Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Professional and Vocational Education)

Special Features

Special Features

The programme raises students' knowledge and skills in teaching Professional and Vocational Education (PVE) and Applied Learning contexts.

Special Features

Graduates who work in a PVE institution can gain a Bachelor of Education Degree in Professional and Vocational Education to advance their academic background upon completing the programme.

Special Features

Upon fulfilling the graduation requirements from the programme, graduates are eligible to apply as a Registered Teacher* through the Education Bureau, subject to EDB's policy.

(*Please refer to the EDB teacher registration website for all teacher registration-related matters.)

Special Features

The Field Experience is contextualised to each student's professional and vocational area, enabling tailor-made supervision.

Special Features

Students may undertake elective courses and complete their final year projects according to their needs and interests, which helps broadening their professional knowledge base.

Study Mode: Part-time

Normal Period of Study: 3 Years

This programme aims to provide practitioners or aspiring practitioners in Professional and Vocational Education (PVE) with the skills, understandings, and aptitudes to work effectively, efficiently, and confidently as professional teachers, instructors, trainers, educational designers, and/or change agents, with knowledge in Applied Learning contexts. The students can build upon their existing disciplinary expertise, integrating it with the pedagogical knowledge from this programme.

This programme is 3-year part-time programme consisting of 60 credit points(cps):


Credit Points

Education Studies





Inter-disciplinary Course*




Final Year Project:
Honours Project/Capstone Project


Field Experience


Language Enhancement*


General Education




* English as the Medium of Instruction

The medium of instruction is normally Cantonese. English or Putonghua is adopted as the language of instruction for some courses, when necessary.

Graduates who work in a PVE institution (e.g., tertiary institution, training centers, etc.) can gain a Bachelor of Education Degree in Professional and Vocational Education to advance their academic background upon completing the programme. The programme provides an opportunity for graduates to continue their academic development through postgraduate studies in relevant PVE-related specialties.

Upon fulfilling the graduation requirements from the programme, graduates are eligible to apply as a Registered Teacher (RT) through the Education Bureau (EDB), subject to EDB's final decision. 

* Please refer to the EDB website for teacher registration-related matters.

HK$29,700 per annum (For local students)
(This fee is provisional and subject to adjustment)

  • (Cantonese version only)
  • (Cantonese version only)
  • (Cantonese version only)