


Postgraduate Research Output Award 2012-13

Date of receipt: /12/2012

Conferred by: Chinese University of Hong Kong


Young Scholars Thesis Award 年青學者論文獎

Date of receipt: /8/2012

Conferred by: Chinese University of Hong Kong


Award for Young Artist (Literary Arts) 2011香港藝術發展獎.藝術新秀獎(文學藝術組)
Date of receipt: /4/2011

Conferred by: Hong Kong Arts Development Council


Creative Writing in Chinese(Poetry, First Runner-up) 2006年中文文學創作獎新詩組亞軍
Date of receipt: /11/2006

Conferred by: Hong Kong Public Libraries


Creative Writing in Chinese(Fiction, First Runner-up) 2006年中文文學創作獎小說組亞軍
Date of receipt: /11/2006

Conferred by: Hong Kong Public Libraries


City Literary Awards(Poetry, First Runner-up) 第一屆城市文學獎新詩組亞軍
Date of receipt: /2/2006

Conferred by: City University of Hong Kong


City Literary Awards(Fiction, Champion) 第一屆城市文學獎小說組冠軍
Date of receipt: /2/2006

Conferred by: City University of Hong Kong


University Literary Awards (Fiction, First Runner-up) 第三屆大學文學獎小說組亞軍
Date of receipt: /5/2005

Conferred by: Hong Kong Baptist University


University Literary Awards (Poetry, First Runner-up) 第三屆大學文學獎新詩組亞軍
Date of receipt: /5/2005

Conferred by: Hong Kong Baptist University


1st CUHK Speech Contest (Cantonese Section, Champion) 第一屆香港中文大學演講比賽冠軍 (廣東話組)
Date of receipt: /12/2004

Conferred by: Chinese University of Hong Kong


Youth Literary Awards (Fiction, First Runner-up) 第三十一屆青年文學獎小說高級組亞軍
Date of receipt: /1/2004

Conferred by: Youth Literary Awards Association of Hong Kong


Youth Literary Awards (Poetry, Champion) 第三十一屆青年文學獎新詩高級組冠軍
Date of receipt: /1/2004

Conferred by: Youth Literary Awards Association of Hong Kong