
Community Advocacy

Community Advocacy

The department has been working closely with different foundations on varies projects including two ongoing projects about Hong Kong children's social-emotional well-being.


3Es: Early Prevention, Early Identification and Early Intervention: A School-Based Support Model of Social-Emotional Development for Kindergarten Children

Donor: Simon K.Y. Lee Foundation Limited

Project details:

With generous donation from the Simon K Y Lee Children’s Fund, this 4-year project “3Es: Early Prevention, Early Identification and Early Intervention: A School-Based Support Model of Social-Emotional Development for Kindergarten Children” (“3Es”) was launched in 2015. It aims to develop a tiered intervention model of the response to intervention (RTI). For “Tier 1”,  all K2 and K3 children from the participating kindergartens will receive training with the curriculum in order to enhance their social-emotional competency (early prevention). A screening tool will be designed and validated for teachers to identify children who do not respond well in Tier 1 (early identification). Children with at risk of socio-emotional difficulties will enter “Tier 1+” and receive intensive and tailored training in small group settings (early intervention). Additionally, teachers and parents will be provided with seminars and workshops to enhance their related knowledge and skills.  

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Socio-emotional well-being of early childhood (SEWEC) project 



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Transforming Learning and teaching: Develop well-rounded children with picture-books and e-resources.

Donated by : iOne Financial Press Company Ltd. 

Project duration: November 2015 to June 2017

Project Leaders: Dr. Leung Wai Man Vivienne and Dr. Han Chung Wai Christina

Thanks to the iOne Financial Press Company for their continued support and generosity to donate this project - “Transforming learning and teaching: Develop well-rounded children with picture-books and e-resources”.  This project aims to transform learning and teaching with innovative use of children picture books and e-resources. A quantitative research study has been conducted with preschools, ECE teachers, and parents in Hong Kong and Shenzhen with regards to their perception and practice in using picturebooks.  In addition, a series of teacher training workshops and seminars are organized for preschool practitioners and pre-service teachers to construct their understanding of appropriate picturebooks and develop effective strategies in using them with young children. After the training workshops, the project holds a competition on ‘Explorative Picturebook Activities’ design. This competition aims to encourage teachers and student-teachers to create innovative learning activities through picturebooks in preschools.




Zippy’s Friends’ Programme

資助機構: 滙豐銀行慈善基金


香港教育大學一向致力推動兒童的全人發展,包括語文、智力、身體、社會行為及情緒發展。在香港,有系統地促進兒童情緒健康的課程,仍非常缺乏。因此,香港教育學院於2005年開始與兒童好拍檔 (Partnership for Children)合作,把 比比和朋友 課程 (Zippy's Friends) 引進香港,為教師提供 比比和朋友 教師培訓課程。
這計劃獲得匯豐銀行慈善基金贊助,為期九年。讓幼稚園高班和小學一年級的兒童參與這計劃,學習面對情緒問題。這個課程從2005年1月已開始在香港的20間學校包括小學和學前機構首批試行,至2016年,全港參與課程的學校已擴展至超過679間, 惠及逾九萬名5-7歲幼兒和小學生。除香港外,比比和朋友 課程亦同樣在北京及上海的學前機構進行首批試行。

比比和朋友 課程以培育兒童健康情緒和社交能力為宗旨,它對於兒童身心的健康成長有著十分重要意義。本課程並非針對個別兒童的問題或困難,而是面對所有兒童,包括學業成績優良的兒童。因為,所有的兒童都會不同程度地經歷種種挫折和意外事件,例如,遊樂場裡的爭執、妒忌兄弟姊妹、轉換學校、被人欺負、經受變更、寂寞及失去,包括死亡。兒童會從 比比和朋友 課程中學習如何辨別、傾訴和處理他們的情緒,如何運用社交技巧等。總之,兒童在面對困難和失意時,越能想出眾多的解決方法,就越容易成功地處理這些挫折和意外事件,渡過困境,使身心健康發展。
本課程起源於丹麥和立陶宛,發展至今,已有過千兒童參與並取得了成功的經驗,亦已經在許多國家,如,英國、印度、巴西、冰島、挪威、波蘭、南非、美國和加拿大逐漸推廣。研究顯示 (Mishara & Ystgaard 2006),曾參與 比比和朋友 的兒童,與沒有參與的兒童相比,表現出更多成熟應對的策略和減少許多問題行為。很多老師說,本課程減少了班中的衝突,使他們更瞭解兒童,甚至解決了他們自身的問題!