Local and Overseas Field Experience for Master of Arts in Teaching Chinese as an International Language
- 2019
- Alumni/Student Sharing
- Faculty of Humanities
Field Experience (FE) in the Master of Arts in Teaching Chinese as an International Language (MATCIL) curriculum enables students to experience different school environments and develop a holistic understanding of the learning and teaching of Chinese as an international language.
In 2018/19, 62 MATCIL students took FE. 12 of them opted to have their practicum in Hong Kong, whereas the remaining 50 were sent to overseas or mainland China to have their teaching practice. The programme has collaborated with overseas FE partner schools in the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States in 2018/19 academic year. Here are some students’ sharing:
“The learning environment of The University of Auckland enabled students proactively participating in our class activities. The learning attitude and performance of the students also helped to keep lessons in control. Moreover, all instructors are nice and helpful, providing timely evaluations and suggestions for our teaching preparation. After this field experience, we have learned how to think from others’ perspectives as well as applying different teaching strategies in various cultural backgrounds.” (He Yan and Wang Qian [FE school: The University of Auckland, New Zealand])
“I have much benefited from the field experience in Palacký University Olomouc. In order to prepare for the one-on-one Chinese oral sessions with 14 undergraduate and postgraduate students, I have consulted my instructor for the lesson planning. I learnt how to prepare sufficient Q&A exercises and provide guidance to students in accordance with their aptitude. Meanwhile, I always do self-reflection so as to enhance my presentation skills, eg using simple words to explain vocabularies which help foreign students to learn Chinese words more efficiently.” (Ye Yongyan [FE school: Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic])
“During our stay in The University of Worcester, we were responsible for teaching Chinese to students and staff in lunch and evening sessions. We have also organised several Chinese New Year activities to promote Chinese culture. We appreciated the University gave room for the curriculum design. Moreover, learning different teaching skills through classroom observations helped us have a better preparation in future lessons planning.” (Ngan Sin Yi and Cen Yanshan [FE school: The University of Worcester, United Kingdom])
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Issue August 2019 | Alumni/Student Sharing
Student Ambassador Sharing for the One City One Book Hong Kong: The Arrival in Secondary School Classrooms
Sharing by Yan Tsoi Lam, Student Ambassador for One City One Book Programme and Year 4 Student of Bachelor of Education (Honours) (English Language) - I am delighted to be working as a Student Ambassador for Hong Kong’s first ever One City One Book Programme (1C1B) organised by the Centre for Popular Culture in the Humanities (CPCH). 1C1B is a community reading initiative that aims to get as many people as possible in the city to be reading the same book during a period of time. The chosen book for 2019 is Shaun Tan’s delightful wordless graphic novel, The Arrival. As part of our Student Ambassador duties, we have been doing reading workshops and storytelling sessions in many schools, in order to share The Arrival with primary and secondary school students.

Issue August 2019 | Alumni/Student Sharing

Issue August 2019 | News Updates
Updates from Centre for Language in Education
The Centre for Language in Education (CLE) plays an integral part of the students’ language learning in the University by offering the regular Chinese, English and Putonghua enhancement programmes and supplementing the formal curriculum with non-formal language learning activities including various workshops for preparing students for the public language tests. To address the diverse language learning needs of different groups of students in 2018/19, CLE works closely with different units of the University, eg the Department of Cultural and Creative Arts (on the music busking activities to connect people through music and languages), the Department of Early Childhood Education (on the support for non-Chinese-speaking students), the Faculty of Education and Human Development (on the pilot scheme of International English Language Test System [IELTS] and Putonghua Shuiping Ceshi for higher diploma students), etc.