Acquisition and Evolution of Phonological Systems
- Year: 2008
- Department: Department of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies
- Author/Editor: Au Ching Pong
- Publisher: Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica
- ISBN: 9789860153651

Fun with Cantonese: Sounds and Tones
- Year: 2004
- Department: Department of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies
- Author/Editor: Shin Kataoka, Yin-ping Cream Lee
- Publisher: Greenwood Press
- ISBN: 9622792227
- Classification: textbook

Fun with Cantonese: Verbs
- Year: 2004
- Department: Department of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies
- Author/Editor: Shin Kataoka, Yin-ping Cream Lee
- Publisher: Greenwood Press
- ISBN: 9622792235
- Classification: textbook

- Year: 2002
- Department: Department of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies
- Author/Editor: Shin Kataoka, Eiichi Chishima
- Publisher: アルク
- ISBN: 9784757406605
- Classification: textbook

Full details of FHM publications can be found at the EdUHK Research Repository.