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Teaching and research at the University are supported by a number of academic services/centres.
Centre for Language in Education
The Centre for Language in Education (CLE) aims to become excellent in language education (Chinese, English and Putonghua) by nurturing students’ biliterate and trilingual skills. This is achieved through exemplary curriculum design and assessment practices, innovative co-curricular/extra-curricular learning activities, and professional sharing of good practices at local and international levels.
The mission of CLE is to enhance students’ biliteracy and trilingualism in their pursuit of academic and professional excellence. To achieve this, we 
  • design exemplary language programmes to cater for the needs of local, mainland and international students;
  • adopt assessment practices that optimise learning;
  • collaborate in inter-institutional projects with local and international scholars to promote good practices in language education; and
  • complement classroom learning with innovative in-class/out-of-class language activities and self-access language resources.

Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology (LTTC)
The Centre is an academic and professional supporting unit at the University. It aims to enhance student learning outcomes by applying information technology to support the development of e-Learning and digital competency, innovation of learning and teaching, and the improvement and innovation of assessment at the University.
The Centre provides a range of services for staff and students, including:
1. Staff Professional Development (SPD) Programme
LTTC has developed the Staff SPD Programme for all academic/teaching staff of the University. In partnership with individual academics, academic departments and Teaching Development Grant project teams, LTTC has been organising series of SPD activities to prepare new academic/teaching staff for teaching and to enhance staff capacity to advance student learning. LTTC also provides support for the Peer Support of Teaching Scheme, which promotes peer dialogue on teaching and sharing good teaching practices.
2. e-Learning and Digital Competency Development, and ePortfolio Workshops
LTTC offers a variety of workshops on e-Learning and digital competency development, and ePortfolio building for students. The Centre also co-organises workshops with faculties and departments on the use of e-Learning tools and related pedagogical strategies in support of the University’s implementation of e-Learning and Digital Competency Strategy. Additionally, the Centre conducts workshops on the use of innovative technology in education, including topics such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) literacy, the metaverse, STEM/STEAM education, 3D printing, coding, robotics education. To provide a quality and creative learning environment, the laboratories are well-equipped with high-performance computers, various mobile digital devices, and 3D printers. All staff and students are welcome to participate by registering for these workshops through the LTTC website.
3. User Guides in e-Learning and ePortfolio Platforms
LTTC has developed various online user guides for Moodle, Sway and Google Sites to support staff and students. Staff and students are welcome to get the related self-learning materials from the LTTC website.
4. Generic Intended Learning Outcomes (GILOs)
LTTC administers a self-assessment questionnaire for measuring students’ self-perceived achievement of GILOs. Students will receive an individual report which helps them to write reflection and set learning goals through ePortfolios. LTTC also provides insights for students and staff to connect GILOs to their learning and teaching.
5. Video-based Learning Community (VBLC)
LTTC aims at developing a user-friendly web-based platform for one-stop-service of managing, editing, and sharing videos in supporting learning and teaching. Members of VBLC are able to review, comment, or reflect upon the shared videos, thereby contributing to the co-construction of knowledge in teaching practice and/or some other teaching and learning activities such as field experience marking standardisation.
6. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
LTTC employs the Open edX platform to facilitate the MOOC development in the University. LTTC also cooperates with faculties and departments to develop university-wide MOOC/mini-MOOC projects to enhance the capability and experience of academic and teaching staff of MOOC development and further encourage blended learning for students’ reflective engagement.
7. Video Production Room for Staff
To cultivate an innovative and interactive e-Learning-rich environment in the University, a Video Production Room has been launched since October 2018. Staff can produce video resources for daily presentation, and innovative e-Learning activities in an efficient and self-served flexible video production environment.

General Education Office
The Education University of Hong Kong offers General Education (GE) to strengthen students’ knowledge bases, to broaden their intellectual horizons, to introduce them to modes of thinking and knowing in a number of disciplinary and cross-disciplinary areas, to equip them with higher order thinking skills, and to expose them to authentic learning experiences beyond classrooms.
General Education Foundation Course (GEFC), which runs from Semester 1 to Semester 2, bears 4 credit-points (cps) and is offered to all first-year students in order to equip them with the diverse knowledge-bases and skills for their intellectual and professional developments in local, national and global contexts, through lectures and tutorials covering a wide variety of themes/issues related to humanities, science and social sciences.
The GE Breadth Courses (GEBCs) bear 9 cps and are composed of the GE Breadth Learning Strands that cover humanities, science and social sciences, Positive and Values Education Course and GE Interdisciplinary Course. These courses aim to broaden students’ intellectual terrains and strengthen their knowledge bases with themes and issues that transcend disciplinary boundaries and embody multiple perspectives. Students have to take one from each component in order to fulfil the 9-cp requirements for GEBCs.
Undergraduate students can take Experiential Learning (EL) that is made up of a 3-cp Co-curricular and Service Learning Course and a 3-cp Experiential Learning Course. The former engages students to learn through direct services in real-life and/or work-place context(s), whereas the latter encourages students to learn, reflect and conceptualise through and in practice (experimentation).
Students take a University ePortfolio (UePortfolio) Course to be their 3-cp “capstone” course in the study semester assigned by individual programmes. They are required to complete the construction of their University ePortfolios that are made up of the artefacts and evidence derived from a wide range of learning experiences (e.g. Field Experience/Internship, GE, Majors, Minors, Electives, Exchange Programme, etc.). This course enables students to synthesise their learning experiences by reflecting critically on the value and significance of what they have learned, re-conceptualising their learning experiences, making connections to their lives, and imagining their own futures.
For detailed information about GE courses, please contact General Education Office at ge@eduhk.hk or 2948 8799.

Global Affairs Office
Serving as an international relations arm of the University, the Global Affairs Office (GAO) has its major responsibilities of development of international collaboration with strategic partners worldwide; promotion of the University internationally; organising a variety of rewarding non-local experiential learning activities; and promotion of student and cultural integration.
Involving over 100 partner universities and institutions worldwide, our Student Exchange Programmes, which intends to cultivate students’ global perspectives and facilitate personal development, can be a life transforming learning experience for the students. Other varieties of short-term study programmes such as cultural visits, summer programmes at partner universities and Learning Putonghua@Home with EdUHK are made available to enrich students’ learning out of Hong Kong beyond their formal curriculum.
Our inbound exchange programme, International Teacher Training Programme and short-term programmes bring overseas students to our campus and create a vibrant and multi-cultural learning environment. GAO works closely with other units of the University to provide better campus support to the non-local students and sees integration among local and non-local students as integral to the advancement of internationalisation.
For more details of GAO’s services, please visit www.eduhk.hk/gao.

Hong Kong Museum of Education
Established in May 2009, the Hong Kong Museum of Education is the leading museum in the region to specialise in the preservation, research, interpretation and communication of the history of education in Hong Kong.
The Hong Kong Museum of Education acquires, conserves, preserves, researches and exhibits materials which relate to the history, culture and development of education in Hong Kong. The Museum has a role as a public institution to engage the community to source historical materials and build up resources to promote life-long learning through collaborative projects, partnership schemes, exhibition displays and interactive and educational activities. It also has an institutional role to serve as a locus for research and related scholarly activity pertaining to Hong Kong’s educational heritage for the teaching and educational research community of Hong Kong, the region and overseas.
The Museum currently houses and displays a wide collection of education related items and artefacts of historical value which were donated from individuals and organisations, including alumni of our predecessor Colleges of Education, alumni associations, or on-loan items from schools and other local museums. These items and artefacts include plaques, trophies, certificates, uniforms, teaching tools, textbooks, old photographs, historical documents, totalling more than 25,000 items.
The Museum is currently staging  an exhibition titled “Beyond the Classroom: Extra-Curricular Activities”. Jointly organised by the Hong Kong Museum of Education and the Hong Kong Extra-curricular Activities Masters’ Association, this exhibition delves into the development and evolution of extra-curricular activities in Hong Kong over the last century. Sharing moments and achievements from school days, the exhibition offers a glimpse into students’ lives at different points in history. It seeks to foster intergenerational understanding and inspire viewers to reflect on the importance of extra-curricular activities to education, then, now and in the future.
In July 2022, the Museum launched a book titled Education under the Trees: The Story of Hong Kong Schools in the New Territories and Outlying Islands, the fifth book of the Hong Kong Education Stories Book Series. This book traces the origin of these schools and the development of education in the New Territories and outlying islands. The book also demonstrates how the village schools in the area interacted with the social culture of the wider community. Drawing from personal interviews, it chronicles the memories and anecdotes of teachers and alumni, portraying what it was like to come of age in the countryside.
In the past, the Museum also collaborated with other institutions and University  units in projects such as “St. Paul’s College 170th Anniversary Heritage Exhibition”, “EdUHK Time Capsule Exhibition”, “Re-encountering Confucius”, “Children’s Songs and Paintings Contests”, “Six Arts and Five Constant Virtues Carnival” and initiated projects such as “Six Arts Game Design Contest” to further engage the local school community and reach out to the public.
With the introduction of a "Friends of the Hong Kong Museum of Education (HKME Friends)" programme in 2014, the Museum seeks to recruit members who are united by a passion for preserving the rich educational heritage of Hong Kong and supporting the Museum's mission and development. Through a vibrant calendar of events, talks, classes, exclusive tours and gatherings, the programme delivers meaningful and enjoyable experiences for our members.
The Museum will continue to play a leading role in exhibiting aspects of Hong Kong's educational history to the public, and seek ways to integrate more fully into the teaching, learning and research activities at the University.
For enquiries on Museum services, please contact us:
Email: hkme@eduhk.hk
Telephone: 2948 8073
Website: www.museum.eduhk.hk
Opening Hours:  Monday to Sunday 10:00 – 17:00 (Closed on Public Holidays)

The EdUHK Library comprises Mong Man Wai Library on Tai Po Campus and Tseung Kwan O Study Centre Library in Tseung Kwan O, offering a full range of information resources and services in various formats. State-of-the-art facilities are provided by the Library, including over 300 public desktop and notebook PCs, Mini Theatre, 8 Future Classrooms, 3D and large format printing equipment, high speed Wi-Fi, e-book readers, VR-AR-media production equipment, Octopus-operated photocopiers and printers, language learning stations, ample study spaces for group work and private study, as well as a 24-hour Lounge for chatting, relaxation and light refreshment. Mong Man Wai Library is also fully integrated with the University’s Learning Commons, providing a comfortable and inviting environment which is conducive to both individual and collaborative learning around the clock.
As of June 2023, the total library collection has over 935,500 physical items, including around 320 active printed journals and 112,600 multimedia materials. In addition to print materials, a range of electronic databases and resources have been acquired by the Library, and in most cases are accessible via the Library Website (www.lib.eduhk.hk) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Altogether, the Library’s online databases and resources offer full text access to more than 134,500 titles of e-journals and over 2,613,300 e-books.
The Library has also taken initiatives to develop its own IT applications and electronic resources. The Library’s EdUHK Research Repository indexes and provides full-text access as well as citation metrics, if available, to the research outputs of our academic staff, allowing EdUHK members as well as the public to access over 42,200 records of academic and educational resources on the WWW. With permission from major local TV stations, the Library has also digitised 21,700 TV programmes in its EdVideo system, a video-on-demand service accessible to staff and students via the internet. Another two databases, Hong Kong Education Image Database (in collaboration with Hong Kong Museum of Education) and Hong Kong Education Bibliographic Database, further allow the public to access 4,200 images of items from Hong Kong Museum of Education’s collections and 20,800 records of bibliographic information on research of education in Hong Kong respectively.
Since the Library is a member of the Joint University Librarians Advisory Committee (JULAC), students and staff of the University can enjoy different levels of resources and services provided by the libraries of all UGC funded universities, including an integrated library system shared by all eight JULAC libraries, HKALL inter-library book loan and delivery service, RAPID document delivery service, access to online databases, inter-library loans, and JULAC Library Card access and borrowing services. The Library has also established reciprocal access and document delivery services with major academic libraries in the region.

Office of the Chief Information Officer
The Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) is committed to providing quality ICT services and solutions to support and enhance learning, teaching, research and administration to the University community in alignment with its IT service strategies in infrastructure, data, application, user experience, security and governance.
Most of the University's ICT services are provided in conjunction with the high-speed campus network with Gigabit link to end points or desktops in all classrooms and offices. In addition, ubiquitous Wi-Fi access points are provided to cover all classrooms, public areas on campus, department offices and student hostels. Students can join free Wi-Fi access off campus via CSL Wi-Fi hotspots in town, and at other local and overseas universities using "eduroam". The University is also a member of the Hongkong Academic and Research NETwork (HARNET) which is shared by eight local universities via high speed connectivity to the rest of the world. This allows all member institutions to exploit the facility to collaborate in research by resource sharing and resilience support.
As a central data repository, The Portal serves as a one-stop shop for self-service information and 7x24 support for students of the University community. Professional support and administration for the University website, departmental websites, and various content management systems are also offered.
Applications for both end-to-end administrative solutions and academic support are provided and maintained by OCIO in collaboration with relevant learning and teaching departments. The e-student information system (e-SIS) supports the whole life cycle of student administration from admission, programme registration, course registration, academic advising and assessment, to congregation and student records. Students can also enjoy automated hostel application, education job recruitment and sports facilities booking online, to name a few.
OCIO supports the online Learning Management System (LMS) for e-Learning and manages the University’s learning environment which comprises classrooms, lecture theatres, computer laboratories and a Photo and Video Studio at the Learning Commons. OCIO is also responsible for the provision of printing services, student email which can be protected by two-factor authentication and campus unified communication and collaboration system.
At the IT Help Desk at the Learning Commons, a number of notebooks and a wide range of audio-visual equipment are available for loan. OCIO also provide a good collection of software packages including Office suite, creative design suite, cloud-based conferencing and collaboration, courseware development, statistical analysis, and other discipline-specific applications for students and staff.
While we treasure the privacy and rights of individuals, all students are obliged to observe the acceptable standards of computer user behaviour detailed at Computing Policies and Regulations on the OCIO website (www.eduhk.hk/ocio).
Students can always email us at helpdesk@ocio.eduhk.hk or call our hotline, 2948 6601, for assistance. There is a 24-hour voice recording system for users to leave messages after office hours or when the line is busy. Our colleagues will respond as soon as possible. Students can also report IT related problems/incidents online using the LANDesk self-service (https://landesk.eduhk.hk) anywhere anytime.

The Registry serves as the academic affairs powerhouse in supporting the University to fulfil its mission, strategic goals and objectives in the core functions of academic development and learning and teaching. We provide a comprehensive range of academic support services embracing academic planning, programme management and student administration matters. We contribute to the development, review and implementation of policies and procedures governing programme quality assurance and enhancement, learning and teaching-related initiatives, and academic regulations.
As the central unit taking responsibility for providing all-round support services to our stakeholders, our work portfolio covers development of the Strategic Plan and University Learning and Teaching Plan, development of Planning Exercise Proposal, University-level benchmarking, student intake/number planning and projections, recruitment of quality local and non-local students, management of student registrations, coordination on academic advising, class timetabling, course registration, block credit transfer, second major approval, examination arrangements, assessments and academic records, issuance of academic documents, system development and enhancement in support of admissions, registrations and student records, curriculum development and review, administration of Student Evaluation of Teaching and Institutional Research on Graduates, secretarial and executive support to University-level committees, support to academic quality assurance and quality audits and organisation of University-wide functions such as Information Day, and Honorary Awards Ceremony. Our work portfolio also covers student disciplinary matters, reporting of statistical data on student admissions and enrolments and publication of the University Calendar and Student Handbook, etc.
We are committed to providing quality services to prospective students, students, graduates, staff members and the public in an accountable and professional manner.

Research and Development Office
The Research and Development Office is the central unit that provides executive and administrative support to the research and development of the University. It is the executive arm of the Committee on Research and Development that implements institutional policies and decisions on research. The Office supports the University in enhancing the research infrastructure with identified University-level and Faculty-level research centres/ professional development centres. It also implements the quality assurance, internal and external reviews, and management of research projects and initiatives supported by the University and the Research Grants Council. Moreover, the Office undertakes research information management and coordinates the research assessment exercises.
As part of its ongoing services, the Office organises sharing sessions on external funding applications. It is also responsible for providing administrative support to human research ethical review to ensure human research ethics compliance by individual research protocols.
The Knowledge Transfer Sub-office within the Research Development Office is the central supporting unit to foster knowledge transfer (KT) and build up a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship in the University. The Sub-office (i) utilises internal and external resources to establish the funding infrastructure to support KT initiatives in the University, (ii) provides advice and supports to academics and research units in the development and protection of intellectual properties (IP), (iii) proactively develop technology partnerships to initiate KT collaborations and commercialisation of R&D projects via licensing, and (iv) nurtures research-based spin-offs and startups via student talent development and startup incubation programmes. 

School Partnership and Field Experience Office
The School Partnership and Field Experience Office is to support, coordinate and strengthen the policies and practices in school partnership, mentorship and field experience at the University level. The Office establishes and maintains mutually beneficial partnership with schools through actively supporting them in building a mentoring force and enhancing teachers’ professional development.
The major roles and responsibilities of the Office are as follows: 
  • to establish partnership with a network of schools and related organisations (such as School Sponsoring Bodies, universities) both locally and internationally to support students in their field experience;
  • to work with teaching staff of the University, and principals and support teachers in the partnership schools to provide an environment conducive to learning for both students and supporting teachers;
  • to support and coordinate the ongoing work in the University related to partnership, mentoring and field experience;
  • to undertake and support research and development related to partnership, mentoring and field experience;
  • to develop resources and activities designed to support the work of field experience supervisors and supporting teachers;
  • to assist in both the development and implementation of policies related to field experience and partnership; and
  • to contribute to teaching and support students with reference to the roles and responsibilities of a professional teacher in formal and non-formal field experience learning.