Journal Publications
- Yang, M. & Mak, P. (Forthcoming). Fostering Critical Thinking and Critical Thinking Instruction in Language Teacher Education Classrooms: Insights from Teacher Educators. Foreign Language Studies.
- Mak, P., & Wong, K.M. (2024). Realizing the sustainability of portfolio assessment in second-language writing. RELC Journal. https://doi.org/10.1177/00336882241235955
- Li, M., Yu, S., Mak, P., & Liu, C. (2023). Exploring the efficacy or peer assessment in university translation classrooms. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer, 17(4), 585-609.
- Mak, P., Yang, M., & Yuan, R. (2023). Fostering Teacher Competence through Classroom-based Research during Field Experiences. Journal of Education for Teaching, 49(5), 841-856.
- Yuan, R. E., Mak, P., & Yang, M. (2022). ‘We teach, we record, we edit, and we reflect’; Engaging pre-service language teachers in video-based reflective practice, Language Teaching Research, 26(3), 552-571.
- Lee, I., Luo, N., & Mak, P. (2022). Diagnostic assessment of written accuracy: New Directions for written corrective feedback in secondary writing classrooms. In L. Hamp-Lyons, & Y. Jin (Eds.), Assessing the English language writing of Chinese learners of English (pp. 213- 234). Switzerland: Springer.
- Yuan, R. E., Yang, M., & Mak, P. (2022). Undergraduates’ motivations to engage in extracurricular research: Evidence from Hong Kong, Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 59(6), 679-689.
- Mak, P. (2021). Portfolio assessment. In H. Mohebbi & C. Coombe (Eds.), Research Questions in Language Education and Applied Linguistics: A Reference Guide (pp.373-378). Switzerland: Springer.
- Yang, M., Mak, P., & Yuan, R. (2021). Feedback experience of online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic: Voices from pre-service English language teachers. Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 30(6), 611-620.
- Lee, I., Luo, N., & Mak, P. (2021). Issues of error selection for focused written corrective feedback in authentic classroom contexts. RELC Journal, 54(3), 616-629.
- Lee, I., Luo, N., & Mak, P. (2021). Teachers’ attempt at focused written corrective feedback in situ. Journal of Second Language Writing, 54, 100809.
- Lee, I., Mak, P., & Yuan, R. (2019). Assessment as learning in primary writing classrooms: An exploratory study. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 62, 72-81.
- Mak, P. (2019). From traditional to alternative feedback: What do L2 elementary students think? International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 29(1), 109-129.
- Mak, P. (2019). Impact of professional development programme on teachers’ competencies in assessment. Journal of Education for Teaching, 45(4), 481-485.
- Wong, K.M., & Mak, P. (2019). Self-assessment in the primary L2 writing classroom. The Canadian Modern Language Review, 75(2), 183-196.
- Lee, I., & Mak, P. (2018). Classroom atmosphere. In J. I. Liontas, & M. Dellicarpini (Eds.). The TESOL Encyclopedia of English language teaching. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Lee, I., & Mak, P. (2018). Metacognition and metacognitive instruction in second language writing classrooms. TESOL Quarterly, 52(4), 1085-1097.
- Yuan, R. E., & Mak, P. (2018). Reflective learning and identity construction in practice, discourse and activity: Experiences of pre-service language teachers in Hong Kong. Teaching and Teacher Education, 74, 205-214.
- Mak, P., & Wong, K.M. (2017). Self-regulation through portfolio assessment in writing classrooms. ELT Journal, 72(1), 49-61.
- Lee, I., Mak, P., Burns, A. (2016). EFL teachers’ attempts at feedback innovation in the writing classroom. Language Teaching Research, 20(2), 248-269.
- Yu, S., Lee, I., & Mak, P. (2016). Revisiting Chinese cultural issues in peer feedback in EFL writing: Insights from a multiple case study. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 25, 295-304.
- Yuan, R., & Mak, P. (2016). Navigating the challenges arising from university-school collaborative action research. ELT Journal, 70(4), 382-391.
- Lee, I., Mak, P., Burns, A. (2015). Bringing innovation to conventional feedback approaches in EFL secondary writing classrooms: A Hong Kong case study. English Teaching: Practice & Critique, 14(2), 140-163.
- Mak, P., & Lee, I. (2014). Implementing assessment for learning in L2 writing: An activity theory perspective. System, 47, 73-87.
Book Chapters
- Lee, I. & Mak, P. (2017). Classroom atmosphere. In John I. Liontas (Ed.), TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching . New York: Wiley.
- Lee, I. & Mak, P. (2014). Assessment as learning in the language classroom. In (Ed.), Assessment as learning . Hong Kong: Education Bureau.