
Research Projects

Research Projects

Principal Investigator / Co-Investigator Funding Source Duration Project Title
Dr Chen Junjun General Research Fund 1 January 2025 – 30 June 2026 “Getting into the Zone: Patterns, Interplays, and Outcomes of Principal Flow” in the amount of HKD$542,050
Dr Keung Pui Chi Chrysa General Research Fund 1 January 2025 - 31 December 2026 “Understanding professional agency for Hong Kong kindergarten teachers: A mixed methods study” in the amount of HKD$649,710
Dr Luo Jiahui Jess Early Career Scheme 1 January 2025 – 31 December 2026 “Investigating teacher evaluative judgement in an AI-mediated assessment landscape: a phenomenographic study”in the amount of HKD$779,200
Dr Tsang Kwok Kuen Public Policy Research 1 January 2025 – 31 December 2027 “Unpacking the Impacts of Accountability on Teachers’ Emotions in Hong Kong” in the amount of HKD$828,942
Dr Ewan Wright Public Policy Research 25 July 2024 – 24 July 2025 "A Higher Education Hub for Doctoral Education: The Case of the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme" in the amount of HK$392,150
Dr Gümüş Sedat General Research Fund 1 January 2024 - 30 June 2026 "“Social justice leadership for learning”: A new conceptualization of school leadership" in the amount of HK$830730
Dr Chen Junjun General Research Fund 1 January 2024 - 30 December 2025 "The missing link: Principal well-being literacy and its drivers and outcomes" in the amount of HK$613,585
Dr Wong Koon Lin Linnie General Research Fund 2 January 2023- 31 December 2025 "A Comparative Study of School Leadership for Civic Learning in Secondary Schools in Hong Kong and Chinese Taipei" in the amount of HK$834,900
Dr Chen Junjun General Research Fund 1 January 2023- 30 December 2024 "Principal Resilience and its Influential Occupational Drivers in Hong Kong: Developing and Validating the Principal Resilience Inventory" in the amount of HK$711,074
Dr Ewan Wright Early Career Scheme 1 January 2022 – 31 December 2023 International Schooling and the Re/production of A ‘Global Middle-class’ in China's Greater Bay Area
Dr Keung Pui Chi Chrysa Early Career Scheme 1 January 2022 – 31 December 2023 Professional Agency of Hong Kong Kindergarten Teachers Working with Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Children: A Phenomenographic Study
Dr Ko Yue On James General Research Fund 1 January 2022 – 31 December 2023 Identifying Professional Growth and Trajectories of Development of Teachers and School Leaders in Contexts: A Mixed-method Study
Dr Lee Tsz Lok Trevor Public Policy Research 9 February 2021 – 8 February 2022 "Home-School Collaboration as Online Learning Support System: A Case Study of Primary Schools amid Class Suspension in Hong Kong" in the amount of HK$670,450
Dr Chen Junjun General Research Fund 1 January 2021 - 30 December 2022 "Investigating the Occupational Well-being of Hong Kong School Principals and Influential Psychosocial Risk Factors: A Mixed-methods Approach" in the amount of HK$532,566
Dr Lee Tsz Lok Trevor Early Career Scheme 1 January 2021 - 30 June 2023 "Investigating Alternative Middle-Class Choice: A Qualitative Study of Homeschooling in Two Chinese Cities" in the amount of HK$604,776
Dr Qian Haiyan General Research Fund 1 January 2021 - 31 December 2022 "An Exploration of the Role of Leadership in Successful Systemic Improvement in China" in the amount of HK$543,500
Principal Investigator:
Dr Darren Weight
Dr Ewan Wright

Prof Allan Walker

Team Members:
Dr Chrysa Keung
Dr Gail Yuen
Dr Sylvia Tang
International Baccalaureate Research 21 December 2020 - 1 April 2022 "Personal Project: How Does the IB Middle Years Programme’s Capstone Experience Impact Students, Educators, and School Communities?" in the amount of USD80,000
Dr Tang Hei Hang Hayes General Research Fund 1 January 2021 - 31 December 2022 "Reconsidering Academic Entrepreneurialism in East Asia: Diverse Voices and Critical Insights from the Academic Profession of Flagship Universities" in the amount of HK$548,064
Dr Miron Bhowmik Public Policy Research 17 April 2020 - 16 October 2020 "Ethnic Minorities and Hong Kong's Current Protests: Non-Chinese "Hongkonger" Communities and Their Values" in the amount of HK$498,870
Prof Christine Halse Public Policy Research 19 March 2020 - 18 September 2020 "Investigating Hong Kong Students’ Aspirations for the Future " in the amount of HK$482,750
Dr Choi Tae Hee General Research Fund 1 January 2020 - 31 December 2022 "New Education Privatisation (NEP) in English Education for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL): A Four-nation Comparative Study" in the amount of HK$1,143,854
Principal Investigator:
Dr Ewan Wright

Prof Allan Walker
Dr Darren Bryant
Prof Moosung Lee
Round Square Grant 1 January 2020 - 1 January 2021 "A cross-cultural study of student leadership in Round Square schools" in the amount of HK$310,000
Dr Lu Jiafang General Research Fund 1 January 2020 - 31 December 2021 "Antecedents, Mediator, and Moderators of Teacher Innovation in Schools: Evidence from Hong Kong" in the amount of HK$616,024
Dr Chen Junjun General Research Fund 1 January 2020 - 30 June 2021 “The Psychological Well-being of PhD Students in Hong Kong: A Territory-Wide Study and an International Comparison” in the amount of HK$693,000.00
Dr Yuen Wai Kwan Gail Public Policy Research 1 July 2019 - 30 November 2020 " Investigating Space in Kindergartens under the Free Quality Kindergarten Education Scheme " in the amount of HK$537,050
Dr Ko Yue On James General Research Fund 1 January 2019 - 31 December 2021 "Effective Teaching and Their Effects on Early Childhood Development: A Comparative, Longitudinal, Mixed-method Study of Hong Kong and Finnish Kindergartens" in the amount of HK$1,369,000
Dr Lee Hui Lin Daphnee Early Career Scheme 1 January 2019 - 31 December 2020 "Teacher Leadership: Influences of Hierarchical Chinese Contexts on the Capacity of Professional Learning Communities to Empower the Classroom Teacher" in the amount of HK$656,872
Dr Wong Koon Lin Linnie Early Career Scheme 1 January 2019 - 30 June 2021 "An Analysis of the Role of Hong Kong School Principals in Supporting the Teaching of Civic Education" in the amount of HK$550,992
Dr Lee Tsz Lok Trevor Internal Research Grant 27 December 2018 - 26 December 2019 "Examining Social Class Difference in Parenting in Hong Kong" in the amount of HK$99,400
Dr Tang Hei Hang Hayes Internal Research Grant 27 December 2018 - 26 August 2019 "Exploring the Meanings of ‘Impact’ of University: Perspectives from Academic Profession and Good Practices of Knowledge Transfer" in the amount of HK$99,870
Dr Szeto Sing Ying Elson Public Policy Research 25 June 2018 - 24 September 2019 "Career and Life Planning for Hong Kong Youth Development: Challenges and Opportunities " in the amount of HK$499,627
Dr Choi Tae Hee Internal Research Grant 8 June 2018 - 7 June 2020 "Privatizations in School Education: Exploratory Cases in Australia, Greece and Hong Kong" in the amount of HK$100,000
Dr Qian Haiyan General Research Fund 1 January 2018 - 30 June 2020 "Promoting Teacher Learning and Improving Instruction: What is the Role of Cross-school Instructional Leadership?" in the amount of HK$504,000
Dr Szeto Sing Ying Elson Internal Research Grant 8 June 2018 - 7 December 2018 "Learning in Blended Communities of Inquiry: Conceptualizing a Model of E-Pedagogy in Experiences of Two Universities" in the amount of HK$100,000
Dr Wong Koon Lin Linnie Internal Research Grant 8 June 2017 - 7 December 2018 "School Leadership for Civic Learning: Preparing Students to Becoming ‘Good Citizens’ for Complex World" in the amount of HK$96,964
Dr Choi Tae Hee Early Career Scheme 1 January 2017 - 30 June 2019 "State-funded Outsourcing of English Language Education: Does New Education Privatisation Ensure “Quality Education for All” in Hong Kong Secondary Schools?" in the amount of HK$767,782
Dr Poon Mcbrayer Kim Fong General Research Fund 1 January 2017 - 30 June 2019 "Conceptualizing and Contextualizing the 3-Tier Support Model for Inclusive Education in Hong Kong" in the amount of HK$1,370,461
Dr Darren Bryant International Baccalaureate Research July 2016 - December 2017 "A Distributed Perspective on Middle Leadership in International Baccalaureate Continuum Schools in Northeast Asia" in the amount of HK$388,249
Dr Szeto Sing Ying Elson (Original PI: Dr Cheng Yan Ni Annie) Public Policy Research 1 July 2016 - 30 September 2017 "Hong Kong Youths’ National Identity: Impacts of Mainland Exchange Programmes, Study Tours and Volunteer Activities" in the amount of HK$403,880
Dr Chen Junjun Internal Research Grant 8 June 2016 - 7 July 2017 "Understanding Teacher Emotion Regulation Strategy and its Relationship with Teacher Emotion" in the amount of HK$75,000
Dr Cheng Yan Ni Annie Internal Research Grant 8 June 2016 - 7 December 2017 "University Students’ National Identity: Influences of Study Abroad Experience" in the amount of HK$75,000
Dr Tang Hei Hang Hayes Internal Research Grant 8 June 2016 - 7 June 2017 "Entrepreneurial Orientation and Youth Entrepreneurship by Graduates of Hong Kong Research-Intensive Universities: Incentives and Impediments" in the amount of HK$75,000
Dr Darren Bryant General Research Fund 1 January 2016 - 30 June 2019 “Ideology and Instruction in Global Education: Case Studies of International and Local Schools in Hong Kong, New York, and Singapore” in the amount of HK$773,000.00
Dr Darren Bryant Early Career Scheme 1 January 2016 - 30 June 2018 "Understanding Middle Leadership in Hong Kong Secondary Schools" in the amount of HK$574,200
Dr Tang Yee Fan Sylvia General Research Fund 1 January 2016 - 31 December 2017 "Profiling the Teaching Profession: Preservice Student Teachers’ Professional Competence, Teaching Motivation, and Professional Learning in Initial Teacher Education" in the amount of HK$267,460
Dr Ko Yue On James Internal Research Grant 28 December 2015 - 27 December 2016 "Developing Instruments for Studying Inspiring Teachers and Their Teaching Practice in Diverse Contexts" in the amount of HK$99,969
Dr Qian Haiyan Early Career Scheme 1 January 2015 - 30 June 2017 "Leading School-based Research to Improve Student Learning: Lessons from Shanghai" in the amount of HK$429,494
Dr Yuen Yuet Mui Celeste General Research Fund 1 January 2015 - 31 December 2017 "Well-being and Success for All: Mapping the Pathways of Engagement with School and Society among Immigrant, Minority and Mainstream Students in Hong Kong" in the amount of HK$969,188
Dr Choi Tae Hee Internal Research Grant 29 December 2014 - 28 May 2016 "A Pilot Study of the New Education Privatization in Hong Kong Secondary Schools: The Design, Implementation and Impact of an Outsourced English Phonics Program" in the amount of HK$100,000
Dr Cheng Yan Ni Annie Internal Research Grant 27 June 2014 - 25 December 2015 "Investigating influences of school leadership practice and culture and development of teacher leadership" in the amount of HK$100,000
Dr Szeto Sing Ying Elson Internal Research Grant 27 June 2014 - 31 December 2015 "Beginning principals' perspectives of mentorship influences on conception of leadership qualities, understandings of leadership and practice of leadership roles: A pilot study" in the amount of HK$100,000
Dr Lee Tai Hoi Theodore Internal Research Grant 24 February 2014 - 23 May 2015 "Exercising teacher instructional leadership through a formal position: A synergy of formal and personal power of mid-level teacher leaders in Hong Kong Primary schools" in the amount of HK$79,480
Dr Liu Peng Internal Research Grant 5 February 2015 - 4 August 2015 "Motivating Teachers' Commitment to Change through Transformational School Leadership in the Urban Upper Secondary Schools of Shenzhen City, China" in the amount of HK$100,000
Dr Poon Mcbrayer Kim Fong General Research Fund 1 January 2014 - 31 March 2016 "Leadership of Special Educational Needs Coordinators for Inclusive Education in HK Mainstream Primary and Secondary Schools" in the amount of HK$413,000