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It is the University’s aim to provide an enriched campus environment of quality facilities and multifarious development programmes to enable students to achieve personal and professional excellence. Students are encouraged to make full use of these services and programmes to achieve a balanced personal and professional growth.
Student Affairs Office
The Student Affairs Office (SAO) endeavours for the creation of a positive learning experience particularly in non-formal education, and the cultivation of a supportive and stimulating environment conducive to students’ active learning and all-round development. As a one-stop student service and resources centre, the SAO provides a wide range of development programmes and support services for students, including but not limited to career advising, counselling services, financial support, global experiential learning, health services, housing, leadership training, sports courses and activities and service opportunities.
The unique University Life Planning Scheme provided by the SAO also guides students to become self-directed learners and decision-makers under a supportive atmosphere through the developmental advising approach. Our Student Development Tutors (SDTs) will provide proper guidance to students in the individual or group advising session which helps them to plan for their development path of a non-formal learning experience in the EdUHK. Students are also welcome to meet the SDT again for plan review, career preparation plan and further advice.
Information on programmes, activities and services can be found on the SAO website www.eduhk.hk/sao and the intranet.

Alumni Affairs and Development Office
The Alumni Affairs and Development Office (AADO) oversees the University’s fundraising and alumni affairs to support the development of the University.
With respect to alumni affairs, AADO aims to cultivate and strengthen the bonding between the University and its alumni.  The Office endeavours to understand the challenges facing alumni by formulating suitable activities or programmes which will help with personal and/or career development as well as increase exposure to trends, technology disruptions, paradigm shifts or opportunities in the education sector.  In addition, AADO will continue to offer a range of activities to enhance alumni engagement. At the same time, AADO will also expand its social network, including the business, professional, technology, and social services sectors, to solicit their cooperation, support, and donations so that the University's influence and contribution to the country and society will continue to grow.
All graduates (including incoming exchange students) will automatically join the alumni network upon completion of studies at EdUHK. Their personal particulars will be forwarded to AADO upon graduation/ completion of studies for the University. AADO takes proactive measures to ensure data accuracy, reliability and security to facilitate effective communication between the University and alumni. To comply with the guidelines of the Hong Kong Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data on the keeping and use of personal data, we invite alumni (including incoming exchange students) to update their personal particulars/ relevant information online (web page: www.eduhk.hk/aado/reg (Chinese version); www.eduhk.hk/aado/reg/?lang=en (English version)). In addition, they are welcome to join various alumni associations and groups of the University to stay connected. For details, please visit www.eduhk.hk/aado/connect/alumni-groups-list.
Please refer to the website of AADO (www.eduhk.hk/aado) for more information.