Professor May CHENG May-hung
Tel No.  : 2948 6213
Fax No.  : 2948 6700
Website  www.eduhk.hk/en/about/university-leadership/university-administration/vpac
Vice President (Research and Development) : Professor Chetwyn CHAN Che-hin
Tel No.  : 2948 7722
Fax No.  : 2948 7721
Website  www.eduhk.hk/main/about-us/offices-of-the-president/vprd
Vice President (Administration) and Secretary to Council : Ms Sarah WONG Man-yee
Tel No.  : 2948 6307
Fax No.  : 2948 6306
Website  : www.eduhk.hk/main/about-us/offices-of-the-president/vpadmin
Associate Vice President (Internationalization) : Professor LO Sing-kai
Tel No.  : 2948 7332
Fax No.  : 2948 6619
Website  : www.eduhk.hk/university-administration/associate-vice-president-internationalization
Associate Vice President (Quality Assurance) : Dr Susanna YEUNG Siu-sze
Tel No.  : 2948 8283
Fax No.  : 2948 8454
Website  : www.eduhk.hk/main/about-us/offices-of-the-president/vpac/avpqa
Associate Vice President (Institutional Advancement) : Dr CHOW Man-kong
Tel No.  : 2948 6071
Fax No.  : 2948 8466
Website  : www.eduhk.hk/university-administration/avp-institutional-advancement
Associate Vice President (Research) : Professor Ken YUNG Kin-lam 
Tel No.  : 2948 8108
Fax No.  : 2948 7697
Website  : www.eduhk.hk/en/about/university-administration/associate-vice-president-research

Dean : Professor Michelle GU Ming-yue
Tel No.  : 2948 6611
Fax No.  : 2948 6619
Website  : www.eduhk.hk/gradsch

Dean: Professor Bruce MACFARLANE
Tel No.  : 2948 8579
Fax No.  : 2948 8572
Website  : www.eduhk.hk/fehd
Departments and Centres
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Acting Head: Professor Yan Zi
Tel No.  : 2948 7562
Fax No.  : 2948 7563
Website  : www.eduhk.hk/ci
Department of Early Childhood Education
Head: Professor Kerry LEE
Tel No.  : 2948 7762
Fax No.  : 2948 7160
Website  : www.eduhk.hk/ece
Department of Education Policy and Leadership
Acting Head: Dr LU Jiafang
Tel No.  : 2948 8008
Fax No.  : 2948 7619
Website  : www.eduhk.hk/epl
Department of International Education
Acting Head: Dr LAM Chi-ming 
Tel No.  : 2948 7783
Fax No.  : 2948 8877
Website  : www.eduhk.hk/ie
Department of Psychology
Head: Dr Kevin CHAN Ka-shing
Tel No.  : 2948 8544
Fax No.  : 2948 7702
Website  : www.eduhk.hk/ps
Department of Special Education and Counselling
Head: Dr Phil LIU Duo
Tel No.  : 2948 8816
Fax No.  : 2948 7794
Website  : www.eduhk.hk/sec
Centre for Child and Family Science
Director : Professor Kevin CHUNG Kien-hoa
Tel No.  : 2948 8933
Fax No.  : 2948 8399
Website  : www.eduhk.hk/ccfs
Centre for Educational and Developmental Sciences
Director : Professor Kerry LEE
Tel No.  : 2948 8854
Website  : www.eduhk.hk/ceds

Centre for Psychosocial Health
Director : Dr HOU Wai-kai
Tel No.  : 2948 7404
Fax No.  : 2948 8454
Website  : www.eduhk.hk/cph

Integrated Centre for Wellbeing
Director : Dr Kevin YUEN Chi-pun
Tel No.  : 2948 8383
Fax No.  : 2948 8714
Website  : www.eduhk.hk/iwell

Dean : Professor John ERNI
Tel No.  : 2948 7970
Fax No.  : 2948 6199/7442
Website  : www.eduhk.hk/fhm
Departments and Centres
Department of Chinese Language Studies
Acting Head: Professor Pamela LEUNG Pui-wan 
Tel No. : 2948 7354/8153
Fax No.  : 2948 7207
Website  : www.eduhk.hk/chl
Department of English Language Education
Acting Head: Dr Lee Ju Seong
Tel No.  : 2948 7269
Fax No.  : 2948 7270
Website  : www.eduhk.hk/ele
Department of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies
Head: Dr Andy CHIN Chi-on
Tel No.  : 2948 7263
Fax No.  : 2948 8015
Website  : www.eduhk.hk/lml
Department of Literature and Cultural Studies
Acting Head : Dr Fung Chi-wang
Tel No.  : 2948 7979
Fax No.  : 2948 7207
Website  : www.eduhk.hk/lcs
Centre for Language in Education
Head: Dr JIN Jing
Tel No.  : 2948 7029/7896/8044
Fax No.  : 2948 8042
Website  : www.eduhk.hk/cle
Putonghua Training and Testing Centre
Head: Ms KEUNG Shuet
Tel No.  : 2948 7289
Website  : www.eduhk.hk/pttc
International Research Centre for Cultural Studies
Director: Professor John ERNI
Tel No.  : 2948 8480
Website  : www.eduhk-irccs.com
Centre for Research on Chinese Language and Education
Director: Professor ZHU Qingzhi
Tel No.  : 2948 7319
Website  : www.eduhk.hk/crcle
Centre for Research on Linguistics and Language Studies
Director: Professor CHEUNG Hin-tat
Tel No.  : 2948 7754
Website  : www.eduhk.hk/crlls
Research Centre for Chinese Literature and Literary Culture
Director: Dr YIP Cheuk-wai
Tel No.  : 2948 6554
Fax No.  : 2948 6199
Website  : www.eduhk.hk/rccllc

Dean : Professor LI Wai-keung
Tel No.  : 2948 7151
Fax No.  : 2948 7162
Website  : www.eduhk.hk/flass
Departments and Centres
Department of Cultural and Creative Arts
Head: Dr Thomas TAM Cheung-on
Tel No.  : 2948 7975
Fax No.  : 2948 7080
Website  : www.eduhk.hk/cca
Department of Health and Physical Education
Acting Head: Dr Andy TSE Choi-yeung
Tel No.  : 2948 7994
Fax No.  : 2948 7848
Website  : www.eduhk.hk/hpe
Department of Mathematics and Information Technology
Head: Professor Philip YU Leung-ho
Tel No.  : 2948 7824
Fax No.  : 2948 7726
Website  : www.eduhk.hk/mit
Department of Science and Environmental Studies
Acting Head: Professor HO Wing-kei
Tel No.  : 2948 7669
Fax No.  : 2948 7676
Website  : www.eduhk.hk/ses
Department of Social Sciences and Policy Studies
Acting Head: Dr HU Zhiyong
Tel No.  : 2948 6418
Fax No.  : 2948 8018
Website  : www.eduhk.hk/ssps
Centre for Environment and Sustainable Development
Director: Professor Winnie SO Wing-mui
Tel No.  : 2948 8452
Fax No.  : 2948 7676
Website  : www.eduhk.hk/cees
EdUHK Christian Faith and Development Centre
Director: Professor Daniel CHOW Hung-kay
Tel No.  : 2948 8848
Fax No.  : 2948 8224
Website  : www.eduhk.hk/christianfaith
Resource Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies and Experiential Learning
Head: Dr Pei Qing
Tel No.  : 2948 7020
Fax No.  : 2948 8423
Website  : www.eduhk.hk/rcisel

(contact information to be available) 

Academy for Educational Development and Innovation (AEDI)

Director : Professor John LEE Chi Kin
Centre for Classical Chinese Education (CCCE)
Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT)
Centre for Religious and Spirituality Education (CRSE)
Institute of Special Needs and Inclusive Education (ISNIE) 
CKC TechCulture Innovation Centre 
Institute of Professional and Vocational Education and Lifelong Learning (IPVELL) 
Centre for Chinese and Multilingual Education Development (CCMED) 
Xiqu and Intangible Cultural Heritage Centre (XICH)
Academy for Applied Policy Studies and Education Futures (AAPSEF)

Director : Professor John LEE Chi Kin 
Applied Economics and Manpower Policy Research Centre (AEMPRC) 
Artificial Intelligence and Digital Competency Education Centre (AIDCEC)
Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Education (CEIE) 
National Security and Legal Education Centre (NSLEC) 
STEAM Education and Innovation Center (STEAMEIC) 

The Academy of Hong Kong Studies
Director: Professor LUI Tai-lok
Tel No.  : 2948 8944
Fax No.  : 2948 8559
Website  : www.eduhk.hk/ahks
The Joseph Lau Luen Hung Charitable Trust Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change
Director: Dr QIAN Haiyan
Tel No.  : 2948 6257
Fax No.  : 2948 8634
Website  : www.eduhk.hk/apclc
Analytics\Assessment Research Centre
Director: Professor CHIU Ming-ming
Tel No.  : 2948 8700
Fax No.  : 2948 8744
Website  : www.eduhk.hk/arc

Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology
Executive Co-Director: Dr Gary CHENG Kwok-shing
Tel No.  : 2948 7047
Fax No.  : 2948 7046
Website  : www.eduhk.hk/lttc
General Education Office
Director of General Education: Dr Irene CHENG Nga-yee
Tel No.  : 2948 8799
Fax No.  : 2948 6616
Website  : www.eduhk.hk/ge
Global Affairs Office
Director of Global Affairs: Dr Simon XU Sheng-lang
Tel No.  : 2948 7654
Fax No.  : 2948 8965/8198
Website  : www.eduhk.hk/gao
Research and Development Office
Head: Ms Clara FONG Yue-you
Tel No.  : 2948 6708
Fax No.  : 2948 7697
Website  : www.eduhk.hk/rdo
School Partnership and Field Experience Office
Director: Dr Kevin KAM Wai-keung
Tel No.  : 2948 8757/8855
Fax No.  : 2948 6344/8350
Website  : www.eduhk.hk/spfeo

Alumni Affairs and Development Office
Acting Director of Alumni Affairs and Development: Ms Vivian FUNG Man-wai
Tel No.  : 2948 6048
Fax No.  : 2948 8466
Website  : www.eduhk.hk/aado
Communications Office
Director of Communications: Mr Perry LOU Yiu-tong
Tel No.  : 2948 6050
Fax No.  : 2948 6046
Website  : www.eduhk.hk/co
Estates Office
Director of Estates: Mr LAU Wai-tat
Tel No.  : 2948 6714
Fax No.  : 2948 6000/6121
Website  : www.eduhk.hk/eo
Finance Office
Director of Finance: Mr Edmond KUO Hoi  
Tel No.  : 2948 6105
Fax No.  : 2948 6107
Website  : www.eduhk.hk/fo
Human Resources Office
Acting Director of Human Resources: Ms Cindy CHEUNG Yuen-lai
Tel No.  : 2948 6003
Fax No.  : 2948 6005
Website  : www.eduhk.hk/hro
Librarian: Dr Sidney CHENG Po-ying
Tel No.  : 2948 6653
Fax No.  : 2948 6696
Website  : www.eduhk.hk/lib
Hong Kong Museum of Education
Curator: Ms Kevinna DENG Ying-yu
Tel No.  : 2948 6678
Fax No.  : 2948 7016
Website  : www.museum.eduhk.hk
Office of the Chief Information Officer
Chief Information Officer: Mr Roger WONG Ho-kit
Tel No.  : 2948 6521
Fax No.  : 2948 6520
Website  : www.eduhk.hk/ocio
Registrar: Professor Eric TSANG Po-keung
Tel No.  : 2948 6177
Fax No.  : 2948 8273
Website  : www.eduhk.hk/re
Student Affairs Office
Dean of Students: Dr Sammy HUI King-fai
Tel No.  : 2948 6720
Fax No.  : 2948 6240
Website  : www.eduhk.hk/sao