Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Early Childhood and Family Studies

Special Features

Special Features

The first undergraduate programme in Hong Kong that links family dynamics and parenting practices to child development and adjustment

Special Features

Emphasises the connection between theory and practice

Special Features

Equips students with the knowledge and skills required to address the needs of families, and promote the development of children

Special Features

Expands career pathways related to children and families

Special Features

International exposure and networking opportunities in the Greater Bay Area

Special Features

Run by EdUHK’s Department of Early Childhood Education which has prolific scholarly outputs and ample practical experience related to both child education and family studies

Domain Credit Points (cps)
Major/Programme Specific+ 33
Final Year Project  6
University ePortfolio  3
Experiential Learning Course on Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ELC on E&I) 3
Electives/Minor 15
Total 60

+ Mandatory Greater Bay Area activities in course(s) are required

Note: Students who did not complete a postsecondary programme in Early Childhood Education (ECE) before admission to the BA(ECFS) programme are required to study a 3-cp bridging course in the first semester of Entry-year, ECE 2244 Child Development. The Major Study and Final Year Project requirements of these students would be 42 cps (i.e, 63 cps for the whole programme).

The programme will mainly be conducted in English. All Major courses will be taught in English, but non-Major courses, depending on the course nature, may be taught in English, Putonghua, or Cantonese, if appropriate.

  • Professional practitioners in social service sectors;
  • Teachers* or Teaching Assistants in early childhood settings;
  • Project Officers or Community Liaison Officers in public organisations, private enterprises, and community agencies that serve children and families; and
  • Research Assistants in academic institutions, as well as government and non-government organisations, who study child development and family relationships.

* For those who possess teacher qualifications before admission to this top-up degree programme.

Tuition Fee (per annum)

For local students: HK$44,500 (2025/26), HK$47,000 (2026/27), HK$49,500 (2027/28)

For non-local students: HK$167,000 (2025/26)

(provisional and subject to adjustment)